Gregori2008-08-26 02:16:03
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 25 2008, 08:11 PM) 550143
Only if I get all the foxes. 

You want to go in the kitchen with my foxes??

My poor foxes!!

Malarious2008-08-28 14:18:30
I couldnt resist what it would be like
He has taken the hand of person1, person2, person3, person4, person5, person6, and person7 in marriage.
Carry on
Elder Bael, Speaker of Night's Voice (Male Shadowcaster Faeling).
He is 75 years old, having been born on the 25th of Dioni, 139 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 504th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Roamer of the Basin in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your commune.
He is a graduate of the Shadowmaze (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Aethercity of Deepnight.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Shadow Envoy.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Eternal Assembly.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Ebonglom Aetherfarers.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: '''
He has taken the hand of NotAWhore  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of YayLovin  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of LoveMe  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of RandomName in marriage.
He has taken the hand of YouHaveMoreWives in marriage.
He has taken the hand of IsThereAnEnd  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of FinallyALastOne  in marriage.
He is considered to be approximately 40% of your might.
He has been bloodbonded to Raoul, Disciple of Eventide for 423 months.
He is not currently active in any family.
See HONOURS FULL BAEL to view his 2 special honours.
He is 75 years old, having been born on the 25th of Dioni, 139 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 504th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Roamer of the Basin in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your commune.
He is a graduate of the Shadowmaze (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Aethercity of Deepnight.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Shadow Envoy.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Eternal Assembly.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Ebonglom Aetherfarers.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: '''
He has taken the hand of NotAWhore  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of YayLovin  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of LoveMe  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of RandomName in marriage.
He has taken the hand of YouHaveMoreWives in marriage.
He has taken the hand of IsThereAnEnd  in marriage.
He has taken the hand of FinallyALastOne  in marriage.
He is considered to be approximately 40% of your might.
He has been bloodbonded to Raoul, Disciple of Eventide for 423 months.
He is not currently active in any family.
See HONOURS FULL BAEL to view his 2 special honours.
He has taken the hand of person1, person2, person3, person4, person5, person6, and person7 in marriage.
Carry on
Shurimaru2008-08-29 18:36:55
Bah. Until recently, Shurimaru was a philanderer despite being married. If you want to sleep with more than one woman, do it the old-fashioned, deception-lined way.
Also, imagine how long HONORS could get.
He has been married to:
Iconoclast Amatsemaru n'Kylbar, Advocate of Nil for X months.
Heresiarch Nariah n'Kylbar, Chosen of Destruction for X months.
Sthai n'Kylbar, Clockwork Amaranth for X months.
Geophyte Noola n'Kylbar for X months.
An emaciated virgin for X months.
Several hundred novicegirls for X months.
*just saw Malarious' post after looking up all those titles and typing them in*
*screams in frustration*
On and on. Not to mention the chaos this might put into the already iffy family system.
Also, imagine how long HONORS could get.
He has been married to:
Iconoclast Amatsemaru n'Kylbar, Advocate of Nil for X months.
Heresiarch Nariah n'Kylbar, Chosen of Destruction for X months.
Sthai n'Kylbar, Clockwork Amaranth for X months.
Geophyte Noola n'Kylbar for X months.
An emaciated virgin for X months.
Several hundred novicegirls for X months.
*just saw Malarious' post after looking up all those titles and typing them in*
*screams in frustration*
On and on. Not to mention the chaos this might put into the already iffy family system.
Daereth2008-08-29 18:59:43
Polygamy FTW!
Esano2008-08-29 23:57:09
Clearly, we would simply have a summary on their normal honours: S/He is married to X people. Qhonours would show the full, or perhaps we'd need a new Mhonours. Although, I can see Rika and Kaervas suddenly marrying thirty new people for a longer honours....
Rika2008-08-29 23:59:56
QUOTE(Esano @ Aug 30 2008, 11:57 AM) 551770
Clearly, we would simply have a summary on their normal honours: S/He is married to X people. Qhonours would show the full, or perhaps we'd need a new Mhonours. Although, I can see Rika and Kaervas suddenly marrying thirty new people for a longer honours....

Estarra2008-09-08 23:27:00
This isn't going to happen, sorry.
Seraku2008-09-09 14:47:22
Umm.. I gotta agree with em actually. Seraku had this problem. At one point he had 4 girls after him
so, he wanted to have more than one wife/mate but he couldn't. Even though it isn't going to happen its nice to mull over 

Noola2008-09-09 15:27:26
Well, what little I know about polygamous marriages, isn't there usually a 'first' wife or something... who's like the leader of the wives? Why not just marry that wife and then roleplay the others as subordinate wives? She's the 'first wife' so she gets the official recognition and all that.
Gwylifar2008-09-09 15:33:37
I think the thing people are really complaining about is not the having-more-wives part (you can roleplay that well enough) but the having-kids-with-more-wives part (since that gets a few steps farther into mechanics). Of course if you're rich enough you can just have a round-robin divorce-adopt-remarry system, where the wife-of-record is always the one you had a child with last, I suppose. (But then, won't that have even more mechanical consequences on the family system?)
Revan2008-09-09 15:53:00
QUOTE(Shurimaru @ Aug 29 2008, 02:36 PM) 551640
Bah. Until recently, Shurimaru was a philanderer despite being married. If you want to sleep with more than one woman, do it the old-fashioned, deception-lined way.
Also, imagine how long HONORS could get.
He has been married to:
Iconoclast Amatsemaru n'Kylbar, Advocate of Nil for X months.
Heresiarch Nariah n'Kylbar, Chosen of Destruction for X months.
Sthai n'Kylbar, Clockwork Amaranth for X months.
Geophyte Noola n'Kylbar for X months.
An emaciated virgin for X months.
Several hundred novicegirls for X months.
*just saw Malarious' post after looking up all those titles and typing them in*
*screams in frustration*
On and on. Not to mention the chaos this might put into the already iffy family system.
Also, imagine how long HONORS could get.
He has been married to:
Iconoclast Amatsemaru n'Kylbar, Advocate of Nil for X months.
Heresiarch Nariah n'Kylbar, Chosen of Destruction for X months.
Sthai n'Kylbar, Clockwork Amaranth for X months.
Geophyte Noola n'Kylbar for X months.
An emaciated virgin for X months.
Several hundred novicegirls for X months.
*just saw Malarious' post after looking up all those titles and typing them in*
*screams in frustration*
On and on. Not to mention the chaos this might put into the already iffy family system.
Ah, young dreams... too bad only 2 of those would ever deign to marry in

(I refer, of course, to the virgins)
Aison2008-09-09 18:03:55
Wait, who is the other virgin? Is it Noola?
It is so over my head...
It is so over my head...
Noola2008-09-09 18:17:52
QUOTE(Aison @ Sep 9 2008, 01:03 PM) 555252
Wait, who is the other virgin? Is it Noola?
It is so over my head...
It is so over my head...

Bael2008-09-09 18:19:53
I should get an honours line for having that many wives.