Sthai2009-02-27 17:51:12
Sthai went from seeing Nariah as a mother figure, to a hypocrite, to a cohort in plotting, and back to a mentrix/mother figure again. As her mentor and role model, Nariah shaped a young Sthai from a merian into the very model of an overcompensating viscanti noblewoman modeled after her perception of her very impressive mentor. Nariah gave her work to Aiakon d'Murani, who impressed a young Penitent and encouraged her to produce more scholarly work.
Over time, Sthai has mostly worked with Nariah out of sheer respect for the influence and will of the Heresiarch; as Aois-Dana and a fellow member of the Council, this meant taking a fresh look at politics from both the angle of a Countess and High Priestess. After resigning her seat and returning to the Fold, Sthai has tended to work as Nariah's aide, understudy, and henchwoman - hands free from more blatant political exercises, she is back to studying the Heresiarch at close range.
Nariah is stubborn, strong-willed and known to hold grudges longer than Fain Himself. As Heresiarch, her influence is undeniable - as Chosen of Morgfyre, her work is subtle and unnerving, if sometimes tainted with distinctly Fainite leanings. Nariah represents the hard line of good old viscanti and Nihilist values that the city seems to be lacking lately - composed, driven, and sharp-witted, the Heresiarch possibly wields more power in the city than most of the past four or five Warlords have.
Hallen is an interesting duck. He's responsible for identifying Elostian to Sthai when she was young. This resulted in a large number of discussions with the Enigma, interaction with members of the Glomdoring and Celest, and the push of Sthai's scholarly career that resulted in several dozen books. However, Hallen is a Geomancer, and clearly a crazed one - one can never be certain if he intends to demand piggy-back rides or have a serious scholarly discussion. To Sthai, Hallen is undecorous, unnerving, and yet, obviously something of a genius. Unfortunately, he's never been around long enough for her to get a handle on what makes him tick - always a dangerous proposition for an older Marquis.
Over time, Sthai has mostly worked with Nariah out of sheer respect for the influence and will of the Heresiarch; as Aois-Dana and a fellow member of the Council, this meant taking a fresh look at politics from both the angle of a Countess and High Priestess. After resigning her seat and returning to the Fold, Sthai has tended to work as Nariah's aide, understudy, and henchwoman - hands free from more blatant political exercises, she is back to studying the Heresiarch at close range.
Nariah is stubborn, strong-willed and known to hold grudges longer than Fain Himself. As Heresiarch, her influence is undeniable - as Chosen of Morgfyre, her work is subtle and unnerving, if sometimes tainted with distinctly Fainite leanings. Nariah represents the hard line of good old viscanti and Nihilist values that the city seems to be lacking lately - composed, driven, and sharp-witted, the Heresiarch possibly wields more power in the city than most of the past four or five Warlords have.
Hallen is an interesting duck. He's responsible for identifying Elostian to Sthai when she was young. This resulted in a large number of discussions with the Enigma, interaction with members of the Glomdoring and Celest, and the push of Sthai's scholarly career that resulted in several dozen books. However, Hallen is a Geomancer, and clearly a crazed one - one can never be certain if he intends to demand piggy-back rides or have a serious scholarly discussion. To Sthai, Hallen is undecorous, unnerving, and yet, obviously something of a genius. Unfortunately, he's never been around long enough for her to get a handle on what makes him tick - always a dangerous proposition for an older Marquis.
Nariah2009-02-27 19:08:01
Ho ho ho, didn't do Sthai yet.
Sthai is definitely the quintessential Magnagoran. Cunning, deceptive, patient with her plots, certain of her skill, confident, eloquent, influential and finally, stunningly intelligent. Having been both, her closest ally and most spiteful enemy, Nariah surmises that this is what Sthai has actually become, and not just a mask. Whilst Nariah is different to those closest to her as opposed to what she considers 'the public', showing some emotion, tiredness, real irritation or anger; Sthai never does - which in and of itself Nariah finds very impressive. It's like Sthai has actually become an automaton, a spinning gear, never stopping or allowing setbacks to influence her.
As a youth, Sthai was very eager and passionate, even more anal than Nariah, but at the same time somewhat uncertain of her belonging to Magnagora yet, letting merian upbringing shadow her. Her botched up reincernation which resulted in recurring problems only solved surgically definitely didn't help with it either.
After their unfortunate falling out, from a distance, Sthai seemed to have reached both her peak and bottom at the same time. Produced a lot of quality works at the time, conducted a lot of research, but also indulged heavily in absinthe (still does! -peer-). Later, as Aois-Dana, she settled down and continued on her path up in Fainite hierarchy which appears to have removed all old doubt from her. Old grudges slowly died out so Nariah is back to backing Sthai up, not always at a small cost either since Sthai is talented at getting herself in trouble, but she respects her, admires her work, and still deep inside considers her a daughter, so views it as worth the trouble.

Sthai is definitely the quintessential Magnagoran. Cunning, deceptive, patient with her plots, certain of her skill, confident, eloquent, influential and finally, stunningly intelligent. Having been both, her closest ally and most spiteful enemy, Nariah surmises that this is what Sthai has actually become, and not just a mask. Whilst Nariah is different to those closest to her as opposed to what she considers 'the public', showing some emotion, tiredness, real irritation or anger; Sthai never does - which in and of itself Nariah finds very impressive. It's like Sthai has actually become an automaton, a spinning gear, never stopping or allowing setbacks to influence her.
As a youth, Sthai was very eager and passionate, even more anal than Nariah, but at the same time somewhat uncertain of her belonging to Magnagora yet, letting merian upbringing shadow her. Her botched up reincernation which resulted in recurring problems only solved surgically definitely didn't help with it either.
After their unfortunate falling out, from a distance, Sthai seemed to have reached both her peak and bottom at the same time. Produced a lot of quality works at the time, conducted a lot of research, but also indulged heavily in absinthe (still does! -peer-). Later, as Aois-Dana, she settled down and continued on her path up in Fainite hierarchy which appears to have removed all old doubt from her. Old grudges slowly died out so Nariah is back to backing Sthai up, not always at a small cost either since Sthai is talented at getting herself in trouble, but she respects her, admires her work, and still deep inside considers her a daughter, so views it as worth the trouble.
Zynna2009-02-27 19:20:32
Raikogen Zynna admires Raikogen a lot and thinks that he is an upstanding guy. Her first impulse upon seeing him is still to say, 'Hail Prince!'
Kiradawea Kiradawea is self-motivated and seems to always be on a mission, whether it's getting involved with aetherspace or weakenings: Zynna admires her drive!
Kiradawea Kiradawea is self-motivated and seems to always be on a mission, whether it's getting involved with aetherspace or weakenings: Zynna admires her drive!
Kante2009-02-27 22:56:30
Sthai: Tynghall has had very limited interaction with Sthai, but through hearsay, and what interaction he has had, he views Sthai as one to garner inspiration from. She is intelligent, eloquent, and to the point, and her ritualistic ideas and abilities are unmatched. However, since Tnghall knows of her past in Fain's Order, he also holds a quiet fear of the havoc that she could potentially bring to his life and the lives of those around him.
Nariah: When Tynghall was a member of the Nihilists, he had an unrivaled respect of Nariah. Tynghall viewed her as the ultimate Nihilist, something that every Nihilist should aspire to be. She was collected, mysterious, knowledgeable, and despite whatever her race was, she had a towering demeanor. Even after leaving the Nihilists and heading to the Ur'Guard, Tynghall viewed Nariah as someone to look up to and honour. Now that Tynghall's a member of Glomdoring, however, he views her with a tinge more of fear than he did before, but he still looks up to her sheer mental and domineering prowess.
Nariah: When Tynghall was a member of the Nihilists, he had an unrivaled respect of Nariah. Tynghall viewed her as the ultimate Nihilist, something that every Nihilist should aspire to be. She was collected, mysterious, knowledgeable, and despite whatever her race was, she had a towering demeanor. Even after leaving the Nihilists and heading to the Ur'Guard, Tynghall viewed Nariah as someone to look up to and honour. Now that Tynghall's a member of Glomdoring, however, he views her with a tinge more of fear than he did before, but he still looks up to her sheer mental and domineering prowess.
Tervic2009-02-27 23:09:25
I hereby give everyone permission to drag me into this thread. The reason I'm not posting my own impressions is because most of them are gut-reactions and auric senses that are difficult to put into words with a complexity that is log proportional to how well I know them (how much sense would it make if I say my impression of Jigan is #FF3333 with #000000 slashes and the occasional whorl of #003399 with an approximate complexity of 75?)
But I guess to provide some amusement to you all, Raikogen, aka Rairai, is a background of #FFCC00 with a large #33FF33 circle in the middle bisected by a #000000 bar that has regularly spaced slashes of #FF9933. Tesselated.
Myrkr is indisputably #CC33FF backdrop with top-left-to-lower-right needles of #CCFFCC, #660033 polkadots, and a vertical bar of #FFFF00.
Naturally, these are oversimplifications, because the actual auric impressions aren't exactly... visible, but rather colours and shapes are the best way that I can translate them into words. Plus, the visual components are dynamic, and have motion.
But I guess to provide some amusement to you all, Raikogen, aka Rairai, is a background of #FFCC00 with a large #33FF33 circle in the middle bisected by a #000000 bar that has regularly spaced slashes of #FF9933. Tesselated.
Myrkr is indisputably #CC33FF backdrop with top-left-to-lower-right needles of #CCFFCC, #660033 polkadots, and a vertical bar of #FFFF00.
Naturally, these are oversimplifications, because the actual auric impressions aren't exactly... visible, but rather colours and shapes are the best way that I can translate them into words. Plus, the visual components are dynamic, and have motion.
Enero2009-02-27 23:14:44
QUOTE (Tervic @ Feb 28 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hereby give everyone permission to drag me into this thread. The reason I'm not posting my own impressions is because most of them are gut-reactions and auric senses that are difficult to put into words with a complexity that is log proportional to how well I know them (how much sense would it make if I say my impression of Jigan is #FF3333 with #000000 slashes and the occasional whorl of #003399 with an approximate complexity of 75?)
But I guess to provide some amusement to you all, Raikogen, aka Rairai, is a background of #FFCC00 with a large #33FF33 circle in the middle bisected by a #000000 bar that has regularly spaced slashes of #FF9933. Tesselated.
Myrkr is indisputably #CC33FF backdrop with top-left-to-lower-right needles of #CCFFCC, #660033 polkadots, and a vertical bar of #FFFF00.
But I guess to provide some amusement to you all, Raikogen, aka Rairai, is a background of #FFCC00 with a large #33FF33 circle in the middle bisected by a #000000 bar that has regularly spaced slashes of #FF9933. Tesselated.
Myrkr is indisputably #CC33FF backdrop with top-left-to-lower-right needles of #CCFFCC, #660033 polkadots, and a vertical bar of #FFFF00.
Since I was right to assume that Tervic is lazy and used just web-safe hexadecimal RGB values...
---> <---
Tervic2009-02-27 23:15:56
QUOTE (Enero @ Feb 27 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since I was right to assume that Tervic is lazy and used just web-safe hexadecimal RGB values...
---> <---
---> <---
It's true, though I used because it has a prettier layout. I wasn't going to spend half an hour searching for the absolute best match >_>
Enero2009-02-27 23:21:11
QUOTE (Tervic @ Feb 27 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's true, though I used because it has a prettier layout. I wasn't going to spend half an hour searching for the absolute best match >_>
Absolutely FTW:
Click anywhere on the colour picker and find the code below!
Nyir2009-02-28 01:26:54
I already told him my perceptions, but maybe if I post them here, I can be entertained by someone's perceptions of Nyir!
From my interactions with him and watching him, Tynghall seems in some ways a contradiction. His new title (Aristocratic Druid) reflects it perfectly: he seems part city, part forest. He comes across as an intelligent character and one who wants to help and be a part of commune happenings, but at times he can also seem like an egotistical and self-interested character. He's eager, but at the same time strives to not show his eagerness through his mannerisms and speech. To me, it's almost like a kid in class who is trying very hard to not jump out of his seat while he waves his hand around to try to get the teacher's attention.
From my interactions with him and watching him, Tynghall seems in some ways a contradiction. His new title (Aristocratic Druid) reflects it perfectly: he seems part city, part forest. He comes across as an intelligent character and one who wants to help and be a part of commune happenings, but at times he can also seem like an egotistical and self-interested character. He's eager, but at the same time strives to not show his eagerness through his mannerisms and speech. To me, it's almost like a kid in class who is trying very hard to not jump out of his seat while he waves his hand around to try to get the teacher's attention.

Everiine2009-02-28 02:37:46
Less Glooms, more others! 

Nyir2009-02-28 03:00:36
QUOTE (Everiine @ Feb 28 2009, 02:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Less Glooms, more others! 

I try to interact with people from Serenwilde at times. It's just, lots of the time I'm met with "I don't want to talk to a low-life like you" or "Why would I waste words on you?"

Unknown2009-02-28 03:17:45
People don't care about me I guess. I haven't done anything notable in ages, so I don't blame them.
Casilu2009-02-28 04:10:25
QUOTE (Nyir @ Feb 27 2009, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I try to interact with people from Serenwilde at times. It's just, lots of the time I'm met with "I don't want to talk to a low-life like you" or "Why would I waste words on you?" 

I'm usually open for a conversation, so long as I'm not worried it's a trap.
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Feb 27 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People don't care about me I guess. I haven't done anything notable in ages, so I don't blame them.
Yeah, you don't even say hi to me anymore... jerk.

Unknown2009-02-28 04:20:16
QUOTE (casilu @ Feb 27 2009, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm usually open for a conversation, so long as I'm not worried it's a trap.
Yeah, you don't even say hi to me anymore... jerk.
Yeah, you don't even say hi to me anymore... jerk.

Sorry! I just didn't feel much of a conversational intrest from you!
Mirami2009-02-28 06:43:52
I really haven't RP'd much with you. We will undoubtedly, though, since you're the father (mother?) of Senna, who I'm tailoring a wedding for...
That'll be fun.
Mirami is always happy, or at least used to be. Now, she's gotten a bit less happy, and occasionally becomes a bit dark, moody, and almost angry. But she usually snaps out of it.
Also, she's smart, for a loboshigaru, but she can't concentrate too well for long periods of time, and therefore has a rather mild form of ADD.
I'm actually curious- how do other people see Mirami?
I really haven't RP'd much with you. We will undoubtedly, though, since you're the father (mother?) of Senna, who I'm tailoring a wedding for...
That'll be fun.
Mirami is always happy, or at least used to be. Now, she's gotten a bit less happy, and occasionally becomes a bit dark, moody, and almost angry. But she usually snaps out of it.
Also, she's smart, for a loboshigaru, but she can't concentrate too well for long periods of time, and therefore has a rather mild form of ADD.
I'm actually curious- how do other people see Mirami?
Everiine2009-02-28 07:16:08
QUOTE (Romertien @ Feb 28 2009, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really haven't RP'd much with you. We will undoubtedly, though, since you're the father (mother?) of Senna, who I'm tailoring a wedding for...
That'll be fun.
Mirami is always happy, or at least used to be. Now, she's gotten a bit less happy, and occasionally becomes a bit dark, moody, and almost angry. But she usually snaps out of it.
Also, she's smart, for a loboshigaru, but she can't concentrate too well for long periods of time, and therefore has a rather mild form of ADD.
I'm actually curious- how do other people see Mirami?
I really haven't RP'd much with you. We will undoubtedly, though, since you're the father (mother?) of Senna, who I'm tailoring a wedding for...
That'll be fun.
Mirami is always happy, or at least used to be. Now, she's gotten a bit less happy, and occasionally becomes a bit dark, moody, and almost angry. But she usually snaps out of it.
Also, she's smart, for a loboshigaru, but she can't concentrate too well for long periods of time, and therefore has a rather mild form of ADD.
I'm actually curious- how do other people see Mirami?
Ev sees Mirami as a genuinely friendly face in the Serenwilde. She's not one of the annoying "LOL HOW IS EVERYONE I'M GREAT WE'RE ALL GREAT YAAAAAAAAAY!"people, for which Ev is grateful. But she seems to care when she asks a question and gives the impression to Ev that she is in the role of "big sister" to many Serenwilders. Ev wishes he knew her better, but he has trouble relating to people outside of his tribe. But he is also impressed that Mirami tries hard to be involved in anything the commune is doing, whether it be teaching a novice, helping a fallen comrade, or engagin in Domoths. Should she stick around and not just fade into the woods, he hopes she'll be an honest, caring leader someday.
Saaga2009-02-28 08:23:44
Saaga wants to be colour-coded too, Tervicness! 

Tervic2009-03-02 04:39:57
QUOTE (Saaga @ Feb 28 2009, 12:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Saaga wants to be colour-coded too, Tervicness! 

Uhhh okay.... Saaga's actually less coloured and more abstract shaped, but anyways.
Monolithic steel-grey (blue?) background, gridded hexagonal rods, 30% of which taper into spikes, kind of like water crystallizing. Fluid turbidity, blue-purple obsuring. Backhand slash of ... something, not exactly a colour, right to left horizontal, and a trilobite-shaped thing in the middle.
Pretty regular and uniform, but with the occasional surprising spurt of vigor that keeps everything interesting.
Casilu2009-03-02 04:45:37
QUOTE (Tervic @ Mar 1 2009, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uhhh okay.... Saaga's actually less coloured and more abstract shaped, but anyways.
Monolithic steel-grey (blue?) background, gridded hexagonal rods, 30% of which taper into spikes, kind of like water crystallizing. Fluid turbidity, blue-purple obsuring. Backhand slash of ... something, not exactly a colour, right to left horizontal, and a trilobite-shaped thing in the middle.
Pretty regular and uniform, but with the occasional surprising spurt of vigor that keeps everything interesting.
Monolithic steel-grey (blue?) background, gridded hexagonal rods, 30% of which taper into spikes, kind of like water crystallizing. Fluid turbidity, blue-purple obsuring. Backhand slash of ... something, not exactly a colour, right to left horizontal, and a trilobite-shaped thing in the middle.
Pretty regular and uniform, but with the occasional surprising spurt of vigor that keeps everything interesting.
Jerk, I still don't get a color.
Tervic2009-03-02 21:39:43
QUOTE (casilu @ Mar 1 2009, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jerk, I still don't get a color.
No, you don't because you're mean to me. Ragh.