Gwylifar2009-01-07 15:33:49
QUOTE (Arix @ Jan 7 2009, 02:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
talk to Arix IG, he can get you a copy of the Crowtongue book
When you use Arix's copy to translate that title, it comes out as "my hovercraft is full of eels", though.
Shiri2009-01-07 15:49:07
I stand by where the elephant urinates. Good night!
Kante2009-01-07 17:42:57
QUOTE (Gwylifar @ Jan 7 2009, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you use Arix's copy to translate that title, it comes out as "my hovercraft is full of eels", though.

Unknown2009-01-07 20:23:20
QUOTE (Arix @ Jan 7 2009, 02:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
talk to Arix IG, he can get you a copy of the Crowtongue book
This would be easier if I had a reason IG to talk to Arix, or to be curious about Crowtongue.
Arix2009-01-07 21:14:55
Actually, it could be any Spiritsinger, since the book is in our library
Shaddus2009-01-07 21:47:28
Pulsing mauve lights can be seen through the treetops and boles of the
Glomdoring Forest, as a dark shadow of terrible darkness is cast over the
forest, causing all others to flee.
Glomdoring Forest, as a dark shadow of terrible darkness is cast over the
forest, causing all others to flee.
... wtf.
Gwylifar2009-01-07 21:54:39
At least the word "shadow" got left out that time.
Arix2009-01-07 21:55:17
Sometimes roomwide emotes and ambient messages accidentally get sent to the Department of Redundancy Department
Abethor2009-01-07 22:00:47
Toracu tells you, "And deep green for rapes."
You tell Eagle Scout Toracu Oujinari, Spirit Tracker, "Sorry, I don't do rapes."
Toracu tells you, "Rapiers."
You tell Eagle Scout Toracu Oujinari, Spirit Tracker, "Ah, sure I make those.
Less painful."
You tell Eagle Scout Toracu Oujinari, Spirit Tracker, "Sorry, I don't do rapes."
Toracu tells you, "Rapiers."
You tell Eagle Scout Toracu Oujinari, Spirit Tracker, "Ah, sure I make those.
Less painful."
He wanted me to do some forging for him.
Unknown2009-01-08 00:16:34
You tell Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "You alive? Good."
You tell Gorgulu the Devourer of Souls, "You alive? Good."
You tell the Voice of Baalphegar, "You alive? Good."
You tell Ashtorath the Raging, "You alive? Good."
Ashtorath the Raging tells you, "BUT YOU WILL NOT BE!"
You say, "Oh crap."
The gears of the great clockwork part easily, and tendrils of tainted darkness
swirl outward to seize you. You are drawn inexorably into the gearwork, which
grinds deafeningly all around you. Suddenly, the gears part and you are standing
before the Megalith of Doom in the Necropolis of Magnagora.
You tell Gorgulu the Devourer of Souls, "You alive? Good."
You tell the Voice of Baalphegar, "You alive? Good."
You tell Ashtorath the Raging, "You alive? Good."
Ashtorath the Raging tells you, "BUT YOU WILL NOT BE!"
You say, "Oh crap."
The gears of the great clockwork part easily, and tendrils of tainted darkness
swirl outward to seize you. You are drawn inexorably into the gearwork, which
grinds deafeningly all around you. Suddenly, the gears part and you are standing
before the Megalith of Doom in the Necropolis of Magnagora.
Rika2009-01-08 00:19:45
Haha. The admin have been great with mob possessions lately. I assume it's because they can't play their God characters. Let's keep it that way! 

Diamondais2009-01-08 00:55:54
QUOTE (Greleag @ Jan 7 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You tell Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "You alive? Good."
You tell Gorgulu the Devourer of Souls, "You alive? Good."
You tell the Voice of Baalphegar, "You alive? Good."
You tell Ashtorath the Raging, "You alive? Good."
Ashtorath the Raging tells you, "BUT YOU WILL NOT BE!"
You say, "Oh crap."
The gears of the great clockwork part easily, and tendrils of tainted darkness
swirl outward to seize you. You are drawn inexorably into the gearwork, which
grinds deafeningly all around you. Suddenly, the gears part and you are standing
before the Megalith of Doom in the Necropolis of Magnagora.
You tell Gorgulu the Devourer of Souls, "You alive? Good."
You tell the Voice of Baalphegar, "You alive? Good."
You tell Ashtorath the Raging, "You alive? Good."
Ashtorath the Raging tells you, "BUT YOU WILL NOT BE!"
You say, "Oh crap."
The gears of the great clockwork part easily, and tendrils of tainted darkness
swirl outward to seize you. You are drawn inexorably into the gearwork, which
grinds deafeningly all around you. Suddenly, the gears part and you are standing
before the Megalith of Doom in the Necropolis of Magnagora.

Doman2009-01-08 03:05:35
(Celest): Narsrim says, "Narsrim pounds you mercilessly with his phallus stick.
He connects! You feel a slight burning in your genital area. | Diag | You are:
Afflicted with jealousy, afflicted with burst organs, you are erect."
He connects! You feel a slight burning in your genital area. | Diag | You are:
Afflicted with jealousy, afflicted with burst organs, you are erect."
Reiha2009-01-08 03:08:02
Dammit, Doman beat me to it :/
Malicia2009-01-08 03:10:43
rofl. That was great. Narsrim and Murphy were having a verbal sparring match. I won't post the things they were saying. *shiver* Anyhow, after his blooper:
(Celest): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh my god."
(Celest): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ignore that!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh my god."
(Celest): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You heard nothing! Damn it. You heard nothing!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I could die on the inside."
(Celest): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ignore that!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh my god."
(Celest): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You heard nothing! Damn it. You heard nothing!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Narsrim (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I could die on the inside."
Fania2009-01-08 03:11:22
Me too!
Fania2009-01-08 03:42:20
(Celest): Arin says, "I have the most meat!"
Unknown2009-01-08 04:32:13
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "I gave you 100, 10 X 10 = 100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17804w ex-
clt2 i said its 100 per dearest
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "I said its 100 per dearest."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17844w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17852w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "People!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "Just give me the gold!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17892w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "*bite Raf*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17892w ex-
Your karma falls to upkeep the karmic blessing of harmony.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17924w ex-
clt2 well i ment to say 100 per
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "Well i ment to say 100 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17940w ex-
The gentle lapping of the Inner Sea colliding with the city walls washes over the streets, accompanied by a whip of salty air.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17956w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "*dreamcast narcolepsy raflein* *dreamweave nightmare raflein*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17956w ex-
clt2 you can't do that to the minor seat person
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "You can't do that to the minor seat person."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
Name Generation Position FT
Raflein 1st Minor Seat On
Mortexia 2nd On
Aes 3rd On
Currently, there are 3 family members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "Yes I can."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "And I did."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "People!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "Shhhh."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 well maybe some day i'll find -one- person will be my -hun-ie bear, but i want a decent person and those -dred- hair styles are horrible looking
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "Well maybe some day i'll find -one- person will be my -hun-ie bear, but i want a decent person and those -dred- hair styles are horrible looking."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein (from the Aetherways) says, "*snicker*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17804w ex-
clt2 i said its 100 per dearest
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "I said its 100 per dearest."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17844w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17852w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17868w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17876w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "People!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17884w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "Just give me the gold!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17892w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "*bite Raf*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17892w ex-
Your karma falls to upkeep the karmic blessing of harmony.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17924w ex-
clt2 well i ment to say 100 per
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "Well i ment to say 100 per."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17940w ex-
The gentle lapping of the Inner Sea colliding with the city walls washes over the streets, accompanied by a whip of salty air.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17956w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "*dreamcast narcolepsy raflein* *dreamweave nightmare raflein*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 17956w ex-
clt2 you can't do that to the minor seat person
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "You can't do that to the minor seat person."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
Name Generation Position FT
Raflein 1st Minor Seat On
Mortexia 2nd On
Aes 3rd On
Currently, there are 3 family members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "Yes I can."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "And I did."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "People!"
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 100
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "100."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein says, "Shhhh."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
clt2 well maybe some day i'll find -one- person will be my -hun-ie bear, but i want a decent person and those -dred- hair styles are horrible looking
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "Well maybe some day i'll find -one- person will be my -hun-ie bear, but i want a decent person and those -dred- hair styles are horrible looking."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Raflein (from the Aetherways) says, "*snicker*."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
(The Dekoven Lineage): Mortexia says, "10."
2906h, 3948m, 4540e, 9p, 12240en, 18000w ex-
Reiha2009-01-08 04:51:11
(Celest): Chel (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Bye Celest, Walk Lightly!"
So cheesy it made me grin.
So cheesy it made me grin.
Celina2009-01-08 06:11:24
edit: spammy