Valonah, Daem, and I Visit WOW!

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

Unknown2008-08-02 03:56:24
So far, We've done pretty well! Naxilishari(Me), Valonah and Daem have gotten to about level 15ish on an hour or so of actual work a night. Not Bad!

(Daem dressed val for this pic.)

If you PLAY, please join Blackwater Raiders! Make yourself known, we'd love more friends to play with!
Acrune2008-08-02 04:22:22
I task you with making a video to trump this one:
Kaylee2008-08-02 04:27:54

wow makes your penis shrink

Its a known fact
Unknown2008-08-02 08:37:28
I'm somewhat disappointed, not only do you play for the Alliance scum, but you choose to play the Squid-face. Very disappointing!

From the equipment, I'm gonna say, you and Daem are Warriors, and Valonah is a rogue, or drood maybe.
Yrael2008-08-02 09:27:47
Real men play destro warlocks. Or SM/DS.
Unknown2008-08-02 09:34:09
I <3'd my Destro lock, except I eventually got bored once I hit BC, didn't really like having to grind a few 100K exp per level.
Unknown2008-08-02 15:36:38
QUOTE(tenqual @ Aug 2 2008, 04:37 AM) 539863
I'm somewhat disappointed, not only do you play for the Alliance scum, but you choose to play the Squid-face. Very disappointing!

From the equipment, I'm gonna say, you and Daem are Warriors, and Valonah is a rogue, or drood maybe.

Daem- Warrior
Val- Druid(Best. Class. End of story.)
Me- Paladin.

Plus me Main is a Nelf Druid(Feral). You locks will drop like rocks after I sneak up on you.
Unknown2008-08-02 15:37:53
Yes, but this doesn't deny the fact that you are alliance-scum and are thus worse anyway, everyone knows Horde>Alliance any day.
Shishi2008-08-02 15:58:53
I've been outed.
Yrael2008-08-02 23:07:59
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Aug 3 2008, 01:36 AM) 539941
Daem- Warrior
Val- Druid(Best. Class. End of story.)
Me- Paladin.

Plus me Main is a Nelf Druid(Feral). You locks will drop like rocks after I sneak up on you.

Oh noes, fear your ability to do 4k damage in a few attacks before being obliterated. And that's without deathcoil.
Iwiertas2008-08-02 23:14:41

lol CloS > deathcoil.

Yes, fear the bobbing pink pigtails as the gnomish rogue beats you up. The good Alliance players are good. The rest are fail. But yes, there are better things to play than WoW, and I need to take a break before the next semester starts. The amount of time even doing dailies takes is not worth the potential drop in grades.
Unknown2008-08-02 23:31:09
Lets not let this turn into a wowbate.

Yrael2008-08-02 23:31:23
Druids and rogues do pitiful amounts of damage. The only thing to worry about is a geared warrior, frost mage or maybe a demonology warlock who has his head on straight. But not often. The tragedy of WOW is that most of them are 13 year olds hellbent on getting their revenge on a proxy due to the bigger kids forcing them to drink motor oil at school every day.
Iwiertas2008-08-02 23:45:54
Right... so full Season 4 rogues with dual Warglaives and DST do pitiful amounts of damage? You try playing an AV with a Sub rogue with that gear. I seriously wonder why people with that gear do Arena if not to stroke their e-peen.
Yrael2008-08-02 23:51:44
Might not have the armour, but I've got the health of a warrior and I can eat that rogue for breakfast with five casts. (four if he hits me and triggers a backlash.)
Why bother with Arena? World pvp is fun.
Unknown2008-08-03 00:36:17
QUOTE(Yrael @ Aug 2 2008, 07:07 PM) 540102
Oh noes, fear your ability to do 4k damage in a few attacks before being obliterated. And that's without deathcoil.

Pounce, Shredx2, Bash, Mangle x2, Ferocious Bite, bear-mangle, bear-lacerate, cyclone, back up, wrathspam.
Unknown2008-08-03 00:43:19
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 2 2008, 04:45 PM) 540115
Right... so full Season 4 rogues with dual Warglaives and DST do pitiful amounts of damage?

Rogues don't have dual warglaives because random loot is random.
Desitrus2008-08-03 03:36:27
Iwiertas2008-08-03 06:14:19
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Aug 2 2008, 08:36 PM) 540272

You cause me pain. Great, physical, pain. I'm hiring someone to gank you, tie your remains to a pole and then have a female of your choice pole dance on it.
Desitrus2008-08-03 17:07:53
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 3 2008, 01:14 AM) 540337
You cause me pain. Great, physical, pain. I'm hiring someone to gank you, tie your remains to a pole and then have a female of your choice pole dance on it.
