Casilu2008-09-01 04:45:12
Shaddus is Casi's friend on the other side of the purple fog, one of the few people she actually feels she can trust and rely on in bad situations, strange, considering he has almost always been on the other side of things from her. He always seems ready to help out, and is probably on top of the list of people she wants to convert, just so they can spend more time together.
Tirenae2008-09-01 05:41:51
Casilu is... Well, foolish to the extreme, very flighty, and willing to do whatever she thinks will move her forward without regard to long-term repercussions.
Her idea of what is a "good idea" seems to change with the wind, but as long as her "good idea" is in line with yours, she'll do everything in her power to be your best friend.
Loyalty doesn't seem very high on her list, except when it suits her goals. Essentially, everyone is simply a step in the ladder to her.
I be the Tirenae.
Her idea of what is a "good idea" seems to change with the wind, but as long as her "good idea" is in line with yours, she'll do everything in her power to be your best friend.
Loyalty doesn't seem very high on her list, except when it suits her goals. Essentially, everyone is simply a step in the ladder to her.
I be the Tirenae.
Unknown2008-09-01 05:50:50
Ooh, it's Tirenae. I'll get you later, when I'm not half-asleep and thoroughly annoyed.
Casilu2008-09-01 05:57:35
QUOTE(Tirenae @ Aug 31 2008, 10:41 PM) 552571
Casilu is... Well, foolish to the extreme, very flighty, and willing to do whatever she thinks will move her forward without regard to long-term repercussions.
Her idea of what is a "good idea" seems to change with the wind, but as long as her "good idea" is in line with yours, she'll do everything in her power to be your best friend.
Loyalty doesn't seem very high on her list, except when it suits her goals. Essentially, everyone is simply a step in the ladder to her.
I be the Tirenae.
Her idea of what is a "good idea" seems to change with the wind, but as long as her "good idea" is in line with yours, she'll do everything in her power to be your best friend.
Loyalty doesn't seem very high on her list, except when it suits her goals. Essentially, everyone is simply a step in the ladder to her.
I be the Tirenae.
I really have to agree with the first two myself, she doesn't really think ahead. Tirenae needs to talk to Adella about the rest, though.

Unknown2008-09-01 06:09:31
As it would be a bit obvious for me to do Nariah I think I will do Sthai, a interesting character.
Othero hates Sthai. He sees her as a traitor to the Nihilists, his Sister, and to Magnagora. He believes her only goal is to use others within Magnagora for herself, to use others for her own enjoyment. He finds that sort of behavior to be damaging to the Engine. He feels decite and secrecy should be focused to those outside of Magnagora. He definitly has his judgement clouded by previous actions of hers, he at one time admired her. However she made him feel like a fool for ever trusting her.
Othero hates Sthai. He sees her as a traitor to the Nihilists, his Sister, and to Magnagora. He believes her only goal is to use others within Magnagora for herself, to use others for her own enjoyment. He finds that sort of behavior to be damaging to the Engine. He feels decite and secrecy should be focused to those outside of Magnagora. He definitly has his judgement clouded by previous actions of hers, he at one time admired her. However she made him feel like a fool for ever trusting her.
Celina2008-09-01 06:18:02
Sthai and Celina have never really gotten along. Even when Celina was Sthai's "Handmaiden" the relationship was rocky. She respects Sthai in some ways, because she has many of the qualities Celina has. However, she dislikes Sthai, and that has only grown as of late. She has lost a lot of respect for her, because in Celina's eyes, Sthai has lost her edge. She's gotten clumsy and lashed out. Celina believes Sthai to be far too emotional, and resembles Somaria in that way, while Celina left her emotions behind in Glomdoring. Celina believe Sthai wants to rule over the Order herself, and believes she doesn't truly serve Fain since her pride has started to rule her. In the end, Celina respects what Sthai has done, but believes she has outlived her worth.
Saran2008-09-01 06:28:34
QUOTE(Celina @ Sep 1 2008, 04:18 PM) 552592
Sthai and Celina have never really gotten along. Even when Celina was Sthai's "Handmaiden" the relationship was rocky. She respects Sthai in some ways, because she has many of the qualities Celina has. However, she dislikes Sthai, and that has only grown as of late. She has lost a lot of respect for her, because in Celina's eyes, Sthai has lost her edge. She's gotten clumsy and lashed out. Celina believes Sthai to be far too emotional, and resembles Somaria in that way, while Celina left her emotions behind in Glomdoring. Celina believe Sthai wants to rule over the Order herself, and believes she doesn't truly serve Fain since her pride has started to rule her. In the end, Celina respects what Sthai has done, but believes she has outlived her worth.
hum, Sarans only interactions with Celina were when he was bored and weaving in Glomdoring. He found her mildly entertaining especially the way she perceived victory. Never really talked to her, never really wanted to. Has probably heard things about her on the aethers but really she's just another tainted thing.
Azman2008-09-01 10:48:53
QUOTE(Urazial @ Sep 1 2008, 10:22 AM) 552502
Don't let Azman fool you. After asking Urazial if he could join his tailoring cartel and Urazial said he'd think about it, Azman smashed a bottle against the wall and held the broken end to Ura's throat and asked if was done thinking. True story.
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Sep 1 2008, 10:26 AM) 552504
I was a witness to this. Azman, he's a bloodthirsty brute.
Eeep. Azman did that? Eep. Azman has headaches you see. Ever since Kethuru-Viravain blasted him at Avechna's Peak. (really needs to finish his histories *mutter*) Azman comes to sometimes and really dont know where he is and how he got there. One time he awoke at a woman's bed chambers. Now he really dont know how he got there. Thank the nine the woman was asleep or things could have gotten.... ackward. Blame everything on Kethuru. *Shakes fist at Kethuru then runs off eeping in panic for dear life*
Aison2008-09-01 16:15:29
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Aug 30 2008, 08:26 PM) 552209
Aison, I wasn't intentionally directing that at you. It was more at Talkan. Meh. Still, he's perfectly cordial to people who have been generally accepting of his comments. Remember that all he hears is 'that Celestine bitch' from such people as the Magnagorans and many in Glomdoring. Incidentally, he couldn't care less about Aison, but greatly dislikes anyone associated with Talkan, which is what got you those very nasty comments. Wasn't the most thought through thing in my life.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.
As for Celina, Iwiertas generally regards her as one of the most dangerous people he knows, but also someone he believes would accept him, even if the rift between them had grown so wide as to be nigh uncrossable. Again, originally trapped into seeing her as a mother figure, that was quickly thrown away as he realized that all the stories he had heard of 'mothers' didn't apply here. When he felt he was betrayed, a naive sense of vengeance and a badly worded question got him stuck up in RP that threw Celina out of his life for a while. Now, they've both come back to face eachother again under somewhat different circumstances, and Iwiertas cannot understand exactly how to regard her. Her ideals, what she follows, and what she does are all wrong to him, but her purpose and the lengths that she would go to do what needs to be done for herself and her goals appeal to him immensely. As such, though he would never trust her, he can accept her.
Please note that my comment on forums is not about your person/OOC self. It was a weak interaction and that is the only base for judgment I have on that character. I can understand the hate for Talkan and associates (don't forget that Thoros and Shikha are related to us Celestine bitches!). I think Aison being wedded to him is more than half the reason she gets jumped or any attention from mags in general, considering she hardly raids or tries to jump mags or what have you. Also, I don't think she's ever had a conversation with a Mag - so a majority of the people who talk about Aison/Talkan likely don't have a clue how they even interact with others on a friendly scale. Any Mag I've talked to in a friendly way was discussed completely out of character, and either those ties were cut because ic/ooc was blending together or because there was just no interest. But overall she is a very frank person and doesn't take kindly to being mocked for little to no reason. My reaction in game to Iwiertas was being shocked that he had been so rude since she had never met him, and hadn't even acknowledged his presence in the room. What you see is what you get with Aison, and she has no secrets, yadda yadda. Unfortunately, Glomdoring happens to be her guilty pleasure and she usually gets along right well with the non-Viscanti/Illithoid ones. She has an immensely deep fascination with their culture and life. Their secrecy and ambiguous nature astounds her.
As for Celina, I've never interacted with her in-game, except for with the duel, which she was absurdly stupid about. I have nothing nice to say about her. My opinion is formulated from her asshatery over the forums. Although I'll be sure to forget all that if I ever come to interact with her ICly.
Revan2008-09-01 18:41:50
Hmm, Othero's an interesting character. Quiet, to himself, and yet he hides these little quirks tht just make you do a doubletake. Revan really hasn't gotten to know him all that well ICly, mostly because Revan's always off doing his own thing. Hmm, perhaps that could change
Unknown2008-09-01 19:10:32
Iytha dislikes, but is afraid of Sthai. Sthai is a high ranking Fainite, one of the people that forced her to stop stealing fae and just generally scary. I remember way back, when Sthai was dragging Somaria by the ear around the city and Somaria had gone insane with Kethuru worship and she had Iytha try to fix her. It was all like "The power of Nil compels you! *twap*" Later, Sthai funded Iytha's (poorly planned) attempt to contest as Heresiarch, which failed spectacularly.
Nariah is awesome as a person and oozes elegence and control most of the time. She is a mastermind and a supurb political leader. Iytha and her almost always disagree on theology, though. I think the only time I've seen her look angery was when I said that having astrological readings on Nil for the Bloodfaire was sacriligious.
Othero is much more friendly, but still very high class. Like Nariah, but male and more mentorly. I still laugh when I remember back when Othero was wearing a male corset and Iytha has fond memories from back before things started to go south for her in the Nihilists and she left to be a Geomancer.
I respect Revan and think he makes a good count, if a little dumb sometimes, what with the "No D'Murani in the Ninjakari." mess from a while back. Iytha wishes he would show a bit more intrest in digging out the House of the Prophets and booting the Fates out.
Nariah is awesome as a person and oozes elegence and control most of the time. She is a mastermind and a supurb political leader. Iytha and her almost always disagree on theology, though. I think the only time I've seen her look angery was when I said that having astrological readings on Nil for the Bloodfaire was sacriligious.
Othero is much more friendly, but still very high class. Like Nariah, but male and more mentorly. I still laugh when I remember back when Othero was wearing a male corset and Iytha has fond memories from back before things started to go south for her in the Nihilists and she left to be a Geomancer.
I respect Revan and think he makes a good count, if a little dumb sometimes, what with the "No D'Murani in the Ninjakari." mess from a while back. Iytha wishes he would show a bit more intrest in digging out the House of the Prophets and booting the Fates out.
Revan2008-09-01 19:35:13
Tsk, the "No d'Murani in the Ninjakari" was Ethelon's brainchild. If you're going to chide Revan on being stupid, use a better example... like the Fain Love Letter
Unknown2008-09-01 20:09:21
I am suddenly interested! I demand logs!
Unknown2008-09-01 20:25:10
Oh, the Fain Love letter actually had a large effect on how Othero thinks of Revan. He is smart but often pulls out something painfully stupid causing him to just shoot himself in the foot. Othero was impressed how well Revan took his punishment, even if the rest of his family raised a fuss.
Krackenor2008-09-01 23:09:10
Nariah is scary? I never thought so. Krackenor has always been incredibly impressed with her, and views her as the very pinnacle of what a Magnagoran should be. She's incredibly intelligent, very obviously high class, and, perhaps best of all, has the guise of nearly infinite patience. Especially when I promise her a book one year and finally deliver it two years later...Nariah's very good at making one feel guilty about that...
Unknown2008-09-02 02:30:10
Myrkr has met and dealt with Revan in person only once or twice. It was, like with Shaddus, pre-war. Both instances Myrkr found Revan to be a little on the slow side, but still very delightful and kind. Like Shaddus, Myrkr wishes she could have interacted with Revan more, and awaits the day she can actually talk to him more in-depth.
Celina2008-09-02 06:51:31
QUOTE(Aison @ Sep 1 2008, 11:15 AM) 552699
As for Celina, I've never interacted with her in-game, except for with the duel, which she was absurdly stupid about. I have nothing nice to say about her. My opinion is formulated from her asshatery over the forums. Although I'll be sure to forget all that if I ever come to interact with her ICly.
Was this thread not petty enough for you? If you have nothing to say about me IC, don't post about me? Common sense, Aison. Common sense.
Like this: Aison? Never talked to Aison, IC.
Revan. Oh Revan, you amuse me so. Sometimes you RP so well, then the just kind of have a brain fart and make me cringe. You'll always be that guy that staffed a newbie at the Megalith randomly, which was hilariously mean. You really do have moment of brilliance, I just wish you'd stick to them!
Moiraine2008-09-02 08:39:50
Celina: Moiraine saw her on QW once in the Undervault. That's it.

Seraku2008-09-08 05:23:42
^--skipping over moiraine.
You RP quite well in my opinion. Though Seraku hasnt talked to her a whole lot. But from what IC stuff was said between them you are a better RP than I am by far =P
You RP quite well in my opinion. Though Seraku hasnt talked to her a whole lot. But from what IC stuff was said between them you are a better RP than I am by far =P
Shurimaru2008-09-18 18:25:26
Aww..well, Seraku knows how Shuri feels about him: madly in love. Shuri only wants to please Seraku and have Seraku all to herself, even though, deep down, she (yes, she. Shuri's a bit gender-confused right now) knows it'll never work, she keeps trying tirelessly just for one nuzzle, one admission of feelings, one kiss.
It's worthy of a yaoi/shota manga.
It's worthy of a yaoi/shota manga.