Unknown2009-03-02 21:41:15
QUOTE (Tervic @ Mar 2 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you don't because you're mean to me. Ragh.
Poor Casipants.
Saaga2009-03-02 22:04:13
*ward Tervic* 

Fania2009-03-03 00:49:43
QUOTE (casilu @ Mar 1 2009, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jerk, I still don't get a color.
I've always thought of Casilu as a mood ring type. So your colour would change based on your mood, the time of day, your race, and how many flowers you smell.
I'll write stuff about other people too, but Casilu needed to know her colour, and I couldn't deny her that.
Unknown2009-03-03 00:51:55
What Colour is Kial?
Unknown2009-03-03 04:01:27
I wish I could see as clearly as Tervic. I know I don't see/think people/thought in words/sounds/pictures. I don't remember people by their faces/names/actions, but rather as a sort of a ball of emotions they make me feel, with some splashes of colours and sounds and some other stuff I don't know. Sure, when I'm forced to, such as when I'm writing this post, I hear myself saying this out in my head. But before I actually take hold of what I'm thinking and try to translate it to words or pictures, it's something like Tervic's psychedelic colours. Not just colours, I get emotions and some other senses I can't tell mixed in with them. I guess when I'm 'thinking', I'm actually more feeling it. You know the phrases 'an emotion soanso never knew washed over him/her' and 'a strange and indescribable feeling'? Yeah, I experience that all the time. It makes it kinda hard for me to convey what I'm thinking/feeling, cause it's really indescribable, and unlike Tervic's mind images, there are some qualities to it that I cannot quite define.
Romero2009-03-03 05:08:26
Nariah is Romero's mentor and guildmistress having been the driving force behind alot of his behavior and ambition. Romero quickly recognized her as a strong, noble, and intelligent figure in his life when he first entered the basin at the age of 18. She was the one who set him on the path of the scholastic keepers within the Nihilists, a path that studies the history of the Basin and Magnagora. She would reward Romero for his works and saw to it that he was able to learn quite abit from her. He swore loyalty to her in the way that other Nihilists swear loyalty to the Demon Lords because he recognized that by Luciphage's will, some are destined to lead and some are destined to follow and that was his time to follow. This oath was because Romero fell in love with her and alot of this emotion effected him through the rest of his youth. At first, he measured his successes compared to Morvior (a former Warlord) by judging both might and circle against the man and when he passed him, he sought to pass Nariah herself (who has always been in the 90th circles or so). Though Nariah didn't initially seem to love or care for Romero, she always encouraged him but in his eyes, treated him less than what he would like. He could care less for the lack of affection but Nariah is so proper that even when Romero would save her life, she would act as if he needed to ask permission to do such. This drove him away and prompted alot of the anger that is present in Romero as he feels he has never really proven himself. He took up the path of a warrior because Luciphage says that we must perfect all things about ourselves in order to rule, so after his time as a scholar, he sought to join the ranks of combatants. Nariah introduced Romero to Thoros (thus making me a Jhagarian and is the sole reason for the many lolsacs and astral bashes that took place, so blame her for all those times you get pk'd) who taught him the basics of combat and brought him into Fain's order. He eventually became champion of the Nihilists and despite this ranking still felt he was not viewed well enough by Nariah and because she was still engaged to Morvoir, he continued to seek to better himself not just for her but so that he could never be viewed as beneath anyone. Being a noble within Magnagora, a general of the Midnight Legion, an established author, a Demigod, and the voice for one of the most powerful god's of the basin, Romero has done most of these deeds simply under the notion of proving himself to Nariah. Now the two are a powerful couple within Magnagora, though probably don't always agree on the issues with Romero favoring the might of fighters over the will of the nobility and as Fain's voice and with Magnagora belong to Fain, Romero is more than likely to circumvent the entire Iron Council and declare the rules as he sees them which usually makes Nariah into one of his main political opponents, though she would never show that in public.
Tervic2009-03-03 13:11:37
QUOTE (Caerulo @ Mar 2 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wish I could see as clearly as Tervic. I know I don't see/think people/thought in words/sounds/pictures. I don't remember people by their faces/names/actions, but rather as a sort of a ball of emotions they make me feel, with some splashes of colours and sounds and some other stuff I don't know. Sure, when I'm forced to, such as when I'm writing this post, I hear myself saying this out in my head. But before I actually take hold of what I'm thinking and try to translate it to words or pictures, it's something like Tervic's psychedelic colours. Not just colours, I get emotions and some other senses I can't tell mixed in with them. I guess when I'm 'thinking', I'm actually more feeling it. You know the phrases 'an emotion soanso never knew washed over him/her' and 'a strange and indescribable feeling'? Yeah, I experience that all the time. It makes it kinda hard for me to convey what I'm thinking/feeling, cause it's really indescribable, and unlike Tervic's mind images, there are some qualities to it that I cannot quite define.
You're describing my actual state of mind

Unknown2009-03-03 13:19:22
Haha, unfortunately, I can't quite translate my thoughts as well as you do, nor can I visualise it as clearly.
Seraku2009-03-03 14:34:54
Perusing the forums for a bit it looks like I needs me some more character recognition. Well here goes.
Seraku respects Kial a great deal, he's one of those few Dracnari which don't care about silly city or commune rules. He's fun to chat with, and even though he/she is a changeling genderbender now. He still is a great example of a Dracnari.
He's been Seraku's older brother-type since he went through the portal. He considers Kundu to be a bit of a bully sometimes (As most older brothers are) but still a great guy to chat with. He and Seraku have been through a great deal together, and he's decided to jump in with Janalon to try and coerce Seraku into joining Glom.
Seraku's aunt-type figure. She was one of his good friends in the ninjakari before she left for Glom, which bummed him out a bit to be honest. But he still comes to her for advice and someone to chat/drink with.
He see's Sthai as one of the prime examples of a Fainite. While Seraku isn't outwardly Fain-ish, he still is relieved to get the occasional nudge from her to get stuff done in the order. She's also fun to chat with, what few discussions they do have wound up to be rather interesting.
Another good example of a Dracnari. Seraku and he have had a few face to face discussions, but he wound up worrying about getting in trouble. Even so, they do tend to have a nice chat every now and again.
Seraku respects Kial a great deal, he's one of those few Dracnari which don't care about silly city or commune rules. He's fun to chat with, and even though he/she is a changeling genderbender now. He still is a great example of a Dracnari.
He's been Seraku's older brother-type since he went through the portal. He considers Kundu to be a bit of a bully sometimes (As most older brothers are) but still a great guy to chat with. He and Seraku have been through a great deal together, and he's decided to jump in with Janalon to try and coerce Seraku into joining Glom.
Seraku's aunt-type figure. She was one of his good friends in the ninjakari before she left for Glom, which bummed him out a bit to be honest. But he still comes to her for advice and someone to chat/drink with.
He see's Sthai as one of the prime examples of a Fainite. While Seraku isn't outwardly Fain-ish, he still is relieved to get the occasional nudge from her to get stuff done in the order. She's also fun to chat with, what few discussions they do have wound up to be rather interesting.
Another good example of a Dracnari. Seraku and he have had a few face to face discussions, but he wound up worrying about getting in trouble. Even so, they do tend to have a nice chat every now and again.
Unknown2009-03-03 18:07:29
Romero is someone Sadhyra rather admires in Magnagora. They have similar temperments: passionate, strong-headed, focused on action. She worries that he doesn't always see the big picture though, and can get caught up in personal issues - she sees him as a potential leader of Magnagora some day, so, for Glom's sake, it is something that she keeps a wary eye on.
His performance in the Ascension, essentially being the Magnagoran who stood beside the Glomdoring, both surprised and impressed her...Sadhyra had written him off as being too frustrated by things to have shown up, but not only did he put in a great effort, he led a squad of Mag fighters to help the commune. He definitely has charisma, but it can be rough at times. Over the period of time we've known each other, she's seen that smoothed and polished, and eventually, he will rise to be a strong and powerful leader, if he can tackle the, pardon the pun, inner demons. His work to gain demigod was astounding, with constant cycles to ensure he maintained karma blessings and an almost military adherence to bashing schedules - this self control is impressive, so the potential is quite evident.
His performance in the Ascension, essentially being the Magnagoran who stood beside the Glomdoring, both surprised and impressed her...Sadhyra had written him off as being too frustrated by things to have shown up, but not only did he put in a great effort, he led a squad of Mag fighters to help the commune. He definitely has charisma, but it can be rough at times. Over the period of time we've known each other, she's seen that smoothed and polished, and eventually, he will rise to be a strong and powerful leader, if he can tackle the, pardon the pun, inner demons. His work to gain demigod was astounding, with constant cycles to ensure he maintained karma blessings and an almost military adherence to bashing schedules - this self control is impressive, so the potential is quite evident.
Unknown2009-03-03 21:11:40
Alright, since I've RPed with VERY few people around here, I'm going to have to go with the one person I've had extensive contact with.
Amelie has an incredibly confusing view of Sthai. In her early days in the Cacophony, she looked up to Sthai with eyes full of childish admiration. Sthai operated in a very calm, cool, and professional manner at all times. Her artistic capabilities drove Amelie to begin experimenting with her own voice as well. What could be called 'praise' from Sthai inspired her further. Amelie took great and frivolous pride in eliciting reactions from Sthai with her more lascivious works. After all, if you can make the Aois-Dana blush, you must be doing something right.
As time passed and Amelie rose in rank in the Cacophony, her view of Sthai changed. Numerous events gave her a new impression: that Sthai was an abusive sociopath who used anyone as a plaything if it served a purpose or to amuse her. While Sthai believes there is a method to her madness (to break down a person so they may realize their full potential), Amelie believes she wants nothing more than a cadre of puppets nearly as insane as she is to do her bidding.
Deep down, Amelie still inspires to be much like Sthai, and this drive upsets her greatly. Sthai's nearly impervious exterior is something she still wishes to possess.
Amelie has an incredibly confusing view of Sthai. In her early days in the Cacophony, she looked up to Sthai with eyes full of childish admiration. Sthai operated in a very calm, cool, and professional manner at all times. Her artistic capabilities drove Amelie to begin experimenting with her own voice as well. What could be called 'praise' from Sthai inspired her further. Amelie took great and frivolous pride in eliciting reactions from Sthai with her more lascivious works. After all, if you can make the Aois-Dana blush, you must be doing something right.
As time passed and Amelie rose in rank in the Cacophony, her view of Sthai changed. Numerous events gave her a new impression: that Sthai was an abusive sociopath who used anyone as a plaything if it served a purpose or to amuse her. While Sthai believes there is a method to her madness (to break down a person so they may realize their full potential), Amelie believes she wants nothing more than a cadre of puppets nearly as insane as she is to do her bidding.
Deep down, Amelie still inspires to be much like Sthai, and this drive upsets her greatly. Sthai's nearly impervious exterior is something she still wishes to possess.
Sthai2009-03-04 00:45:25
Romero pleases and impresses Sthai with his devotion and drive. His three major accomplishments - Demigod, Champion, and Tongue of Fain, gained in quick succession, lead him to be respected and treated, for the most part, as an equal. Within the Order, he presents a flawless, and impervious exterior, making him ideal for placement within the higher ranks. His ability to both do his job with a minimum of fuss or drama, something rarely found in the Order, is highly valuable, and deeply prized.
Seraku is regarded as young and untried, albeit passionate and decorous - a potential vanguard of a new generation of hopefully more respectful youth. The few conversations Sthai has had with the dracnari have revealed a quick mind, and a less quick tongue.
Amelie provides entertainment for Sthai, much in the same way that ripping the wings off of flies amuses small boys. Their first encounter involved persuading Amelie to consume absinthe and have distressing illusions afflicted on her - further encounters, sometimes involving Incabulos, proved equally diverting. For the moment, Amelie is akin to raw material and whipping girl. Sthai has not entirely decided whether or not her student is destined for destruction or molding into something else entirely - thus, she tends to treat Amelie with alternating contempt, instruction, and complete disregard, dependent entirely on whim.
Seraku is regarded as young and untried, albeit passionate and decorous - a potential vanguard of a new generation of hopefully more respectful youth. The few conversations Sthai has had with the dracnari have revealed a quick mind, and a less quick tongue.
Amelie provides entertainment for Sthai, much in the same way that ripping the wings off of flies amuses small boys. Their first encounter involved persuading Amelie to consume absinthe and have distressing illusions afflicted on her - further encounters, sometimes involving Incabulos, proved equally diverting. For the moment, Amelie is akin to raw material and whipping girl. Sthai has not entirely decided whether or not her student is destined for destruction or molding into something else entirely - thus, she tends to treat Amelie with alternating contempt, instruction, and complete disregard, dependent entirely on whim.
Romero2009-03-04 01:38:38
Sthai was High Priestess when Romero initially joined the ranks of Fain. Romero was uncertain upon which god to seek and had initially learned about all during his studies as a Nihilist. When Fain came down and spoke to Romero directly after a raid on Celestia and blessed the young Nihilist with a truefavor, he realized that Fain was the god for him. He sought Sthai and Thoros who inducted him into the ranks. Sthai placed tasks on the young Nihilist and pushed him along and I believe found it quite humorous that Romero was intially placed as Kashchei's equal. It is with Sthai's blessing that Romero has attained his current rank as a tongue of Fain and Romero knows Sthai for the cunning political mastermind that has not only spread Fain's teachings throughout Magnagora, but has also given away her title and then retaken it within less than a year for the previous High Priestess taking the rank for granted. She is probably Fain's most favorite due to her noble and conniving manner.
Sadhyra is one of Glomdoring's strongest and most active fighters, she has presented a lack of respect to those of Magnagora at times and personifies the ideology that Glomdoring will stand on its own two feet without Magnagora's help. Romero views her as one who leads her people strongly and at times he wonders why how she has so much patience for those who are weaker or seem to fail so much. He respects her for taking on such a minor race within the forest of Glomdoring but Fain's hatred for the bugs tends to keep him on the offensive around her. Her slaying of a weak, useless ex-Nihilist prompted alot of politicking between the city and commune to which Romero laughed at, he claimed that the citizenry should make themselves more useful or learn to defend themselves if they think they can slander who they like.
Sadhyra is one of Glomdoring's strongest and most active fighters, she has presented a lack of respect to those of Magnagora at times and personifies the ideology that Glomdoring will stand on its own two feet without Magnagora's help. Romero views her as one who leads her people strongly and at times he wonders why how she has so much patience for those who are weaker or seem to fail so much. He respects her for taking on such a minor race within the forest of Glomdoring but Fain's hatred for the bugs tends to keep him on the offensive around her. Her slaying of a weak, useless ex-Nihilist prompted alot of politicking between the city and commune to which Romero laughed at, he claimed that the citizenry should make themselves more useful or learn to defend themselves if they think they can slander who they like.
Celina2009-03-04 02:37:54
QUOTE (Romero @ Mar 3 2009, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sthai was High Priestess when Romero initially joined the ranks of Fain. Romero was uncertain upon which god to seek and had initially learned about all during his studies as a Nihilist. When Fain came down and spoke to Romero directly after a raid on Celestia and blessed the young Nihilist with a truefavor, he realized that Fain was the god for him. He sought Sthai and Thoros who inducted him into the ranks. Sthai placed tasks on the young Nihilist and pushed him along and I believe found it quite humorous that Romero was intially placed as Kashchei's equal. It is with Sthai's blessing that Romero has attained his current rank as a tongue of Fain and Romero knows Sthai for the cunning political mastermind that has not only spread Fain's teachings throughout Magnagora, but has also given away her title and then retaken it within less than a year for the previous High Priestess taking the rank for granted. She is probably Fain's most favorite due to her noble and conniving manner.
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Sthai2009-03-04 02:45:29
QUOTE (Celina @ Mar 3 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Not really. I asked Fain to promote Romero when I resigned from HP; you probably requested the same thing too.
Shaddus2009-03-04 02:45:45
QUOTE (Celina @ Mar 3 2009, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Unknown2009-03-04 04:03:43
What I think people look like:
Saaga: A large blue snout that talks to people and is alot smarter than I am.
Shaddus: An animal that's sort of like a moose without antlers wearing a purple and red crown with bells on it.
Sthai: Like spaghetti noodles, but full of knitting needles and little bottles of purple stuff.
Celina: Two headed dark green parrot looking thing in a suit of lead armour with a frilly black dress.
Romero: Tall, sort of like a playdough statue full of centipedes.
Amelie: A person with red & green face paint sitting on an upholstered triclinia.
Tervic: A bouncing outline that's sort of shiny and pointy.
Casilu: A lilly with drunken glow worms hanging off of it.
Saaga: A large blue snout that talks to people and is alot smarter than I am.
Shaddus: An animal that's sort of like a moose without antlers wearing a purple and red crown with bells on it.
Sthai: Like spaghetti noodles, but full of knitting needles and little bottles of purple stuff.
Celina: Two headed dark green parrot looking thing in a suit of lead armour with a frilly black dress.
Romero: Tall, sort of like a playdough statue full of centipedes.
Amelie: A person with red & green face paint sitting on an upholstered triclinia.
Tervic: A bouncing outline that's sort of shiny and pointy.
Casilu: A lilly with drunken glow worms hanging off of it.
Sidd2009-03-04 06:10:56
I'd be interested to see what people think from me, it will be mostly Gloms, since I don't interact much with others orgs but there might be a few
Romero2009-03-04 09:28:45
QUOTE (Celina @ Mar 3 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Someone got their High Priestesses mixed up.
Nah, Sthai was the initial high priestess when I first joined is what I was saying, Celi. You were the one who told Fain to give me Tongue.
Unknown2009-03-04 16:50:12
@ Romero - ha, I am curious what all went on in Mag after Vena's death. Glom got a rather angry letter, and then silence.