
by Rika

Back to Common Grounds.

Xiel2008-10-19 05:56:17
And you've been doing STABLE HOUSE FEED to make it feed out of the feedbag instead of the normal stable?
Raiha2008-10-19 05:57:04
Yep. And he's basically been following me around all day today, eating copious amounts of food. Even just then, when I had a success, it was only one suporu.
Xiel2008-10-19 06:07:53
Hmm hmm...whenever I leave my ponies in the stable for five hours or so, I'm usually able to give them two reagents when I come back. Maybe you're just noticing the amount of time it normally takes cause you're concentrating on it so much? I dunno. :|
Rika2008-10-19 06:11:09
Are you actually filling your feedbag fully? I've found you need to do that before you can administer.
Raiha2008-10-19 06:13:45
Hmm. I think it's getting filled up properly. Anyway, we'll see after he's in the stable all night and gets fed tomorrow. If I'm still having troubles, we'll know it isn't my head, heh.
Arin2008-10-19 10:48:29
Do beasts lose exp if you die/lose exp when they're near you?
Arin2008-10-19 10:56:59
| A young male horse with a braided tail -------------------------- #44214|
| Sex    : Male                      Birthday  : 8th Urlachmar 219        |
| Status : Healthy                   Age       : Youth                    |
| Fees   : Prepaid for 29 months     Loyal To  : Arin                     |
| Stable : The Star Stables of New Celest                                 |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 5084/5500                 Body Trains    : 0/0                 |
| Mana   : 5084/5500                 Mind Trains    : 0/0                 |
| Ego    : 5084/5500                 Spirit Trains  : 0/0                 |
|-------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCE|
| Level  : 11 ( 7%)   |
|------------------------------------------------------- TRAINED ABILITIES|
| (Mount)                             (Gallop)                            |

| Arin Dekoven, the Special One ------------------------------------------|
| Sex    : Male                      Birthday  : 16th Avechary 157        |
| Race   : Seasinger Merian          Age       : 61                       |
| Mentor : Nobody                    Mentorship: Able to mentor           |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 4319/3530     Endurance : 15200/15200     Power    : 10p       |
| Mana   : 4810/4860     Willpower : 22366/22400     Reserves : 91%       |
| Ego    : 4232/5100     Mindset   : Pedantic        Esteem   : 51%       |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- KARMA|
| Karma  : 88%                                                            |
| The karmic blessing of harmony   : 20 hours 54 minutes                  |
|---------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS|
| Experience : #207  Supramortal             Level : 80 (40.76%)          |
| Explorer   : #434  a Walker of Lost Lands   |

My beast has more health/ego/mana at me at so much less levels sad.gif
Arin2008-10-19 10:57:36
Double Post
Arin2008-10-19 10:57:36
EDIT: Triple post... silly forum
Unknown2008-10-19 17:01:01
QUOTE(Arin @ Oct 19 2008, 05:56 AM) 572830
My beast has more health/ego/mana at me at so much less levels sad.gif

Well, they call it a beast for a reason.
Unknown2008-10-20 18:47:09

Personalities would be nice, or a set of horsey emotes that we can choose for our horseys to do, sort of like ship personalities, I guess. We wouldn't set how the emotes look, they'd be predefined, but I think horses have potential for some awesome RP... and... yeah. biggrin.gif
Noola2008-10-20 18:49:22
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Oct 20 2008, 01:47 PM) 573318

Personalities would be nice, or a set of horsey emotes that we can choose for our horseys to do, sort of like ship personalities, I guess. We wouldn't set how the emotes look, they'd be predefined, but I think horses have potential for some awesome RP... and... yeah. biggrin.gif

Myrkr, I really don't see this happening. That sort of thing is one of the perks of buying credit-pets/beasts. You'll probably just have to settle for talking to your horse and including its response in your own emotes unless you want to get a credit-pet.
Unknown2008-10-20 18:55:49
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 20 2008, 02:49 PM) 573319
Myrkr, I really don't see this happening. That sort of thing is one of the perks of buying credit-pets/beasts. You'll probably just have to settle for talking to your horse and including its response in your own emotes unless you want to get a credit-pet.


Noola2008-10-20 18:59:39
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Oct 20 2008, 01:55 PM) 573320


I'm sorry. sad.gif comfort.gif

But hey, you can include the horse's response in your emotes though! It's not the end of horsey RP not having particular emotes for the beasts. And who knows, maybe I'm wrong and they'll put it in. dunno.gif
Arin2008-10-20 20:20:17
Hmm how come even though my horsey's fully evolved (ie level 12) and has been constantly fed, he can't take more than 6 doses of bodoru?
Unknown2008-10-20 20:22:29
QUOTE(Arin @ Oct 20 2008, 04:20 PM) 573345
Hmm how come even though my horsey's fully evolved (ie level 12) and has been constantly fed, he can't take more than 6 doses of bodoru?

Did you give it enough oat/meat feed?
Kharaen2008-10-20 20:35:27
Also, it's 2 feed per reagent. So, feed him 20 meat, he can take 10 reagents.
Noola2008-10-20 20:37:35
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Oct 20 2008, 03:35 PM) 573349
Also, it's 2 feed per reagent. So, feed him 20 meat, he can take 10 reagents.

Hey! Thanks for that! I wondered what the ratio was. smile.gif
Rika2008-10-21 00:25:38
Again, not always true. Sometimes it takes more than 2.
Kharaen2008-10-21 00:26:23
Meh, so far it's been 2:1 for me. I'm only at 50 feed though.