Llandros2009-09-28 20:55:22
I usally don't get that into rp but my pet makes it a lot of fun.
I usally don't get that into rp but my pet makes it a lot of fun.
Mihewi2009-09-28 23:59:24
Ester Hill says, "Your services have proved indispensable to us, Nettle. You
have shown yourself to be reliable and efficient, qualities greatly to be
desired in members of staff at Clarramore. We will be happy to offer you further
employment whenever you desire."
Ester Hill removes a plain scroll from her pocket and adds your name at the end
of a long list.
You gain a new honour!
have shown yourself to be reliable and efficient, qualities greatly to be
desired in members of staff at Clarramore. We will be happy to offer you further
employment whenever you desire."
Ester Hill removes a plain scroll from her pocket and adds your name at the end
of a long list.
You gain a new honour!
Whee! That was fun.

Unknown2009-09-29 06:42:07
A strong wind blasts through the Basin as misty spirits rise up above the Hifarae hills and the Alabaster Road, then rush down as one group with a roar of battlecries. Amid growls of agony, a green bubble flashes over the Hifarae hills before fading into transparency.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
You gain a new honour!
He did raise the veil over the Hifarae hills and drive back Gromagh's horde.

Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
You gain a new honour!
He did raise the veil over the Hifarae hills and drive back Gromagh's horde.

Unknown2009-09-29 15:50:54
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
You gain a new honour!
She did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
You gain a new honour!
She did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
It took THREE tries, but I did it!

Unknown2009-09-30 01:47:03
I can play again! *relishes the electricity and water supply*

I can play again! *relishes the electricity and water supply*
Gregori2009-09-30 05:44:47
The change to Serenwilde's epic quest.
NOW it is EPIC.
I love it.
NOW it is EPIC.
I love it.
Razenth2009-09-30 06:01:30
Thanks for helping out, Celina!
Even though I did lose 25k aetherwill in the process. 

Azula2009-09-30 07:03:49
Getting zapped by a group of Demiglooms... and surviving yay 

Unknown2009-09-30 07:38:46
QUOTE (Azula @ Sep 30 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting zapped by a group of Demiglooms... and surviving yay 

Nice new term. Thank you, we shall be using it.

Also, much

Razenth2009-09-30 07:55:07
Quash, seen all possible permutations of two side alliances already. We'll just go back to something we've seen before 

Ardmore2009-09-30 11:29:45
Few days old, but I just saw it again and it was nice.
Name protected so as to not forfeit his/her "griefer" status.
: 09/27 20:30 "// hope I was one of the 5% you didn't hate in the city, and that you have fun in whatever org/decisions you make/made."

Name protected so as to not forfeit his/her "griefer" status.
Unknown2009-09-30 11:30:39
I suspect people aren't up for the standard flavour with current org strengths, too.
Reiha2009-09-30 12:48:56
Level : 82 (0%)
Belated rave, but wheeee!!!
Shiri2009-09-30 12:59:50
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Sep 30 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suspect people aren't up for the standard flavour with current org strengths, too.
Try about 40% of people aren't up for that. (HMMMMM.)
Xenthos2009-09-30 13:02:37
QUOTE (Shiri @ Sep 30 2009, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try about 40% of people aren't up for that. (HMMMMM.)
Probably more than that. I don't quite get why a few people are so gung-ho about the whole thing (*eye Mirami*), because... well... you saw Aiyana's post, I imagine.
Especially since the whole thing spawned off of a bloody accident (well, the accident itself was bloodless, but the result was not).
Lekius2009-09-30 13:32:25
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Sep 30 2009, 06:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably more than that. I don't quite get why a few people are so gung-ho about the whole thing (*eye Mirami*), because... well... you saw Aiyana's post, I imagine.
Especially since the whole thing spawned off of a bloody accident (well, the accident itself was bloodless, but the result was not).
Especially since the whole thing spawned off of a bloody accident (well, the accident itself was bloodless, but the result was not).
Well... we wanted the dwarves back.
But we lost them anyway.
Then Celina and Lyco went and got all irritated and hit Etherwilde.
Gregori2009-09-30 13:36:38
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Sep 30 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably more than that. I don't quite get why a few people are so gung-ho about the whole thing (*eye Mirami*), because... well... you saw Aiyana's post, I imagine.
Especially since the whole thing spawned off of a bloody accident (well, the accident itself was bloodless, but the result was not).
Especially since the whole thing spawned off of a bloody accident (well, the accident itself was bloodless, but the result was not).
I am confused.
What does Aiyana's post have to do with Glomdoring crowning Ethilwen. You trying to claim it was an 'accident' (when Talan made a whole damn thread about the quest being bugged). Us killing Ethilwen to fix your 'accident', because understandably you couldn't. Then Glomdoring proceeding to raid us on three fronts.
Her post is pretty damn accurate and it's a pretty good reason to say 'I believe we are at war with the Wyrden once more. Stand strong.'
It's not like she came out and said 'We are now at war with'
Had this actually been an 'accident' the whole raid and kill all the dwarves, raid and kill temple mobs, raid and kill Ladies and level 23 novices would not of happened. Or else it was an 'accident' and Glomdoring decided to capitalize on it anyways.
Or is this a case of people again reading what they think is meant instead of reading what is actually said? If so, carry on.
Or do you have some other meaning about reffering to Aiyana's post?
Gregori2009-09-30 13:38:45
QUOTE (Lekius @ Sep 30 2009, 07:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well... we wanted the dwarves back.
But we lost them anyway.
Then Celina and Lyco and Urazial and Nienla went and got all irritated and hit Etherwilde.
Celina also raided the god realms.
But we lost them anyway.
Then Celina and Lyco and Urazial and Nienla went and got all irritated and hit Etherwilde.
Celina also raided the god realms.
Mirami2009-09-30 13:44:37
QUOTE (Lekius @ Sep 30 2009, 06:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well... we wanted the dwarves back.
But we lost them anyway.
Then Celina and Lyco went and got all irritated and hit Etherwilde.
But we lost them anyway.
Then Celina and Lyco went and got all irritated and hit Etherwilde.
Rave for the large number of Serenwilde defenders!
Xenthos2009-09-30 13:45:24
QUOTE (Gregori @ Sep 30 2009, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am confused.
What does Aiyana's post have to do with Glomdoring crowning Ethilwen. You trying to claim it was an 'accident' (when Talan made a whole damn thread about the quest being bugged). Us killing Ethilwen to fix your 'accident', because understandably you couldn't. Then Glomdoring proceeding to raid us on three fronts.
Her post is pretty damn accurate and it's a pretty good reason to say 'I believe we are at war with the Wyrden once more. Stand strong.'
It's not like she came out and said 'We are now at war with'
Had this actually been an 'accident' the whole raid and kill all the dwarves, raid and kill temple mobs, raid and kill Ladies and level 23 novices would not of happened. Or else it was an 'accident' and Glomdoring decided to capitalize on it anyways.
Or is this a case of people again reading what they think is meant instead of reading what is actually said? If so, carry on.
Or do you have some other meaning about reffering to Aiyana's post?
What does Aiyana's post have to do with Glomdoring crowning Ethilwen. You trying to claim it was an 'accident' (when Talan made a whole damn thread about the quest being bugged). Us killing Ethilwen to fix your 'accident', because understandably you couldn't. Then Glomdoring proceeding to raid us on three fronts.
Her post is pretty damn accurate and it's a pretty good reason to say 'I believe we are at war with the Wyrden once more. Stand strong.'
It's not like she came out and said 'We are now at war with'
Had this actually been an 'accident' the whole raid and kill all the dwarves, raid and kill temple mobs, raid and kill Ladies and level 23 novices would not of happened. Or else it was an 'accident' and Glomdoring decided to capitalize on it anyways.
Or is this a case of people again reading what they think is meant instead of reading what is actually said? If so, carry on.
Or do you have some other meaning about reffering to Aiyana's post?
I'm talking about Aiyana's post where Celina killed a level 23 in Etherwilde. You're mighty defensive.

Further, it was an accident. I was told that earlier in the day we had the last piece, it was decided not to turn it in as part of an agreement (it just wasn't actually... stated anywhere in a record, so I didn't see it). I had been trying to help gather this piece for a while, hadn't heard that it was decided not to turn it in, and didn't probe Ethilwen to see if it was the last piece. I just went and handed it in. You can ask other Gloms-- I "woops"ed even before she shouted. It was most definitely not intended, and there's nobody to blame but me for that.
The Gloms-raiding thing irked me, because the thing was entirely a result of one stupid piece getting turned into Ethilwen. Exacerbated by Sojiro collecting miners, Celina being Celina, and Mirami deciding to enemy everyone (which got Urazial involved).