Shiri2008-07-29 01:41:09
Anyone know what it looks like when this thing goes down and comes up?
Unknown2008-08-07 04:44:29
Esano2008-08-07 05:01:40
That thread got turned to pronunciation and accents surprisingly fast.
Aison2008-08-07 17:52:34
Pen and pin don't sound the same. Maybe to southerners who can't enunciate correctly...
Aison2008-08-07 17:58:39
Oh, I forgot why I came here:
The Necromentate wails in its final death throes, before a deathly quiet falls over the Basin of Life. The angelic being then rises up in triumph, though battered by the battle, majestically, if falteringly returns to the City of Light where it is absorbed back into the Star of Celest.
The Necromentate wails in its final death throes, before a deathly quiet falls over the Basin of Life. The angelic being then rises up in triumph, though battered by the battle, majestically, if falteringly returns to the City of Light where it is absorbed back into the Star of Celest.