LoR Mafia

by Casilu

Back to The Real World.

Rika2008-10-26 06:31:23
Just before night starts, I'll claim that I am Xiel. I have the ability to resurrect (avatar ability, I guess) someone once during the game. If Noola dies tonight, I will be resurrecting her tomorrow.
Unknown2008-10-26 06:32:55
Wait, so our doctor's been protecting Rika/no one instead of Noola the past two nights? shocked.gif
Shaddus2008-10-26 06:33:03
And if she doesn't, you can raise me chin.gif
Casilu2008-10-26 06:33:39
Shaddus begs and pleads with the crowd not to kill him. He presents a well thought out and logical argument, but this is LoR, his logic has no place here. Someone quickly sprints to the north and sets up a pit trap. The crowd slowly pushes Shaddus towards it as he presents his logical arguments and each one is someone ignored. He finally backs into the room with the pit screaming something about madness. Shiri's eye twitches. "Madness?! This is Celenwilde!" Shiri then bullkicks him into the pit with Casilu's world famous kata, thisisspartaaaaaaaaa.

Shaddus was:
Sure, you may technically be a Vernal ascendant, but hey, you were a Demigod first, so you'll side with them.

Aegis- You can send me a PM every night with Aegis to stop them from dying that night.

Ascendant- As an Ascendant, when investigated, you'll come up as an Ascendant.

Rika2008-10-26 06:34:15
sad.gif We fail.
Shaddus2008-10-26 06:34:20
QUOTE(Silferras @ Oct 26 2008, 01:32 AM) 575708
Wait, so our doctor's been protecting Rika/no one instead of Noola the past two nights? shocked.gif

Your doctor didn't know Noola's power, he had JUST got his role.
Casilu2008-10-26 06:35:04
Also, it is now Night 4.
Daganev2008-10-26 07:59:16

Why is Rika talking at night after a lynch, and why is she claiming xiel... I'm xiel, and Noola is gonna die... this is so messed up ....
Rika2008-10-26 08:03:30
..you idiot.
Ilyarin2008-10-26 08:04:32
Why are you claiming after night as well? O_o
Casilu2008-10-26 08:25:12
People are just begging to me to modkill, huh?
Casilu2008-10-26 17:27:56
When everyone wakes up in the morning, Noola is bludgeoned to death, but... well. It's Noola, there's no rant.

Noola was:
You're not even a Demigod... yet. Every night you will try to hunt to gain that last circle, and when that happens, something VERY good will happen. The chance of becoming a demigod is 30% and only gets higher as the game goes on.

Now, Acrune can investigate and check the truth-based value of posts.

It is now Day 5.
Unknown2008-10-26 18:08:06
So.. any ideas on wtf happened up there? I'm definitely FoSing both Rika and Daganev. Looks like the following scenario is the most likely:

Rika is town with some sort of investigative ability or prior knowledge of Daganev's role. She claimed Xiel to get the remaining mafia off Noola's back and protect Xiel (Daganev?) for one night, meaning that she is probably an expendable role. Daganev screwed it up by counterclaiming and warning the mafia off, confusing them and forcing them to target Noola (who is confirmed as cop).

I get confused when I take either of them as scum, because Rika wouldn't have claimed Xiel with such accuracy without said investigative ability or prior knowledge, but that prior knowledge would necessarily include the knowledge that Xiel exists somewhere else in the game. She would then also know that a counterclaim is certain to happen, and wouldn't claim like that if so. Daganev would not have made the counterclaim either, unless he was actually Xiel and suspected that Rika was trying to pass herself off as him.

Though Daganev's phrasing is odd, I'll go with the final uninvestigated suspect and vote: Esano, unless someone else has a more coherent theory about the strange happenings.
Rika2008-10-26 19:22:32
Okay, I'm Lanfayr. I was mason with Krin/Atellus, but since he died on day one, I've pretty much been vanilla the entire game. I was hoping one of the scum would try to claim Lanfayr so I could counterclaim, but none of them did. I knew Noola was much more important than me, so I decided to try to trick the scum into thinking that I had a resurrection ability, so they would target me instead, thinking if they got Noola, I'd resurrect her anyway. I didn't have any knowledge of who Xiel was, and I was pretty sure he is in the game, but given the amount of time I had, he was the only one I could think of to claim with any resurrection ability. Of course, Daganev just had to ruin it. However, I do believe that Daganev is Xiel.

That said, I will vote: Esano. I believe he is the only person unaccounted for.
Daganev2008-10-26 20:33:18
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 26 2008, 12:22 PM) 575810
Okay, I'm Lanfayr. I was mason with Krin/Atellus, but since he died on day one, I've pretty much been vanilla the entire game. I was hoping one of the scum would try to claim Lanfayr so I could counterclaim, but none of them did. I knew Noola was much more important than me, so I decided to try to trick the scum into thinking that I had a resurrection ability, so they would target me instead, thinking if they got Noola, I'd resurrect her anyway. I didn't have any knowledge of who Xiel was, and I was pretty sure he is in the game, but given the amount of time I had, he was the only one I could think of to claim with any resurrection ability. Of course, Daganev just had to ruin it. However, I do believe that Daganev is Xiel.

That said, I will vote: Esano. I believe he is the only person unaccounted for.

Ok then.

I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to say you were Xiel so that you would lynch me the next day, and that you were the last mafia member somehow.

Vote Esano However, after I thought about it, I realized that you were doing what Silfferas suggested. (i.e. trying to get the mafia to kill you instead) BTW, I'm suspicious of the people who rushed for a lynch after Shaddus roleclaimed, but thats Esano and Viravain.
Daganev2008-10-26 20:34:47
Though to be honest, I'm a bit currious why Shiri didn't just kill Easno last night...

I mean he was the obvious next lynch target since he was hte only one not investigated...
Rika2008-10-26 20:40:43
If only you were the last mafia. My plan would have worked perfectly. sad.gif
Shiri2008-10-27 00:48:20
QUOTE(daganev @ Oct 26 2008, 08:34 PM) 575841
Though to be honest, I'm a bit currious why Shiri didn't just kill Easno last night...

I mean he was the obvious next lynch target since he was hte only one not investigated...

You were also an option, so I tried to hedge the town bets by offing you so we could get Esano if Noola turned up the investigation saying you were scum and save time if she didn't (despite the fact Dugan voted for you, yes.) This was after Rika claimed the rezz ability, backed up by Noola, but before you claimed Xiel yourself (and I didn't think it'd be right to change my PM to Casilu after you claimed, particularly since it was night. doh.gif)

But during the night I confirmed that you are at the very least not Shuyin, and I guess we have no rezz available, so Vote: Esano. This is probably a ninja lynch but he's the only player in the game not yet accounted for by Noola.
Casilu2008-10-27 01:14:26
Yeah, that's a lynch. Jerks.

The group slowly forms around Esano, intent on their last target. As they all prepare to gank him, he realizes that even his shining will to live is no match for all these people. "Well, this is still a win for us, I mean, we did inflict more casualties than suffered. It's a win." He nods to himself as the crowd kills him.

Esano was:
Shuyin (sent)
Second true Ascedant, Ser Shuyin. Don't really know what else to say. You win when theAscendants make up a majority of the town.

You can nightkill as per Desitrus's orders. As well as talk with Desitrus ( Myrkr ) and Ilyarin ( Dugan ) at night. If both Desitrus and Ilyarin are killed, you can tell me who you want to kill with SMITE DOWN

Town has won second, but somehow Esano got some strange moral victory that you can't quite comprehend fully.

I'll post the roles and Night actions in a moment or two.
Shiri2008-10-27 01:16:09