Gregori2009-04-03 14:45:36
QUOTE (Laysus @ Apr 3 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 more years and it'd have been a century since I took High Wisdom ._.
Also, screw you guys, I know I needed replacing, but you could be a bit nicer about it ._.
Also, screw you guys, I know I needed replacing, but you could be a bit nicer about it ._.
Don't worry, Laysus, I can't stand you and I wish you had won.
Gregori2009-04-03 14:46:56
QUOTE (Arix @ Apr 3 2009, 04:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Although if I was Aramel, I would totally keep Laysus in charge of fines, since he's good at that since she has already proven she can't deal with punishing people
Laysus2009-04-03 14:46:57
And this is why I sometimes like you, Gregori.

Unknown2009-04-03 15:42:16
Escaping a fairly numerous Serenwilde zerg in Faethorn 
EDIT: Having brief interactions with half-brothers

EDIT: Having brief interactions with half-brothers

Unknown2009-04-03 16:00:14
QUOTE (Caerulo @ Mar 28 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But, you joined after he joined...
Maybe not with Rodngar's case, but to me, most people suddenly bailing to Glom after Shuyin did bears a pretty heavy burden of proof that they aren't just shiftless bandwagoners. Like, right. It just dawned on you, just recently, that Glomdoring was the underdog, and purely coincidentally, you thought you'd want to go help the underdog at the same time Shuyin had the same idea! Right.

So, if Glom starts winning consistently, will these noble souls swap sides again?
The answer is yes!
(But only if someone like Shuyin does first).
Unknown2009-04-03 16:04:53
Hey, Rodngar and Aoife were talking about going Glom longer before Shuyin had, according to the rumours 

Sidd2009-04-03 16:47:03
True Story, I knew about Rodngar coming before I did about Shuyin, Rodngar just waited longer and was overshadowed
Gregori2009-04-03 16:48:56
The funny part is it is really nobody of consequence that have jumped on the bandwagon. I mean, sure they all followed along behind Shuyin like lost puppies, but that was obviously going to happen. In the end though, who cares? Does anyone really know who Mortexia is? I mean other than her 'Darkwing Duck rip off of trademarks' pet, she is a nobody. I wouldn't know Aoife or Rodngar at all if it wasn't for seeing them post on the forums.
Now if people like Xiel or Sarrasri, or Vathael and so on start moving to Glomdoring 'to help the underdog' then we have something worry about. For now it is just the nameless zerg.
Now if people like Xiel or Sarrasri, or Vathael and so on start moving to Glomdoring 'to help the underdog' then we have something worry about. For now it is just the nameless zerg.
Urazial2009-04-03 16:59:02
I guess that's one of the differences. We're playing a game here and anyone who wants to play in Glomdoring is welcome to no matter if they're considered to be "of consequence" or not. Frankly, I find it pretty disgusting that anyone would reduce people in such a way, but whatever floats your boat! 

Aoife2009-04-03 17:14:40
QUOTE (Sidd @ Apr 3 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True Story, I knew about Rodngar coming before I did about Shuyin, Rodngar just waited longer and was overshadowed
Rodngar waited longer because I wanted to do some mass enchanting first, and to be able to stay logged in for more than 10 minutes - so it had to wait until a weekend evening. Our moving had pretty much zip to do with Shuyin - Celest was boring and frustrating, is all. If you asked Aoife who Shuyin is she'd probably reply with "I'm sorry, who is that?"
And yeah, Aoife and Rodngar are innocuous and "of no consequence." I get that. I don't find it particularly offensive, because I'd rather be that quiet person who just goes about her business.
Unknown2009-04-03 17:16:30
I know this is raves and all, but I'm a troll. What do you really expect?
If it helps any, I think if you had been active it would be different. Granted, Derian doesn't really like Laysus much at all IC (though he was impressed by that news post). Still, I (and he) have respect for anyone who can perform as a guild leader.
I think you're deliberately misunderstanding here. What Gregori is talking about is characters, not players. It is perfectly fine to say that losing a few characters is not a huge hit to the Serenwilde if those characters weren't yet big contributers. He's not saying that those people suck and we don't want them in Serenwilde. He's responding to whoever was talking about the mass exodus following Shuyin and pointing out that it's really not all that big of a change for those people to flip from one org to another.
QUOTE (Laysus @ Apr 3 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 more years and it'd have been a century since I took High Wisdom ._.
Also, screw you guys, I know I needed replacing, but you could be a bit nicer about it ._.
Also, screw you guys, I know I needed replacing, but you could be a bit nicer about it ._.
If it helps any, I think if you had been active it would be different. Granted, Derian doesn't really like Laysus much at all IC (though he was impressed by that news post). Still, I (and he) have respect for anyone who can perform as a guild leader.
QUOTE (Urazial @ Apr 3 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess that's one of the differences. We're playing a game here and anyone who wants to play in Glomdoring is welcome to no matter if they're considered to be "of consequence" or not. Frankly, I find it pretty disgusting that anyone would reduce people in such a way, but whatever floats your boat! 

I think you're deliberately misunderstanding here. What Gregori is talking about is characters, not players. It is perfectly fine to say that losing a few characters is not a huge hit to the Serenwilde if those characters weren't yet big contributers. He's not saying that those people suck and we don't want them in Serenwilde. He's responding to whoever was talking about the mass exodus following Shuyin and pointing out that it's really not all that big of a change for those people to flip from one org to another.
Serella2009-04-03 18:04:43
Omgnovices. And they're enthusiastic and eager to learn! I think I'm getting into my happy place again 

Unknown2009-04-03 18:06:47
My first Glom kid! 

Gregori2009-04-03 18:12:34
QUOTE (mitbulls @ Apr 3 2009, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you're deliberately misunderstanding here. What Gregori is talking about is characters, not players. It is perfectly fine to say that losing a few characters is not a huge hit to the Serenwilde if those characters weren't yet big contributers. He's not saying that those people suck and we don't want them in Serenwilde. He's responding to whoever was talking about the mass exodus following Shuyin and pointing out that it's really not all that big of a change for those people to flip from one org to another.
I am sure Aoife is a great person and she has her points to bring the game. I don't know what her life in Celest was like, but I honestly have never heard of her outside of Celest and that says something. Being of no consequence isn't an insult. It is just that. Her shifting to Glomdoring probably did not hurt Celest. Mortexia leaving Serenwilde did not hurt Serenwilde. She is not someone that was a major component to Serenwilde's strength.
Aoife2009-04-03 18:24:45
QUOTE (Gregori @ Apr 3 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sure Aoife is a great person and she has her points to bring the game. I don't know what her life in Celest was like, but I honestly have never heard of her outside of Celest and that says something. Being of no consequence isn't an insult. It is just that. Her shifting to Glomdoring probably did not hurt Celest. Mortexia leaving Serenwilde did not hurt Serenwilde. She is not someone that was a major component to Serenwilde's strength.
I am sure Aoife is a great person and she has her points to bring the game. I don't know what her life in Celest was like, but I honestly have never heard of her outside of Celest and that says something. Being of no consequence isn't an insult. It is just that. Her shifting to Glomdoring probably did not hurt Celest. Mortexia leaving Serenwilde did not hurt Serenwilde. She is not someone that was a major component to Serenwilde's strength.
To be perfectly frank though, you are, whether deliberately or not, being incredibly insulting and even condescending. Certainly toward Mortexia if not to me.
Gregori2009-04-03 18:25:51
QUOTE (Aoife @ Apr 3 2009, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be perfectly frank though, you are, whether deliberately or not, being incredibly insulting and even condescending. Certainly toward Mortexia if not to me.
There is an old saying - 'the truth hurts'
Unknown2009-04-03 18:29:17
That even stung me a little 
Rave: Moving on uppppppppp

Rave: Moving on uppppppppp
Xenthos2009-04-03 18:30:55
Neither Aoife or Rodngar moved because of Sojiro. No bandwagon involved with them.
Rodngar had been talking to me extensively a couple of weeks before Sojiro even got sick of Seren's excesses.
Mortexia may be another story. I don't know that one!
Rodngar had been talking to me extensively a couple of weeks before Sojiro even got sick of Seren's excesses.
Mortexia may be another story. I don't know that one!
Aison2009-04-03 18:31:39

Shaddus2009-04-03 18:35:15
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 3 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was suprised, and since I'm not playing Shaddus right now, a little happy. At first I thought it was just a handful of novices attacking, but when I saw the Demon Lords being converted, I laughed IRL.
Crap. What's happening to me?