Joli2009-07-24 22:48:59
QUOTE (Reiha @ Jul 24 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait, what?
@ Joli: there's nothing wrong with wanting to see a man's flower. At least for women like Fania and myself. (But you're too young, Joli, shame on you.)
@ Joli: there's nothing wrong with wanting to see a man's flower. At least for women like Fania and myself. (But you're too young, Joli, shame on you.)
.... O_o "Oh Lord, what sort of flower is that? It looks wonderful."
And.. I thought we were around the same age. -peer-
Fania2009-07-25 01:55:46
QUOTE (Reiha @ Jul 24 2009, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait, what?
@ Joli: there's nothing wrong with wanting to see a man's flower. At least for women like Fania and myself. (But you're too young, Joli, shame on you.)
@ Joli: there's nothing wrong with wanting to see a man's flower. At least for women like Fania and myself. (But you're too young, Joli, shame on you.)
Yeah Eventru tried to hook Fania up with an NPC. He attacked for no reason. Butt ugly, too.

Aerotan2009-07-25 03:53:27
o Races with tails will now, when they use the WAG emote, wag an actual
o EMOTIONLIST now shows which emotes are specific to your race, gender,
or organizations.
o EMOTIONLIST now shows which emotes are specific to your race, gender,
or organizations.

Selskia2009-07-25 04:05:55
Rave for the event creators. Specifically the one who created the Professor. As well as the ones who played the Professor.
His kidney obsession amuses be far, far too much
His kidney obsession amuses be far, far too much

Professor Gargle von Fixit says, "I could use a faeling kidney, though, for my
next experiment..."
Professor Gargle von Fixit glances askance at you.
"Eep!", you scream in fright.
You run around madly, flapping your arms in a blind panic.
You say to Professor Gargle von Fixit, "Please don't experiment on me. I like my
Professor Gargle von Fixit snaps his fingers.
next experiment..."
Professor Gargle von Fixit glances askance at you.
"Eep!", you scream in fright.
You run around madly, flapping your arms in a blind panic.
You say to Professor Gargle von Fixit, "Please don't experiment on me. I like my
Professor Gargle von Fixit snaps his fingers.
Tervic2009-07-25 04:42:52
I killed a toy!
...but then its death message made me feel bad about myself
...but then its death message made me feel bad about myself

Lawliet2009-07-25 20:41:44
The money from dingbats suddenly giving me enough gold to turn my ship from a three room tiny scout with nothing but a command chair to a six room tiny scout with two turrets, an energy collector, aetherhold and an empath grid 

Ardmore2009-07-25 21:14:21
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Jul 25 2009, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The money from dingbats suddenly giving me enough gold to turn my ship from a three room tiny scout with nothing but a command chair to a six room tiny scout with two turrets, an energy collector, aetherhold and an empath grid 

Do you aetherhunt lots?
Lawliet2009-07-25 21:27:31
QUOTE (Ardmore @ Jul 25 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you aetherhunt lots?
I'll start now, seeing as I actually have turrets now

Ayisdra2009-07-25 21:29:56
if only Celest didn't hate Glomdoring, I could answer your market ad and help you with empathing
Lawliet2009-07-25 21:52:06
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Jul 25 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if only Celest didn't hate Glomdoring, I could answer your market ad and help you with empathing
But I don't hate you

Ayisdra2009-07-25 21:56:09
maybe contract me someway next time you need an empath.
Lawliet2009-07-25 21:58:18
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Jul 25 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
maybe contract me someway next time you need an empath.
Nah, not worth the hassel of if I get blown up

Ayisdra2009-07-25 22:04:06
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Jul 25 2009, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nah, not worth the hassel of if I get blown up 

its not the empath's fault a ship blows up (unless they just sit there). Blame the turret people for not shooting, or if there is only one turret person (that is not 'specialized'), blame the pilot for not steering or getting greedy at going after things you know you can't fight.
Rave: probably going to able to get credits within a week to probably raise empath (or to get more empath skills for you other people) and maybe start my manse/ship
Ardmore2009-07-26 01:39:41
He r teh awesumzsauce

Shaddus2009-07-26 02:52:23
Gleaming gold forms the smooth lines of this opulent pipe, flowing open
into a wide bowl from an elegantly bowed stem. Interlocking, scalloping
verses adorn the surface of the pipe, wrought in red enamel glittering
with rubies. Closer inspection reveals these elaborate verses to be
devoted to the name and works of the Red Masque. A smooth mouthpiece of
black steel wraps around the far end of the stem, impressed with the
imprint of a golden pawn.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
It has been stamped with the seal of The Scarlet Masquerade.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A gilded pipe of blasphemous verses is holding:
"myrtle38964" a bog myrtle leaf (20 puffs)
The delicate, voluptuous form of a merian maiden is captured mid-torture
here, hands chained behind her back as she turns upwards across the
bulbous bowl of the pipe to wail in pure agony. Crudely bleached wood
polished to a high sheen is slashed with marks rendered a bloody red,
giving hint to the gruesome injuries inflicted upon her form. A delicate
steel mouthpiece rests at the far end, pressed with a single pawn.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
It has been stamped with the seal of The Scarlet Masquerade.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A screaming merian pipe is holding:
"coltsfoot121726" a plug of coltsfoot (20 puffs)
A bit of a cherub's spine composes the stem and bowl of this small pipe.
The bone is still stained crimson, though the mouthpiece of the pipe is
plated with a small sheet of silver. When lit, the pipe gives off a
slight odour of burning feathers, as well as bone.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A cherub bone pipe is holding:
"faeleaf22754" a stalk of faeleaf (20 puffs)
into a wide bowl from an elegantly bowed stem. Interlocking, scalloping
verses adorn the surface of the pipe, wrought in red enamel glittering
with rubies. Closer inspection reveals these elaborate verses to be
devoted to the name and works of the Red Masque. A smooth mouthpiece of
black steel wraps around the far end of the stem, impressed with the
imprint of a golden pawn.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
It has been stamped with the seal of The Scarlet Masquerade.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A gilded pipe of blasphemous verses is holding:
"myrtle38964" a bog myrtle leaf (20 puffs)
The delicate, voluptuous form of a merian maiden is captured mid-torture
here, hands chained behind her back as she turns upwards across the
bulbous bowl of the pipe to wail in pure agony. Crudely bleached wood
polished to a high sheen is slashed with marks rendered a bloody red,
giving hint to the gruesome injuries inflicted upon her form. A delicate
steel mouthpiece rests at the far end, pressed with a single pawn.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
It has been stamped with the seal of The Scarlet Masquerade.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A screaming merian pipe is holding:
"coltsfoot121726" a plug of coltsfoot (20 puffs)
A bit of a cherub's spine composes the stem and bowl of this small pipe.
The bone is still stained crimson, though the mouthpiece of the pipe is
plated with a small sheet of silver. When lit, the pipe gives off a
slight odour of burning feathers, as well as bone.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
A glowing rune has been attached to the pipe.
A cherub bone pipe is holding:
"faeleaf22754" a stalk of faeleaf (20 puffs)
I'm so proud, I actually have three artifact pipes now.
Unknown2009-07-26 02:55:01
Not your ordinary set of goggles, this set of goggles is rather bulky. More of an apparatus than true goggles, a bright metal box has been attached to a single strap of leather, allowing it to be worn over the face. On one side of the box it is completely padded and shaped to fit properly over the eyes and rest comfortably against the bridge of the nose. Two small glass lenses fit perfectly in front of the eyes when worn, allowing the wearer to gaze through the mechanized box. Regularly clicking, the sides of these goggles have been lined with several openings through which large gears reach, half-within half-without, constantly and steadily turning. On the front of the metallic box are a pair of very large lenses - though they themselves are black and appear to deny light entry, an eerie feeling of being watched settles on any who look within the gold-framed lenses for too long.
It weighs about 2 pounds and 13 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Iconoclast Othero, Prophet of the Queen.
It weighs about 2 pounds and 13 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Iconoclast Othero, Prophet of the Queen.
I'm not sure how useful these will be but they look so cool.
Unknown2009-07-26 03:14:24
This event is all kinds of retarded. 

Reiha2009-07-26 03:16:49
QUOTE (Azoth Nae'blis @ Jul 25 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This event is all kinds of retarded. 

This is the raves section.
Elodres2009-07-26 16:52:32
Squid fight at the Pool. 

Diamondais2009-07-27 06:45:10
The Oneiroi sent me a very lovely message.
Thank you!