Daganev2008-09-14 16:08:47
*stands frozen withs his arms out, peering over his shoulder and coughing at the daydreamers.*
Unknown2008-09-16 08:51:39
((They have until my tomorrow when I wake up to take their action, else it'll be skipped and continued to skip until they post they're actually alive. ))
Unknown2008-09-17 01:57:22
((No response, thus Lorick will be bypassed until he responds, Kalnid is up next ))
Kalnid2008-09-17 19:22:42
The lucidian mutters, rubs his side, then swiftly moves 5 feet northeast and another 15 straight north.
Unknown2008-09-17 19:27:49
Moving ten feet north and fifteen feet west, the dwarf brings his hammer low, ready to block any further attacks.
((Total defense, kthx.)
((Total defense, kthx.)
Unknown2008-09-18 11:01:29
As Antol and Synl move into position, the final fink lets his javelin fly, striking Antol in the chest. Bouncing off his armor.
((To Hit: 10 + 6 = 16 vs AC: 17 ))
((End of first round, refer to initiative table for turn sequence ))
((To Hit: 10 + 6 = 16 vs AC: 17 ))
((End of first round, refer to initiative table for turn sequence ))
Unknown2008-09-18 11:05:14
Surging forward, a lithe fink throws a javelin past Antol at Synl. Striking his armor loudly before falling to the ground.
((To Hit: 7 + 6 = 13 vs AC: 19 + 2 = 21. ))
((Map updated))
((To Hit: 7 + 6 = 13 vs AC: 19 + 2 = 21. ))
((Map updated))
Xthel2008-09-18 11:47:05
Shao-Hao moves 3 spaces north, 3 spaces northwest and 4 spaces to the north between the first and fourth fink. He utters a Divine Challenge and makes a holy gesture towards the direction of the first fink.
(( Converting a standard action to a move action. ))
(( Converting a standard action to a move action. ))
Unknown2008-09-18 12:45:13
As Xthel moves forward, the two adjacent finks strike out with spears, their attacks bouncing harmlessly off his armor. Xthel faces the first fink, striking it with a brilliant Light.
((Fink 1 To Hit: 4 + 6 vs AC: 19, Failure ))
((Fink 4 To Hit: 6 + 6 vs AC: 19, Failure ))
((Fink 1 To Hit: 4 + 6 vs AC: 19, Failure ))
((Fink 4 To Hit: 6 + 6 vs AC: 19, Failure ))
Daganev2008-09-18 15:07:52
The merian pirate, quickly lets out a shout, cuasing a strong beam to shoot forth from his hands towards the 3rd fink. After the blast, he quickly moves 4 paces to the left, and then fades into the shadows.
((Eldritch Blast at fink #3, then a move action which causs me to go invis)
((Eldritch Blast at fink #3, then a move action which causs me to go invis)
Unknown2008-09-18 15:20:28
As the fink stepped towards Daganev, the light burning him intensified before fading away, leaving him quite bloodied.
((Damage: 3 + 5 = 8 Damage ))
Daganev then blasts him again with a wave of dark energy, causing him to shudder and fall to the ground dead.
((To Hit: 9 + 5 = 14vs Ref: 14, Damage: 1d10 + 5, 5 + 5 = 10 ))
((Damage: 3 + 5 = 8 Damage ))
Daganev then blasts him again with a wave of dark energy, causing him to shudder and fall to the ground dead.
((To Hit: 9 + 5 = 14vs Ref: 14, Damage: 1d10 + 5, 5 + 5 = 10 ))
Unknown2008-09-18 15:27:21
Striking out with his spear, the first fink jabs Xthel, cutting a wound in his side, before dodging back up the corridor.
((To Hit: 11 + 6 + 2 = 19 vs AC: 19, d20 + skill + combat advantage, Damage: 4 + 2 = 6))
((Xthel can do an attack of Opportunity))
((To Hit: 11 + 6 + 2 = 19 vs AC: 19, d20 + skill + combat advantage, Damage: 4 + 2 = 6))
((Xthel can do an attack of Opportunity))
Xthel2008-09-18 15:48:09
With a quick strike of his sword, Shao-Hao makes a wild jab towards the fleeing Fink.
(( Performing a melee basic attack ))
(( Performing a melee basic attack ))
Daganev2008-09-18 17:41:46
"Arrg, die you walking sack of rotten eggs! "said the pirate merian in a hushed whisper which would not reveal his location. 

Unknown2008-09-18 22:01:34
Orti invokes drops of water around him and orders them to merge together creating four orbs of water, he then sends them flying towards the Second Fink. After sending the Water Missile, Orti moves out of the way.
((2 squares east, 4 squares north))
((2 squares east, 4 squares north))
Unknown2008-09-19 12:55:03
The globes of water blast into the fink, who dodges out of the way at the last minute.
((To hit: d20 + 5 vs Ref: 15, 8 + 5 = 13, Miss))
((To hit: d20 + 5 vs Ref: 15, 8 + 5 = 13, Miss))
Unknown2008-09-19 13:02:09
After dodging the globes, the fink retreats back up the corridor, giving Shao-Hao a wide berth. At the end of his flight he hurls a javelin back towards Antol
((To Hit: d20 + 6 - 2 vs AC:17, 3 + 6 - 2 = 7, Miss))
Edit: Forgot the Attack of Opp.
((To hit: d20 + 6 vs AC: 17, 3 + 6 = 9, Miss))
((To Hit: d20 + 6 - 2 vs AC:17, 3 + 6 - 2 = 7, Miss))
Edit: Forgot the Attack of Opp.
((To hit: d20 + 6 vs AC: 17, 3 + 6 = 9, Miss))
Kalnid2008-09-19 22:26:26
Antol hurries 15 feet northwest and another ten north, then jabs repeatedly at the fink.
((Reaping Strike))
((Reaping Strike))
Unknown2008-09-20 17:37:59
Synl lumbers 5 feet west, then 45 to the north.
(Two moves.)
(Two moves.)
Unknown2008-09-21 11:30:22
Antol rushes forward, lashing out with long spear in a series of practiced jabs and slashes, leaving him cut and bleeding from many gashes.
((To hit: d20 + 3 + 1 vs AC:17, 14 + 3 + 1 = 18, Damage: 1d10 + 3 + 2, 7 + 3 + 2 = 12
((To hit: d20 + 3 + 1 vs AC:17, 14 + 3 + 1 = 18, Damage: 1d10 + 3 + 2, 7 + 3 + 2 = 12