Kharaen2008-09-28 06:10:20
Simply put, I want to sell magic copies of the trade books I am writing. But it's such a hassle, as I have to price each singly! And no one can tell what the books about (they can't read from the shop, and the title isn't in the wares.)
So, let it be like this:
        tome49139 : The Artisan's Compendium                10    9000gp
        tome130891: The Jeweler's Compendium                10    9000gp
It shows up as a tome for its ID, has the title in the appearance of the item.
So, let it be like this:
        tome49139 : The Artisan's Compendium                10    9000gp
        tome130891: The Jeweler's Compendium                10    9000gp
It shows up as a tome for its ID, has the title in the appearance of the item.
Saaga2008-09-28 09:10:25
I like it.
Esano2008-09-28 09:20:54
So do I. It wouldn't really be that different from the changes so people didn't have to probe all those rings for enchantments.
Although, in the meantime, doesn't probe reveal title?
Although, in the meantime, doesn't probe reveal title?
Noola2008-09-28 09:23:36
I like anything that makes shopping more user friendly.
Unknown2008-09-28 12:15:18
The main problem is the length, as currently each item displays the item's description, and adding that other info as well will make the shop too messy to find anything.
What could be done, is adding an option to set the shop, or better, a group to set display mode for extra info instead of description, and this way the shop owner can decide what will help him sell better.
What could be done, is adding an option to set the shop, or better, a group to set display mode for extra info instead of description, and this way the shop owner can decide what will help him sell better.
Kharaen2008-09-28 15:32:20
Some tomes' appearance are much longer than the titles they boast....
And didn't realize probing would reveal title...but still. This is a must needed change for playwrights, catalogue merchants, and even people who want to sell their poetry.
Some tomes' appearance are much longer than the titles they boast....
And didn't realize probing would reveal title...but still. This is a must needed change for playwrights, catalogue merchants, and even people who want to sell their poetry.