LoR Mafia

by Casilu

Back to The Real World.

Rika2008-10-23 20:49:15
Well, if he's not going to defend himself, we might as well lynch him...
Esano2008-10-23 21:14:47
K, I'm back. Got the day off today (i haz a cold sad.gif) so I might be more active - if I'm not sleeping/bemoaning my illness/etc. I'm going to hold off on voting Ilyarin for now, mainly to give him another chance to give a defense post.

And Daganev, I'm not lurking. I just don't post much unless I feel the need to interject.
Daganev2008-10-23 21:43:57
QUOTE(Esano @ Oct 23 2008, 02:14 PM) 574673
And Daganev, I'm not lurking. I just don't post much unless I feel the need to interject.

I could be mistaken, but that sounds like the meaning of lurking to me. (atleast in regards to a mafia game)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

I thought we want to share our thoughts, just for the sake of sharing our thoughts, and hoping that our ideas/opinions/thoughts will mesh with some other concrete information people have and thus direct us towards the mafia/scum.
Rika2008-10-23 22:08:13
As a note, Ilyarin is probably sleeping by now. If he didn't give a defence a few hours ago, he won't now.
Shaddus2008-10-23 22:12:55
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 23 2008, 05:08 PM) 574681
As a note, Ilyarin is probably sleeping by now. If he didn't give a defence a few hours ago, he won't now.

I see him now, unless he's watching this page while he sleeps tongue.gif
Esano2008-10-23 22:35:53
And he's posted in Lack of Rants, too. *poke Ilyarin*
Rika2008-10-23 22:36:51
Now he's just outright refusing to defend himself. dunno.gif
Shaddus2008-10-23 22:41:41
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 23 2008, 05:36 PM) 574694
Now he's just outright refusing to defend himself. dunno.gif

So be it. I don't want to ninja this, but oh well
Casilu2008-10-23 23:07:08
Daganev (1) - Esano,
Ilyarin (6) – Shiri, Noola, Silferras, Rika, Daganev, Shaddus

With ten alive it is six to lynch.

AAAAAAaaaaand that looks like a lynch.
Ilyarin2008-10-23 23:07:36
Shaddus2008-10-23 23:09:08
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Oct 23 2008, 06:07 PM) 574711

I'm sorry sad.gif

Just to be nice, when my current influencer gets a bottle of esteem, I'll send it to you IC smile.gif
Ilyarin2008-10-23 23:09:24
I don't think you will. tongue.gif
Shaddus2008-10-23 23:11:40
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Oct 23 2008, 06:09 PM) 574715
I don't think you will. tongue.gif

You don't know me, do you tongue.gif

I sent Aison a vial of eggnog once, just to be nice.

Until I found out she hates eggnog... sad.gif
Ilyarin2008-10-23 23:12:53
I wonder how the end shall come. sad.gif
Furien2008-10-23 23:13:41
I saw you writing, Casilu.

Prove to me my suspicions were correct, curse you!
Shaddus2008-10-23 23:16:20
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Oct 23 2008, 06:12 PM) 574719
I wonder how the end shall come. sad.gif

Probably in a flood of eggnog, if I have my druthers.

Casilu, hurry the hell up.
Casilu2008-10-23 23:18:24
The sky turns green and horrible laughing like thousands of snakes hissing in unison echoes throughout the Basin. Ilyarin has gone completely mad, flailing and struggling as the others put him on the gallows. "Hey non nonny, nonny, hey nonny!" He begins shouting and yelling that phrase over and over again, but before the lever is pulled and Ilyarin's fate is sealed, he begins yelling things that make more sense. " censor.gif all of you! I don't want to play your stupid censor.gif ing game anyway! Great job Shiri and Rika, lynching one of your own! Go Ascendants! Goooooooo-" He is immediately lynched and the games falls silent. All is now akward. That was one epic rage quit and the game stalls.

Ilyarin was:
Revan (Jester)
Okay, so you rage-quitted once. Big deal. You're still a demigod, right? Well, thing is... you rage-quitted the last Mafia game in such an epic manner, you ended it, basically.

RAGEQUIT!- When you get lynched it's game over. Done. End of story. You win. But, when you're two votes from a lynch, you have to fake a rage quit. One vote away if it's two to lynch. It should be along the lines of yelling at them for lynching you, blaming a person or two as scum, and yatta yatta yatta and you CANNOT POST AFTER AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN PAST THE POINT OF THAT POST. So, as long as you are two votes or less away from a lynch, you cannot post. If you don't, you cannot win the game. Also, if someone nightkills you, they die too, but you still lose.

Ilyarin wins.

Casilu reaches out and presses the alternate reality button to see if someone would get second place. It is now Night 4.
Ilyarin2008-10-23 23:19:19
Rika2008-10-23 23:19:40
doh.gif I knew something like this would happen.
Diamondais2008-10-23 23:20:54
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Oct 23 2008, 07:19 PM) 574726

You cruel, cruel person. laugh.gif