Shaddus2008-08-31 03:53:29
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 30 2008, 10:50 PM) 552221
. So, Iwiertas pleasured him, not expecting him to return.
Ah, fun times. Am I allowed to quote the forums?
Esano2008-08-31 03:56:37
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 31 2008, 01:50 PM) 552221
Madach was... somewhat strange himself. He seemed slightly naive, but genuinely interested in asking questions that many saw as useless. So, Iwiertas pleasured him, not expecting him to return. When he did, with a particular book that Iwiertas -had- read, and was not particularly fond of... heh.
Love em and leave em?I don't know Iwiertas, but I just met Madach for the first time today, so...
Esano looks down on him. He's a beggar, and keep in mind that beggars in Magnagora are fed mind-controlling soup and enslaved. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to be doing anything to stop being a beggar - he isn't a citizen of Magnagora, mainly. He's apparently a master tailor yet can't afford food. He's astoundingly subservient - something which makes Esano glad that he knows his place, yet disdainful of him.
OOCly, great roleplay, keep it up.
Unknown2008-08-31 03:57:49
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 31 2008, 04:50 AM) 552221
So, Iwiertas pleasured him, not expecting him to return.
I've just had a horrible mental image of a dirty man and a giant frog.
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 31 2008, 04:49 AM) 552219
What about that sexy Shaddus guy, Madach?
Sexy? Hmm... slightly too sinuous for my tastes, I'm afraid.
Madach like Shaddus. This may well be because he had just been fed extremely well before he met Shaddus, and thus wasn't begging. Plus, Kailanna was in the room at the time, so he definitely wasn't begging (on which note, Madach dislikes Kailanna*).
* It's not the being called a worm, and being threatened with execution if she caught him begging again. It was because she didn't wear the hat he made her.
Shaddus2008-08-31 04:02:20
QUOTE(Mr Conor @ Aug 30 2008, 10:57 PM) 552227
I've just had a horrible mental image of a dirty man and a giant frog.
Sort of like the princess who dropped her ball in the well, and offered to kiss the frog in reward for returning it.
But she didn't think he would return >.<
Unknown2008-08-31 04:03:38
Myrkr had a run-in with Madach.
While she doesn't hate him, she is severely ticked off that he would kiss someone for any sort of payment. However, since he did apologize, Myrkr is willing to (begrudgingly) accept that Madach might be a nice but very poor and very unintelligent person. Somewhere in there, at least.
Myrkr had received a tell from Iwiertas recently as well. She sees him as just another Glommie for now, but, she thinks there's potential for them to become argue-buddies if they should talk more.
While she doesn't hate him, she is severely ticked off that he would kiss someone for any sort of payment. However, since he did apologize, Myrkr is willing to (begrudgingly) accept that Madach might be a nice but very poor and very unintelligent person. Somewhere in there, at least.
Myrkr had received a tell from Iwiertas recently as well. She sees him as just another Glommie for now, but, she thinks there's potential for them to become argue-buddies if they should talk more.
Iwiertas2008-08-31 04:03:56
I would, of course, prefer a Princess to the beggar, yes.
Unknown2008-08-31 04:05:20
QUOTE(Esano @ Aug 31 2008, 04:56 AM) 552226
He's apparently a master tailor yet can't afford food.
He has a Fate Guide wearing something he made. Now, how many tailors can claim that I ask?
Shaddus2008-08-31 04:05:25
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 30 2008, 11:03 PM) 552229
While she doesn't hate him, she is severely ticked off that he would kiss someone for any sort of payment.
I wouldn't need payment

Do you hate me?
Unknown2008-08-31 04:07:14
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 31 2008, 12:05 AM) 552232
I wouldn't need payment 
Do you hate me?

Do you hate me?
What most people seem to forget is Myrkr is 3" tall and, unless you're a faeling or best friends with Diminish, you'd be more likely to accidentally suffocate her by trying to kiss her than actually managing to.
Azman2008-09-01 02:11:05
QUOTE(shishi @ Aug 30 2008, 12:42 AM) 551592
Azman is really interesting. A fraidy cat sort of character that you have to corner to talk too. It's really fun most to see what he has to say about things, he's smart and has his opinions but doesn't voice them as strongly, instead staying a bit more timid. It's a lot different than interacting with other people, not a character like Azman around. It borders on almost irrational fear of people, eeping and running when someone greets him. Makes for an interesting experience. (sorry Azman don't know ya, don't think I did you justice only had limited interaction)
Hehehehe. But there had been times when events moved Azman be more vocal then he normally is.
Serenwilde Post 633 (back when there was infighting every freakin IC month. *headaches* Good times)
Public Post 439
Guess our characters are not always what they seem. *chuckle*
Urazial2008-09-01 02:22:39
QUOTE(Azman @ Aug 31 2008, 10:11 PM) 552498
Hehehehe. But there had been times when events moved Azman be more vocal then he normally is.
Serenwilde Post 633 (back when there was infighting every freakin IC month. *headaches* Good times)
Public Post 439
Guess our characters are not always what they seem. *chuckle*
Serenwilde Post 633 (back when there was infighting every freakin IC month. *headaches* Good times)
Public Post 439
Guess our characters are not always what they seem. *chuckle*
Don't let Azman fool you. After asking Urazial if he could join his tailoring cartel and Urazial said he'd think about it, Azman smashed a bottle against the wall and held the broken end to Ura's throat and asked if was done thinking. True story.
Shaddus2008-09-01 02:26:00
QUOTE(Urazial @ Aug 31 2008, 09:22 PM) 552502
Don't let Azman fool you. After asking Urazial if he could join his tailoring cartel and Urazial said he'd think about it, Azman smashed a bottle against the wall and held the broken end to Ura's throat and asked if was done thinking. True story.
I was a witness to this. Azman, he's a bloodthirsty brute.
Celina2008-09-01 02:27:25
QUOTE(Kaalak @ Aug 29 2008, 04:23 AM) 551531
I'd adopt Bellarin
Seriously though, Bella is somewhat amusing as a bouncy little paladin that somehow is very serious in battle and has a list of accomplishments to her name
Ok as for Celina? Yes she actually is a very good roleplayer. You would have to be introduced to her or have a legitimate reason for associating with a noble d'Murani, but she plays the feisty yet silently loyal and devoted individual quite well. I think secretly Celina's character has a book of notes on Sthai she carries around with her and tries to memorize.
A lot of depth most people overlook.

Seriously though, Bella is somewhat amusing as a bouncy little paladin that somehow is very serious in battle and has a list of accomplishments to her name
Ok as for Celina? Yes she actually is a very good roleplayer. You would have to be introduced to her or have a legitimate reason for associating with a noble d'Murani, but she plays the feisty yet silently loyal and devoted individual quite well. I think secretly Celina's character has a book of notes on Sthai she carries around with her and tries to memorize.

QUOTE(Lorick @ Aug 29 2008, 04:30 AM) 551533
Where to start...
Celina, Celina...
Well, to start off, I want to say the player has nailed the role exactly on the head. With what interaction I have had has been handled exactly in the manner it should be handled from someone playing a character like Celina, the manipulative powermonger who sees pretty much most people as scum of two shades, the absolute scum ((Think Light)), and the useful scum ((Mag/Glom that are too powerful to say anything directly to their face)). I'm quite certain Celina has her own friends, associates, ect, although I haven't really experienced that part of her life, and even then I'm fairly certain it has it's own unique structure. Personally, I'd hate to see Mag lose her, as she plays the role well enough to polarize characters like Lorick with reasons to dislike Magnagora, over say Shikha's fairly open discussions.
Celina, Celina...
Well, to start off, I want to say the player has nailed the role exactly on the head. With what interaction I have had has been handled exactly in the manner it should be handled from someone playing a character like Celina, the manipulative powermonger who sees pretty much most people as scum of two shades, the absolute scum ((Think Light)), and the useful scum ((Mag/Glom that are too powerful to say anything directly to their face)). I'm quite certain Celina has her own friends, associates, ect, although I haven't really experienced that part of her life, and even then I'm fairly certain it has it's own unique structure. Personally, I'd hate to see Mag lose her, as she plays the role well enough to polarize characters like Lorick with reasons to dislike Magnagora, over say Shikha's fairly open discussions.
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 30 2008, 10:26 PM) 552209
Aison, I wasn't intentionally directing that at you. It was more at Talkan. Meh. Still, he's perfectly cordial to people who have been generally accepting of his comments. Remember that all he hears is 'that Celestine bitch' from such people as the Magnagorans and many in Glomdoring. Incidentally, he couldn't care less about Aison, but greatly dislikes anyone associated with Talkan, which is what got you those very nasty comments. Wasn't the most thought through thing in my life.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.

Nariah2008-09-01 02:30:28
Madach, Madach... from the brief interaction, Nariah is not pleased with him for not showing himself in the library again and still not being a citizen of Magnagora despite it obviously being the only place to be. He seemed interested in what Magnagora stands for and Nariah not only gave him a library card free of charge, having first interrogated him about his literacy, but also suggested which books to study. And yet he's still not Magnagoran! It's a crime not to want to be having been fed Aiakon's works.
She's rather disappointed as he reminds her a lot of her protege Quois with his street mannerism, from whom she made people (when he's not stealing her bookmarks, swearing about 'Nifilhema's tits' and hanging out in Undercity, drinking)

Shaddus2008-09-01 02:38:33
QUOTE(Nariah @ Aug 31 2008, 09:30 PM) 552508
Madach, Madach... from the brief interaction, Nariah is not pleased with him for not showing himself in the library again and still not being a citizen of Magnagora despite it obviously being the only place to be. He seemed interested in what Magnagora stands for and Nariah not only gave him a library card free of charge, having first interrogated him about his literacy, but also suggested which books to study. And yet he's still not Magnagoran! It's a crime not to want to be having been fed Aiakon's works.
She's rather disappointed as he reminds her a lot of her protege Quois with his street mannerism, from whom she made people (when he's not stealing her bookmarks, swearing about 'Nifilhema's tits' and hanging out in Undercity, drinking)

Nariah scares me. Well, sometimes. No matter what happens, Nariah is always on top of it, cool in composure. Intelligent, resourceful. Nariah IS the Nihilists. Period. She could go inactive for an IRL year, and nobody would contest, because she simply embodies the quintessential Nihilist. She's probably my favorite person to see around the city. Prim, yet willing to laugh when necesary. Takes time with her novices. Doesn't just hand out positions on her guild, she makes SURE the person is right for it. Any time she needs something artisan wise, she always tips well, because she appreciates hard work.
I can go on and on about Nariah, but I ramble.
Oh, and the time she, in depth, described how she punished Quois for drinking a crapload of absinthe.. by nailing him to the Silent Cathedral gates.... classic. Made me shiver IRL.
Celina2008-09-01 02:49:15
Oh Nariah. OOCly, I love you to pieces, ICly, Celina despises Nariah. Celina has a general dislike for Ouroborian Priests, and Nariah has, in Celina's eyes, talked down to her on a few occasions. This is a major pet peeve for Celina. Nariah would make a wonderful d'Murani. So poised and in control, a cool exterior hiding a brilliant mind. I guess Celina is, in many ways, jealous of her success, and will play polite because she has to and does respect Nariah to an extent, but Nariah has so much influence and power and uses it a way Celina doesn't view beneficial.
I dunno if that made sense
I dunno if that made sense
Sthai2008-09-01 03:23:57
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 31 2008, 10:38 PM) 552509
Oh, and the time she, in depth, described how she punished Quois for drinking a crapload of absinthe.. by nailing him to the Silent Cathedral gates.... classic. Made me shiver IRL.
Uh, that wasn't Quois.
Sthai2008-09-01 03:27:55
Celina. Celina is both a slight success and yet another failure. It frustrates Sthai to end up taking Celina in hand as a student and saving her over and over again, only to have Celina end up jumping to another Guild (or, conversely, to Glomdoring). She regards Celina is a useful, albeit fickle pawn short-term, and lacking in commitment. Long-term, she's resigned to the fact that Celina's loyalties are as changing and fickle as the woman herself. Like most of Sthai's students, a disappointing failure with a slight amount of potential.
Saran2008-09-01 03:30:10
QUOTE(Mr Conor @ Aug 31 2008, 01:41 PM) 552217
There's someone called Malach? That'd explain why I occassionally get random "... has tried to perform an aggressive act on you!" message from people I don't recognise.
Malach is a liger cub that belongs to Saran. He is known to some as flying death and others simply as "cuuuuuuuute".
I hate him so much
Shaddus2008-09-01 03:33:52
QUOTE(Sthai @ Aug 31 2008, 10:23 PM) 552520
Uh, that wasn't Quois.
Odd, I thought it was. Ah well.