Unknown2008-11-08 15:38:51
QUOTE(Xiel @ Nov 8 2008, 06:02 AM) 580360
I'd totally share Maylea with Ried any day.

Good! That means if Ried bugs you about Maylea, you can't refuse!
Ilyarin2008-11-08 18:00:32
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Nov 8 2008, 02:04 PM) 580381

Cheating in me?

Diamondais2008-11-08 18:01:18
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Nov 8 2008, 01:00 PM) 580424
Cheating in me? 

Maybe he's talented?

Unknown2008-11-09 03:23:30
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Nov 8 2008, 01:00 PM) 580424
Cheating in me? 

Lekius2008-11-09 05:32:42
Maylea! She just gets better and better!
Xiel2008-11-09 08:33:11
Oh, you people. 

Snaithy2008-11-09 19:02:29
getting nightkiss, raising resilience to fabled and gaining a level!
Good day for snaithy
Good day for snaithy
Unknown2008-11-10 01:26:28
A small landing gives way to a plafond which breaches the
outer walls, from this vantage point the horizon extends almost indefinitely
granting a scene of the far reaches of Nil. The carved handrails are rough, long
eroded by the evanescent sand storms that perpetually assault the walls of this
harsh barring. A charred pit is inset within the western wall, and from its deep
core burns a treacherous fire.
outer walls, from this vantage point the horizon extends almost indefinitely
granting a scene of the far reaches of Nil. The carved handrails are rough, long
eroded by the evanescent sand storms that perpetually assault the walls of this
harsh barring. A charred pit is inset within the western wall, and from its deep
core burns a treacherous fire.
Krackenor2008-11-10 02:35:41
Where's that from?
Unknown2008-11-10 02:40:00
The citadel on Earth.
Aerotan2008-11-10 04:20:43
As you welcome another scholar into your traveling group, you're bombarded by a
cacophony of requests to move more swiftly to several different places. You spy
a wandering bard in the distance, eye the group you're leading, and then sigh,
resolving to only offer guidance to pilgrims from now on.
3420h, 3564m, 3816e, 10p, 14160en, 15888w esSilrxkp-
cacophony of requests to move more swiftly to several different places. You spy
a wandering bard in the distance, eye the group you're leading, and then sigh,
resolving to only offer guidance to pilgrims from now on.
3420h, 3564m, 3816e, 10p, 14160en, 15888w esSilrxkp-

Ilyarin2008-11-10 09:03:19

Lendren2008-11-10 20:28:33
Nocht's visit. Brief, confusing, I'm still not sure what the intended purpose was, but the silence curse He ended it with led to an hour or so of frantic emoting and using illusions that was terribly fun (and also incredibly frustrating: some things are so hard to express that way!). There was even a moment of trying to express myself with dance! (Not forced, either: I was trying to remind people of resurgem covens.)
Also, dumb me: I must have gotten a message about the curse being lifted at some point and missed it. I never noticed because I never tried speaking (I wasn't even sure if the curse was a coded one or just roleplayed, but even if it was coded, and speaking worked, that would just be exploiting a bug and no fun besides). I wonder how long I was dorking around with emotes and illusions when I didn't have to. Made for a fun bit with Atuniel getting her to heal me.
Also, dumb me: I must have gotten a message about the curse being lifted at some point and missed it. I never noticed because I never tried speaking (I wasn't even sure if the curse was a coded one or just roleplayed, but even if it was coded, and speaking worked, that would just be exploiting a bug and no fun besides). I wonder how long I was dorking around with emotes and illusions when I didn't have to. Made for a fun bit with Atuniel getting her to heal me.
Arkzrael2008-11-10 23:25:20
A little late, but super <3<3<3<3 to Tervic, Caedryn, Halamir, Ashteru, Marcellus, and Veracruz for being incredibly awesome peoples.
And I <3 you too, Ash!
EDIT: Omg, I forgot Xielkins and Yukari too. v_v
And I <3 you too, Ash!
EDIT: Omg, I forgot Xielkins and Yukari too. v_v
Lekius2008-11-11 02:40:34
Xiel cause he deserves it for all the envoy and guild business he does with the Spiritsingers 

Xiel2008-11-11 03:17:07

Unknown2008-11-11 03:29:00
Myrkr                Ravenwood Custodian  Commune Aide              On
I have achieved CR4!

Unknown2008-11-11 04:21:10
QUOTE(Lendren @ Nov 10 2008, 03:28 PM) 580987
Nocht's visit. Brief, confusing, I'm still not sure what the intended purpose was, but the silence curse He ended it with led to an hour or so of frantic emoting and using illusions that was terribly fun (and also incredibly frustrating: some things are so hard to express that way!). There was even a moment of trying to express myself with dance! (Not forced, either: I was trying to remind people of resurgem covens.)
Also, dumb me: I must have gotten a message about the curse being lifted at some point and missed it. I never noticed because I never tried speaking (I wasn't even sure if the curse was a coded one or just roleplayed, but even if it was coded, and speaking worked, that would just be exploiting a bug and no fun besides). I wonder how long I was dorking around with emotes and illusions when I didn't have to. Made for a fun bit with Atuniel getting her to heal me.
Also, dumb me: I must have gotten a message about the curse being lifted at some point and missed it. I never noticed because I never tried speaking (I wasn't even sure if the curse was a coded one or just roleplayed, but even if it was coded, and speaking worked, that would just be exploiting a bug and no fun besides). I wonder how long I was dorking around with emotes and illusions when I didn't have to. Made for a fun bit with Atuniel getting her to heal me.
WEAVE IMPROVED (Insert common speech colour, mine changes regularly, so I don't know) Lendren Starfall says, "Help! Nocht has silenced me! I'm talking with an illusion that has sound just to get by!"
Lendren2008-11-11 18:01:37
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Nov 10 2008, 11:21 PM) 581149
WEAVE IMPROVED (Insert common speech colour, mine changes regularly, so I don't know) Lendren Starfall says, "Help! Nocht has silenced me! I'm talking with an illusion that has sound just to get by!"
That would be no fun. Plus it seems like it obviates the idea of the curse: if I can't make sound I can't make sound, or at least that's how I played it. I even refused to use my songs (not sure if the code would have prevented me, I never tried).
Even using illusions at all seemed like it was making things too easy. The way someone might do "em says, 'blah'" to get past windtalk... though at least illusions aren't an OOC trick, but they do seem like a cheat to overuse them. So I did the most I could with gestures instead, with illusions only for emphasis, and it was so much more fun that way.
Noola2008-11-11 18:55:28
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Nov 10 2008, 10:21 PM) 581149
WEAVE IMPROVED (Insert common speech colour, mine changes regularly, so I don't know) Lendren Starfall says, "Help! Nocht has silenced me! I'm talking with an illusion that has sound just to get by!"
Pfft. Take all the fun out of it why don't you?