Casilu2008-10-19 20:18:19
Inspired from this thread:
Ascendants, the bronze statue to the demigod's stone. Shinier, lasts through weather longer, and and birds don't sit on them as much. But, who would want hundreds of hours of mind-numbing hunting only to come up as a second class citizen? So, they decided to eliminate ascendants from the equation. Malicia vanished mysteriously. Xenthos and Ashai were quickly ganked by Celenwilde. The remaining ascendants decided to band together in order to survive. They even bought a clan to speak with each other on. Now, it has come down to this. The last three ascendants versus a bunch of various other people. Who will win?
Still alive:
2. Rika
4. Shiri
9. Esano
14. Viravain
15. Silferras
16. Daganev
Griefed into oblivion:
12. Krin (Atellus, Mason, Town)- lynched on day 1
1. Myrkr (Desitrus, Mafia Leader)- lolcated on day 2
8. Furien (Nydekion, Roleblocker, Town)- nightkilled on night one
6. Doman (Celina, Serial Killer)- nightkilled on night one
3. Daimondais (Aesyra, Double vote, town)- nightkilled on night two
5. Dugan (Ilyarin, Scum)- nightkilled on night two
7. Ilyarin (Revan, Jester. HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)- Lynched on Day 3.
10.Arix (Raguel, Vanilla)- nightkilled on night 3
13. Maylea (Has been replaced by Shaddus) (Nejii, guilty doctor)- lynched on day 4
11. Noola (Acrune, investagator) nightkilled on night 4
Ascendants, the bronze statue to the demigod's stone. Shinier, lasts through weather longer, and and birds don't sit on them as much. But, who would want hundreds of hours of mind-numbing hunting only to come up as a second class citizen? So, they decided to eliminate ascendants from the equation. Malicia vanished mysteriously. Xenthos and Ashai were quickly ganked by Celenwilde. The remaining ascendants decided to band together in order to survive. They even bought a clan to speak with each other on. Now, it has come down to this. The last three ascendants versus a bunch of various other people. Who will win?
Still alive:
2. Rika
4. Shiri
9. Esano
14. Viravain
15. Silferras
16. Daganev
Griefed into oblivion:
12. Krin (Atellus, Mason, Town)- lynched on day 1
1. Myrkr (Desitrus, Mafia Leader)- lolcated on day 2
8. Furien (Nydekion, Roleblocker, Town)- nightkilled on night one
6. Doman (Celina, Serial Killer)- nightkilled on night one
3. Daimondais (Aesyra, Double vote, town)- nightkilled on night two
5. Dugan (Ilyarin, Scum)- nightkilled on night two
7. Ilyarin (Revan, Jester. HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)- Lynched on Day 3.
10.Arix (Raguel, Vanilla)- nightkilled on night 3
13. Maylea (Has been replaced by Shaddus) (Nejii, guilty doctor)- lynched on day 4
11. Noola (Acrune, investagator) nightkilled on night 4
Casilu2008-10-19 20:23:23
Rules Which I Have Stolen (And Edited) That You Must Read Despite The Obnoxious Title Capitalisation
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote. Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’. I will say reasonable as 24 hours, unless I know you will be gone for that time, message me if you will and exceptions will be made
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. Only talk at night with your PMs. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
NOTE: We are starting with DAY ONE. It is DAWN. Roles are going out now!
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote. Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’. I will say reasonable as 24 hours, unless I know you will be gone for that time, message me if you will and exceptions will be made
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. Only talk at night with your PMs. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
NOTE: We are starting with DAY ONE. It is DAWN. Roles are going out now!
Diamondais2008-10-19 20:27:21 tells me I should vote 7, so Vote: Ilyarin.
Casilu2008-10-19 20:29:41
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 19 2008, 01:27 PM) 572915 tells me I should vote 7, so Vote: Ilyarin.
Now it's day one.

If you need any role clarifications, just send me a PM.
Also, vote count!
Ilyarin- 1 (diamondais)
Diamondais2008-10-19 20:30:47
QUOTE(casilu @ Oct 19 2008, 04:29 PM) 572917
Now it's day one. 
If you need any role clarifications, just send me a PM.
Also, vote count!
Ilyarin- 1 (diamondais)

If you need any role clarifications, just send me a PM.
Also, vote count!
Ilyarin- 1 (diamondais)

Casilu2008-10-19 20:31:25
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 19 2008, 01:30 PM) 572919

It's fine. Also, unless your role says so, you win with the town.
Unknown2008-10-19 20:35:43
Since Random.Org chose me twice when I used it, I'm going to choose to randomly vote for Silferras, so...
Vote: Silferras
Vote: Silferras
Xenthos2008-10-19 20:38:48
The problem with this premise is that we come back in 9 minutes as we can't truly be killed... fear us, mortals, for we shall never be vanquished! *Mad laughter emanates from the Domoths*
Noola2008-10-19 21:01:11
My random vote goes.... vote Viravain.
(don't zap me!
(don't zap me!

Dugan2008-10-19 21:11:00
A semi hard choice to make since so many are still silent. Regardless, I can always change it later if need be.
2. Rika.
2. Rika.
Dugan2008-10-19 21:11:40
Forgot to bold it.
VOTE: 2. Rika
VOTE: 2. Rika
Furien2008-10-19 21:48:38
Vote: Maylea
Gotta watch out for those higher-divinity types.
Gotta watch out for those higher-divinity types.

Diamondais2008-10-19 21:50:49
I wonder if we'll actually find Divine roles in this. 

Unknown2008-10-19 21:55:38
Wait, what. Am I a character in this, if so, that's so cool.
Unknown2008-10-19 22:01:21
Vote: Silferras
Maylea2008-10-19 22:06:26
QUOTE(Sojiro @ Oct 19 2008, 05:55 PM) 572942
Wait, what. Am I a character in this, if so, that's so cool.
Vote: Shuyin

Unknown2008-10-19 22:12:02
QUOTE(Maylea @ Oct 19 2008, 06:06 PM) 572949
Vote: Shuyin 

Doman2008-10-19 22:56:49
This should be interesting to say the least.
Random say to vote Noola, so
Vote: Noola
Random say to vote Noola, so
Vote: Noola
Daganev2008-10-19 22:59:55
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Oct 19 2008, 01:35 PM) 572922
Since Random.Org chose me twice when I used it, I'm going to choose to randomly vote for Silferras, so...
Vote: Silferras
Vote: Silferras doesn't lie...
vote Myrkr
Rika2008-10-19 23:47:43
Vote: Shiri
Only four ascendants still left are Ilyarin, Shuyin, Nejii and Desitrus.
Only four ascendants still left are Ilyarin, Shuyin, Nejii and Desitrus.