Abethor2009-02-27 00:25:21
Kiradawea was the person who brought Alysi to Celest in the first place and was his first true friend. Now, however, he holds a silent grudge towards her for the way things transpired. Alysi does not want her to feel guilty or responsible because inwardly he believes it is his fault for not being assertive enough. Sometimes he thinks back on those days, but has decided that he must move on with a harder heart than he used to have.
Unknown2009-02-27 00:48:50
If you have an opinion on a character who has not posted on the thread, simply post regardless. They may be tempted to post after you.
Shiri2009-02-27 01:43:33
QUOTE (Salvation @ Feb 27 2009, 12:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you have an opinion on a character who has not posted on the thread, simply post regardless. They may be tempted to post after you.

Unknown2009-02-27 02:02:34
I don't see any reason not to... I mean, how does one person's perception of any given character serve as an issue for anyone else?
Unknown2009-02-27 03:07:22
Xenthos: Caerulo looks up to Xenthos. Once, before cwho had the X people in other planes, he thought he was alone in Glomdoring, and used the commune channel as his personal head space. Xenthos heard and came all the way down to prime, and led him on a hunting trip. I was fairly new at that time too, so it really helped make an impact on Caerulo. Even though Caerulo is like close to 100 years old now, he still looks up to Xenthos
Synl: Caerulo always knew that Synl would rise up to the top. He's kinda disappointed that Synl is no longer in the Shadowdancers, and a little wary of him due to how much Synl has changed from the Seer Caerulo used to know.
Synl: Caerulo always knew that Synl would rise up to the top. He's kinda disappointed that Synl is no longer in the Shadowdancers, and a little wary of him due to how much Synl has changed from the Seer Caerulo used to know.
Razenth2009-02-27 03:12:00
Maybe there's a different player behind Synl. Maybe, HE'S A DIFFERENT PERSON COMPLETELY!!
Unknown2009-02-27 03:17:01
Oooh, there's someone on the previous page I actually know!
Hallen has always been tremendously fond of Nariah. She's smart, hard-working, and seems like a particularly devout Nihilist. He still remembers the time she called him to task for a careless statement about religious devotion in the city during his tenure as Steward. Despite negative things he's heard from others, he doesn't take them to heart and considers her one of his favorite Magnagorans, even if she seems a bit stiff and distant at times, and clearly thinks he's a little obnoxious.
Hallen has always been tremendously fond of Nariah. She's smart, hard-working, and seems like a particularly devout Nihilist. He still remembers the time she called him to task for a careless statement about religious devotion in the city during his tenure as Steward. Despite negative things he's heard from others, he doesn't take them to heart and considers her one of his favorite Magnagorans, even if she seems a bit stiff and distant at times, and clearly thinks he's a little obnoxious.
Nariah2009-02-27 04:01:02
Nariah is so used to unique Geomancer madness that she doesn't even perceive it as anything unusual anymore. Hallen is one of her favourite Geomancers, though it's something she will never admit to (at least not to him). He's of the intelligent brand of mad Geomancers and she holds deep respect for him, his knowledge, and his opinions. She is deeply fascinated by the influence the Seal of Knowledge has had on him, up to the 'the eye in the medallion is looking at me and listening' paranoia. He always has refreshing ideas on scholarly projects and she wishes he was actually present more to put his ideas to life. She really hopes that he doesn't take her painful and involving sharp and/or large objects reprimands in regards to his behaviour to heart, and trusts that deep inside he knows it's just what she has to do in her position. Hallen also happens to be the reason the docks had to be rebuilt at one point and Nariah was warned not to set anything else on fire with meteors lest she gets billed by the city the next time. He's quite talented at igniting, literally, her temper.

Nariah is so used to unique Geomancer madness that she doesn't even perceive it as anything unusual anymore. Hallen is one of her favourite Geomancers, though it's something she will never admit to (at least not to him). He's of the intelligent brand of mad Geomancers and she holds deep respect for him, his knowledge, and his opinions. She is deeply fascinated by the influence the Seal of Knowledge has had on him, up to the 'the eye in the medallion is looking at me and listening' paranoia. He always has refreshing ideas on scholarly projects and she wishes he was actually present more to put his ideas to life. She really hopes that he doesn't take her painful and involving sharp and/or large objects reprimands in regards to his behaviour to heart, and trusts that deep inside he knows it's just what she has to do in her position. Hallen also happens to be the reason the docks had to be rebuilt at one point and Nariah was warned not to set anything else on fire with meteors lest she gets billed by the city the next time. He's quite talented at igniting, literally, her temper.

Jigan2009-02-27 04:07:06
Jigan sees Nariah are highly intelligent, if aloof. He trusts her to do her work, and keep politics and the good of the city apart. While he wishes she'd be a bit more laid back, he knows that she'll do what she can to obey the law, and if required, abuse the loopholes in the law to ensure that justice is done, and for that he respects her. He knows she has a certain power in the city, where Thoros may be the face, Nariah can touch the undercurrents easily. He'll keep an eye on her from his little corner because he feels he can learn from her, not so much as to watch her for treachery.

Everiine2009-02-27 05:08:34
QUOTE (Shiri @ Feb 26 2009, 08:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Ha! Nejii posted! And I can't remember if I already did her, so here goes.
Nejii=Seren in Ev's mind. He's never known a Serenwilde without Nejii, and probably never will. He knew Nejii when she was a he, couldn't decide what she was, then finally settled on a she. Nejii has always been someone in leadership, and Ev doesn't think he'll ever be on the same level, even though he now sits on the IMC. He feels intimidated by her, because she is a Talnara and has so much respect from everyone else. Ev's word carries a lot of weight in the Serenguard, but it's nothing compared to the weight of Nejii's words. Sometimes he thinks Nejii is part of the problem in Serenwilde, as he thinks that if HE was stubborn in changes to the Serenguard, the other leaders of the Serenwilde are ten times as stubborn, but he doesn't think Nejii is trying to harm anything. Just a difference of opinion. But Ev still has a great respect for Nejii.
Shiri2009-02-27 05:11:48
QUOTE (Salvation @ Feb 27 2009, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't see any reason not to... I mean, how does one person's perception of any given character serve as an issue for anyone else?
Some people are avoiding the thread because of the sheer annoying ineptitude of some of the analyses that would inevitably be posted...don't drag them into this!
EDIT@Nyir: It's not a problem in objective terms by any means, but there's no need for it either so just let people who don't want in be, heh.
Xavius2009-02-27 05:17:22
QUOTE (Shiri @ Feb 26 2009, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some people are avoiding the thread because of the sheer annoying ineptitude of some of the analyses that would inevitably be posted...don't drag them into this!
Nejii sheds.
Everiine2009-02-27 05:18:54
QUOTE (Xavius @ Feb 27 2009, 12:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nejii sheds.
You, sir, have just earned yourself a cookie.
Nyir2009-02-27 05:40:54
QUOTE (Shiri @ Feb 27 2009, 05:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some people are avoiding the thread because of the sheer annoying ineptitude of some of the analyses that would inevitably be posted...don't drag them into this!
Doesn't seem like a terrible problem to me, unless people are taking other people's impressions from this thread and using them IC for some strange reason or another.
Rika2009-02-27 07:39:51
Rika would rather Xavius have stayed in Glomdoring, but can't really blame him for leaving, from what she has heard. But now there is one less activist against certain groups in Glomdoring. 

Razenth2009-02-27 07:42:34
Think of it as one more Glom reconciliation supporter in the Celest side.
Unknown2009-02-27 09:05:03
QUOTE (Razenth @ Feb 26 2009, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Think of it as one more Glom reconciliation supporter in the Celest side.
Glom reconciliation --->

Parabollus2009-02-27 12:41:18
Um...okay. This may sound like a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway - what's a good way to get some RP in so people can actually get to know my character? I feel if I post here most people would say "Parabollus? Who?" I don't feel it's really dependent on which city/commune you're a citizen of, but...well, oftentimes I feel like I can't really get to know other characters because...well, to be honest, I feel somewhat excluded. But maybe I'm not, maybe it's my imagination. So advice would be appreciated on how I can get some quality RP in.
That said, since it's a requirement to post about someone else previously mentioned, I'll do Kiradawea, since I know her and Renthur.
Kiradawea seems to be a stereotypical furrikin in Parabollus's eyes, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Parabollus could be considered a sort of a starter of a feedback loop in terms of other people's energy - the more energy and happiness other people display, the more Parabollus displays. Hence he enjoys being around Kiradawea. And other hyperactive people such as Senna. However, he does have a limit on how much hyperactivity he can tolerate, and thankfully Kiradawea hasn't exceeded that yet. Though Parabollus does wish to remind Kiradawea that he does not want to eat Renthur. Too much fur to deal with.
That said, since it's a requirement to post about someone else previously mentioned, I'll do Kiradawea, since I know her and Renthur.
Kiradawea seems to be a stereotypical furrikin in Parabollus's eyes, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Parabollus could be considered a sort of a starter of a feedback loop in terms of other people's energy - the more energy and happiness other people display, the more Parabollus displays. Hence he enjoys being around Kiradawea. And other hyperactive people such as Senna. However, he does have a limit on how much hyperactivity he can tolerate, and thankfully Kiradawea hasn't exceeded that yet. Though Parabollus does wish to remind Kiradawea that he does not want to eat Renthur. Too much fur to deal with.

Kiradawea2009-02-27 13:34:43
Psh. Kira has too much fun with you and Renthur flustering after that to stop doing it. If you want RP, nothing beats initiating it yourself. It's no fun being excluded, but remember that people have a tendency to be absentminded. It's hard to notice you if you don't make yourself noticeable. That being said.
Parabollus: Parabollus is too passive, in Kira's eyes. He seems to be a little too scared of everything, and needs to learn to take control of his own life. Nothing ever happens to those who watch life go by without participating in it. She considers Parabollus to be a smart kid, but would love for him to grow more assertive.
Parabollus: Parabollus is too passive, in Kira's eyes. He seems to be a little too scared of everything, and needs to learn to take control of his own life. Nothing ever happens to those who watch life go by without participating in it. She considers Parabollus to be a smart kid, but would love for him to grow more assertive.
Nadjia2009-02-27 15:31:12
just throwing in a few personalities that have really stood out for me lately
Talan: one of the most quiet, driven, unsure, and emotionally rocky characters I have seen, during her first half of her development. Nadjia has spent most of her time dragging Talan up a hill towards leadership, and Talan has kicked and screamed a lot along the way. Suddenly however we have seen a wonderful metamorphisis from the reluctant GA of the Shadowdancers (but no less effective) to the sure footed Dark Marshall of Glomdoring. Whoever is behind Talan has made her very layered and complex while holding onto the strong "human" side of being uncertain about many things concerning life in her personal world (love, respect, honor, devotion, idealism) and scared of being seen as something she is not. She is a great sister and brings an awesome empathy to the commune.
Amani: another driving force that has stood up and been motivated beyond all expectations. Her devotion to not just the idea of Glomdoring, but more along the lines of its people and its history, has been amazing and refreshing. Nadjia sees her as someone who "gets it" and is very eager to see what her next moves will be.
Rika: still a bit wary of this one at times, just because Nadjia hasn't really figured her out or her game, and this is something that Nadjia is quite good at. Nevertheless she respects Rika for all the things that she is doing in service to the forest and to the Great Spirits as well as the people of Glomdoring. From novice education to saving commune mates from death, Rika kinda pops in and out like some quite super heroine and vanishes again. If nothing else she is admired and looked upon as an asset, and Nadjia is slowly starting to melt the ice that surrounds her heart for the ex Seren who has a rocky history with the whole idea of what Glomdoring is.
Talan: one of the most quiet, driven, unsure, and emotionally rocky characters I have seen, during her first half of her development. Nadjia has spent most of her time dragging Talan up a hill towards leadership, and Talan has kicked and screamed a lot along the way. Suddenly however we have seen a wonderful metamorphisis from the reluctant GA of the Shadowdancers (but no less effective) to the sure footed Dark Marshall of Glomdoring. Whoever is behind Talan has made her very layered and complex while holding onto the strong "human" side of being uncertain about many things concerning life in her personal world (love, respect, honor, devotion, idealism) and scared of being seen as something she is not. She is a great sister and brings an awesome empathy to the commune.
Amani: another driving force that has stood up and been motivated beyond all expectations. Her devotion to not just the idea of Glomdoring, but more along the lines of its people and its history, has been amazing and refreshing. Nadjia sees her as someone who "gets it" and is very eager to see what her next moves will be.
Rika: still a bit wary of this one at times, just because Nadjia hasn't really figured her out or her game, and this is something that Nadjia is quite good at. Nevertheless she respects Rika for all the things that she is doing in service to the forest and to the Great Spirits as well as the people of Glomdoring. From novice education to saving commune mates from death, Rika kinda pops in and out like some quite super heroine and vanishes again. If nothing else she is admired and looked upon as an asset, and Nadjia is slowly starting to melt the ice that surrounds her heart for the ex Seren who has a rocky history with the whole idea of what Glomdoring is.