Unknown2008-10-15 18:39:22
QUOTE(Enigma @ Oct 15 2008, 02:36 PM) 571234
How much is it to incubate a beast?
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
Incubation is free. But you should pay a few months in advance anyway (150 gold a month) just in case you forget to take it out. Buy feed, store it in your rift, too.
Diamondais2008-10-15 18:39:39
QUOTE(Enigma @ Oct 15 2008, 02:36 PM) 571234
How much is it to incubate a beast?
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
Free to incubate, should last around 30 hours?
Noola2008-10-15 18:40:30
QUOTE(Enigma @ Oct 15 2008, 01:36 PM) 571234
How much is it to incubate a beast?
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
Rave: Rediscovering Lusternia.
How much time? Somewhere between 24 and 30 hours I think.
How much gold? If you use your city/commune's stables, it's 150 gold per day (IC month) to house the animal. I forget if the incubation period counts as one of your 'months' or not though.
Tervic2008-10-15 18:40:46
I don't get it either, Casi, and I read 8-bit regularly....
But my rave is for Sviesa for impeccable timing (when one of us logs in, the other is usually on within half an hour, and it's totally not planned or -anything-) and being awesome what with the whole Astraea thing. <3 Astraea for being creepy and awesome like that. Nomnomnom. Also to Valarien for being a devious, manipulative, brainwashing bastard
But my rave is for Sviesa for impeccable timing (when one of us logs in, the other is usually on within half an hour, and it's totally not planned or -anything-) and being awesome what with the whole Astraea thing. <3 Astraea for being creepy and awesome like that. Nomnomnom. Also to Valarien for being a devious, manipulative, brainwashing bastard

Unknown2008-10-15 19:04:02
Suhweet. Looks like Imma getting me a beast. Thanks. 150 gold/month is not hard at all, even for a novice character.
That's my rave now.
That's my rave now.
Shiri2008-10-16 00:52:13
QUOTE(Tervic @ Oct 15 2008, 07:40 PM) 571239
I don't get it either, Casi, and I read 8-bit regularly....
It's BM hitting on WM badly, way near the start.
Sheesh, haven't read that comic in a couple years.
Unknown2008-10-16 02:41:49
RPing a forgetful character! 

Aison2008-10-16 05:16:32

The colt has a soft dove grey coat, untouched yet by adulthood. His soft blue
eyes gaze intently around himself and he has a grey tail. He twitches his tail
occasionally and paws the ground. He is called 'Cassiel.'
A young male horse with a grey tail is a humble-looking creature.
He weighs about 1000 pounds.
His feedbag is brimming with food and he is looking well-fed.
He is loyal to Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted.
A young male horse with a grey tail is holding:
Lekius2008-10-16 05:18:37
Gonna toss a rave to Raiha cause she's cool and stuff 

Celina2008-10-16 05:42:56
Rave to the Admin for making all the colts a little different then eachother.
And rave for both phantomarmour and burnout being fixed since I left geos. So much better now
And rave for both phantomarmour and burnout being fixed since I left geos. So much better now

Esano2008-10-16 05:52:22
QUOTE(Celina @ Oct 16 2008, 04:42 PM) 571467
Rave to the Admin for making all the colts a little different then eachother.
And rave for both phantomarmour and burnout being fixed since I left geos. So much better now
And rave for both phantomarmour and burnout being fixed since I left geos. So much better now

Burnout was fixed? What's different?
EDIT: Wait, I seem to remember at one point being stuck with 0 ego when burnt out. Is that it?
Rika2008-10-16 05:54:11
Getting two more female colts!
Minirant: Being a beastmastery addict.
Minirant: Being a beastmastery addict.
Beast#  Beast Name                          Age      Level  Months Â
26717  a young male horse with a coal      Youth        12    33
140836  a young male horse with a snow      Youth        12    33
174512  a young male horse with a brai      Youth        3      10
83887  a young male horse with a blac      Youth        7      10
39886  a young female horse with a gr      Youth        5      10
44709  a colt surrounded by a stasis    Incubating      1      12
24385  a colt surrounded by a stasis    Incubating      1      12
Total: 7
Beast#  Beast Name                          Age      Level  Months Â
26717  a young male horse with a coal      Youth        12    33
140836  a young male horse with a snow      Youth        12    33
174512  a young male horse with a brai      Youth        3      10
83887  a young male horse with a blac      Youth        7      10
39886  a young female horse with a gr      Youth        5      10
44709  a colt surrounded by a stasis    Incubating      1      12
24385  a colt surrounded by a stasis    Incubating      1      12
Total: 7
Rika2008-10-16 09:32:59
You train a young female horse with a grey mane to fly.
You watch in amazement as a horse sprouts a pair of wings.
a young female horse with white wings
The filly is a soft dove grey, untouched yet by adulthood. Her soft blue eyes gaze intently around herself and she has white wings. She twitches her tail occasionally and paws the ground.
You watch in amazement as a horse sprouts a pair of wings.
a young female horse with white wings
The filly is a soft dove grey, untouched yet by adulthood. Her soft blue eyes gaze intently around herself and she has white wings. She twitches her tail occasionally and paws the ground.

Ardmore2008-10-16 19:16:31
Message #137 Sent by: (system)
10/16 17:55 "Laysus has declared that you are, heretofore, no longer a formal
enemy of the Divine Order of Lisaera, Mother of Harvests."
Moondancers left and then one decision left.
Back to Bardmore or Serenguardmore...
10/16 17:55 "Laysus has declared that you are, heretofore, no longer a formal
enemy of the Divine Order of Lisaera, Mother of Harvests."
Moondancers left and then one decision left.
Back to Bardmore or Serenguardmore...
Ayisdra2008-10-16 21:11:32
Druken Inseira, Keeper of the Stygian Rose appoints you as aide to the Minister
of Cultural Affairs.
of Cultural Affairs.
Diamondais2008-10-16 21:13:15
We also dressed him up as a girl, since he was naked.

We also dressed him up as a girl, since he was naked.

Tael2008-10-16 22:54:57
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 16 2008, 05:13 PM) 571745
We also dressed him up as a girl, since he was naked.

We also dressed him up as a girl, since he was naked.

You're a bad mother. Prepping your son as a crossdresser!
Diamondais2008-10-16 22:58:45
QUOTE(Tael Talnara @ Oct 16 2008, 06:54 PM) 571811
You're a bad mother. Prepping your son as a crossdresser!
Wasn't me, I only supplied the sophisticated high heels.

Iola2008-10-17 00:40:39
A new dawn arises as you begin your duties as the Heir of Ellindel. In a
glorious blaze, the Silver Orb of Ellindel appears above your head and descends
into your hands.
Priestess Iola Starfall, Witness with Silver Words has just filled the vacant
position as Champion of the Moondancers.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 23rd of Roarkian, 218 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Whilst this is a rave...SO TERRIFIED NOW.
Unknown2008-10-17 00:47:14
QUOTE(Iola @ Oct 16 2008, 08:40 PM) 571856
Whilst this is a rave...SO TERRIFIED NOW.
I know just what you mean. Good luck! Remember you're not alone and others can help you when you need it.