Fionn2008-08-29 18:02:27
QUOTE(Salvation @ Aug 27 2008, 07:48 PM) 550882
Ashteru, you have to realize many of these statements are more or less false. That is, at least for me, I never thought of Synl as having a distinct personality; I'm an incredibly half-assed RPer, heh. But yet, looking at the comments, one would think Synl is played as this dark genius mastermind.
Never admit to this. Ever. Half of RP is perception, which means that what other people perceive isn't always what you intend, and not always reflective of the effort you put forth. And that's half the fun of this thread - knowing for sure what other people have been seeing! You kind of spoil things when you admit to one thing or the other.
I wish I had more to write, but I have trouble vividly remembering a lot of other players that I've had little interaction with for the longest time.

Casilu2008-08-29 18:07:19
QUOTE(Fionn @ Aug 29 2008, 11:02 AM) 551619
I wish I had more to write, but I have trouble vividly remembering a lot of other players that I've had little interaction with for the longest time. 

Fine. I see how it is.

Fionn2008-08-29 18:12:56
QUOTE(casilu @ Aug 29 2008, 01:07 PM) 551620
Fine. I see how it is. 

I might not have wrote much, but I did write something.

Unknown2008-08-29 20:39:40
Veyda is scatter-brained to his core, which is the root of his insanity and inability to finish most of the projects he starts, no matter how much passion might be getting poured into them at once. You might compare him to a child that gets fascinated and distracted by shiny things and candy, except more intellectual and sinister. One minute it's reviving Shikari's order, the next it's elevating Glomdoring to the greatest heights of glory, the next it's writing a book which he's forgotten the subject of, and the next it all comes crashing down and abandoned as he gets excited by the scent of fresh blood. On rare occasions it fades and turns idle, and Veyda is quite suddenly just an everyday person. Which usually doesn't last long, since he seems to dislike being an "everyman", and a new fitful burst of activity begins soon thereafter.
Synl manages to be polite and mostly quiet, though ever bearing a vague sense of aloof smugness, which can be either immediately fascinating or irritating. It becomes far more pronounced in the face of the enemy and becomes more withdrawn as Synl finds himself needing to become increasingly diplomatic. He does what he can to make sure things get done, but rarely broadcasts this beyond the scope of a few people. That also depends on the project in question too.
Ashteru is a lewd, grouchy old bugger that revels in good opportunities to be lewd and grouchy. This was my character's first impression, and general impression on infrequent meetings thereafter, and so she's had little interest in learning more about him beyond that.
Exeryte is too comfortable in his own skin. He doesn't always exert as much effort as he should or that he is capable of, whether by virtue of disinterest or mild repulsion. There are some things he does very well and very conscientiously; it's just a pity that ICly, he can't seem to apply himself beyond his limited options.
Dylara is something of an enigma, though a pleasant and well spoken one. My character had her doubts about her initially when she moved to Glomdoring as she seemed more deeply motivated by repulsion from other communities than by attraction to the dark forest itself, but by this point she has certainly rooted herself quite well. She carries herself with more an air of frank and forwardness than a lot of people in Glomdoring, which is refreshing in its own way.
Emar too exuded a more frank and forward bearing, though it also felt like he wasn't always sharing all of his thoughts or ideas. He could be fatherly and comforting without being overbearing and possessive. He could be provocative without being immediately alarming. If there was anything he had trouble with, it was in expressing himself as fluently as he could express policy, politics, and directives for the people he represented.
Daem is an immaculate little fellow. He carries himself very graciously and sweetly and has an excellent grasp of when he should be trying to be charming and understanding, and when he needs to bear his teeth. Though perhaps he invests his faith a bit too freely amongst communemates. He also has a tendency to make less refined personas feel alien in his presence and push them to move along, intentionally or not.
I'm sure most of the people who would have anything to say about my character already know who I am, but just in case: I am Ragniliff.
Synl manages to be polite and mostly quiet, though ever bearing a vague sense of aloof smugness, which can be either immediately fascinating or irritating. It becomes far more pronounced in the face of the enemy and becomes more withdrawn as Synl finds himself needing to become increasingly diplomatic. He does what he can to make sure things get done, but rarely broadcasts this beyond the scope of a few people. That also depends on the project in question too.
Ashteru is a lewd, grouchy old bugger that revels in good opportunities to be lewd and grouchy. This was my character's first impression, and general impression on infrequent meetings thereafter, and so she's had little interest in learning more about him beyond that.
Exeryte is too comfortable in his own skin. He doesn't always exert as much effort as he should or that he is capable of, whether by virtue of disinterest or mild repulsion. There are some things he does very well and very conscientiously; it's just a pity that ICly, he can't seem to apply himself beyond his limited options.
Dylara is something of an enigma, though a pleasant and well spoken one. My character had her doubts about her initially when she moved to Glomdoring as she seemed more deeply motivated by repulsion from other communities than by attraction to the dark forest itself, but by this point she has certainly rooted herself quite well. She carries herself with more an air of frank and forwardness than a lot of people in Glomdoring, which is refreshing in its own way.
Emar too exuded a more frank and forward bearing, though it also felt like he wasn't always sharing all of his thoughts or ideas. He could be fatherly and comforting without being overbearing and possessive. He could be provocative without being immediately alarming. If there was anything he had trouble with, it was in expressing himself as fluently as he could express policy, politics, and directives for the people he represented.
Daem is an immaculate little fellow. He carries himself very graciously and sweetly and has an excellent grasp of when he should be trying to be charming and understanding, and when he needs to bear his teeth. Though perhaps he invests his faith a bit too freely amongst communemates. He also has a tendency to make less refined personas feel alien in his presence and push them to move along, intentionally or not.
I'm sure most of the people who would have anything to say about my character already know who I am, but just in case: I am Ragniliff.
Hazar2008-08-29 20:47:25
Ragniliff is in many ways my opposite. I take on a hundred things at once and finish twenty well: she picks out one, does it, and moves on to the next. She is more basically capable of grinding through than almost anyone else I know. This goes hand in hand with strong senses of responsibility and generosity. She's probably responsible for 50% or more of Glomdoring's player-produced power income. Veyda met her first, literally, when he out of the blue asked her if she would marry him. She agreed to try hang around each other and see how it went, and things have gone well from there. Veyda and Ragniliff's relationship is essentially a long string of surprising each other and gifting each other. The only people who are anywhere as close to him as she is are Ashteru, Arel, and Valarien. She's humble and even-tempered on the surface, but underneath there's an almost shockingly wry wit.
Kiradawea2008-08-29 22:11:33
QUOTE(Fionn @ Aug 29 2008, 06:02 PM) 551619
Never admit to this. Ever. Half of RP is perception, which means that what other people perceive isn't always what you intend, and not always reflective of the effort you put forth. And that's half the fun of this thread - knowing for sure what other people have been seeing! You kind of spoil things when you admit to one thing or the other.
That's a very good point, and perhaps THE key component to many quarrels. The fact that what you intend and what others perceive can be quite the opposite of each other. In this thread, you should just kick back, relax, and watch people make a fool out of you by posting things that are totally not who you are.

Aison2008-08-29 22:48:04
Azman was awesome to chill with. Despite being pretty aloof during our 10 minute interaction. At first I thought his constant use of titles and his kind of mannerisms were meant only to mock, but then I realized (oocly) the guy probably hadn't seen the light of day in god knows how long (icly), and was probably thinking celest/glom were still on really good terms. And he seemed afraid like I was going to kill him or something. It was fun leading him out of the city and having to tell him that there were no connecting manses from Celest to Glomdoring and the idle chit chat was pretty normal but still good enough to leave an impression.
I interacted with Iwiertas the other day, but I wasn't impressed with the character. It was only a few words, but they were enough to clue me in that this was a guy who didn't want to play an 'evil' character, but a character who could be rude and senseless because he's 'evil'. If there is one thing I've learned by looking at examples of great players from all of the IRE games, it's that the characters who show respect towards their opponents - genuine respect, to those who earn it or haven't done anything to not deserve it - are the characters who come out on top. Doesn't matter what org you're from, you like the guy because he isn't a
head to you, so long as you aren't a
head back.
I interacted with Iwiertas the other day, but I wasn't impressed with the character. It was only a few words, but they were enough to clue me in that this was a guy who didn't want to play an 'evil' character, but a character who could be rude and senseless because he's 'evil'. If there is one thing I've learned by looking at examples of great players from all of the IRE games, it's that the characters who show respect towards their opponents - genuine respect, to those who earn it or haven't done anything to not deserve it - are the characters who come out on top. Doesn't matter what org you're from, you like the guy because he isn't a

Unknown2008-08-30 02:30:19
Hmm...well since Aison has been done to death: Kiradawea
Admittedly most of my interaction with Kira has been her flirting with me, which made things a bit awkward, as I was stealing Bellarin at the time, but she really came off as being very dedicated to the Celestines. I remember her actually being the first person to ask me why I left Celest, and also telling me that I would always be welcome
. Her little trips to Xion entertained me greatly, as did her determination on getting it -done-. She's always been open for me to talk to if I need her, and to top it all off, she's the only person I know of that I can't manage to suprise.
Now I'm going to hope and pray that whoever picks me up has my scheme figured out
Admittedly most of my interaction with Kira has been her flirting with me, which made things a bit awkward, as I was stealing Bellarin at the time, but she really came off as being very dedicated to the Celestines. I remember her actually being the first person to ask me why I left Celest, and also telling me that I would always be welcome

Now I'm going to hope and pray that whoever picks me up has my scheme figured out

Kiradawea2008-08-30 08:07:33
Psh. Kira never flirted with you. At least not knowingly.
Anyway, I guess I'll do Kialkarkea in return.
Kialkarkea is... a lunatic, sort of. He's never content with being in any one place for long, and often drifts over to something new. This especially is true when it comes to races, so Kira suspects that Kial is, in truth, a changeling.
He is also a bit of a scatterbrain, who doesn't take life too seriously, but instead kicks back and enjoys the ride. He is very playful, but Kira thinks that he lacks guts and drive. She likes him, but thinks that he needs to give himself a kick behind and start DOING something, instead of just being there.
And of course, it is always hilarious when people confuse Furrikin Kiradawea with (whateverracehefanciesatthemoment) Kialkarkea.
Anyway, I guess I'll do Kialkarkea in return.
Kialkarkea is... a lunatic, sort of. He's never content with being in any one place for long, and often drifts over to something new. This especially is true when it comes to races, so Kira suspects that Kial is, in truth, a changeling.

He is also a bit of a scatterbrain, who doesn't take life too seriously, but instead kicks back and enjoys the ride. He is very playful, but Kira thinks that he lacks guts and drive. She likes him, but thinks that he needs to give himself a kick behind and start DOING something, instead of just being there.
And of course, it is always hilarious when people confuse Furrikin Kiradawea with (whateverracehefanciesatthemoment) Kialkarkea.
Unknown2008-08-30 14:47:08
QUOTE(Salvation @ Aug 28 2008, 01:48 AM) 550882
Ashteru, you have to realize many of these statements are more or less false. That is, at least for me, I never thought of Synl as having a distinct personality; I'm an incredibly half-assed RPer, heh. But yet, looking at the comments, one would think Synl is played as this dark genius mastermind.
Are they false, though? These statements represent the character that you are playing, regardless of what you're trying to play. It appears that Synl IS a dark, genius mastermind (from the thread: I've never met him), even if that's not the image you're trying to cultivate. If anything, they're more true than statements made by the player.
This is where your 'skill at RP' comes in - if there is a significant difference between the way you are trying to present your character and the way they are percieved, then you must consider why there is a significant difference.
Unknown2008-08-30 17:05:35
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Aug 30 2008, 02:30 AM) 551836
Hmm...well since Aison has been done to death.

Unknown2008-08-30 23:59:45
I've only met Madach a few times, and while he's a filthy beggar, and some in the City regard him as a nuisance, he's mostly harmless. While he comes off as a beggar, he refers to everyone and anyone part of a city as thier ladyship or lordship. He attempts to provoke something of intellectual curiosity and discussion (or so I've heard). All in all, he's one of the more interesting and well-defined characters in Lusternia.
And I don't expect anyone to do me, 'cause I haven't quite fully fleshed out Messera's RP yet, or decided where exactly I want to do with him.
And I don't expect anyone to do me, 'cause I haven't quite fully fleshed out Messera's RP yet, or decided where exactly I want to do with him.
Aison2008-08-31 00:15:26
And you haven't been playing him.
Take your tests. Since I can't tell you in-game I am forced to forum RP.
I miss Lusty.
Take your tests. Since I can't tell you in-game I am forced to forum RP.
I miss Lusty.

Unknown2008-08-31 00:29:31

Saran2008-08-31 00:47:52
QUOTE(Twilight Cardinal @ Aug 31 2008, 09:59 AM) 552152
I've only met Madach a few times, and while he's a filthy beggar, and some in the City regard him as a nuisance, he's mostly harmless. While he comes off as a beggar, he refers to everyone and anyone part of a city as thier ladyship or lordship. He attempts to provoke something of intellectual curiosity and discussion (or so I've heard). All in all, he's one of the more interesting and well-defined characters in Lusternia.
And I don't expect anyone to do me, 'cause I haven't quite fully fleshed out Messera's RP yet, or decided where exactly I want to do with him.
And I don't expect anyone to do me, 'cause I haven't quite fully fleshed out Messera's RP yet, or decided where exactly I want to do with him.
Ok... I soo read Madach and Malach leaving me with a wtf moment followed an aaah
Unknown2008-08-31 02:32:13
QUOTE(Kiradawea @ Aug 30 2008, 04:07 AM) 551981
Psh. Kira never flirted with you. At least not knowingly.
Anyway, I guess I'll do Kialkarkea in return.
Kialkarkea is... a lunatic, sort of. He's never content with being in any one place for long, and often drifts over to something new. This especially is true when it comes to races, so Kira suspects that Kial is, in truth, a changeling.
He is also a bit of a scatterbrain, who doesn't take life too seriously, but instead kicks back and enjoys the ride. He is very playful, but Kira thinks that he lacks guts and drive. She likes him, but thinks that he needs to give himself a kick behind and start DOING something, instead of just being there.
And of course, it is always hilarious when people confuse Furrikin Kiradawea with (whateverracehefanciesatthemoment) Kialkarkea.
Anyway, I guess I'll do Kialkarkea in return.
Kialkarkea is... a lunatic, sort of. He's never content with being in any one place for long, and often drifts over to something new. This especially is true when it comes to races, so Kira suspects that Kial is, in truth, a changeling.

He is also a bit of a scatterbrain, who doesn't take life too seriously, but instead kicks back and enjoys the ride. He is very playful, but Kira thinks that he lacks guts and drive. She likes him, but thinks that he needs to give himself a kick behind and start DOING something, instead of just being there.
And of course, it is always hilarious when people confuse Furrikin Kiradawea with (whateverracehefanciesatthemoment) Kialkarkea.
You always used to ask me if there was any part of me in particular that I wanted enlarged.

You're also mostly right on the Lazyness, Kial's insanity applies to his drive, so whether he actually wants to advance or not is always up in the air.
Iwiertas2008-08-31 03:26:20
Aison, I wasn't intentionally directing that at you. It was more at Talkan. Meh. Still, he's perfectly cordial to people who have been generally accepting of his comments. Remember that all he hears is 'that Celestine bitch' from such people as the Magnagorans and many in Glomdoring. Incidentally, he couldn't care less about Aison, but greatly dislikes anyone associated with Talkan, which is what got you those very nasty comments. Wasn't the most thought through thing in my life.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.
Unknown2008-08-31 03:41:43
QUOTE(Saran @ Aug 31 2008, 01:47 AM) 552173
Ok... I soo read Madach and Malach leaving me with a wtf moment followed an aaah
There's someone called Malach? That'd explain why I occassionally get random "... has tried to perform an aggressive act on you!" message from people I don't recognise.
Madach's thoughts on various people:
Iwiertas - Strange, but seems to be confident in his own personal philosophy. Needs to speak up a bit.
Kialkarkea - Seems to do his best to help people who ask for it.
Messara - Really likes hats.
Lawliet & Sioned - Pranksters. Between them, got me in an AWFUL lot of trouble. Be wary about them.
Ijen - Laid back, yet still at times excitable seren brave. Very generous with cactus weed.
Amatsemaru - The most charitable person Madach has met, apparently due to her amusement at him.
Shurimaru - Originally, slightly threatening (due to his disapproval of his wife's amusement towards me). Now seems to be a woman. Madach has no idea how to treat this one.
Shadalon - Kind-hearted, does his best for other people. Appears to be a bit of a romantic, underneath.
Ryboi - Innocent, perhaps slightly naive, in his generousity. Is one of the Celestians who seems to want to 'save' Madach.
Ashteru - Hard to describe after our short interaction. Dissaproves of Madach being a beggar, but is willing to reward him for being amusing.
Those are the ones that come to my head. Most of my interactions have been pretty short, but I'll work on them. That could be seen as a warning...
-EDIT- The amount of spelling and grammar mistakes in this post makes me feel a traitor to my linguistic heritage. I can't even bring myself to correct them. Serves me right for drinking too much whiskey this evening.
Shaddus2008-08-31 03:49:26
What about that sexy Shaddus guy, Madach?
Iwiertas2008-08-31 03:50:50
Madach was... somewhat strange himself. He seemed slightly naive, but genuinely interested in asking questions that many saw as useless. So, Iwiertas pleasured him, not expecting him to return. When he did, with a particular book that Iwiertas -had- read, and was not particularly fond of... heh.