Snaithy2009-09-08 10:56:37
QUOTE (Kante @ Sep 8 2009, 02:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tynghall despises Snaithy for bringing Dekovens into the Glomdoring, and marrying his former fiance Shiawase.
Heh never realised that.
Snaithy actually really likes Tynghall, having first met him in the Ur'guard, and although they went their seperate ways, he kept tracks on how he was doing and the status changes in his life. He has also heard a lot about the passion Tynghall has to his guild and commune and respects that a lot.
Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Kante2009-09-08 11:12:59
QUOTE (Snaithy @ Sep 8 2009, 06:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heh never realised that.
Snaithy actually really likes Tynghall, having first met him in the Ur'guard, and although they went their seperate ways, he kept tracks on how he was doing and the status changes in his life. He has also heard a lot about the passion Tynghall has to his guild and commune and respects that a lot.
Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Snaithy actually really likes Tynghall, having first met him in the Ur'guard, and although they went their seperate ways, he kept tracks on how he was doing and the status changes in his life. He has also heard a lot about the passion Tynghall has to his guild and commune and respects that a lot.
Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Tyngh may dislike non-Glomdorians, but he is generally polite and respectful when it comes to dealing with them. He holds discipline in the highest regard, and views etiquette as falling under that category.
Sthai2009-09-08 14:26:39
Rancoura is like Sthai? We should talk.
Sthai2009-09-08 14:29:48
Tynghall has potential. Sthai is amused and pleased that there seems to be a "young one" with proper manners and the drive to improve themselves. Although Tynghall is currently in the Glomdoring, she sees him as an instrument, and an apt student if cultivated. After all, the war can't last forever... and there's still a debt owed. She can wait.
Jigan is amusing and dangerous by turns. Both absolutely crazy and effective when he chooses to be, he is a useful contact in Magnagora, as well as a fellow Bookbinder. Sthai approves of his drive to succeed, but is critical of his tendency to lose track of the plot in favor of exceedingly random ideas. More disturbing is Jigan's tendency to become sane without warning - it surfaces rarely, but seldom bodes well for the focus of his attention.
Jigan is amusing and dangerous by turns. Both absolutely crazy and effective when he chooses to be, he is a useful contact in Magnagora, as well as a fellow Bookbinder. Sthai approves of his drive to succeed, but is critical of his tendency to lose track of the plot in favor of exceedingly random ideas. More disturbing is Jigan's tendency to become sane without warning - it surfaces rarely, but seldom bodes well for the focus of his attention.
Ashteru2009-09-08 16:33:13
QUOTE (Morvior @ Sep 7 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ashteru - Cause the only time I've ever met him was in Fain's temple when I had to talk terms with him, and I had a lot of fun doing it. He managed to play it off that Ashteru's a lot smarter than the big.. Whateveryoucallitrace he was. I remember he looked big and hulking, though. Still. Looked cool to me, imo, and played off the arguing over the terms and conditions of the deal very well, which was important and made a great impression on Morvior, who is a backstabbing little twisted sod, and appealed to his nature, Morvior wouldn't mind meeting Ashteru again sometime, just to see if he's become twisted any. Overall, gg.
Are you playing again? Interesting. :>
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Sep 7 2009, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sniffle, miss Ashteru. 

Who doesn't? Cool chap I heard, both IC and OOC. Damn sexy too!
Rancoura2009-09-08 17:53:49
QUOTE (Sthai @ Sep 8 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rancoura is like Sthai? We should talk.

Astraea2009-09-08 20:38:19
Astraea views Rancoura as an abominable mistake that she allowed to get close enough to actually wound her. She views Rancoura as a political whore that is obsessed with overarching imagery in her titles, an unceasing predilection for rigid etiquette, and families of prominence. Astraea is quite upset that Rancoura had the gall to divorce her, considering Astraea stood by her for years when Rancoura was out-of-touch, and considers almost all future actions in regards to how angry they might make Rancoura. Astraea is dedicated to being a better, more devout Order Head than Rancoura, and considers the order channel a staging ground for barbed conversation and passive aggressive wit. Astraea is also currently attempting to alienate Rancoura's children from her, because of her failure to be faithful in her vows to the family. Astraea is pretty much committed to running a one woman war against Rancoura, with defeat not on the table.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
Whut! Nightshade plague??
Astraea thinks Celina is a clumsy power grubber, and did the Glom equivalent of an lol when Celina asked for Nienla's hand in marriage many years ago. Astraea thinks there is a right way and a wrong way to go about getting prestige, and believes Celina consistently picks the fastest, wrong way. Astraea looks down on Celina as a d'Murani hack trying to make it in Glom, but is impressed at Celina's actual accomplishments while here and to be honest, can't really be prejudiced against Celina, not because she couldn't find a reason, but because she has bigger fish to fry. (Rancoura.)
Astraea likes the hell out of Nicholo, and thinks he's goofy and fun, though god, she'd never say that.
Astraea also really likes Alacardael, he was one of the first to marry into the Nightshade and he's gained Astraea's complete trust to the point where his faults are glossed over or blissfully ignored by her. She tried really hard to see Alacardael reach a place he could be proud of, and is glad to see that he is Prince of Shadows--Even if she couldn't be a Shadowdancer to see it.
Ishant is the prodigal son, to Astraea. He kept the Nightshade afloat when it was just a few people big, and he took over for Astraea when it came to guiding the family in her absence. He is a capable leader, and a good person to plot with, which is one of Astraea's favorite things to do with Ishant. Astraea may find his choice in spouses weird, but its nothing she can't overlook. Especially since Reiha has proved nicely fertile.
Nienla is seen by Astraea as one of the strongest most capable people in Glomdoring, let alone the Nightshade, and Astraea would trust Nienla with her life and the Nightshade, that being said, Nienla has always seemed a little separatist in attitude, especially in keeping amicable relations with Rancoura. It makes Astraea worried, but Nienla has never failed Astraea, so, its best that she keep quiet about it.
Astraea finds Evaine really dedicated, and though they only speak a bit, she feels as though she can count on Evaine if she needs to. Astraea also feels really guilty that it is taking so long to make Evaine a Nightshade. Also, Evaine seems really cool and composed to Astraea.
Lastly, Astraea really, randomly, likes Tau and Janalon. She thinks they do good with the Nekotai, and is glad that they let her help out, and also work out her unhealthy obsession with Grandmother Scorpion at the same time.
Hoo boy, that was fun.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
Rancoura reminds Celina of Sthai in many ways, and as both a member of the Nighshade plague (or former) and uncomfortably familiar, Celina does not look upon her favorably. She was someone who just got in the way of personal progress.
Whut! Nightshade plague??
Astraea thinks Celina is a clumsy power grubber, and did the Glom equivalent of an lol when Celina asked for Nienla's hand in marriage many years ago. Astraea thinks there is a right way and a wrong way to go about getting prestige, and believes Celina consistently picks the fastest, wrong way. Astraea looks down on Celina as a d'Murani hack trying to make it in Glom, but is impressed at Celina's actual accomplishments while here and to be honest, can't really be prejudiced against Celina, not because she couldn't find a reason, but because she has bigger fish to fry. (Rancoura.)
Astraea likes the hell out of Nicholo, and thinks he's goofy and fun, though god, she'd never say that.
Astraea also really likes Alacardael, he was one of the first to marry into the Nightshade and he's gained Astraea's complete trust to the point where his faults are glossed over or blissfully ignored by her. She tried really hard to see Alacardael reach a place he could be proud of, and is glad to see that he is Prince of Shadows--Even if she couldn't be a Shadowdancer to see it.
Ishant is the prodigal son, to Astraea. He kept the Nightshade afloat when it was just a few people big, and he took over for Astraea when it came to guiding the family in her absence. He is a capable leader, and a good person to plot with, which is one of Astraea's favorite things to do with Ishant. Astraea may find his choice in spouses weird, but its nothing she can't overlook. Especially since Reiha has proved nicely fertile.
Nienla is seen by Astraea as one of the strongest most capable people in Glomdoring, let alone the Nightshade, and Astraea would trust Nienla with her life and the Nightshade, that being said, Nienla has always seemed a little separatist in attitude, especially in keeping amicable relations with Rancoura. It makes Astraea worried, but Nienla has never failed Astraea, so, its best that she keep quiet about it.
Astraea finds Evaine really dedicated, and though they only speak a bit, she feels as though she can count on Evaine if she needs to. Astraea also feels really guilty that it is taking so long to make Evaine a Nightshade. Also, Evaine seems really cool and composed to Astraea.
Lastly, Astraea really, randomly, likes Tau and Janalon. She thinks they do good with the Nekotai, and is glad that they let her help out, and also work out her unhealthy obsession with Grandmother Scorpion at the same time.
Hoo boy, that was fun.
Rancoura2009-09-08 21:47:12
QUOTE (Astraea @ Sep 8 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Astraea views Rancoura as an abominable mistake that she allowed to get close enough to actually wound her. She views Rancoura as a political whore that is obsessed with overarching imagery in her titles, an unceasing predilection for rigid etiquette, and families of prominence. Astraea is quite upset that Rancoura had the gall to divorce her, considering Astraea stood by her for years when Rancoura was out-of-touch, and considers almost all future actions in regards to how angry they might make Rancoura. Astraea is dedicated to being a better, more devout Order Head than Rancoura, and considers the order channel a staging ground for barbed conversation and passive aggressive wit. Astraea is also currently attempting to alienate Rancoura's children from her, because of her failure to be faithful in her vows to the family. Astraea is pretty much committed to running a one woman war against Rancoura, with defeat not on the table.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
I was waiting for that. Abuse!
While I enjoy Astraea OOCly as well, Rancoura views her, at the moment, as childish, acting with a petty lash-out rage like a child crying because she fell and scratched her knee and hitting the hand that helps her up. She once looked up to Astraea as something as an idol, acting towards her with tremendous amounts of respect and feeling honoured to served beside her. Since Rancoura lost her memories, however, she barely remembers how close she and the former Queen used to be; now, all she has is an objective view of how Astraea once was, and a subjective view of the very, -very- angry and vengeful Astraea that now is. At the moment, she's torn in regards to feelings of Astraea. She's angry with her at what she views to be a ridiculous tantrum (but one that is potentially lethal all the same), but she also wants Astraea to... not be angry with her. Yet, at the moment, she merely sees Astraea as a nuisance.
Edit: Rancoura also takes care not to act in retaliation against Astraea aside from speaking to her directly, seeing herself above such "games". She's intent on making this a one-sided "war", and rather hoping that Astraea will come to her senses, or that someone else will convince her that she's just disgracing herself.
Edit #2: In addition to not wanting unpleasant feelings between the two women to be a public matter.
But, much <3 for the OOC Astraea.
Unknown2009-09-08 22:05:39
Ried is both intimidated by and incredibly grateful to Astraea. When she was but a wee novice, Astraea was some far-off idol placed on the same pedestal as Synl, Ashai, Emar, and Xenthos. She was a commanding force. Ried's first real interactions with Astraea happened during her time in Serenwilde, and managed to gain the Order Head's trust (she hoped). Upon her return to Glomdoring, she found Astraea by her side as a fellow druid and supporter in her run for guildmaster. Since Astraea left for the Nekotai, Ried has not had much interaction with her, but continues to view Astraea and the Nightshade family in a favorable light, despite historic family squabbles.
Celina2009-09-08 22:43:42
Astraea reminds Celina of the past in Magnagora she left behind. Privileged nobility and powerful families always politicking and trying to get a leg up on their opposition. In the past, Celina would have clashed heavily with Astraea for many of the same reason she clashed with Sthai or Jigan, and she's not certain if she would have come out on top or not. Essentially, Celina finds Astraea powerful yet predictable. Someone to keep an eye on for the influence she possesses, influence that could potentially get in the way of Celina's progress, but remarkably similar to Fainites she spent decades dealing with. For the most part, Celina views the Nightshades as a barrier she'd rather circumvent than compete with.
Astraea reminds Celina of the past in Magnagora she left behind. Privileged nobility and powerful families always politicking and trying to get a leg up on their opposition. In the past, Celina would have clashed heavily with Astraea for many of the same reason she clashed with Sthai or Jigan, and she's not certain if she would have come out on top or not. Essentially, Celina finds Astraea powerful yet predictable. Someone to keep an eye on for the influence she possesses, influence that could potentially get in the way of Celina's progress, but remarkably similar to Fainites she spent decades dealing with. For the most part, Celina views the Nightshades as a barrier she'd rather circumvent than compete with.
Aerotan2009-09-08 23:42:55
QUOTE (Kante @ Sep 7 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ha, I wish Tyngh had that effect on someone here and there.
Actually, one of the EG novices...well, not a novice anymore, but still. A young EG actually looks up to Tynghall a bit, since the gift of a pair of clubs helped him get started.
Unknown2009-09-09 01:04:07
QUOTE (Aerotan @ Sep 8 2009, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, one of the EG novices...well, not a novice anymore, but still. A young EG actually looks up to Tynghall a bit, since the gift of a pair of clubs helped him get started.
Kialkarkea is amused by Astraea. Though he's never meaningfully interacted with her, he often hears about her in his circles, often from terrified underlings, which leaves him with both a begrudging respect for her as someone capable enough of domination to induce such fear, and mild scorn at the "abused".
He however, despises Celina, not due to any personal offense, but simply because being the quiet soul that he has become, her noisy self is offensive.
Syridean is just that silly boy that could never get around to sticking a ring on Garick's finger.
Parabollus2009-09-09 02:08:48
Ooh, I wonder what people think of my Mag alt Kilson? Kilson has some impressions of some of the Ninjakari...
Shaddus appears to Kilson to be one of those stereotypical "tough-but-caring" teachers of the Ninjakari. Sometimes Kilson has a bit of trouble discerning if Shaddus is truly angry towards Kilson or not, but knows in the end Shaddus at least has the best interests of the novice Ninjakari at long as said novices are doing their absolute best. Which is what Kilson aims to do anyway.
Seraku is an awesome father (well, father-to-be, anyway, I still gotta get the requisite hours and levels to be considered) to Kilson...which, while Kilson definitely appreciates that, still sparks a little worry in him. Mainly because Seraku is also a Sohei in the Ninjakari, and Kilson doesn't want to be accused of favoritism. Kilson wouldn't have any other father in the world, however.
Shaddus appears to Kilson to be one of those stereotypical "tough-but-caring" teachers of the Ninjakari. Sometimes Kilson has a bit of trouble discerning if Shaddus is truly angry towards Kilson or not, but knows in the end Shaddus at least has the best interests of the novice Ninjakari at long as said novices are doing their absolute best. Which is what Kilson aims to do anyway.
Seraku is an awesome father (well, father-to-be, anyway, I still gotta get the requisite hours and levels to be considered) to Kilson...which, while Kilson definitely appreciates that, still sparks a little worry in him. Mainly because Seraku is also a Sohei in the Ninjakari, and Kilson doesn't want to be accused of favoritism. Kilson wouldn't have any other father in the world, however.
Aerotan2009-09-09 02:41:21
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Sep 8 2009, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kialkarkea is amused by Astraea. Though he's never meaningfully interacted with her, he often hears about her in his circles, often from terrified underlings, which leaves him with both a begrudging respect for her as someone capable enough of domination to induce such fear, and mild scorn at the "abused".
He however, despises Celina, not due to any personal offense, but simply because being the quiet soul that he has become, her noisy self is offensive.
Syridean is just that silly boy that could never get around to sticking a ring on Garick's finger.
He however, despises Celina, not due to any personal offense, but simply because being the quiet soul that he has become, her noisy self is offensive.
Syridean is just that silly boy that could never get around to sticking a ring on Garick's finger.
Syridean actually doesn't remember much about Kialkarkea and actually assumes he's just sleeping rather than left Celest. What he does recall is that he saw Kialkarkea as a very loyal person.
He too bears a grudging respect for Astrea Nightshade, if through reputation alone. Something he rarely affords those in the Glomdoring.
Likewise to Celina, whose mastery over her demesne as a geomancer, like any geomancer known for raiding, both annoys and impresses Syridean. As yet, he doesn't know she's changed allegiances.
That...actually seems to be rather common for the spotcat...
Unknown2009-09-09 09:21:30
QUOTE (Astraea @ Sep 9 2009, 04:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Astraea views Rancoura as an abominable mistake that she allowed to get close enough to actually wound her. She views Rancoura as a political whore that is obsessed with overarching imagery in her titles, an unceasing predilection for rigid etiquette, and families of prominence. Astraea is quite upset that Rancoura had the gall to divorce her, considering Astraea stood by her for years when Rancoura was out-of-touch, and considers almost all future actions in regards to how angry they might make Rancoura. Astraea is dedicated to being a better, more devout Order Head than Rancoura, and considers the order channel a staging ground for barbed conversation and passive aggressive wit. Astraea is also currently attempting to alienate Rancoura's children from her, because of her failure to be faithful in her vows to the family. Astraea is pretty much committed to running a one woman war against Rancoura, with defeat not on the table.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
Whut! Nightshade plague??
Astraea thinks Celina is a clumsy power grubber, and did the Glom equivalent of an lol when Celina asked for Nienla's hand in marriage many years ago. Astraea thinks there is a right way and a wrong way to go about getting prestige, and believes Celina consistently picks the fastest, wrong way. Astraea looks down on Celina as a d'Murani hack trying to make it in Glom, but is impressed at Celina's actual accomplishments while here and to be honest, can't really be prejudiced against Celina, not because she couldn't find a reason, but because she has bigger fish to fry. (Rancoura.)
Astraea likes the hell out of Nicholo, and thinks he's goofy and fun, though god, she'd never say that.
Astraea also really likes Alacardael, he was one of the first to marry into the Nightshade and he's gained Astraea's complete trust to the point where his faults are glossed over or blissfully ignored by her. She tried really hard to see Alacardael reach a place he could be proud of, and is glad to see that he is Prince of Shadows--Even if she couldn't be a Shadowdancer to see it.
Ishant is the prodigal son, to Astraea. He kept the Nightshade afloat when it was just a few people big, and he took over for Astraea when it came to guiding the family in her absence. He is a capable leader, and a good person to plot with, which is one of Astraea's favorite things to do with Ishant. Astraea may find his choice in spouses weird, but its nothing she can't overlook. Especially since Reiha has proved nicely fertile.
Nienla is seen by Astraea as one of the strongest most capable people in Glomdoring, let alone the Nightshade, and Astraea would trust Nienla with her life and the Nightshade, that being said, Nienla has always seemed a little separatist in attitude, especially in keeping amicable relations with Rancoura. It makes Astraea worried, but Nienla has never failed Astraea, so, its best that she keep quiet about it.
Astraea finds Evaine really dedicated, and though they only speak a bit, she feels as though she can count on Evaine if she needs to. Astraea also feels really guilty that it is taking so long to make Evaine a Nightshade. Also, Evaine seems really cool and composed to Astraea.
Lastly, Astraea really, randomly, likes Tau and Janalon. She thinks they do good with the Nekotai, and is glad that they let her help out, and also work out her unhealthy obsession with Grandmother Scorpion at the same time.
Hoo boy, that was fun.
That being said, I enjoy Rancoura OOCly.
Whut! Nightshade plague??
Astraea thinks Celina is a clumsy power grubber, and did the Glom equivalent of an lol when Celina asked for Nienla's hand in marriage many years ago. Astraea thinks there is a right way and a wrong way to go about getting prestige, and believes Celina consistently picks the fastest, wrong way. Astraea looks down on Celina as a d'Murani hack trying to make it in Glom, but is impressed at Celina's actual accomplishments while here and to be honest, can't really be prejudiced against Celina, not because she couldn't find a reason, but because she has bigger fish to fry. (Rancoura.)
Astraea likes the hell out of Nicholo, and thinks he's goofy and fun, though god, she'd never say that.
Astraea also really likes Alacardael, he was one of the first to marry into the Nightshade and he's gained Astraea's complete trust to the point where his faults are glossed over or blissfully ignored by her. She tried really hard to see Alacardael reach a place he could be proud of, and is glad to see that he is Prince of Shadows--Even if she couldn't be a Shadowdancer to see it.
Ishant is the prodigal son, to Astraea. He kept the Nightshade afloat when it was just a few people big, and he took over for Astraea when it came to guiding the family in her absence. He is a capable leader, and a good person to plot with, which is one of Astraea's favorite things to do with Ishant. Astraea may find his choice in spouses weird, but its nothing she can't overlook. Especially since Reiha has proved nicely fertile.
Nienla is seen by Astraea as one of the strongest most capable people in Glomdoring, let alone the Nightshade, and Astraea would trust Nienla with her life and the Nightshade, that being said, Nienla has always seemed a little separatist in attitude, especially in keeping amicable relations with Rancoura. It makes Astraea worried, but Nienla has never failed Astraea, so, its best that she keep quiet about it.
Astraea finds Evaine really dedicated, and though they only speak a bit, she feels as though she can count on Evaine if she needs to. Astraea also feels really guilty that it is taking so long to make Evaine a Nightshade. Also, Evaine seems really cool and composed to Astraea.
Lastly, Astraea really, randomly, likes Tau and Janalon. She thinks they do good with the Nekotai, and is glad that they let her help out, and also work out her unhealthy obsession with Grandmother Scorpion at the same time.
Hoo boy, that was fun.
And did you like me post or pre alembic explosion?

Unknown2009-09-09 16:03:10
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Sep 7 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Beldie Is nice. And makes Kial cookies and other various things from time to time. Unless she starts going over the top, that's enough to cement her onto his good side.
Kialkarkea: Beldy likes Kial muchlys. Even if he scares her sometimes with the whole cookie thing. She doesn't see him much anymore though. (Beldy has more sugar to make more cookies though!)
Nicholo: Same for him too. Beldy likes him muchlys, and the sadpanda face makes it hard to resist to not make him cookies. She misses him quite a bit with time differences and stuffs.
Ardmore: Beldoria finds Ardmore veeeery quiet and off in his own world 90% of the time. The other 10%, she finds him rather down to earth and she likes him lots. She thinks that he's a good friend, and will listen to whatever she has to say, and would probably help her out with anything, which he has done a few times. She's also there for him as well. GOOD FRIENDSSS.
Lawliet: Beldoria -lurves- Lawliet. She doesn't care what other people think of Lawliet, it's only Beldoria's opinion that counts when it comes to friends, and Lawliet is seen as a good friend to her.
If anyone else wants to know what Beldoria thinks about them, just say

Eliron2009-09-10 01:11:21
Rancoura - Someone Eliron fully intends to get to knew better before her wedding, if only he has the time. So far he views her as an excellent model of a follower of Night- charming, but quiet and reserved enough to learn more than she gives away.
Sadhyra - A talented, dedicated, ambitious young woman who in the past, in Eliron's opinion, has been her own downfall with her unrestrained arrogance and her immaturity. Eliron thinks she will make a very interesting Lady Song who will at the least rattle the guild in the complacency it tends to sink into.
Sadhyra - A talented, dedicated, ambitious young woman who in the past, in Eliron's opinion, has been her own downfall with her unrestrained arrogance and her immaturity. Eliron thinks she will make a very interesting Lady Song who will at the least rattle the guild in the complacency it tends to sink into.
Unknown2009-09-10 02:04:48
I suspect the arrogance will be tamed by (or crushed beneath) the pile of duty that's suddenly appeared.
Eliron remains one of Sadhyra's closest friends, though friend is a stretch from how most people define it. Rather, he remains her mentor, though the subjects he mentors on have changed; these days, he gives council on politics, motivation, even romance a time or two. Their relationship is always professional, with only vague glimpses past the business to the people conducting it. Sadhyra will always respect him for his competence and patience, and will always feel rather guilty for her poor treatment of him in the past. In her eyes, he is one of the best things in the Harbingers.
Eliron remains one of Sadhyra's closest friends, though friend is a stretch from how most people define it. Rather, he remains her mentor, though the subjects he mentors on have changed; these days, he gives council on politics, motivation, even romance a time or two. Their relationship is always professional, with only vague glimpses past the business to the people conducting it. Sadhyra will always respect him for his competence and patience, and will always feel rather guilty for her poor treatment of him in the past. In her eyes, he is one of the best things in the Harbingers.
Eliron2009-09-10 04:22:38
d'awwwww. I've got such a warm fuzzy feeling now.
(And however much Eliron's been frustrated with Sadhyra in the past, I've always thought her character is carried out very well. You've a great combination of speech patterns and physical actions with her!)
d'awwwww. I've got such a warm fuzzy feeling now.
(And however much Eliron's been frustrated with Sadhyra in the past, I've always thought her character is carried out very well. You've a great combination of speech patterns and physical actions with her!)
Unknown2009-09-10 06:44:46
Celina appears to be as dedicated as any of the "serious" Glomdoring follows, those who outwardly commit all they are to its causes. Though beyond that she's quite an unpleasant person and certainly not seemingly above the emotions she claims not to have. If he thought he could get away with it Maellio would likely try to prove it, certainly would bring back shades of Penelope to the Shadowdancers (good old floating brains).
Kialkarkea is just this guy, ya know? More to the point Maellio sees him as that odd bystander that always seems to be wandering about, always good for a comment or two, but not ever really part of the action.
Eliron is first and foremost Maellio's brother, younger brother at that, and someone he makes a concerned effort to look after (in some way or another). Conversely he's someone Maellio can depend upon to be generally more competent than himself or in the very least be a second party to his various insanities.
In other news, I'm going to assume Astraea didn't mean to call Ishant 'prodigal'. Calling someone wasteful and reckless prior to praising them seems a bit paradoxical
Kialkarkea is just this guy, ya know? More to the point Maellio sees him as that odd bystander that always seems to be wandering about, always good for a comment or two, but not ever really part of the action.
Eliron is first and foremost Maellio's brother, younger brother at that, and someone he makes a concerned effort to look after (in some way or another). Conversely he's someone Maellio can depend upon to be generally more competent than himself or in the very least be a second party to his various insanities.
In other news, I'm going to assume Astraea didn't mean to call Ishant 'prodigal'. Calling someone wasteful and reckless prior to praising them seems a bit paradoxical