Aethercraft Logs

by Vesar

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Vesar2008-07-26 09:39:42
Would it be possible to have a log for your aethercraft? I would like to see who is using at least my command chair and using power (and not replacing it!).


-So and So has locked into the command chair
-So and So has funneled 30 energy into Stormscape
-So and So has unlocked the command chair

I think this would be a pretty nice function and allow the actual owners of aethercraft to see what's going on with their ships while they're logged off.
Unknown2008-07-26 09:50:30
Yes please. smile.gif
Unknown2008-07-26 09:50:33
Woe to doubles.
Lendren2008-07-26 13:00:09
Yes! I suggested this a couple of months ago on the aetherspace update ideas thread, a few people agreed with it there, but nothing came of it. Being able to share a ship more readily would absolutely make aetherspace more used.
Shaddus2008-07-26 14:44:19
QUOTE(Lendren @ Jul 26 2008, 08:00 AM) 537517
Yes! I suggested this a couple of months ago on the aetherspace update ideas thread, a few people agreed with it there, but nothing came of it. Being able to share a ship more readily would absolutely make aetherspace more used.

I vote for this, as well as selling logs, so people know the empath is being honest.
Arin2008-08-05 21:14:52
Yes! Logs to ships!