Unknown2008-09-05 19:34:47
(( Edit'd appropriately.))
Xthel2008-09-05 19:53:05
(( Isn't Divine Strength a minor action? Lucidian and furrikin sounds okay I guess. ))
Unknown2008-09-06 12:34:57
((In the surprise round, you can only make an action, so a standard, a minor, or a move. ))
Lorick2008-09-06 12:55:02
The little figure moves up next to Shao-Hao, peering out into the gloom.
Unknown2008-09-06 13:51:35
((Can you write your movement in directionals not just moves up next to x, since there is a lot of next to's))
Xthel2008-09-07 00:06:31
(( Okay then, Divine Strength there will serve to tell the DM what I plan to do the next round hehe. ))
Unknown2008-09-09 01:51:11
((Just waiting on Corinthian to do their surprise round action, and Lorick to actually tell me where he wants to go

Unknown2008-09-09 02:01:42
QUOTE(tenqual @ Sep 8 2008, 08:51 PM) 555075
((Just waiting on Corinthian to do their surprise round action, and Lorick to actually tell me where he wants to go

((I already did. Ready action to blast the first guy I see with Water (Magic) Missile))
Unknown2008-09-09 02:03:30
((Just waiting Lorick then to confirm what side of Shao-Hao he's actually moving to, seeing as there is four and all))
Unknown2008-09-09 02:50:36
((I propose you just take actions as necessary to move this along, heh. ))
Lorick2008-09-09 04:23:40
((Sorry, Five directly up.))
Unknown2008-09-09 12:59:06
As the party moves forward and into position, the finks notice them and ready for battle.
((This marks the end of the surprise round, and start of proper combat, refer to the Initiative table for order of actions ))
((This marks the end of the surprise round, and start of proper combat, refer to the Initiative table for order of actions ))
Daganev2008-09-09 17:02:24
The merian with a seascyth in his hand moves 5 spaces to the west, and gets his hands ready to blast the first fink that enters into range (range of 10)
Unknown2008-09-10 02:45:27
Orti moves three spaces to the west and three to the north and prepares to cast a Ray of Frost on the first fink within his range. (also 10)
Xthel2008-09-10 11:17:24
The paladin moves two spaces to the west and three to the northwest with surprising agility.
Muttering a prayer to Terentia, his body becomes infused with Divine Strength.
Muttering a prayer to Terentia, his body becomes infused with Divine Strength.
Unknown2008-09-11 09:47:56
Surging forward, a lithe fink hurls a slender javelin at Antol. The weapon pierces his armor, gouging a deep wound in his side.
((Roll: 13 + 6 - 2 = 17. +6 from skill, -2 from Long Range attack. Vs AC: 17. Damage: 6 + 2 + 1 = 9. +2 from Skill, +1d6 from Great Position.))
((Map updated, since I cant edit Antol's online sheet, Kalnid will have to do that himself.))
((Roll: 13 + 6 - 2 = 17. +6 from skill, -2 from Long Range attack. Vs AC: 17. Damage: 6 + 2 + 1 = 9. +2 from Skill, +1d6 from Great Position.))
((Map updated, since I cant edit Antol's online sheet, Kalnid will have to do that himself.))
Kalnid2008-09-11 20:08:14
((Updated accordingly. Please don't kill me with the other three before I can act?))
The lucidian winces from the gash in his side and says, "Ah, there they are. Looks like... Four"
The lucidian winces from the gash in his side and says, "Ah, there they are. Looks like... Four"
Xthel2008-09-11 20:41:07
The paladin swiftly moves four spaces west and one to the south and places his hands on Antol's wounds, curing him.
(( Lay on hands on Antol ))
(( Lay on hands on Antol ))
Unknown2008-09-12 03:56:52
His hands glowing a holy white, Xthel heals Antol's wounds, though leaving him still quite bloody.
((Healing surge and one use of lay on hands used by Xthel, Antol is healed for one quarter of his max HP, puts him up to 26))
Rushing forward, a fink stops suddenly as he is blasted by a Lance of Light from Daganev, the light burning his skin.
((Hit: 10 + 5 = 15 VS Con: 14. Damage: 1d6 + con Mod, 5 + 5 = 10))
The fink then hurls his javelin at Shao-Hao, the blade bouncing off his armor.
((Hit: 5 + 6 = 11 vs AC: 19))
A bulkier fink, holding a short sword, rushes forward, attempting to use the confusion to his advantage. A cold ray of frost blasts him, from the hands of Orti, freezing him suddenly.
((Hit: 10 + 5 = 15 vs Fort: 12. Damage: 1d6 + int mod, 4 + 5 = 9, target slowed))
((Changed the initiative table from the Readied actions as well.))
((Healing surge and one use of lay on hands used by Xthel, Antol is healed for one quarter of his max HP, puts him up to 26))
Rushing forward, a fink stops suddenly as he is blasted by a Lance of Light from Daganev, the light burning his skin.
((Hit: 10 + 5 = 15 VS Con: 14. Damage: 1d6 + con Mod, 5 + 5 = 10))
The fink then hurls his javelin at Shao-Hao, the blade bouncing off his armor.
((Hit: 5 + 6 = 11 vs AC: 19))
A bulkier fink, holding a short sword, rushes forward, attempting to use the confusion to his advantage. A cold ray of frost blasts him, from the hands of Orti, freezing him suddenly.
((Hit: 10 + 5 = 15 vs Fort: 12. Damage: 1d6 + int mod, 4 + 5 = 9, target slowed))
((Changed the initiative table from the Readied actions as well.))
Unknown2008-09-14 10:41:50
((Just waiting on Lorick then Kalnid