Noola2008-12-05 03:56:27
QUOTE(Ardmore @ Dec 4 2008, 09:46 PM) 590308
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 100.
You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.
advanced to level 100.
You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.

Unknown2008-12-05 04:14:19
Note to self: Attack Ardmore.
Eamon2008-12-05 04:26:52
Nice! Good job, Ardmore! 
... only 75% to go...
nerf caster bashing.

... only 75% to go...
nerf caster bashing.

Unknown2008-12-05 06:31:29
Master Nasir n'Rotri exclaims, "You've mastered 10 orcs! You shall now be called a Slave Master!"

Reiha2008-12-05 06:31:53
Simply adorable.
And she catches on freaking quick
Simply adorable.
And she catches on freaking quick

Ardmore2008-12-05 13:35:39
QUOTE(Greleag @ Dec 4 2008, 11:14 PM) 590322
Note to self: Attack Ardmore.

Krackenor2008-12-05 13:55:17
now come back to Mag and join the demi squad.
Ardmore2008-12-05 14:55:58
QUOTE(Krackenor @ Dec 5 2008, 08:55 AM) 590384
now come back to Mag and join the demi squad.
Application already submitted!
Krackenor2008-12-05 15:17:09
While I'm here...
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You gain a new honour!
Entering the clearing, Orovosh approaches the large offering bowl, a burning
ember held tightly in his left hand. Raising his hands to the sky and chanting
in an old igasho dialect, his voice lifts carrying through the clearing as a
palling quiet descends over the area.
Placing the mammoth heart in the bowl and sprinkling the crushed leaves of the
Slorel plant over, he drops the burning ember into the bowl. With a loud pop and
hiss, heady clouds of smoke billow out of the large offering bowl, the sounds of
a large hunting cat emanating from their depths.
As the clouds billow towards the sky, the shape of a large sabre-toothed cat
begins to form in them, its penetrating eyes glowing with a vibrant yellow.
Ending his chant with a harsh syllable, Orovosh prostrates himself before the
offering bowl, his body still as he pays reverence to the Great Spirit.
The unmistakeable form of a spirit cat high in the clouds surveys the snow
valley, releasing a growl of fury and streaking across the sky before descending
into the valley far below. The screams of dying men echo through the eastern
mountains, followed by the deafening roar of the spirit cat.
Rising from the ground, Orovosh takes a look around the clearing with a
satisfied look before returning once more to the caves.
He did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur

Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You gain a new honour!
Entering the clearing, Orovosh approaches the large offering bowl, a burning
ember held tightly in his left hand. Raising his hands to the sky and chanting
in an old igasho dialect, his voice lifts carrying through the clearing as a
palling quiet descends over the area.
Placing the mammoth heart in the bowl and sprinkling the crushed leaves of the
Slorel plant over, he drops the burning ember into the bowl. With a loud pop and
hiss, heady clouds of smoke billow out of the large offering bowl, the sounds of
a large hunting cat emanating from their depths.
As the clouds billow towards the sky, the shape of a large sabre-toothed cat
begins to form in them, its penetrating eyes glowing with a vibrant yellow.
Ending his chant with a harsh syllable, Orovosh prostrates himself before the
offering bowl, his body still as he pays reverence to the Great Spirit.
The unmistakeable form of a spirit cat high in the clouds surveys the snow
valley, releasing a growl of fury and streaking across the sky before descending
into the valley far below. The screams of dying men echo through the eastern
mountains, followed by the deafening roar of the spirit cat.
Rising from the ground, Orovosh takes a look around the clearing with a
satisfied look before returning once more to the caves.
He did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur

Ardmore2008-12-05 15:19:50
Awesome! I wish I was smart enough to figure out quests... I couldn't even do the frickin' Newton one. 

Krackenor2008-12-05 15:58:27
I didn't even know there was a Newton one. However, this one was very similar to the other snow valley quest, so I had a head start on it. The first one though...that was really irritating
Diamondais2008-12-05 22:08:43
QUOTE(Krackenor @ Dec 5 2008, 10:58 AM) 590408
I didn't even know there was a Newton one. However, this one was very similar to the other snow valley quest, so I had a head start on it. The first one though...that was really irritating
There's two newton quests. Gnomes and Finks.
Arkzrael2008-12-05 23:33:03
There's a few people who just wouldn't let me walk away and quit and cried and bothered me until I came back and played again. Super <3 for making things fun again.
Lekius2008-12-05 23:37:46
Sadhyra. She's fun.
Unknown2008-12-05 23:45:47
QUOTE(arkzrael @ Dec 5 2008, 06:33 PM) 590627
There's a few people who just wouldn't let me walk away and quit and cried and bothered me until I came back and played again. Super <3 for making things fun again.

Now go make essence!

Casilu2008-12-05 23:45:52
QUOTE(arkzrael @ Dec 5 2008, 03:33 PM) 590627
There's a few people who just wouldn't let me walk away and quit and cried and bothered me until I came back and played again. Super <3 for making things fun again.
Now if you only had a character that could spend time with me...

Desitrus2008-12-05 23:49:56
QUOTE(casilu @ Dec 5 2008, 05:45 PM) 590637
Now if you only had a character that could spend time with me... 

Unknown2008-12-05 23:58:06
It's you and your silly AR PEE stuff that's the fault! Just treat lusty like a glorified chat room and you can chill with everybody 
While you're at it I'll contest all of the guild positions, after bribing the gods to let me be teh uber leadernox, and rule Celest with an iron fist!

While you're at it I'll contest all of the guild positions, after bribing the gods to let me be teh uber leadernox, and rule Celest with an iron fist!

Unknown2008-12-06 00:00:45
QUOTE(Lekius @ Dec 5 2008, 03:37 PM) 590630
Sadhyra. She's fun TO KILL MUHAHA.
I know the unspoken truth. 
...Lekius is fun, too.
Arkzrael2008-12-06 00:02:12
QUOTE(casilu @ Dec 5 2008, 05:45 PM) 590637
Now if you only had a character that could spend time with me...