Entry Requirements for Combat

by Esano

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Esano2008-09-28 09:19:08
I'm looking to compile a list of what you need or will definitely want in order to survive in a high-level combat situation, and be willing and able to repeatedly engage in such. Entry-level requirements for combat, basically. Not including offensive skills or guild skills (we can assume tritrans is also a necessity).

Some skills may be referenced twice (e.g. discipline). In this case, these are two separate things, both of which are important.

My list:

A curing system (although I know some people can manual it, that's well beyond most).

  • Focus mind (0% Fabled)
  • Transcendent for quicker focus body (0% Transcendent)
  • Trueshield (0% Capable)
  • Shieldparry (50% Adept)
  • Weaponparry (50% Gifted)
  • Stance head (0% Expert)
  • Magic resist (0% Transcendent)
  • Shrugging and physical resistance (0% Transcendent)
  • Teleport (0% Adept)
  • Tesseract (0% Fabled)
  • Conglutinate (0% Transcendent)
  • Tumble (0% Expert)
  • Thirdeye (0% Master)
What else? Mine's not in any particular order, but if you can put it in order of usefulness, that'd be grand.
Rika2008-09-28 09:25:47
Environment tumble (0% Expert)
Some classes need discernment contemplation (0% Fabled)
Esano2008-09-28 09:27:44
Knew I'd forgotten at least one thing. Added.
Rika2008-09-28 09:31:33
Discernment thirdeye (0% Master) is generally needed too.
Unknown2008-09-28 16:32:46
I'd definitely like to include lowmagic green or highmagic gedulah, so that you can escape affliction locks.
Okin2008-09-28 18:00:28
A similar list of equipment would be useful.
Unknown2008-09-28 19:43:24
Don't forget generally Tri-trans. And dramatics to survive telepaths.
Edit. - And truefavoured trans magic, or apparently with out it being hit for 4k spirits is legit.
Unknown2008-09-30 10:29:18
You'll also likely need higher Combat, since stances at least don't kick in much before Fabled-Mythical or so.
Charune2008-09-30 10:33:36
QUOTE(krin1 @ Sep 28 2008, 03:43 PM) 563981
And dramatics to survive telepaths.

Dramatics is not necessary for fighting telepaths.
Gregori2008-09-30 10:53:56
I am curious if anyone has ever seen Shield Riposte fire? I mean it is the trans skill for combat, and I don't think I have ever seen it proc in my life.

Probably the wrong thread for this question, but it popped into my head from Esano putting down shield parry as a must.
Xenthos2008-09-30 11:04:06
QUOTE(Gregori @ Sep 30 2008, 06:53 AM) 564755
I am curious if anyone has ever seen Shield Riposte fire? I mean it is the trans skill for combat, and I don't think I have ever seen it proc in my life.

Probably the wrong thread for this question, but it popped into my head from Esano putting down shield parry as a must.

Uh... yes. I have. It's what happens occasionally when they parry with their shield, and it is somewhat annoying.

It's not a must, though.
Gregori2008-09-30 11:08:57
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 30 2008, 05:04 AM) 564756
Uh... yes. I have. It's what happens occasionally when they parry with their shield, and it is somewhat annoying.

It's not a must, though.

Hmm... Interesting... All I ever get are weapon parries :/
Shiri2008-09-30 11:11:55
I've definitely seen it before, though it is pretty rare.
Nezha2008-09-30 11:13:52
QUOTE(Gregori @ Sep 30 2008, 08:08 PM) 564757
Hmm... Interesting... All I ever get are weapon parries :/

About one or twice each time I spar a warrior. To be precise, about one or twice in an 8min spar is what I generally see..

Magic resist (0% Transcendent)

Im at inept magic.. you dont need it so much..
Esano2008-09-30 11:21:15
QUOTE(nezha @ Sep 30 2008, 10:13 PM) 564760
Im at inept magic.. you dont need it so much..

The response to SS damage tends to be "You don't have trans magic? Your numbers don't count, n00b" so apparently you do!

EDIT: And I'm not just talking about Garmr's complaints.
Nezha2008-09-30 11:28:03
The response to SS damage tends to be "You don't have trans magic? Your numbers don't count, n00b" so apparently you do!

EDIT: And I'm not just talking about Garmr's complaints.

At such high amount of damage, I sincerely doubt if transing magic is the key..

Its like -- im transed resilience, and yet a few months ago when warriors had the incredibly high damage I was getting two-shotted.. They fixed it so at least its a little lower now. With the SS damage, until its fixed no amount of magic-resistance will save you.. what? xiels 2.3k damage will suddenly become 1.5k now? at most it will bring it down a hundred..

(Someone I know got mythical magic and it reduced the damage by 50.. yuck.. )

Im of the opinion that getting a splendor with the proofs is better..

So no, you generally dont need it.. Actually, even if i had credits im not gonna sink anything into that..

EDIT: it was a flat 15% at trans they tell me.. for both resilience/magic -- i could be wrong.. someone should verfiy this actually -- anyway, at 15% or 20% - A splendor with the magic proof is better in my opinion.. you get lots of protection in addition to the magic resistance
Shiri2008-09-30 11:31:07
So far as I know magic and resilience are both %-based (as in, they reduce some 20-30% of all such damage.)
Rika2008-09-30 19:42:56
Yep. Because magic/resilience are %-based, they are even more important against dealing with high damage. A common number thrown around is 25%.

@Gregori: Riposte requires a full parry with the shield, and then I'd imagine it has a low % proc. When I fight people with both weapon and shield parry, a lot of the time it either hits the weapon or the parry with the shield was not full. Added to that the low % proc, and so you hardly see it.
Noola2008-09-30 19:44:52
I'm about to ask a really dumb question, prolly, but what is 'proc'?
Rika2008-09-30 19:47:46
When something has a chance of hitting, that chance is the 'proc'.