Lendren2009-01-11 21:46:58
Lehki has been beaten to a pulp by a brownie.
You see the death occur at a garden of hanging flowers.
(Serenwilde): Casilu says, "Wow."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "Quite the brownie."
(Serenwilde): Casilu (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I expect it had nuts in it."
You see the death occur at a garden of hanging flowers.
(Serenwilde): Casilu says, "Wow."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "Quite the brownie."
(Serenwilde): Casilu (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I expect it had nuts in it."
Tael2009-01-11 22:14:15
Mmm. Brownie.
Xenthos2009-01-11 23:53:52
The Path of the Healer. (road).
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Small flakes of white float through your field of vision here and there. Misty clouds form a fog that make the degenerated road positively perilous to travel. Indeed, the glacial fog is so thick that no view is possible, either above or below. The cold air is arctic and breathing is a fight to stay conscious. Bubbling with chaotic spiritual energy, a massive sore has erupted from the side of Avechna's Peak here, ringed by a circular metallic construct, grounded by crystalline rods that run deep into the soil. A small stone milestone thrusts up from the ground, engraved with but a single name. A small stone milestone thrusts up from the ground, engraved with but a single name. Mushrooms are growing here in a perfect circle. A soft luminosity emanates from a wyvern of living crystal, curiously shifting in brilliance and hue. A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings stands firm here. Shimmering with a faint silvery outline, an undulating wind zephyr floats upon the breeze. With light grey eyes, a large wyvern with leather wings prowls around here. Covered in bone armour, a giant black widow studies you carefully from her web. Limned with holy fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you with her sympathetic eyes of light. A silver and white, sleek pony with feathered wings stands here quietly. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a dark grey nightmare paws impatiently at the dark fog that roil beneath her hooves. A young giant crow flies here with wings spread. Covered in bone armour, a screech owl is here, surveying the surroundings. A drifting melody encompasses the area softly, emanating here from an ethereal song wyvern barely visible to the eye. A slim, dun mare ambles about here. Shikha d'Murani, Death Verse towers here. She wields an elegant jet black viola in her left hand and a fruit kabob in her right. Caffrey is here. Elryn is here, shrouded. He wields an exquisite ravenwood viola in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Dylara Nimaet, Hart's Glory is here. She wields a golden sickle in her left hand and a glowing powerstone in her right. Fair Galaphyrae is here, shrouded. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a golden sunburst shield in her right. Maylea, Bloom of Serenity is here encircled by a faint shadow of Her former prismatic aura. Anisu ri`Tou is here. She wields a silver rapier in each hand. Asmodea Kamau, Winter's Fury is here. She wields a menacing crescent moonblade elegantly etched in elfen script in each hand. Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation is here, shrouded. He wields an ivory symbol bearing a black and gold trimmed amphora in his left hand. Lendren Starfall, Steadfast Teacher of Dawn is here, shrouded. He wields a mandolin of pale wood in his left hand and the Ledger of the Spirits in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Commander Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight is here. He wields a midnight morning star in each hand. Postulant Alban L'Eternae, Exalted Wizard is here, shrouded. He wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in his left hand and a holy symbol of the light in his right. Charune, the Horned One stands here surrounded by an emerald hue. He wields an elegant Moonhart bow in His left hand and the Hunter's Horn in His right. Sthai is here on one knee before Fain, genuflecting reverently in His presence. She wields an indigo lyre carved with fiends in her left hand and the Baton of Screaming Desires in her right. She is surrounded by one reflection of herself. Nocht, the Silent stands here, His features blurred behind a veil of violently twisting shadow. Ur'Warlord Thoros d'Murani, Scythe of The Red Masque towers here, shrouded. He wields an iron maiden war hammer in each hand. Lisuarte is here, shrouded. He wields a forestal violin decorated with chimes in his left hand and a silver scaled shield emblazoned with crossed blades in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Aqua Mariello Shervalian is here, shrouded. He wields a coral staff in his left hand and a golden sunburst shield in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Druidess Mihewi y'Kaliath, She Who Bakes Cherry Pie is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a magic spatula in her right. Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase towers here. He wields a black violin laced with tendrils of silver in his left hand and the Baton of the Emerald Songs in his right. Chroi is here. He wields a black iron-hafted hammer in each hand. Lanfayr d'Murani is here, shrouded. She wields a long black chain with steel scythes with both hands. Disciple Hyde, Dark Whisper is riding on a dark grey nightmare. He wields a jagged edged shield with a lich emblem in his left hand and a charred symbol of wrath in his right. Torturer Vathael Feyranti is riding on a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings. He wields a hideous hammer of depraved steel in each hand. Ser Shuyin is here. He wields a blackened justiciar's rapier in each hand. Tael Talnara, the Silver Nocturne is here. He wields a brushed silver viola decorated with pieces of night in his left hand. Lisaera, the Silver Goddess stands here amidst a vortex of ethereal energy. She wields a sparkling crystal athame in Her left hand. Kiaris Mes'ard is here, shrouded. She wields a finely-crafted violin in her left hand. She is surrounded by one reflection of herself. Wolverine Scout Raeri Nimaet is here. He wields an elfen katana of golden steel with both hands. Lekius L'Eternae, the Artform is here. He wields an argentine lyre of the forest in his left hand and an emblazoned hunter's shield in his right. Vilanni is here, smiling faintly at Eliron. She wields a barbed silver rapier in each hand. Fain, of the Red Masque stands here surrounded by a crimson miasma of wailing souls. He wields a sleek katana forged of blackened steel and wreathed in flames with both hands. Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan is here, shrouded. He wields an iron chain with both hands. Aquamage Kialkarkea Diodorus, Dreamer of the Waves is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand and a rune-inscribed twilight dagger in his right. Mirami is here, shrouded. She wields a mandolin dusted in a waterfall of stars in her left hand. Druid Aedin, White Light is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand. Druken Inseira, Keeper of the Stygian Rose is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and a mystic cudgel in his right. Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt is riding on a wyvern of living crystal. She wields a luminescent athame of serrated crystal in her left hand and an emblazoned hunter's shield in her right. Postulant Veyrzhul La'Saet towers here, shrouded. He wields a radiant symbol of love in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. Celina d'Murani, the Scarlet Hydra is here, shrouded. She wields a striped black and white violin of the Cacophony in her left hand and a wyrm emblazoned shield in her right. Raiha L'Eternae is here. She wields a shield of silvered vines in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath towers here. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand. Eventru, Crown of the Exalted is here, His sickly form dull and without colour. He wields a mystic cudgel in His left hand. Iwiertas is here, smiling faintly. He wields a golden sickle in his left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Orithon Tar'sel, Shadow in the Leaves is here. He wields a midnight black tear stained violin in his left hand.
You see a single exit leading northwest.
8491h, 3996m, 5996e, 10p, 23630en, 25145w elrxk<>-who here
You see the following people here:
Shikha, Caffrey, Elryn, Dylara, Galaphyrae, Maylea, Asmodea, Talkan, Lendren, Daevos, Alban, Charune, Sthai, Nocht, Thoros, Lisuarte, Mariello, Mihewi, Xiel, Chroi, Lanfayr, Hyde, Vathael, Eliron, Shuyin, Tael, Lisaera, Kiaris, Raeri, Lekius, Vilanni, Shaddus, Mirami, Druken, Sarrasri, Veyrzhul, Celina, Raiha, Eventru, Iwiertas, Orithon, Gregori, Fain, Anisu, Aedin, Kialkarkea, Xenthos
The Path of the Healer. (road).
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Small flakes of white float through your field of vision here and there. Misty clouds form a fog that make the degenerated road positively perilous to travel. Indeed, the glacial fog is so thick that no view is possible, either above or below. The cold air is arctic and breathing is a fight to stay conscious. Bubbling with chaotic spiritual energy, a massive sore has erupted from the side of Avechna's Peak here, ringed by a circular metallic construct, grounded by crystalline rods that run deep into the soil. A small stone milestone thrusts up from the ground, engraved with but a single name. A small stone milestone thrusts up from the ground, engraved with but a single name. Mushrooms are growing here in a perfect circle. A soft luminosity emanates from a wyvern of living crystal, curiously shifting in brilliance and hue. A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings stands firm here. Shimmering with a faint silvery outline, an undulating wind zephyr floats upon the breeze. With light grey eyes, a large wyvern with leather wings prowls around here. Covered in bone armour, a giant black widow studies you carefully from her web. Limned with holy fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you with her sympathetic eyes of light. A silver and white, sleek pony with feathered wings stands here quietly. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a dark grey nightmare paws impatiently at the dark fog that roil beneath her hooves. A young giant crow flies here with wings spread. Covered in bone armour, a screech owl is here, surveying the surroundings. A drifting melody encompasses the area softly, emanating here from an ethereal song wyvern barely visible to the eye. A slim, dun mare ambles about here. Shikha d'Murani, Death Verse towers here. She wields an elegant jet black viola in her left hand and a fruit kabob in her right. Caffrey is here. Elryn is here, shrouded. He wields an exquisite ravenwood viola in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Dylara Nimaet, Hart's Glory is here. She wields a golden sickle in her left hand and a glowing powerstone in her right. Fair Galaphyrae is here, shrouded. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a golden sunburst shield in her right. Maylea, Bloom of Serenity is here encircled by a faint shadow of Her former prismatic aura. Anisu ri`Tou is here. She wields a silver rapier in each hand. Asmodea Kamau, Winter's Fury is here. She wields a menacing crescent moonblade elegantly etched in elfen script in each hand. Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation is here, shrouded. He wields an ivory symbol bearing a black and gold trimmed amphora in his left hand. Lendren Starfall, Steadfast Teacher of Dawn is here, shrouded. He wields a mandolin of pale wood in his left hand and the Ledger of the Spirits in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Commander Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight is here. He wields a midnight morning star in each hand. Postulant Alban L'Eternae, Exalted Wizard is here, shrouded. He wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in his left hand and a holy symbol of the light in his right. Charune, the Horned One stands here surrounded by an emerald hue. He wields an elegant Moonhart bow in His left hand and the Hunter's Horn in His right. Sthai is here on one knee before Fain, genuflecting reverently in His presence. She wields an indigo lyre carved with fiends in her left hand and the Baton of Screaming Desires in her right. She is surrounded by one reflection of herself. Nocht, the Silent stands here, His features blurred behind a veil of violently twisting shadow. Ur'Warlord Thoros d'Murani, Scythe of The Red Masque towers here, shrouded. He wields an iron maiden war hammer in each hand. Lisuarte is here, shrouded. He wields a forestal violin decorated with chimes in his left hand and a silver scaled shield emblazoned with crossed blades in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Aqua Mariello Shervalian is here, shrouded. He wields a coral staff in his left hand and a golden sunburst shield in his right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Druidess Mihewi y'Kaliath, She Who Bakes Cherry Pie is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a magic spatula in her right. Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase towers here. He wields a black violin laced with tendrils of silver in his left hand and the Baton of the Emerald Songs in his right. Chroi is here. He wields a black iron-hafted hammer in each hand. Lanfayr d'Murani is here, shrouded. She wields a long black chain with steel scythes with both hands. Disciple Hyde, Dark Whisper is riding on a dark grey nightmare. He wields a jagged edged shield with a lich emblem in his left hand and a charred symbol of wrath in his right. Torturer Vathael Feyranti is riding on a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings. He wields a hideous hammer of depraved steel in each hand. Ser Shuyin is here. He wields a blackened justiciar's rapier in each hand. Tael Talnara, the Silver Nocturne is here. He wields a brushed silver viola decorated with pieces of night in his left hand. Lisaera, the Silver Goddess stands here amidst a vortex of ethereal energy. She wields a sparkling crystal athame in Her left hand. Kiaris Mes'ard is here, shrouded. She wields a finely-crafted violin in her left hand. She is surrounded by one reflection of herself. Wolverine Scout Raeri Nimaet is here. He wields an elfen katana of golden steel with both hands. Lekius L'Eternae, the Artform is here. He wields an argentine lyre of the forest in his left hand and an emblazoned hunter's shield in his right. Vilanni is here, smiling faintly at Eliron. She wields a barbed silver rapier in each hand. Fain, of the Red Masque stands here surrounded by a crimson miasma of wailing souls. He wields a sleek katana forged of blackened steel and wreathed in flames with both hands. Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan is here, shrouded. He wields an iron chain with both hands. Aquamage Kialkarkea Diodorus, Dreamer of the Waves is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand and a rune-inscribed twilight dagger in his right. Mirami is here, shrouded. She wields a mandolin dusted in a waterfall of stars in her left hand. Druid Aedin, White Light is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand. Druken Inseira, Keeper of the Stygian Rose is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and a mystic cudgel in his right. Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt is riding on a wyvern of living crystal. She wields a luminescent athame of serrated crystal in her left hand and an emblazoned hunter's shield in her right. Postulant Veyrzhul La'Saet towers here, shrouded. He wields a radiant symbol of love in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. Celina d'Murani, the Scarlet Hydra is here, shrouded. She wields a striped black and white violin of the Cacophony in her left hand and a wyrm emblazoned shield in her right. Raiha L'Eternae is here. She wields a shield of silvered vines in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath towers here. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand. Eventru, Crown of the Exalted is here, His sickly form dull and without colour. He wields a mystic cudgel in His left hand. Iwiertas is here, smiling faintly. He wields a golden sickle in his left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Orithon Tar'sel, Shadow in the Leaves is here. He wields a midnight black tear stained violin in his left hand.
You see a single exit leading northwest.
8491h, 3996m, 5996e, 10p, 23630en, 25145w elrxk<>-who here
You see the following people here:
Shikha, Caffrey, Elryn, Dylara, Galaphyrae, Maylea, Asmodea, Talkan, Lendren, Daevos, Alban, Charune, Sthai, Nocht, Thoros, Lisuarte, Mariello, Mihewi, Xiel, Chroi, Lanfayr, Hyde, Vathael, Eliron, Shuyin, Tael, Lisaera, Kiaris, Raeri, Lekius, Vilanni, Shaddus, Mirami, Druken, Sarrasri, Veyrzhul, Celina, Raiha, Eventru, Iwiertas, Orithon, Gregori, Fain, Anisu, Aedin, Kialkarkea, Xenthos
Unknown2009-01-12 00:04:15
Holy fu-.
What was the occasion, anyway?
What was the occasion, anyway?
Unknown2009-01-12 00:15:28
Where the divine gather, there shall be an enormous amount of curious, loud mortals.
some reason I found this funny.
some reason I found this funny.
Alianna puts the corpse of Maylea, Bloom of Serenity into a massive, bubbling
The corpse of Maylea, Bloom of Serenity sinks into a massive, bubbling sore,
writhing about in a sudden spurt of movement, its mouth opening in a silent
Tervic puts a packet of spices into a massive, bubbling sore.
A prismatic cloud of sparkling essence rises up out of a massive, bubbling sore,
before turning into long ribbons that arch skywards, fading into the distance.
{Lots more corpses being put in and essence clouds rising up}
A shimmering cloud of silvery essence rises up out of a massive, bubbling sore,
before turning into long ribbons that arch skywards, fading into the distance.
Tervic puts a sugar crystal into a massive, bubbling sore.
{Lots more corpses being put in and essence clouds rising up}
The corpse of Maylea, Bloom of Serenity sinks into a massive, bubbling sore,
writhing about in a sudden spurt of movement, its mouth opening in a silent
Tervic puts a packet of spices into a massive, bubbling sore.
A prismatic cloud of sparkling essence rises up out of a massive, bubbling sore,
before turning into long ribbons that arch skywards, fading into the distance.
{Lots more corpses being put in and essence clouds rising up}
A shimmering cloud of silvery essence rises up out of a massive, bubbling sore,
before turning into long ribbons that arch skywards, fading into the distance.
Tervic puts a sugar crystal into a massive, bubbling sore.
{Lots more corpses being put in and essence clouds rising up}
Unknown2009-01-12 00:40:18
11065h, 3700m, 6300e, 10p, 32310en, 24698w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
Nocht, the Silent raises a finger to his lips as he softly whispers, "Shh." You are suddenly blown off your feet as deafening silence washes over you.
Yuniko has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Vathael has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Vathael drops the corpse of Fain, of the Red Masque.
Vathael drops the corpse of Fain, of the Red Masque.
Vathael drops the corpse of Shikari, the Predator.
Vathael drops the corpse of a blob.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops a bit of dark essence.
Vathael drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Vathael drops the corpse of a sadistic mitran.
Vathael drops the corpse of a sadistic mitran.
Vathael drops the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
Vathael drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Karnagan has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Lanfayr has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Lanfayr drops the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
Lanfayr drops the corpse of a robed obesefessor.
3473h, 3700m, 6300e, 10p, 32310en, 24698w exkdbp<>--7592
outr myrtle
eat myrtle
sip health
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
read 49741
Killing blow:
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32180en, 23833w elxkb<>-swing nocht left hand
swing nocht
swing nocht
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
Nocht, the Silent moves his arms back and forth, as if conducting an orchestra, while large walls of shadow slam viciously into Lanfayr.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32180en, 23833w elxkb<>-sip health
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent, who smoothly steps away from the blow. Your weapon pounds through the air, missing completely.
Trigger {bashalarm} removed.
Trigger {lagalarm} removed.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
swing nocht
swing nocht
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
Trigger {HealthAlarm} removed.
8696h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-1421
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 1224.
8696h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
Trigger {SparkleAlarm} removed.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Lanfayr eats a sparkleberry.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Lanfayr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-1106
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Esano points his staff at Nocht, the Silent and it swells, rapidly discharging a torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks which engulf his body.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w erxkb<>-
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent. You powerfully pound him, making him stagger back.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32161en, 23833w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
The presence of your Deity's avatar soothes you.
10741h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23847w exkb<>-939
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23843w elxkb<>-
Lanfayr reads a scroll.
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23843w elxkb<>-
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent, who smoothly steps away from the blow. Your weapon pounds through the air, missing completely.
Trigger {bashalarm} removed.
Trigger {lagalarm} removed.
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
A Divine wave of healing washes over you, strengthening your mind, body and ego as reward for your devotion.
The divine aura of curing around you hums briefly as it draws an affliction from your body.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-324
The soul of Daevos swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes in a flash of chromatic colours.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
You may be healed by a scroll again.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
You bleed 122 health.
10943h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>--122
Nocht, the Silent raises a finger to his lips as he softly whispers, "Shh." You are suddenly blown off your feet as deafening silence washes over you.
Lanfayr has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Esano has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
You have been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
A bit of dark essence falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a sadistic mitran falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns falls out of your inventory.
Your body begins the process of transforming into a lich.
0h, 3849m, 6300e, 0p, 32172en, 23843w elrx<>-
0h, 3849m, 6300e, 0p, 32172en, 23843w elrx<>--10943
swing nocht
Nocht, the Silent raises a finger to his lips as he softly whispers, "Shh." You are suddenly blown off your feet as deafening silence washes over you.
Yuniko has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Vathael has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Vathael drops the corpse of Fain, of the Red Masque.
Vathael drops the corpse of Fain, of the Red Masque.
Vathael drops the corpse of Shikari, the Predator.
Vathael drops the corpse of a blob.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops the corpse of a stainless steel goat.
Vathael drops a bit of dark essence.
Vathael drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Vathael drops the corpse of a sadistic mitran.
Vathael drops the corpse of a sadistic mitran.
Vathael drops the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
Vathael drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Karnagan has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Lanfayr has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Lanfayr drops the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
Lanfayr drops the corpse of a robed obesefessor.
3473h, 3700m, 6300e, 10p, 32310en, 24698w exkdbp<>--7592
outr myrtle
eat myrtle
sip health
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
read 49741
Killing blow:
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32180en, 23833w elxkb<>-swing nocht left hand
swing nocht
swing nocht
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
Nocht, the Silent moves his arms back and forth, as if conducting an orchestra, while large walls of shadow slam viciously into Lanfayr.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32180en, 23833w elxkb<>-sip health
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent, who smoothly steps away from the blow. Your weapon pounds through the air, missing completely.
Trigger {bashalarm} removed.
Trigger {lagalarm} removed.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
7275h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
swing nocht
swing nocht
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
Trigger {HealthAlarm} removed.
8696h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-1421
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 1224.
8696h, 3243m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
Trigger {SparkleAlarm} removed.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Lanfayr eats a sparkleberry.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Lanfayr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-1106
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
Esano points his staff at Nocht, the Silent and it swells, rapidly discharging a torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks which engulf his body.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w exkb<>-
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32171en, 23833w erxkb<>-
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent. You powerfully pound him, making him stagger back.
9802h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32161en, 23833w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
The presence of your Deity's avatar soothes you.
10741h, 3658m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23847w exkb<>-939
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23843w elxkb<>-
Lanfayr reads a scroll.
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32181en, 23843w elxkb<>-
You wildly swing an iron maiden war hammer at Nocht, the Silent, who smoothly steps away from the blow. Your weapon pounds through the air, missing completely.
Trigger {bashalarm} removed.
Trigger {lagalarm} removed.
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
10741h, 3642m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
A Divine wave of healing washes over you, strengthening your mind, body and ego as reward for your devotion.
The divine aura of curing around you hums briefly as it draws an affliction from your body.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-324
The soul of Daevos swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes in a flash of chromatic colours.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
You may be healed by a scroll again.
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-swing nocht
swing nocht
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
11065h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>-
You bleed 122 health.
10943h, 3849m, 6300e, 10p, 32172en, 23843w exkb<>--122
Nocht, the Silent raises a finger to his lips as he softly whispers, "Shh." You are suddenly blown off your feet as deafening silence washes over you.
Lanfayr has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
Esano has been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
You have been slain by Nocht, the Silent.
A bit of dark essence falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a decaying gargoyle falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a sadistic mitran falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns falls out of your inventory.
Your body begins the process of transforming into a lich.
0h, 3849m, 6300e, 0p, 32172en, 23843w elrx<>-
0h, 3849m, 6300e, 0p, 32172en, 23843w elrx<>--10943
Unknown2009-01-12 00:47:05
Looks like I logged in at just the right time
The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
You watch in amazement as a massive, bubbling sore crumbles before your eyes.
The Stairs of the Healer. (road).
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A smattering of
clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. The crumbling stairway
is nothing but the remnants of long hewn blocks of granite carved into a sheer
cliff. The air is frigid and so thin that breathing is becoming a task. Ice
crystals are formed deep within the crags of the cliff, making the temperature
of the rocks as cold as ice. Mushrooms are growing here in a perfect circle.
You see exits leading east and down.
The cloud cover clears, and sun fills the skies.
You shout, "The Sore Just Crumbled Away..."
Shaddus tells you, "Aye, we're killing the fake divine, they went to Astral to
try and drain it, and are bringing kethuru through."
A thoughtful scholar shouts, "Sounds like you've been nipping at the bottle and
lighting a pipe of weed, boy."
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
You watch in amazement as a massive, bubbling sore crumbles before your eyes.
The Stairs of the Healer. (road).
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A smattering of
clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. The crumbling stairway
is nothing but the remnants of long hewn blocks of granite carved into a sheer
cliff. The air is frigid and so thin that breathing is becoming a task. Ice
crystals are formed deep within the crags of the cliff, making the temperature
of the rocks as cold as ice. Mushrooms are growing here in a perfect circle.
You see exits leading east and down.
The cloud cover clears, and sun fills the skies.
You shout, "The Sore Just Crumbled Away..."
Shaddus tells you, "Aye, we're killing the fake divine, they went to Astral to
try and drain it, and are bringing kethuru through."
A thoughtful scholar shouts, "Sounds like you've been nipping at the bottle and
lighting a pipe of weed, boy."
Vathael2009-01-12 01:24:42
You loom over the pitiful form of Inagin and plunge your hands into his chest,
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
Anisu2009-01-12 01:31:47
QUOTE (Vathael @ Jan 12 2009, 02:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You loom over the pitiful form of Inagin and plunge your hands into his chest,
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
seems you can not kill people in the temple places
Everiine2009-01-12 01:32:46
QUOTE (Vathael @ Jan 11 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You loom over the pitiful form of Inagin and plunge your hands into his chest,
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
ripping out his heart. You offer the bloody organ up to the Demon Lords of Nil,
and are rewarded with an ecstatic surge of power and might.
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.

Nariah2009-01-12 01:35:29
QUOTE (Phred @ Jan 12 2009, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shaddus tells you, "Aye, we're killing the fake divine, they went to Astral to try and drain it, and are bringing kethuru through."
I had nothing to do with that.

Casilu2009-01-12 01:39:51
QUOTE (Nariah @ Jan 11 2009, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had nothing to do with that. 

They mentioned you, by name.
Shaddus2009-01-12 02:13:45
QUOTE (casilu @ Jan 11 2009, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They mentioned you, by name.
Yeah. They said you suggested it.
Nariah2009-01-12 02:15:11
Who'd believe essence bloated imposters anyhow. 

Fania2009-01-12 02:31:35
(Celest): Eventru says, "Therefore We win."
Celest): Eventru says, "Neener, neener."
Celest): Eventru says, "Neener, neener."
Dignified as ever, heh heh
Casilu2009-01-12 03:06:59
Message #1597 Sent by: Shuyin
01/12 02:38 "(Yes, requesting backup, they've pierced the hull and gotten Jenkins, he looks like a go-OH GOD THEY'RE AT THE BRIDGE CUTTING OFF COMMUNICATIONS FOR A MO-)"
Shiri2009-01-12 04:02:00
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "2009/01/12
00:59:45 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:04 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:20 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:35 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:50 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:04 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:07 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:21 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:30 - Thoros slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "We self owned
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Fain was
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "MORONS."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "STOP."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "STOP NOW."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "WHY ARE YOU
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us: ..."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us: so it's
not a private bashing ground??"
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Fain : NO."
Easy mistake to make, but that's great.
00:59:45 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:04 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:20 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:35 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:00:50 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:04 - Celina slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:07 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:21 - Melville slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you. 2009/01/12
01:01:30 - Thoros slew a gigantic maggot that was loyal to you."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "We self owned
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Fain was
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "MORONS."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "STOP."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "STOP NOW."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "WHY ARE YOU

(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us: ..."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us: so it's
not a private bashing ground??"
(Bellator Societas): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Fain : NO."
Easy mistake to make, but that's great.
Reiha2009-01-12 04:08:41
Tervic tells you, "(we're so weird

Shiri2009-01-12 05:16:20
A new Ascendant rises! By decree of Magistrate Thoros and with full support of
the Iron Council, let it be known that the Mighty Province of Magnagora has this
day imbued Thoros with the energies of the Megalith of Doom, raising a Vernal
Romero, Fist of Luciphage shouts, "Shout that
Sepulchral whispers seethe across the Basin as the voice of Torturer Vathael
Feyranti rumbles, "Bleed on!"
(Vathael's was intentional...Romero's not so much)
the Iron Council, let it be known that the Mighty Province of Magnagora has this
day imbued Thoros with the energies of the Megalith of Doom, raising a Vernal
Romero, Fist of Luciphage shouts, "Shout that

Sepulchral whispers seethe across the Basin as the voice of Torturer Vathael
Feyranti rumbles, "Bleed on!"
(Vathael's was intentional...Romero's not so much)
Reiha2009-01-12 05:23:09
(Celest): Arin (from the Aetherways) says, "I should try and claim Chaos."
(Celest): Eventru says, "Great minds think alike."
(Celest): Arin (from the Aetherways) says, "Or beauty... because I'm so pretty."
(Celest): Eventru says, "Great minds think alike."
(Celest): Arin (from the Aetherways) says, "Or beauty... because I'm so pretty."