
by Rika

Back to Common Grounds.

Kharaen2008-10-28 02:28:09
Um, colourwrap the words wyvern egg, then. Makes it easier to see the eggs.
Tervic2008-10-28 03:00:57
Indeed, it's not like the eggs are buried or anything (silly coeurl treasurehunt minigame tongue.gif)
Xavius2008-10-28 03:12:09
The colt has a soft dove grey coat, untouched yet by adulthood. His soft blue
eyes gaze intently around himself and he has a coal black tail. He twitches his
tail occasionally and paws the ground.
A young male horse with a coal black tail does not look particularly dangerous.

This large stallion is a strong, powerful creature, and his well-defined muscles
gleam beneath a black coat. His mane is slightly tangled from his wild runs, and
his tail swishes incessantly as his grey eyes peer around dolefully. He lets out
an occasional snort as he paws at the ground, throwing his head back with
inherent nobility, and a grey mane grace his body.
A large, black stallion with a grey mane does not look particularly dangerous.

All fruit. Almost exactly like Reiha's, but wingless (mentions mane instead) and different colors.
Kaalak2008-10-28 05:19:22
So. With the advent of beasts, I suggest the Barding skill for Forgers and Caparisons for Tailors.

Barding would be minor armour for beasts. Caparisons would be essentially a cloak for beasts, with the opportunity to give the beast a minor resistance (cold resistance, etc.).

Both skills would allow people to create their own unique designs for their beasts.

Arin2008-10-28 07:23:40
I'd be interested in seeing the different types of wyvern coming up.
Xiel2008-10-28 08:11:52
My first three hatched. happy.gif

So far, the generic adolescent ones have only shown up as 'a young wyvern' or 'a young female wyvern' though, so we'll see how they grow. ohmy.gif
Diamondais2008-10-28 15:14:30
You lead a proud, white stallion with a cropped mane out of a stall of the Stables of the Green Hand.

This proud stallion is a strong, powerful creature, and his well-defined muscles gleam beneath a white coat. His mane is slightly tangled from his wild runs, and
his tail swishes incessantly as his brown eyes blink slowly. He lets out an occasional snort as he paws at the ground, throwing his head back with inherent nobility, and a cropped mane grace his body.

I'll admit, laugh.gif my horse looks stupid but he's quite "noble".
Kharaen2008-10-28 15:16:02
I was hoping the wyverns would have different colours like the colts did... There is no mention of colour at all right now. Am I looking at a blue, tame wyvern, or a wilder red wyvern?
Bael2008-10-28 16:45:17
Another beastmastery question biggrin.gif.

With artifact beasts, do you have to have the beast learn flying if you want it to follow you when you fly?
Diamondais2008-10-28 16:50:44
QUOTE(Bael @ Oct 28 2008, 12:45 PM) 576689
Another beastmastery question biggrin.gif.

With artifact beasts, do you have to have the beast learn flying if you want it to follow you when you fly?

For the most part, things need to be able to fly for them to follow you during flying.
Unknown2008-10-28 16:54:31
Half oats, half fruit. Originally a young female horse with a silvery tail, turned into a young female horse with dun wings when I taught it flying, then turned into this!

A huge, white mare with a pair of wings

A huge, white mare ambles about here.

This mare has a huge frame, with sleek muscles denoting speed and grace whenever
she moves. She occasionally tosses her luxurious mane as she whinnies and
snorts, and her grey eyes blink slowly, taking in the world. Her sleek coat is
coloured white, with a pair of wings sprouting proudly from her body. Blinking
occasionally and swishing her tail, she has the forebearing look of a creature
waiting for something interesting to happen.
This one was a young female horse with a grey mane. Fed half oats, half vegetables.

A dainty, brown mare with a white mane

A dainty, brown mare ambles about here.

This mare has a dainty frame, with sleek muscles denoting speed and grace
whenever she moves. She occasionally tosses her luxurious mane as she whinnies
and snorts, and her pale blue eyes peer around dolefully, taking in the world.
Her sleek coat is coloured brown, with a white mane sprouting proudly from her
body. Blinking occasionally and swishing her tail, she has the forebearing look
of a creature waiting for something interesting to happen.

And this one was also a young female horse with a grey mane, fed half meat, half eggs.

a dainty, white mare with a snow white tail

A dainty, white mare ambles about here.

This mare has a dainty frame, with sleek muscles denoting speed and grace
whenever she moves. She occasionally tosses her luxurious mane as she whinnies
and snorts, and her brown eyes blink slowly, taking in the world. Her sleek coat
is coloured white, with a snow white tail sprouting proudly from her body.
Blinking occasionally and swishing her tail, she has the forebearing look of a
creature waiting for something interesting to happen.

They all look bored, but I wub.gif them!
Diamondais2008-10-28 16:56:14
I like the two dainty ones. wub.gif
Kaalak2008-10-29 03:36:36
If you have two beasts following you do they divide the experience from bashing?
Unknown2008-10-29 03:37:26
Cant have two beasts out at the same time, so no tongue.gif
Kharaen2008-10-30 21:31:16
It would be nice if owners could sell their beast from the stable directly, providing they have learnt up to Trader:

STABLE SELL 88318 20000
You instruct the stablehand to place a towering, grey speckled stallion with skeletal wings into a showing stall.
STABLE SELL 99999 75000
You instruct the stablehand to place a young wyvern into a showing stall.

88318   a towering, grey speckled stallion with skeletal wings  20,000

99999   a young wyvern                                          75,000

88318   a towering, grey speckled stallion with skeletal wings  20,000
99999   a young wyvern                                          75,000

| A towering, grey speckled stallion with skeletal wings ---------- #88318|
| Sex    : Male                      Birthday  : 20th Estar 219           |
| Status : Healthy                   Age       : One year old             |
| Fees   : Prepaid for 23 months     Loyal To  : Kharaen                  |
| Stable : the Stables of the Wyrden Thorn                                |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 15000/15000               Body Trains    : 550/600             |
| Mana   : 6000/6000                 Mind Trains    : 0/0                 |
| Ego    : 6000/6000                 Spirit Trains  : 0/0                 |
|-------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCE|
| Level  : 12 ( 0%)                                                       |
|------------------------------------------------------- TRAINED ABILITIES|
| (Mount)                             Swim                                |
| (Gallop)                            Battle                              |
| Balance                             Trot                                |
| Thicken Hide                        Aggressive                          |
| Fly                                 Deepsea Dive                        |
Estarra2008-10-30 21:49:40
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Oct 30 2008, 02:31 PM) 577553
It would be nice if owners could sell their beast from the stable directly, providing they have learnt up to Trader:

Interesting idea... huh.gif
Noola2008-10-30 21:51:02
QUOTE(Estarra @ Oct 30 2008, 04:49 PM) 577560
Interesting idea... huh.gif

Gregori2008-10-30 22:11:07
It would be nice if you could untrain a skill at a cost of reagents. So if you realize you screwed something up you are not stuck with a beast you don't want but paid over 100k for sad.gif
Unknown2008-10-30 22:12:12
QUOTE(Estarra @ Oct 30 2008, 05:49 PM) 577560
Interesting idea... huh.gif

Yes please. dribble.gif
Tael2008-10-30 23:04:28
Maybe some Manse Stables too.