Unknown2008-11-03 00:09:25
I think it's time to throw in a few obscure people who have not received comment.
Hyrtakos is driven, in the most extreme and base sense of the word. Unfortunately he develops hang-ups pretty easily and is quickly discouraged if he doesn't feel appreciated or receives constant criticism. Dwelling on the past is too common a pastime for him. The end result is a man who is often bitter and cynical. Though he will often regard the fortune and future of others more optimistically even when there's little or no reason to (and with a tinge of jealousy) and can be genuinely warm and cordial when he convinces himself to be. My favorite "Grouch" character.
Lisarel was hard-nosed and unrelenting without being egotistical or annoying about it. She often would let her intentions and thoughts be known very pointedly and directly. She was just as comfortable challenging the authority above her as she was asserting what authority she had over those under her. What arrogance she did show was through pride and commitment in the commune rather than in what she had done for it. And in dealing with novices, she was as patient, understanding, and stern with those of other guilds as she was with her own, and without letting some superiority complex slip through. She seemed to be what a lot of people in Glomdoring want to be, but couldn't quite manage to accomplish.
Ainia is highly empathic, though not always able to readily express or reflect it without effort. Generally laidback and relaxed, but willing to exert effort when called upon even if it means running herself into the ground in the process, which can occur alarmingly often due to lack of practice and polish. She always packs an interesting story or two and will readily listen to any you may have to share, though she's terrible at keeping secrets and becomes significantly more likely to spread your story if you instruct her to keep it secret. Often carefree, cheery, morbid, and mischievous all at once, and convincingly so.
Arkzrael is absent-minded and has errant trains of thought that often collide and get mangled. Sometimes calm and composed, other times in an irrational, panicked tizzy, and yet other times disturbingly giddy. Which is enough to throw my own character off, prompting her to be casually avoided except for business.
Hyrtakos is driven, in the most extreme and base sense of the word. Unfortunately he develops hang-ups pretty easily and is quickly discouraged if he doesn't feel appreciated or receives constant criticism. Dwelling on the past is too common a pastime for him. The end result is a man who is often bitter and cynical. Though he will often regard the fortune and future of others more optimistically even when there's little or no reason to (and with a tinge of jealousy) and can be genuinely warm and cordial when he convinces himself to be. My favorite "Grouch" character.
Lisarel was hard-nosed and unrelenting without being egotistical or annoying about it. She often would let her intentions and thoughts be known very pointedly and directly. She was just as comfortable challenging the authority above her as she was asserting what authority she had over those under her. What arrogance she did show was through pride and commitment in the commune rather than in what she had done for it. And in dealing with novices, she was as patient, understanding, and stern with those of other guilds as she was with her own, and without letting some superiority complex slip through. She seemed to be what a lot of people in Glomdoring want to be, but couldn't quite manage to accomplish.
Ainia is highly empathic, though not always able to readily express or reflect it without effort. Generally laidback and relaxed, but willing to exert effort when called upon even if it means running herself into the ground in the process, which can occur alarmingly often due to lack of practice and polish. She always packs an interesting story or two and will readily listen to any you may have to share, though she's terrible at keeping secrets and becomes significantly more likely to spread your story if you instruct her to keep it secret. Often carefree, cheery, morbid, and mischievous all at once, and convincingly so.
Arkzrael is absent-minded and has errant trains of thought that often collide and get mangled. Sometimes calm and composed, other times in an irrational, panicked tizzy, and yet other times disturbingly giddy. Which is enough to throw my own character off, prompting her to be casually avoided except for business.
Gregori2008-11-03 00:25:06
Ried - Dylara's daughter, have only briefly encountered her but she seems decent enough
Dylara - Gregori's leash some people call her. She keeps him from going to zealot on the poor snugglebunnies of Serenwilde. She is a good match for Gregori and the RP they have done so far to get to where they are has been a lot of fun and will hopefully continue to be.
Kelysa - Gregori's granddaughter and yet another Mes'ard gone Talnara. Disappointment is an understatement for Gregori in that regard, but he still values her cause she is not a dumbass.
Akui - Really wish I knew her better IC. From an OOC viewpoint she completely rocks.
Lekius - From what I have seen of him he seems cool, he has a head on his shoulders, though Gregori is not sure yet if he is a Serenwilder or Celenwilder.
Dylara - Gregori's leash some people call her. She keeps him from going to zealot on the poor snugglebunnies of Serenwilde. She is a good match for Gregori and the RP they have done so far to get to where they are has been a lot of fun and will hopefully continue to be.
Kelysa - Gregori's granddaughter and yet another Mes'ard gone Talnara. Disappointment is an understatement for Gregori in that regard, but he still values her cause she is not a dumbass.
Akui - Really wish I knew her better IC. From an OOC viewpoint she completely rocks.
Lekius - From what I have seen of him he seems cool, he has a head on his shoulders, though Gregori is not sure yet if he is a Serenwilder or Celenwilder.
Ashteru2008-11-03 13:38:55
QUOTE(rika @ Nov 2 2008, 10:45 PM) 578473
I knew you were either going to post nothing or something about your own character. 

Don't like to participate in circle-jerking, I'd rather only do it to myself.

Unknown2008-11-24 09:19:03
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 2 2008, 03:04 PM) 578463
Kialkarkea's a bit of an oddball. He's married to Tervic's unofficially adopted daughter, Bellarin, but what seems to be his frequent use of a mirror of gender switching is a bit... disconcerting. However, Bellarin is happy with him (her?) and that's all that really matters to Tervic with regards to his childrens' mates.
Yus, she's happy with Kial, that's all that matters. Plus they had a -tiny- argument a while back about how she had to hear about Kial considering to buy a mirror that changes gender, so it's better like this. Makes things less permanent
Unknown2008-11-30 03:20:08
QUOTE(Bellarin @ Nov 24 2008, 04:19 AM) 585996
Yus, she's happy with Kial, that's all that matters. Plus they had a -tiny- argument a while back about how she had to hear about Kial considering to buy a mirror that changes gender, so it's better like this. Makes things less permanent
Bellarin is a bubbly and sweetie person. She's also Kial's wife, so s/he might be a bit biased. Not only are the two of them very much alike, but she's the only person who ever manages to pull him/her out of his depressive fits. S/He's been in love with her since the day s/he met her, so naturally, it was the bestest thing ever when she said yes. She's very touchy though, if she thinks she's made him/her sad, or dissapointed him/her, she gets very upset, and it'll take him/her a while to calm her down. She compliments Kial perfectly though, often being the voice of reason when s/he gets angry or just plain flips out, but also being the stern one when something goes wrong and Kial is playing good cop.
Plus she's awsome OOC. Seriously. I've got to figure out how to steal her.
Aerotan2008-12-02 11:39:22
An interesting one, from the perspective of my Nekotai in light of recent...events that shall go unnamed.
Tyrni sees very, very few people with any real frequency, even when I'm actively on him. Most of his opinions were skewed slightly by his parents, though he really is only VERY recently even seeing any of it.
Everson, for instance, annoys Tyrni, as Tyrni feels Everson is a nuisance to spar with, rather than the challenge he probably could easily pose. (At least, if I weren't running zMUD and Palisade on a monk with mapview on and a rarely used debating class in standby, though this particular aside is worse on Torre (Sorry, Casilu))
He looks on Krin with poorly disguised disdain, though this is for reasons of his own I'm not getting into in addition to listening to the former Hidden Messiah's gripes.
And speaking of Somaria...Before about a week ago, Tyrni saw his mother as a bit eccentric, but still a relatively good person. Her actions, as well as his father's, have dealt a severe blow to both his self confidence, as his sister could easily attest to, and his sensibilities. That someone so close to him could betray the Glomdoring so spectacularily has utterly decimated his perceptions, and he will likely be vulnerable to criticisms for a while, and has gone as far as hiding his name. (He was unofficial still, so I had his title changed to reflect that.) The irony here is, I think, that at first he was annoyed by his mother's insistence on his marrying at first Tau, but once they considered him family, anyone else.
The person to whom he will likely be looking for strength in this confusing time for him, is his sister Sadhyra. Of all of his siblings, it was Sadhyra who he sought out to learn what had happened after Daedalion's escapades became public, but before Somaria turned his preconceptions upside down. He's always seen her as vain, but in a quietly powerful way. He admires the fact that she seems to him to be hiding her strength behind a false vanity, much as he once his his behind a false screen of what can be described as "D'awwwwww." in a can.
Tyrni sees very, very few people with any real frequency, even when I'm actively on him. Most of his opinions were skewed slightly by his parents, though he really is only VERY recently even seeing any of it.
Everson, for instance, annoys Tyrni, as Tyrni feels Everson is a nuisance to spar with, rather than the challenge he probably could easily pose. (At least, if I weren't running zMUD and Palisade on a monk with mapview on and a rarely used debating class in standby, though this particular aside is worse on Torre (Sorry, Casilu))
He looks on Krin with poorly disguised disdain, though this is for reasons of his own I'm not getting into in addition to listening to the former Hidden Messiah's gripes.
And speaking of Somaria...Before about a week ago, Tyrni saw his mother as a bit eccentric, but still a relatively good person. Her actions, as well as his father's, have dealt a severe blow to both his self confidence, as his sister could easily attest to, and his sensibilities. That someone so close to him could betray the Glomdoring so spectacularily has utterly decimated his perceptions, and he will likely be vulnerable to criticisms for a while, and has gone as far as hiding his name. (He was unofficial still, so I had his title changed to reflect that.) The irony here is, I think, that at first he was annoyed by his mother's insistence on his marrying at first Tau, but once they considered him family, anyone else.
The person to whom he will likely be looking for strength in this confusing time for him, is his sister Sadhyra. Of all of his siblings, it was Sadhyra who he sought out to learn what had happened after Daedalion's escapades became public, but before Somaria turned his preconceptions upside down. He's always seen her as vain, but in a quietly powerful way. He admires the fact that she seems to him to be hiding her strength behind a false vanity, much as he once his his behind a false screen of what can be described as "D'awwwwww." in a can.
Unknown2008-12-02 21:31:16
Hmn. Haven't been here in a while. Anyway, here we go!
Nadjia is a lot like a big-sister figure to Myrkr, though she'd never come out and say it. When Myrkr was still getting used to Glomdoring, she'd run to Nadjia for hugs, and Nadjia was always willing to give them (granted, she ran away right after!). Though Myrkr doesn't hang around Nadjia too much, Myrkr feels that Nadjia has a calm happiness to her, one that she believes she'd like to have for herself.
Myrkr feels that Sadhyra is a good person in general. While Myrkr originally felt her to be solely vain, at seeing the difficulties Sadhyra has gone through Myrkr has developed a fondness for her. Myrkr sees herself in Sadhyra in that Myrkr's own parents weren't the best people in the world, nor did they treat her correctly. Myrkr knows and feels, 100%, that Sadhyra is a good person, and hopes with all her might to see Sadhyra transcend the difficulties that her parents have and may place upon her.
The last time I typed up about Lesk, Myrkr wasn't sure if he was her child. Now that she's gone and taken him up, she's 100% sure that Lesk is her baby. Lesk is childish around family but serious when upset, and is almost a complete Momma's boy. Because he's a bit like a duckling in Myrkr's eyes, and she inherently loves to take care of things, she likes to be around him and cuddle him. Something that helps her think Lesk is her child is his apparent insanity. Just ask to see his underwear and you'll understand.
While Myrkr doesn't get too much time to spend with Aiyana, Myrkr still loves Aiyana deeply. Sometimes, Aiyana acts more like Myrkr, and a little crazy. At others, Aiyana acts more like Urazial, and quite serious. It is the fact that she switches between these two so quickly that confuses Myrkr, leaving her befuddled sometimes on what the right attitude is to take around her daughter.
Urazial is Myrkr's husband, of course. Sadly, Myrkr gets to spend more time with Lesk, Aiyana, and Tacita than she does with Urazial. Myrkr feels Urazial can be the epitome of seriousness at times, and literally feels bad for those who cross him. She knows that once someone crosses Urazial, they may as well put a red flag on themselves because he will not be satisfied until he finds a way to point out to them -- and everyone else, if necessary -- how bad a person they are. Other than that, Myrkr feels that she has changed Urazial a great degree, as seen by how often they tickle each other or play-attack each other when they're near one another. Urazial is Myrkr's pillar, who she turns to whenever something troubles her or she doesn't understand something.
Myrkr is a bit afraid of Xenthos because his usual actions include peering at others, going into trees, or asking Myrkr if he could beat the stuffing out of one of her beasts. At the same time, Myrkr feels she could learn a lot from Xenthos if she ever manages to figure out the right way to talk to him.
I think that's it for the updates.
Nadjia is a lot like a big-sister figure to Myrkr, though she'd never come out and say it. When Myrkr was still getting used to Glomdoring, she'd run to Nadjia for hugs, and Nadjia was always willing to give them (granted, she ran away right after!). Though Myrkr doesn't hang around Nadjia too much, Myrkr feels that Nadjia has a calm happiness to her, one that she believes she'd like to have for herself.
Myrkr feels that Sadhyra is a good person in general. While Myrkr originally felt her to be solely vain, at seeing the difficulties Sadhyra has gone through Myrkr has developed a fondness for her. Myrkr sees herself in Sadhyra in that Myrkr's own parents weren't the best people in the world, nor did they treat her correctly. Myrkr knows and feels, 100%, that Sadhyra is a good person, and hopes with all her might to see Sadhyra transcend the difficulties that her parents have and may place upon her.
The last time I typed up about Lesk, Myrkr wasn't sure if he was her child. Now that she's gone and taken him up, she's 100% sure that Lesk is her baby. Lesk is childish around family but serious when upset, and is almost a complete Momma's boy. Because he's a bit like a duckling in Myrkr's eyes, and she inherently loves to take care of things, she likes to be around him and cuddle him. Something that helps her think Lesk is her child is his apparent insanity. Just ask to see his underwear and you'll understand.
While Myrkr doesn't get too much time to spend with Aiyana, Myrkr still loves Aiyana deeply. Sometimes, Aiyana acts more like Myrkr, and a little crazy. At others, Aiyana acts more like Urazial, and quite serious. It is the fact that she switches between these two so quickly that confuses Myrkr, leaving her befuddled sometimes on what the right attitude is to take around her daughter.
Urazial is Myrkr's husband, of course. Sadly, Myrkr gets to spend more time with Lesk, Aiyana, and Tacita than she does with Urazial. Myrkr feels Urazial can be the epitome of seriousness at times, and literally feels bad for those who cross him. She knows that once someone crosses Urazial, they may as well put a red flag on themselves because he will not be satisfied until he finds a way to point out to them -- and everyone else, if necessary -- how bad a person they are. Other than that, Myrkr feels that she has changed Urazial a great degree, as seen by how often they tickle each other or play-attack each other when they're near one another. Urazial is Myrkr's pillar, who she turns to whenever something troubles her or she doesn't understand something.
Myrkr is a bit afraid of Xenthos because his usual actions include peering at others, going into trees, or asking Myrkr if he could beat the stuffing out of one of her beasts. At the same time, Myrkr feels she could learn a lot from Xenthos if she ever manages to figure out the right way to talk to him.
I think that's it for the updates.
Marluxia2008-12-03 03:31:07
Well I dont know much about the people here, and I doubt anyone knows me, but I'm Marluxia...
Well I dont know much about the people here, and I doubt anyone knows me, but I'm Marluxia...

Unknown2008-12-03 03:33:38
QUOTE(Marluxia @ Dec 2 2008, 10:31 PM) 589262
Well I dont know much about the people here, and I doubt anyone knows me, but I'm Marluxia...
Well I dont know much about the people here, and I doubt anyone knows me, but I'm Marluxia...

Marluxia is funny to play with! She's Peccy's daughter, and acts kind of like her, but a bit more eccentric. I think Peccy messed her up a bit as a child.
Marluxia2008-12-03 03:36:31
Hm... Kial...Kar...Kea...
Really cool to Marly, for the time she's known him. Was helpful when she joined Celest
Really cool to Marly, for the time she's known him. Was helpful when she joined Celest

Marluxia2008-12-03 03:37:19
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Dec 3 2008, 03:33 AM) 589265
This post was never here 

Put it twice

Unknown2008-12-03 03:41:41
QUOTE(Marluxia @ Dec 2 2008, 10:36 PM) 589268
Hm... Kial...Kar...Kea...
Really cool to Marly, for the time she's known him. Was helpful when she joined Celest
Really cool to Marly, for the time she's known him. Was helpful when she joined Celest

It really.
Unknown2008-12-03 03:41:59
QUOTE(Marluxia @ Dec 2 2008, 10:37 PM) 589270
Put it twice 

This is gonna make a mod unhappy, but it's fun anyway.
Unknown2008-12-07 14:05:30
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Dec 2 2008, 09:41 PM) 589274
It really.
NOPE! Just Kialkarkea. Surprised how you haven't pointed out that i just call you Kial now. It sounds so...unhuman -shiver-
But talking about Bellarin- Yeah, i know that i'm supposed to talk about other Characters, so shush your face! I know i'm wrong!
There's alot about Bellarin that very few people know about because she doesn't like to get attached, which is odd because she's oh so friendly. But i think that's the only thing i'm proud of RP-wise with her, being able to maintain that certain something that make her special, like why she doesn't like to hunt in groups, or why she hates candy, or why she'll never leave Celest, no matter how bad the nonsense is.
Unknown2008-12-07 14:33:47
QUOTE(Bellarin @ Dec 7 2008, 09:05 AM) 591115
NOPE! Just Kialkarkea. Surprised how you haven't pointed out that i just call you Kial now. It sounds so...unhuman -shiver-
But talking about Bellarin- Yeah, i know that i'm supposed to talk about other Characters, so shush your face! I know i'm wrong!
There's alot about Bellarin that very few people know about because she doesn't like to get attached, which is odd because she's oh so friendly. But i think that's the only thing i'm proud of RP-wise with her, being able to maintain that certain something that make her special, like why she doesn't like to hunt in groups, or why she hates candy, or why she'll never leave Celest, no matter how bad the nonsense is.
But talking about Bellarin- Yeah, i know that i'm supposed to talk about other Characters, so shush your face! I know i'm wrong!
There's alot about Bellarin that very few people know about because she doesn't like to get attached, which is odd because she's oh so friendly. But i think that's the only thing i'm proud of RP-wise with her, being able to maintain that certain something that make her special, like why she doesn't like to hunt in groups, or why she hates candy, or why she'll never leave Celest, no matter how bad the nonsense is.
It's okay, I was actually considering posting on Kial. It started out like me, but now it's just out there.

Amarysse2008-12-07 15:51:05
Let's see. To get this back on track a bit, I'll post about a few of the characters I've encountered. Not all of them are still around, but I'm using them as examples. Of course, these perceptions may be utterly off-base, but these are the impressions I've gotten.
Ranadae: Foppish, arrogant, spoiled, deeply passionate, and utterly charming (when he wanted to be.) He always seemed to me to be something of a black sheep in the D'Murani, a man forced into the restrictions of the aristocracy (such as an arranged and ultimately unsatisfying marriage) who nevertheless indulged freely in all the privileges and opportunities it brought him. It was almost as if part of him quietly rebelled against the life in which he found himself, and longed for the freedom he'd had as a younger man.
Xinemus: Ah, Xinemus. Insightful, intelligent, and utterly loyal to the Glomdoring and Viravain. He was, and has always been, the most convincing embodiment (to me, in any case) of the grand delusions brought by his single-minded devotion to commune and goddess, when both of those were also founded on the concept of self-delusion. He was subtly, irrevocably insane, and thoroughly conflicted. He struggled incessantly with the burden of self-control and restraint, and the primal, passionate emotions and instincts he possessed. There's always been something delightfully tragic about him, and I've yet to personally see another such well-constructed and nuanced personality in modern Glomdoring. No gimmicks, no schtick. Just wonderful, wonderful RP.
Moriana: Quietly brilliant, talented, and full of unparalleled grace and wit. She had the patience of a widow in her web, and is one of the most long-suffering and understanding figures I can ever remember having the privilege to meet. Whatever she did, it was for the betterment of the commune and guild she loved, and the hurts she bore, she nursed in silence. She was like a quiet, still lake, with unfathomed depths and a perpetually placid surface that was never visibly disturbed by any emotional turmoil she may have experienced.
Xenthos: Cool, aloof, and reserved. He still terrifies Amarysse slightly, no matter how polite he is, because the weight of his contributions to Glomdoring and his participation in its successes andfailures successes hang in the air around him in a strangely palpable way.
Yeralih: Cruel, merciless, single-mindedly devoted, and slightly mad. I still remember, when Amarysse was trying to get into the commune and Viravain's Order, that Yeralih called her something abominable in Crowtongue, and did it with perfectly malicious sweetness, knowing that Amarysse would have no idea what she'd said. (I'm still not sure, to this day!) She always showed a sort of calculated, polite hatred of Amarysse that centered more on dismissal, and the idea that she wasn't worth Yeralih's time. This is the same Yeralih who, when Amarysse had won the Seal, invited her to tea, and I've never forgotten the impression it gave me of the persona she was cultivating. As a player, I've always found it fascinating, no matter how hurtful it was to my character. Oddly, despite my lack of IC interaction with her, Yeralih is one of those characters who gave Amarysse something to work for, as if she could eventually prove that she was "good enough." It was her first experience with real disappointment and deliberate cruelty, and one she's never quite overcome.
Rattusk: Much like Xinemus (though Rattusk carried it off differently), he always seemed quietly insane. (I'm beginning to notice a trend, here.) The fact that he was an actual rat was brilliantly paired with polite, genteel mannerisms well-suited to a member of one of Magnagora's Great Houses. He was a singular, unique character that masterfully juxtaposed the disgust one should normally feel in dealing with such a creature with the necessity of being cordial, and even kind, when treated so.
Ranadae: Foppish, arrogant, spoiled, deeply passionate, and utterly charming (when he wanted to be.) He always seemed to me to be something of a black sheep in the D'Murani, a man forced into the restrictions of the aristocracy (such as an arranged and ultimately unsatisfying marriage) who nevertheless indulged freely in all the privileges and opportunities it brought him. It was almost as if part of him quietly rebelled against the life in which he found himself, and longed for the freedom he'd had as a younger man.
Xinemus: Ah, Xinemus. Insightful, intelligent, and utterly loyal to the Glomdoring and Viravain. He was, and has always been, the most convincing embodiment (to me, in any case) of the grand delusions brought by his single-minded devotion to commune and goddess, when both of those were also founded on the concept of self-delusion. He was subtly, irrevocably insane, and thoroughly conflicted. He struggled incessantly with the burden of self-control and restraint, and the primal, passionate emotions and instincts he possessed. There's always been something delightfully tragic about him, and I've yet to personally see another such well-constructed and nuanced personality in modern Glomdoring. No gimmicks, no schtick. Just wonderful, wonderful RP.
Moriana: Quietly brilliant, talented, and full of unparalleled grace and wit. She had the patience of a widow in her web, and is one of the most long-suffering and understanding figures I can ever remember having the privilege to meet. Whatever she did, it was for the betterment of the commune and guild she loved, and the hurts she bore, she nursed in silence. She was like a quiet, still lake, with unfathomed depths and a perpetually placid surface that was never visibly disturbed by any emotional turmoil she may have experienced.
Xenthos: Cool, aloof, and reserved. He still terrifies Amarysse slightly, no matter how polite he is, because the weight of his contributions to Glomdoring and his participation in its successes and
Yeralih: Cruel, merciless, single-mindedly devoted, and slightly mad. I still remember, when Amarysse was trying to get into the commune and Viravain's Order, that Yeralih called her something abominable in Crowtongue, and did it with perfectly malicious sweetness, knowing that Amarysse would have no idea what she'd said. (I'm still not sure, to this day!) She always showed a sort of calculated, polite hatred of Amarysse that centered more on dismissal, and the idea that she wasn't worth Yeralih's time. This is the same Yeralih who, when Amarysse had won the Seal, invited her to tea, and I've never forgotten the impression it gave me of the persona she was cultivating. As a player, I've always found it fascinating, no matter how hurtful it was to my character. Oddly, despite my lack of IC interaction with her, Yeralih is one of those characters who gave Amarysse something to work for, as if she could eventually prove that she was "good enough." It was her first experience with real disappointment and deliberate cruelty, and one she's never quite overcome.
Rattusk: Much like Xinemus (though Rattusk carried it off differently), he always seemed quietly insane. (I'm beginning to notice a trend, here.) The fact that he was an actual rat was brilliantly paired with polite, genteel mannerisms well-suited to a member of one of Magnagora's Great Houses. He was a singular, unique character that masterfully juxtaposed the disgust one should normally feel in dealing with such a creature with the necessity of being cordial, and even kind, when treated so.
Seraku2008-12-08 15:58:40
Well Ill give this thing a shot.
Arimisia: Basically Seraku looks up to her alot. She was one of the first high-ranking ninjakari to talk to him when he was a novice and introduced him to the love of his life. Not only that but she's level-headed, and fun to hang around with and shoot guild-ideas around with.
Kundu: Ah Kundu.. The first other Dracnari Seraku ever met. He is a strange person to Seraku, nice and pleasant one minute then a bit of a friendly bully the next. Seraku views Kundu as his older brother, confidant, and best-friend at times.
Rusakon: Seraku's partner in crime. He is Seraku's best-friend and his illithoid brother. Rusakon was the one who got Seraku out of his shell and got him to actually start dating women again.
Janalon: Another one of Seraku's good friends. She was another high-ranked Ninjakari who actually noticed Seraku in his early years. The two got buddy-buddy shortly before Seraku met Zasha and have been friends since.
Zasha: Heh, basically Seraku is crazy for Zasha. The two of them have been through a lot of weird stuff together but Seraku wouldn't have it any other way. She basically fixed his broken heart and set him on the right path. He would do anything to make her happy no matter what.
Wigberht: Seraku's son, a bit of a goofball at times though. He reminds Seraku a lot of himself when he was younger, but is proud of him none the less. A good sense of humor, interesting personality, and a pretty decent protege.
Lyna: She is Seraku's other protege. The two of them have been good friends since they met, with Seraku giving her advice on just about everything. She helped Seraku a bit too when his sister suicided, she was there for em which he appreciates greatly. She has low self-esteem but Seraku tries his very best to encourage her and show that she is a strong young woman.
Ill post more as I think of em =P.
Arimisia: Basically Seraku looks up to her alot. She was one of the first high-ranking ninjakari to talk to him when he was a novice and introduced him to the love of his life. Not only that but she's level-headed, and fun to hang around with and shoot guild-ideas around with.
Kundu: Ah Kundu.. The first other Dracnari Seraku ever met. He is a strange person to Seraku, nice and pleasant one minute then a bit of a friendly bully the next. Seraku views Kundu as his older brother, confidant, and best-friend at times.
Rusakon: Seraku's partner in crime. He is Seraku's best-friend and his illithoid brother. Rusakon was the one who got Seraku out of his shell and got him to actually start dating women again.
Janalon: Another one of Seraku's good friends. She was another high-ranked Ninjakari who actually noticed Seraku in his early years. The two got buddy-buddy shortly before Seraku met Zasha and have been friends since.
Zasha: Heh, basically Seraku is crazy for Zasha. The two of them have been through a lot of weird stuff together but Seraku wouldn't have it any other way. She basically fixed his broken heart and set him on the right path. He would do anything to make her happy no matter what.
Wigberht: Seraku's son, a bit of a goofball at times though. He reminds Seraku a lot of himself when he was younger, but is proud of him none the less. A good sense of humor, interesting personality, and a pretty decent protege.
Lyna: She is Seraku's other protege. The two of them have been good friends since they met, with Seraku giving her advice on just about everything. She helped Seraku a bit too when his sister suicided, she was there for em which he appreciates greatly. She has low self-esteem but Seraku tries his very best to encourage her and show that she is a strong young woman.
Ill post more as I think of em =P.
Shurimaru2008-12-08 16:43:39
I could re-iterate Shuri and Seraku's tainted love story, but I'll just comment on how they are now.
Shuri, having lost his memory (again), sees Seraku as a menace of sorts. He trusts him to an extent, but finds the fact that Seraku knows things about him that even he doesn't know a bit unsettling. Deep in his subconscious, he's still deeply and madly in love, and this manifests itself consciously as loyalty and a quickness to trust (and forgive if the need arises.)
Shuri, having lost his memory (again), sees Seraku as a menace of sorts. He trusts him to an extent, but finds the fact that Seraku knows things about him that even he doesn't know a bit unsettling. Deep in his subconscious, he's still deeply and madly in love, and this manifests itself consciously as loyalty and a quickness to trust (and forgive if the need arises.)
Unknown2008-12-08 19:26:42
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Nov 2 2008, 04:54 PM) 578476
Rika is thoughtful and friendly, quite generous to those who have less than she does. She doesn't throw her weight around as Regent, she has a more delicate touch with leadership.
Okay. Are we thinking of the same Rika?

*goes back to lurking*
Arkzrael2008-12-17 02:01:19
Okay, since I've been playing around on Raiyne for a couple weeks or so, I've been able to get to know a lot more people from a different angle, and some people I didn't know in the first place. So, I owe ya, here goes.
Tarkers is Raiyne's best friend. He's huge, he's cuddly, he's slightly neurotically insane, but in a good sort of way that makes hanging out with him fun. His easy-going nature is therapeutic to Raiyne when she's seemingly a bit stressed, and he makes for a great, and yet horrible hunting partner at the same time. They hang out a lot together, and for some reason that makes many commune members mutter and suggest some sort of personal relationship going on, which puts her off a bit. He's also a great teacher and a fast learner, and Raiyne enjoys having a friend that can keep up with her.
Ishant seems to usually be a very quiet, and at first, very stuck up individual. Upon further talking and harassment from Raiyne, however, he turns out to be secretly very talkative and darkly humorous, as well as very intelligent and kind. Raiyne has a natural curiosity that draws her to interesting people and puzzles, and so far, he's been able to not be annoyed by her constant pestering. He knows the buttons to push, however, and I think he enjoys watching her to into a tizzy every time he makes assessments of her friendship with only males, which is stemmed from her distrust in women from the illithoid prisons.
Janalon is one of the few women Raiyne can trust, and for good reason. She's a very hard worker, and sadly, doesn't seem to get the amount of respect she deserves for it. She's helpful to the point of selflessness, and a few times has opened up to Raiyne on personal subjects, to a point where Raiyne is pretty much in awe of her, and wants to be just like her someday.
Amani is someone Raiyne only met just recently, but is already become a big part of her life, sharing their love for writing and amazing work ethic. Hoping to get to spend more time interacting with those two.
Veracruz was what Raiyne once thought as another snobby, combat-driven ogre that she couldn't stand, but after agreeing to a hunting trip or two, found out he's a rather intriguing, friendly, and snuggly sort. He's completely okay with her following him around everywhere and trying to solve his puzzle and to be the other half of his brain from time to time, though being incredibly unhelpful to her in actually solving it.
Tarkers is Raiyne's best friend. He's huge, he's cuddly, he's slightly neurotically insane, but in a good sort of way that makes hanging out with him fun. His easy-going nature is therapeutic to Raiyne when she's seemingly a bit stressed, and he makes for a great, and yet horrible hunting partner at the same time. They hang out a lot together, and for some reason that makes many commune members mutter and suggest some sort of personal relationship going on, which puts her off a bit. He's also a great teacher and a fast learner, and Raiyne enjoys having a friend that can keep up with her.
Ishant seems to usually be a very quiet, and at first, very stuck up individual. Upon further talking and harassment from Raiyne, however, he turns out to be secretly very talkative and darkly humorous, as well as very intelligent and kind. Raiyne has a natural curiosity that draws her to interesting people and puzzles, and so far, he's been able to not be annoyed by her constant pestering. He knows the buttons to push, however, and I think he enjoys watching her to into a tizzy every time he makes assessments of her friendship with only males, which is stemmed from her distrust in women from the illithoid prisons.
Janalon is one of the few women Raiyne can trust, and for good reason. She's a very hard worker, and sadly, doesn't seem to get the amount of respect she deserves for it. She's helpful to the point of selflessness, and a few times has opened up to Raiyne on personal subjects, to a point where Raiyne is pretty much in awe of her, and wants to be just like her someday.
Amani is someone Raiyne only met just recently, but is already become a big part of her life, sharing their love for writing and amazing work ethic. Hoping to get to spend more time interacting with those two.
Veracruz was what Raiyne once thought as another snobby, combat-driven ogre that she couldn't stand, but after agreeing to a hunting trip or two, found out he's a rather intriguing, friendly, and snuggly sort. He's completely okay with her following him around everywhere and trying to solve his puzzle and to be the other half of his brain from time to time, though being incredibly unhelpful to her in actually solving it.