Rika2008-10-22 18:33:52
I'd rather you not out me yet, Noola. If I choose to claim later, you can confirm me.
Casilu2008-10-22 18:34:17
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 22 2008, 11:25 AM) 574133
Do you really want me to answer that? Think carefully about that.
I did think carefully Ms. Double-cult.

You people are all lazy and need to vote more!
Rika2008-10-22 18:34:55
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 23 2008, 07:33 AM) 574136
Is Lanfayr playing? Maybe, cause this game uses the characters as roles, folks could refer to each other as their forum name? I don't see Lanfayr in the list of people playing and so I'm confused by who you're talking about... 

The person whose role is Lanfayr hasn't spoken up yet, is what I mean.
Noola2008-10-22 18:34:57
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 22 2008, 01:33 PM) 574137
I'd rather you not out me yet, Noola. If I choose to claim later, you can confirm me.
Sure thing.

Noola2008-10-22 18:53:38
God the forums are sucking
Anyway, we've killed 2 of the Ascendants now... how many does that leave? Three? Two? One?

Anyway, we've killed 2 of the Ascendants now... how many does that leave? Three? Two? One?
Desitrus2008-10-22 18:53:43
Spectator: Wasted. 

Rika2008-10-22 19:02:24
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 23 2008, 07:53 AM) 574148
God the forums are sucking
Anyway, we've killed 2 of the Ascendants now... how many does that leave? Three? Two? One?

Anyway, we've killed 2 of the Ascendants now... how many does that leave? Three? Two? One?
Two, I believe. Casilu said she forgot about one, and there are supposedly five left, so only four in this game. Two down, two to go. However, only one (Shuyin) of them seems to be mafia. The other (Nejii) can be just about anything, and I'm leaning towards Talnara cult.
Noola2008-10-22 19:04:55
Ok, so nevermind. I went and reread the intro and there's only one left. I don't know why I got the idea there would be more than that.
So, the last Ascendant role must be Shuyin, right? Cause he was mentioned in Myrkr's Desitrus role and all.

Noola2008-10-22 19:07:42
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 22 2008, 02:02 PM) 574155
Two, I believe. Casilu said she forgot about one, and there are supposedly five left, so only four in this game. Two down, two to go. However, only one (Shuyin) of them seems to be mafia. The other (Nejii) can be just about anything, and I'm leaning towards Talnara cult.
Ah, ok. Two then. Casilu should update the first page in that case, with the proper number of Ascendants left at the start cause I get confused too easily.

Casilu2008-10-22 22:50:23
"Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!"
Vote count!
Still no votes. Get to it people.
Vote count!
Still no votes. Get to it people.
Shaddus2008-10-22 23:06:13
Random.org says 5, so
Casilu2008-10-22 23:22:45
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Oct 22 2008, 04:06 PM) 574238
Random.org says 5, so
Thank you for reminding me to update the front page.

Shaddus2008-10-22 23:41:01
Well, Random.org keeps telling me Noola, (11, I think it was), but we decided she was town, right?
Well, Random.org keeps telling me Noola, (11, I think it was), but we decided she was town, right?
Arix2008-10-23 00:03:36
Esano and Ilyarin have both been pretty quiet...
Noola2008-10-23 00:21:19
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 22 2008, 07:03 PM) 574245
Esano and Ilyarin have both been pretty quiet...
I guess, until I have reason to do otherwise, Vote Esano. For lack of posting.
How do you do the thing where you can see who's posted how many times in a thread?
Arix2008-10-23 00:22:40
Go to the main page, go to The Real World, and next to the thread, it says 'replies'. Click it to bring up a little window you can use to see who posted what amount
Arix2008-10-23 00:23:25
Also, VOTE ESANO because the coinflip said so
Noola2008-10-23 00:26:32
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 22 2008, 07:23 PM) 574256
Also, VOTE ESANO because the coinflip said so
Ooh! Fancy! Thanks!

Noola2008-10-23 00:27:14
I totally quoted the wrong thread.
That thank you was for the info on the replies, not for voting. 

Shiri2008-10-23 01:03:44
Well, we know Shuyin is in the game, so we have at least one left. But we may also have Nejii/Sarrasri around, as a cultist (probably Nejii. Actually...maybe Nejii isn't a cult, otherwise how would Doman/Celina have died like that? Inqui doesn't kill, even in this game, by the looks of it. So I thought it was deathtouch. No wounds. Hrm.) Anyway, it's very likely we have two ascendants left, because Casilu said it was a case of forgetting -one- of those people, not two...
I assume the reason Lanfayr didn't claim yesterday is because the day ended really fast and she didn't have a chance. Hopefully that can be corrected today.
I am curious about Myrkr. It didn't LOOK like anything weird happened, but normally she shouldn't just kill herself like that rather than at least making the effort to claim the -real- cop, attempt a bandwagon on Noola and lolcat her. Just keep in mind the possibility that something fishy is going on.
My list of probably town: Silferras, Daganev, Noola, Rika. With the potential existence of a cult none of these people are confirmed and may be killed, but in the meantime let's pick someone else. I'm gonna wait for the quiet people to speak up - day 2 went too fast so not enough people had a chance to put themselves in the spotlight and take a risk. Shaddus, you shouldn't even be thinking about random voting on day 3 and you know it.
I assume the reason Lanfayr didn't claim yesterday is because the day ended really fast and she didn't have a chance. Hopefully that can be corrected today.
I am curious about Myrkr. It didn't LOOK like anything weird happened, but normally she shouldn't just kill herself like that rather than at least making the effort to claim the -real- cop, attempt a bandwagon on Noola and lolcat her. Just keep in mind the possibility that something fishy is going on.
My list of probably town: Silferras, Daganev, Noola, Rika. With the potential existence of a cult none of these people are confirmed and may be killed, but in the meantime let's pick someone else. I'm gonna wait for the quiet people to speak up - day 2 went too fast so not enough people had a chance to put themselves in the spotlight and take a risk. Shaddus, you shouldn't even be thinking about random voting on day 3 and you know it.