Reiha2008-12-07 16:20:46
Some of my favorite people.
Lorina <-- new
Lorina <-- new
Shaddus2008-12-07 16:26:22
QUOTE(Reiha @ Dec 7 2008, 10:20 AM) 591145
Some of my favorite people.
Lorina <-- new
Lorina <-- new
It's not in that order, is it?
Reiha2008-12-07 16:29:51
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Dec 7 2008, 08:26 AM) 591148
It's not in that order, is it?
That's the order I found out when they clicked on the sig

Noola2008-12-07 16:58:26
QUOTE(Reiha @ Dec 7 2008, 10:29 AM) 591149
That's the order I found out when they clicked on the sig 

I totally just clicked on your sig to be added to your list.

Malicia2008-12-07 22:29:53
Probably shouldn't post this, but it's a genuine rave. Made me smile. Steingrim is awesome.
Hee, Lehki
Date: 12/7/2008 at 21:39
From: Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom
To : Everyone
Subj: New Celest, Victorious in Wildnodes!
Those waking up in the City should feel very proud that New Celest has triumphed in the Wildnodes completion! I certainly am.
The Brigade commanded by Lord Desitrus, Lady Malicia, and Lord Nydekion masterfully created and then launched both defensive and offensive strategies.
Lady Malicia, (henceforth known as She who conceals all manner of mischief) baited all manner of traps. Sir Desitrus set and sprang some of his own and Sir Nydekion seemed to be everywhere.
Nodes were quickly retrieved and very early on New Celest had captured all six of the nodes. We then held onto the nodes for the rest of the competition. In fact, only Serenwilde scored any points and even then
only 6, while Magnagora and Glomdoring had a total of zero points.
Our patrons, Lady Terentia and Lord Eventru greatly assisted us through the ability of the followers to tap into their protection and wrath though shrines. The Terentians on astral, while the Followers of the
Exalted protected Celestia.
The Champion of the Celestines, Baron Alban, watched and kept guard over Celestia freeing the rest of our forces to focus on the task at hand.
The Aquamancers guild really shined and was out in full force, what a great change to have so many capable aquamacers. (zomg AQUAS)
In a show of great sacrifice, Veyrzhul took onto himself part of each persons’ insanity and bravely face the clowns of madness.
Least our enemies doubt our victory, only one ally joined us in this, the Druid Lehki. New Celest can defend itself! New Celest can rise to the challenge!
Then to cap off our victory Earl Dysolis, Champion of the Aquamancers rallied the City for literally the most insane set of arena games ever.
Alban, Desitrus, Enero, Jasmindra, Leronia, Lorina, Malicia, Nydekion, Otem, Steingrim, Unitos, Veyrzhul, and Xedrik,
I love, love, love this City.
Your Servant,
Steingrim, Prince of Celest.
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Urlachmar, in the year 223 CE.
Date: 12/7/2008 at 21:39
From: Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom
To : Everyone
Subj: New Celest, Victorious in Wildnodes!
Those waking up in the City should feel very proud that New Celest has triumphed in the Wildnodes completion! I certainly am.
The Brigade commanded by Lord Desitrus, Lady Malicia, and Lord Nydekion masterfully created and then launched both defensive and offensive strategies.
Lady Malicia, (henceforth known as She who conceals all manner of mischief) baited all manner of traps. Sir Desitrus set and sprang some of his own and Sir Nydekion seemed to be everywhere.
Nodes were quickly retrieved and very early on New Celest had captured all six of the nodes. We then held onto the nodes for the rest of the competition. In fact, only Serenwilde scored any points and even then
only 6, while Magnagora and Glomdoring had a total of zero points.
Our patrons, Lady Terentia and Lord Eventru greatly assisted us through the ability of the followers to tap into their protection and wrath though shrines. The Terentians on astral, while the Followers of the
Exalted protected Celestia.
The Champion of the Celestines, Baron Alban, watched and kept guard over Celestia freeing the rest of our forces to focus on the task at hand.
The Aquamancers guild really shined and was out in full force, what a great change to have so many capable aquamacers. (zomg AQUAS)
In a show of great sacrifice, Veyrzhul took onto himself part of each persons’ insanity and bravely face the clowns of madness.
Least our enemies doubt our victory, only one ally joined us in this, the Druid Lehki. New Celest can defend itself! New Celest can rise to the challenge!
Then to cap off our victory Earl Dysolis, Champion of the Aquamancers rallied the City for literally the most insane set of arena games ever.
Alban, Desitrus, Enero, Jasmindra, Leronia, Lorina, Malicia, Nydekion, Otem, Steingrim, Unitos, Veyrzhul, and Xedrik,
I love, love, love this City.
Your Servant,
Steingrim, Prince of Celest.
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Urlachmar, in the year 223 CE.
Hee, Lehki
Anisu2008-12-07 22:47:45
QUOTE(Reiha @ Dec 7 2008, 05:29 PM) 591149
That's the order I found out when they clicked on the sig 

yeah your post saddened me until I found out it was about that
Jigan2008-12-08 00:05:14
Fain <3

Acrune2008-12-08 00:16:54
QUOTE(Malicia @ Dec 7 2008, 05:29 PM) 591276
Probably shouldn't post this, but it's a genuine rave. Made me smile. Steingrim is awesome.
Heh, that is cool.
Reiha2008-12-08 00:48:34
Some of my favorite people.
Noola <--- New >_>
More for the list!
Kialkarkea <-- for helping me Rick Roll dozens of people I don't know
Zacc <-- newest victim
2008/12/08 01:21:33 - Kiradawea cityfavoured Reiha for: For participating in the
revolt. And for getting me bromides. You're awesome. Really.
*fluffs ego*
Noola <--- New >_>
More for the list!
Kialkarkea <-- for helping me Rick Roll dozens of people I don't know
Zacc <-- newest victim
2008/12/08 01:21:33 - Kiradawea cityfavoured Reiha for: For participating in the
revolt. And for getting me bromides. You're awesome. Really.
*fluffs ego*
Krackenor2008-12-08 20:50:05
Both rave and rant: Geomancer drama
Rave because it is the most activity I've seen out of the guild in RL months, rant because the drama seems rather ridiculous
Rave because it is the most activity I've seen out of the guild in RL months, rant because the drama seems rather ridiculous
Reiha2008-12-08 20:52:36
Your face will continue to bring joy to the forums.

Your face will continue to bring joy to the forums.
Esano2008-12-08 20:56:41
QUOTE(Krackenor @ Dec 9 2008, 07:50 AM) 591618
Both rave and rant: Geomancer drama
Rave because it is the most activity I've seen out of the guild in RL months, rant because the drama seems rather ridiculous
Rave because it is the most activity I've seen out of the guild in RL months, rant because the drama seems rather ridiculous
Ilyarin2008-12-08 21:43:45

Ilyarin2008-12-08 21:44:14

Reiha2008-12-08 21:56:33
And this rave is late, but a rave to Talkan and Enero for making me robes 
I guess tailors hate large orders as much as I hate a single cube.

I guess tailors hate large orders as much as I hate a single cube.
Unknown2008-12-08 22:02:08
QUOTE(Reiha @ Dec 8 2008, 04:56 PM) 591653
And this rave is late, but a rave to Talkan and Enero for making me robes 
I guess tailors hate large orders as much as I hate a single cube.

I guess tailors hate large orders as much as I hate a single cube.
Should have given me the creddies to make robes. I'll make things all day. It's fun. I even have a design catalogue that I put my ideas in.
Xiel2008-12-09 06:09:20

Shiri2008-12-09 07:56:58
An admin, without being asked, trying to explain why my envoy change was rejected. I always thought that "we do not think this change is necessary" was code for "we don't like it but we can't tell you why", so it's appreciated.
Casilu2008-12-09 08:00:35
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 8 2008, 11:56 PM) 591940
An admin, without being asked, trying to explain why my envoy change was rejected. I always thought that "we do not think this change is necessary" was code for "we don't like it but we can't tell you why", so it's appreciated.
You're on my list, giant badger. You're on my list.

Charune2008-12-09 08:00:49
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 9 2008, 02:56 AM) 591940
An admin, without being asked, trying to explain why my envoy change was rejected. I always thought that "we do not think this change is necessary" was code for "we don't like it but we can't tell you why", so it's appreciated.
Nope, feel free to ask for clarification on those things.