Casilu2008-08-27 04:02:06
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 26 2008, 07:54 PM) 550557
Now *here's* someone I can really comment on!
Myrkr loves Casilu deeply, as she is Myrkr's most favorite cousin. After the death of Arukashi and Ahnn, and the vanishing of Cappen, Casilu was the only one related to Myrkr who made her feel like there was something to family. Even after their numerous awkward encounters and Myrkr getting killed by Casilu, Myrkr still loved Casilu to bits. Myrkr isn't sure how she feels about Illithoid, but, she knows she loves her cousin. Casilu is a very good ear (no mass-telling her with sob stories!) and a much deeper character than she lets on. Also, she has awesome (albeit painful) jokes. And she's an uber-fun hunting buddy. If Casilu feels you're very important to her, she does tend to get a bit on the clingy side, though! (Casilu, see: Kelysa vs. Casilu for time-spending with Myrkr)
Myrkr loves Casilu deeply, as she is Myrkr's most favorite cousin. After the death of Arukashi and Ahnn, and the vanishing of Cappen, Casilu was the only one related to Myrkr who made her feel like there was something to family. Even after their numerous awkward encounters and Myrkr getting killed by Casilu, Myrkr still loved Casilu to bits. Myrkr isn't sure how she feels about Illithoid, but, she knows she loves her cousin. Casilu is a very good ear (no mass-telling her with sob stories!) and a much deeper character than she lets on. Also, she has awesome (albeit painful) jokes. And she's an uber-fun hunting buddy. If Casilu feels you're very important to her, she does tend to get a bit on the clingy side, though! (Casilu, see: Kelysa vs. Casilu for time-spending with Myrkr)
You, thankfully, didn't mention the time Casilu stalked Myrkr around the Undervault and kissed her. Thankfully.
Unknown2008-08-27 04:07:32
QUOTE(casilu @ Aug 27 2008, 12:02 AM) 550578
You, thankfully, didn't mention the time Casilu stalked Myrkr around the Undervault and kissed her. Thankfully.
That one was all you.

Unknown2008-08-27 04:23:11
Covering both Myrkr and Casilu (since you two are hoarding the thread to yourselves):
Even though she was Ahnn's(?) child, Denust has never really known Myrkr very well. The only impression he has of her is/was the post in the clan news. He doesn't feel it's enough to make a judgment of her, so he remains neutral.
Denust has always thought of Casilu as being very energetic and just a little childlike, in both a good and bad way, but having secretly spied upon her once when Belloc was chastising her in the Dekoven manse (via PortraitReading
), he's also been very concerned for her. She also confuses him, because he's always been one for loyalty and she's come across as too flighty - he can't understand why she never really stayed put. At the same time, she's always given him the impression that she doesn't feel she belongs anywhere. He's been a little edgy about her because she isn't a Dekoven any more, but it's not outright mistrust. The Illithoid thing was a real red flag, though.
Even though she was Ahnn's(?) child, Denust has never really known Myrkr very well. The only impression he has of her is/was the post in the clan news. He doesn't feel it's enough to make a judgment of her, so he remains neutral.
Denust has always thought of Casilu as being very energetic and just a little childlike, in both a good and bad way, but having secretly spied upon her once when Belloc was chastising her in the Dekoven manse (via PortraitReading

Aison2008-08-27 05:42:49
I'mma do Synl since he's the only person so far I've ever encountered.
Back when he was an alchemist, way long ago, interactions with him were always pleasant. He was very foreign and the first Glom I ever came into contact with, and his weird greetings and mannerisms were very different compared to Celest culture. Overall I was always impressed by his character, who seemed to always be in control as well as very mysterious.
He's a butthead on forums though.
Back when he was an alchemist, way long ago, interactions with him were always pleasant. He was very foreign and the first Glom I ever came into contact with, and his weird greetings and mannerisms were very different compared to Celest culture. Overall I was always impressed by his character, who seemed to always be in control as well as very mysterious.
He's a butthead on forums though.

Jigan2008-08-27 05:52:23
Aison comes across as stern, but nice when you can corner her with something she wants, like designs. But pretty decent. When she's on task, as in princess, she does what she needs to and damn the consequences. Pretty fun when you can get her in one spot. But bothersome when she wants you dead. 

Unknown2008-08-27 05:55:42
I was gonna do Aison! Well, seeing as we aren't going in order I'll still go anyway 
Aison comes off as someone who knows what they want and what they need to do to get there. Very determined, sets her expectations high, and does come off as stern at times but I think when you've been allowed to get to know her better she's just as friendly and bubbly as she is serious. But lately she hasn't been responding to my tells

Aison comes off as someone who knows what they want and what they need to do to get there. Very determined, sets her expectations high, and does come off as stern at times but I think when you've been allowed to get to know her better she's just as friendly and bubbly as she is serious. But lately she hasn't been responding to my tells

Unknown2008-08-27 06:14:50
Since I haven't met Wuylinfe, I'mma gonna do Jigan.
He is awesome. Borderline OOC, but still keeping it good. He's fun and while I BARELY have time to be online, I've enjoyed every aspect of what I've seen. He's like Revan in terms of craziness with some Arix in terms of silliness, yet I believe he has managed to keep it serious, srsly.
Now, someone should do me
((yes, innuendo))
He is awesome. Borderline OOC, but still keeping it good. He's fun and while I BARELY have time to be online, I've enjoyed every aspect of what I've seen. He's like Revan in terms of craziness with some Arix in terms of silliness, yet I believe he has managed to keep it serious, srsly.
Now, someone should do me

((yes, innuendo))
Aison2008-08-27 06:17:19
QUOTE(Shou @ Aug 26 2008, 10:55 PM) 550609
I was gonna do Aison! Well, seeing as we aren't going in order I'll still go anyway 
Aison comes off as someone who knows what they want and what they need to do to get there. Very determined, sets her expectations high, and does come off as stern at times but I think when you've been allowed to get to know her better she's just as friendly and bubbly as she is serious. But lately she hasn't been responding to my tells

Aison comes off as someone who knows what they want and what they need to do to get there. Very determined, sets her expectations high, and does come off as stern at times but I think when you've been allowed to get to know her better she's just as friendly and bubbly as she is serious. But lately she hasn't been responding to my tells

I was asleep... >.> you should log in now!!

p.s. haven't met Orti in game, outside of killing from Celestia raids or whatever.
Unknown2008-08-27 06:21:06
QUOTE(Aison @ Aug 27 2008, 01:17 AM) 550613
I was asleep... >.> you should log in now!!
on Jigan and Wuy.
p.s. haven't met Orti in game, outside of killing from Celestia raids or whatever.

p.s. haven't met Orti in game, outside of killing from Celestia raids or whatever.
if you had been more active when I was a Celestian (lol Prince Shamarah) or maybe a Serenwilder (lol Charune), you could've gotten some good Orti action

Although, you could bribe me and you could have the barely active Orti

Unknown2008-08-27 06:39:28
It made Denust so sad when you left Celest (same as when Noola went), he actually pined for his favorite uncle for a few weeks. In the manse, anyway. He's been concocting all sorts of schemes to get Jigan back to Celest, most of them involving illusions of an exposive nature, even though he figures most don't have a chance of working (and they probably won't, because ultimately the player will decide where his/her character goes). But it especially hurt that he left shortly after becoming part of the family, and Denust was all set up to try to get to know him better.

It made Denust so sad when you left Celest (same as when Noola went), he actually pined for his favorite uncle for a few weeks. In the manse, anyway. He's been concocting all sorts of schemes to get Jigan back to Celest, most of them involving illusions of an exposive nature, even though he figures most don't have a chance of working (and they probably won't, because ultimately the player will decide where his/her character goes). But it especially hurt that he left shortly after becoming part of the family, and Denust was all set up to try to get to know him better.

Shaddus2008-08-27 09:40:22
A few lines about the past few people:
Casilu is a good friend, to almost anyone who knows her. I would do pretty much anything for Cas, besides betray city/guild. If she needs something, she knows all she has to do is come to me. Period.
Myrkr is awesome, dunno why she would think I would abandon going hunting with her. Maybe I had to leave? Dunno. When seren gives up this retarded war, I'll take her to kill gorgogs.
Aison, though we don't seem to get along IC OR OOC, is a decent person. IC she takes herself too seriously, and needs to breathe deeply. She seems to work her rump off for those under her, and around her. Wish we hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot, but hey, it happens.
Don't really know Denust that well, nor do I hang around Ashteru or Synl very often, though I gave Ashteru a cube for his guild shop, and a few masks when the Nekotai started. He seems to be pretty kickass.
Oh, and Jigan? Jigan is the
. If I could afford it,I would go Geo just to work with him more, he seems to lighten the mood around anything he does.
Casilu is a good friend, to almost anyone who knows her. I would do pretty much anything for Cas, besides betray city/guild. If she needs something, she knows all she has to do is come to me. Period.
Myrkr is awesome, dunno why she would think I would abandon going hunting with her. Maybe I had to leave? Dunno. When seren gives up this retarded war, I'll take her to kill gorgogs.

Aison, though we don't seem to get along IC OR OOC, is a decent person. IC she takes herself too seriously, and needs to breathe deeply. She seems to work her rump off for those under her, and around her. Wish we hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot, but hey, it happens.
Don't really know Denust that well, nor do I hang around Ashteru or Synl very often, though I gave Ashteru a cube for his guild shop, and a few masks when the Nekotai started. He seems to be pretty kickass.
Oh, and Jigan? Jigan is the

Saran2008-08-27 10:57:18
Shaddus... one of "those" mes'ard. Always trying to butt in to my precioussss cartel
Tervic2008-08-27 12:40:22
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 27 2008, 02:40 AM) 550646
Oh, and Jigan? Jigan is the
. If I could afford it,I would go Geo just to work with him more, he seems to lighten the mood around anything he does.

Valarien2008-08-27 12:47:44
Tervic? Tervic is crazy. Like, nuts. From Val's standpoint, has a strong sense of duty and responsibility as well. Still crazy, though, and prone to bouts of insane hyperactivity.
Val should talk to him more!
Val should talk to him more!
Emar2008-08-27 15:25:56
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist (and I picked n' mixed, too!)
Though Emar only interacted with her the once, it's all the time he needed to get to know Aison. He disliked what he percieved as aloofness, but found her complete innocence fascinating, as was her passionate dislike for the Taint (no duh). Would have loved to interact more, but was fun all the same.
Emar has only one actual nemesis, and that is Sthai. A cunning woman with an intelligence that could cut rock, she knows how to get things and how to manipulate people, and seemingly loves every moment of it. Emar despises her as the antithesis of Glomdoring's teachings, and for representing a God that he truly and utterly hates. Though he dislikes her, he secretly enjoys their war of words and verbal sparring.
Ah, Somaria. A person who desperately wants to be released from the grip of Fain, but flails in a maze of her own design and her own undoing. She is intelligent, but due to her Fainite ways seemingly revels in manipulation even though it typically arises to drown her. Despite this, after the Fainite affair with Celina in the forest, Emar looks at her in an almost fatherly-like way, and wishes that she would gather the strength to cut Fain and his followers away for good.
Rhaena, Emar's beloved daughter. He mourns for her weakness and fickleness in falling to what he percieves as the falseness of Magnagora and the d'Murani, but he is confident that one day she will return to her home, the Glomdoring.
And while I'm at it; Celina. Emar knows there was only one victim truly in the whole Fainite affair, and that was Celina herself. Emar admired Celina's conviction, strength and determination in the Blacktalon, even if her cold attitude alienated some of her guildmates. Unfortunately he knew he had to remove her to sufficiently cut the ties of Fain from the forest (if only temporarily) and win the battle (if not the war) against Sthai. He knows (or believes) however that the seeds of the Wyrd from her time in the Blacktalon are embedded now in her, and hopes that perhaps one day she will see through the fickle nature of her god realise the strength and beauty found in the Glomdoring once more.
Oh, and Synl. A quiet guy, though do not mistake this for aloofness or inaction. Clearly a keen and dark intellect, and I just wish I could have interacted with him more, particularly with regards to Nocht's Order.
All in all, fun people! And good RPers.
Though Emar only interacted with her the once, it's all the time he needed to get to know Aison. He disliked what he percieved as aloofness, but found her complete innocence fascinating, as was her passionate dislike for the Taint (no duh). Would have loved to interact more, but was fun all the same.
Emar has only one actual nemesis, and that is Sthai. A cunning woman with an intelligence that could cut rock, she knows how to get things and how to manipulate people, and seemingly loves every moment of it. Emar despises her as the antithesis of Glomdoring's teachings, and for representing a God that he truly and utterly hates. Though he dislikes her, he secretly enjoys their war of words and verbal sparring.
Ah, Somaria. A person who desperately wants to be released from the grip of Fain, but flails in a maze of her own design and her own undoing. She is intelligent, but due to her Fainite ways seemingly revels in manipulation even though it typically arises to drown her. Despite this, after the Fainite affair with Celina in the forest, Emar looks at her in an almost fatherly-like way, and wishes that she would gather the strength to cut Fain and his followers away for good.
Rhaena, Emar's beloved daughter. He mourns for her weakness and fickleness in falling to what he percieves as the falseness of Magnagora and the d'Murani, but he is confident that one day she will return to her home, the Glomdoring.
And while I'm at it; Celina. Emar knows there was only one victim truly in the whole Fainite affair, and that was Celina herself. Emar admired Celina's conviction, strength and determination in the Blacktalon, even if her cold attitude alienated some of her guildmates. Unfortunately he knew he had to remove her to sufficiently cut the ties of Fain from the forest (if only temporarily) and win the battle (if not the war) against Sthai. He knows (or believes) however that the seeds of the Wyrd from her time in the Blacktalon are embedded now in her, and hopes that perhaps one day she will see through the fickle nature of her god realise the strength and beauty found in the Glomdoring once more.
Oh, and Synl. A quiet guy, though do not mistake this for aloofness or inaction. Clearly a keen and dark intellect, and I just wish I could have interacted with him more, particularly with regards to Nocht's Order.
All in all, fun people! And good RPers.
Diamondais2008-08-27 15:31:25
I like Emar's character, he's usually always so chill and into certain types of manipulation and intrigue it can be really fun. He's been a wonderful ally for Dylara through the times they've both been GM at the same time, just right now the same things are driving me insane but he's still so nice about things in the end.
Exeryte2008-08-27 16:26:41
Dylara seems reluctant to be a guildmaster at times and appears to be attached to Moon and Stag, which bothers him at times. Overall though, she's a great wife and is a welcomed addition to the guild. She knows all about being a guildmaster and, as a continuously active leader, is one of the best things to happen to the Ebonguard. 

Bael2008-08-27 16:44:58
I haven't seen Astraea for a while since she was Shadowdancer GM, but she's come back and I haven't had much of a chance to intereact with her recently, so I'll base this off what I remember from way back when. 
Astraea is quiet and thoughtful- she was usually lost in her thoughts, so when I ask her questions it took a while before she answers. She's somewhat shy which translates to unapproachable to some, but once you get to know her she talks a lot
Her RP mainly revolves around worshipping Mother Night, who she's completely devoted too. She's smarter than I am, so I don't get in a lot of arguments with her. And she's like a permanent fixture in the SDs (like that painting that's always been in the room
And Exeryte.
Exeryte is (and has been) a forger for a long as I can remember, which is his life. He's also a hunter and an excellent husband, even though he eats too much and has gotten lazy and fat. And he owes me hammers.
Guess I'm on the chopping block now. :suicide:

Astraea is quiet and thoughtful- she was usually lost in her thoughts, so when I ask her questions it took a while before she answers. She's somewhat shy which translates to unapproachable to some, but once you get to know her she talks a lot

Her RP mainly revolves around worshipping Mother Night, who she's completely devoted too. She's smarter than I am, so I don't get in a lot of arguments with her. And she's like a permanent fixture in the SDs (like that painting that's always been in the room

And Exeryte.
Exeryte is (and has been) a forger for a long as I can remember, which is his life. He's also a hunter and an excellent husband, even though he eats too much and has gotten lazy and fat. And he owes me hammers.

Guess I'm on the chopping block now. :suicide:
Krackenor2008-08-27 17:03:35
Krackenor hates Emar, even though the two have never met. His marriage to Ashai came as a complete surprise and that, compounded with the fact that Krackenor and Ashai are not on very good terms right now fed the irrational hatred. For that matter, Krackenor distrusts Rhaena, Nyir and Yamori too, primarily for the same reasons.
Krackenor hates Emar, even though the two have never met. His marriage to Ashai came as a complete surprise and that, compounded with the fact that Krackenor and Ashai are not on very good terms right now fed the irrational hatred. For that matter, Krackenor distrusts Rhaena, Nyir and Yamori too, primarily for the same reasons.
Shishi2008-08-27 17:41:32
I'll do a few I actually have things to say about.
Casilu is the crazy traitor mother in law to Daem who demands grandchildren is very odd to him. He doesn't understand why she wants grandkids and he doesn't have any intention to produce any at the moment. Still she pesters him from time to time even if I ignore it because I'm bashing. >.>
Myrkr is highly energetic and really interesting to be around her being so small is really a change and having some conversations with her trying to convince her to come to Glomdoring was a lot of fun for me. I'm sad she didn't, my fault for not following through on it. I haven't tried since Maylea came (I haven't really been here)
Ashteru is Daem's father, and really the only interaction I've had with him RP'd is when he asked Daem what Arkzrael likes a long time ago.
Veyda is the crazy half brother who bugs has bugged his kids to fatten up and get married. He cares a lot about the d'Illici and how we look. He's the reason Daem is so family oriented, one particular time where they tried to save Rutharr from being attacked even though he was a Seren. Awesome.
Astraea was the closet faelover like Daem until she made that little rite that ruined it all. Now Daem thinks of her as a traitor but still respects her and sort of likes her, she honoured him afterall.
Exeryte is Shishi's oldest active friend and is just sort of wierd sometimes, have to love his puns though.
Dylara is cool end of story.
Casilu is the crazy traitor mother in law to Daem who demands grandchildren is very odd to him. He doesn't understand why she wants grandkids and he doesn't have any intention to produce any at the moment. Still she pesters him from time to time even if I ignore it because I'm bashing. >.>
Myrkr is highly energetic and really interesting to be around her being so small is really a change and having some conversations with her trying to convince her to come to Glomdoring was a lot of fun for me. I'm sad she didn't, my fault for not following through on it. I haven't tried since Maylea came (I haven't really been here)
Ashteru is Daem's father, and really the only interaction I've had with him RP'd is when he asked Daem what Arkzrael likes a long time ago.
Veyda is the crazy half brother who bugs has bugged his kids to fatten up and get married. He cares a lot about the d'Illici and how we look. He's the reason Daem is so family oriented, one particular time where they tried to save Rutharr from being attacked even though he was a Seren. Awesome.
Astraea was the closet faelover like Daem until she made that little rite that ruined it all. Now Daem thinks of her as a traitor but still respects her and sort of likes her, she honoured him afterall.
Exeryte is Shishi's oldest active friend and is just sort of wierd sometimes, have to love his puns though.
Dylara is cool end of story.