Kharaen2008-11-07 02:20:59
Chapter 1: The Millennial Fair
Chapter 2: The Queen Returns
Chapter 3: The Queen Disappears
First a couple things:
Chrono Trigger is one of my favourite games (though not favourite.)
It did amazing things for a SNES game, being one of the last RPGs for the SNES it boasts some amazing visuals for its time, as well as possessing an endearing story that has earned it an occult of fans.
One of the many devices it introduced to the RPG world was the New Game+ feature, where you can use information from a previous game and apply it to a new game (and this is the only way to get most of the endings).
It was released a second (PS1) and third time (PSP), when Chrono Cross was released (its loosely-connected sequel.) There was going to be a fourth release for the PS2, but development of that project was halted soon after it began. I'll be playing through the PS1 version.
It is being released again for the DS on November 25th and will feature a new translation, additional items, a Monster Arena and five new dungeons (two belonging to Dragon's Sanctuary and three belonging to Dimensional Distortion.) It will also have all of the PS1 features, including 12 FMV sequences that are sparsely laid out through the game, and it will make use of the stylus for menu options (though there is an SNES mode to disable this feature). The second screen for the DS will be used to make maps as you walk through the various areas in the game. Unlike FFIV, Chrono Trigger won't be seeing many (if any) graphic overhauls and should look the same as its SNES version.
Before you begin, you'll see Squaresoft's logo and then the first FMV as an intro to the game:
Our Planet's Dream
In the PS version of Chrono Trigger, there is an EXTRAS MODE (you will need a free memory slot to create a file for this). There isn't much available yet, as most EXTRAS are only unlocked after beating the game and some won't be unlocked until you beat specific endings (there are 13 endings for CT, at least half of which are gag endings).

There are two combat modes in Chrono Trigger; Wait and Active. In the Wait mode, when it is your turn the enemies will stop moving and will not act. In Active mode, they will move and act. I'll play in Active Mode since it'll be easier to set up techs (and the game is easy enough that you shouldn't need the Wait Mode.)
I'll have a poll open so you can pick what colour you want the text to be in. Vote by number (numbers are represented by the following image):

Finally, the first thing you get to choose is the hero's name's:

The hero is a silent protagonist...
Chapter 2: The Queen Returns
Chapter 3: The Queen Disappears
First a couple things:
Chrono Trigger is one of my favourite games (though not favourite.)
It did amazing things for a SNES game, being one of the last RPGs for the SNES it boasts some amazing visuals for its time, as well as possessing an endearing story that has earned it an occult of fans.
One of the many devices it introduced to the RPG world was the New Game+ feature, where you can use information from a previous game and apply it to a new game (and this is the only way to get most of the endings).
It was released a second (PS1) and third time (PSP), when Chrono Cross was released (its loosely-connected sequel.) There was going to be a fourth release for the PS2, but development of that project was halted soon after it began. I'll be playing through the PS1 version.
It is being released again for the DS on November 25th and will feature a new translation, additional items, a Monster Arena and five new dungeons (two belonging to Dragon's Sanctuary and three belonging to Dimensional Distortion.) It will also have all of the PS1 features, including 12 FMV sequences that are sparsely laid out through the game, and it will make use of the stylus for menu options (though there is an SNES mode to disable this feature). The second screen for the DS will be used to make maps as you walk through the various areas in the game. Unlike FFIV, Chrono Trigger won't be seeing many (if any) graphic overhauls and should look the same as its SNES version.
Before you begin, you'll see Squaresoft's logo and then the first FMV as an intro to the game:
Our Planet's Dream
In the PS version of Chrono Trigger, there is an EXTRAS MODE (you will need a free memory slot to create a file for this). There isn't much available yet, as most EXTRAS are only unlocked after beating the game and some won't be unlocked until you beat specific endings (there are 13 endings for CT, at least half of which are gag endings).

There are two combat modes in Chrono Trigger; Wait and Active. In the Wait mode, when it is your turn the enemies will stop moving and will not act. In Active mode, they will move and act. I'll play in Active Mode since it'll be easier to set up techs (and the game is easy enough that you shouldn't need the Wait Mode.)
I'll have a poll open so you can pick what colour you want the text to be in. Vote by number (numbers are represented by the following image):

Finally, the first thing you get to choose is the hero's name's:

The hero is a silent protagonist...
He never talks in this game, except in one gag ending. He is your standard sword wielder (katana), and can learn to use Lightning Magic later when he meets Spekkio at the End of Time.
Myndaen2008-11-07 02:26:36
Magus makes me fanboi scream.
Unknown2008-11-07 02:35:56
Am I...missing something? What's an LP?
Kharaen2008-11-07 02:37:23
I am rather lame with character names...if one isn't provided he'll either retain the default name (Crono) or he'll be called Bob.
LP = let's play...just doing this for a comparison of scripts, and to refresh my memory (and anyone else interested). I'll be going through the game and people can decide on some stuff.
LP = let's play...just doing this for a comparison of scripts, and to refresh my memory (and anyone else interested). I'll be going through the game and people can decide on some stuff.
Unknown2008-11-07 02:52:21
Possible names for Chrono:
Shaddus2008-11-07 03:26:43
So, Kharaen, what IS your favorite game?
And I still want a "Good morning, Chrono!" T-shirt.
And I still want a "Good morning, Chrono!" T-shirt.
Kharaen2008-11-07 03:40:33
My absolute favourite is a tie between Valkyrie Profile and BOF: Dragon Quarter. Shadow Hearts, Disgaea and Chrono Trigger/Cross follow closely behind, though.
Shaddus2008-11-07 03:45:07
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Nov 6 2008, 09:40 PM) 580020
My absolute favourite is a tie between Valkyrie Profile and BOF: Dragon Quarter. Shadow Hearts, Disgaea and Chrono Trigger/Cross follow closely behind, though.
Gonna have to go with FF3 or Star Ocean 2, for mine.
Kharaen2008-11-07 03:45:51
BoF:DQ is not for the faint of heart.
Unknown2008-11-07 05:55:24
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Nov 6 2008, 10:45 PM) 580023
Gonna have to go with FF3 or Star Ocean 2, for mine.
Gonna have to go with FF3 or Star Ocean 2, for mine.
FF3 or FF6?
Furien2008-11-07 06:02:37
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Nov 6 2008, 06:26 PM) 580002
Magus makes me fanboi scream.
Oh god, I'm ashamed. He's like a wannabe jack-of-all-elements but turns out worse than the other characters. (Maybe I was just like, 8 at the time I played the game and I still hated him for BEING A BAD GUY

Personally, I went through the game using mainly Crono, Marle and Frog.
Also, Schala's Theme music = <3
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:11:24
Chapter 1 - The Millennial Fair
Seagulls greet us as we begin the game, and balloons rise into the air as though a celebration were taking place...

The screen darkens...

Five more minutes mom...

The light!
You were so excited abou the Millenial Fair that you didn't sleep well, did you...?
Knowing Fry, that's not the only reason he wasn't sleeping well...
I want you to be behave yourself today!
Not happening.
Let's get moving, now!
Mom heads on downstairs and I do some morning stretches.

A couple of things you can do in Fry's room:

You can close the drapes (rectifying the aweful brightness) and you can sleep.
There's no reason you should be paying 10gp at the Truce Inn or 20gp at the Porre Inn when you can sleep in your own bed for free. There should never been need of an Inn in the present when on the Zenan Continent
There are a couple more things that can be done in this room once you start winning prizes from the Fair
That orange kitty has no name. He also won't be fed or have any girlfriends.
Unless you make me
Dinoniel got to pick the naming scheme of the characters since he's the only one that suggested names...Also, I just rolled a dice between the g&g and fp text bubbles, and fp won.
So we head on downstairs where we are accosted by Mom again...

Leela is Fry's only friend, and she's an inventor.
If we talk to Mom again...
Oh, I almost forgot! Here's your allowance, dear! Have fun at the fair!
Received 200G!

And we're finally out of the house, free to do whatever we wish. There are a few places to explore as we've the entire Zenan continent available to us.
Seagulls greet us as we begin the game, and balloons rise into the air as though a celebration were taking place...

The screen darkens...

The light!

Knowing Fry, that's not the only reason he wasn't sleeping well...

Not happening.

Mom heads on downstairs and I do some morning stretches.

A couple of things you can do in Fry's room:

You can close the drapes (rectifying the aweful brightness) and you can sleep.
There's no reason you should be paying 10gp at the Truce Inn or 20gp at the Porre Inn when you can sleep in your own bed for free. There should never been need of an Inn in the present when on the Zenan Continent

There are a couple more things that can be done in this room once you start winning prizes from the Fair

That orange kitty has no name. He also won't be fed or have any girlfriends.
Unless you make me

Dinoniel got to pick the naming scheme of the characters since he's the only one that suggested names...Also, I just rolled a dice between the g&g and fp text bubbles, and fp won.
So we head on downstairs where we are accosted by Mom again...

Leela is Fry's only friend, and she's an inventor.
If we talk to Mom again...

Received 200G!

And we're finally out of the house, free to do whatever we wish. There are a few places to explore as we've the entire Zenan continent available to us.
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:13:33
Houses with green roofs can be entered, so we'll enter the house adjacent to Fry's House and find this teenage girl:

Hard to believe Guardia is now 1000 years old, and our King is the XXXIII descendant to the throne!
But how can he rule a kingdom when he can't even control his daughter?
This would indeed be something to worry about.
Then we scooch over to the second residence in Truce...

That brat, Leela, says she's made the discovery of a lifetime.
There's no respect for Leela, and Fry doesn't seem to care.
I'm so happy I could scream!
Next up is the Truce Market...

Visit our store in Leene Square!
Appears that the shopkeep has gone to make a profit at the Fair!
We then have the Truce Inn:

Lodging is 10G. (Check in? / No, thanks.)
The answer should always be no, as you can rest for free in your own room.
Been to the fair yet?
(Yes) Wasn't that a trip?! I spent all of my Silver Points at the "Tent of Horrors!"
(No) Well get going, then!! You'll have to wait a thousand years for another Millennial Fair!
Come on in! Take your bloody time...! I'd rather serve you than go to the fair, anyway...
There's a girl at the piano. You can give her 10G to play a song.

This would indeed be something to worry about.
Maybe that's why he died and Porre invaded so easily?
Then we scooch over to the second residence in Truce...

There's no respect for Leela, and Fry doesn't seem to care.

Next up is the Truce Market...

Appears that the shopkeep has gone to make a profit at the Fair!
We then have the Truce Inn:

The answer should always be no, as you can rest for free in your own room.

There's a girl at the piano. You can give her 10G to play a song.
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:15:08
On the second floor:
Remember the earthquake we just had?
(No) No? Airhead, huh? Well, never mind.
(Yes) We've been having too many. Something's wrong... Hope the "Big One" isn't coming!
We encounter our first sealed chest on this floor. It cannot be opened yet, but maybe further along in the game.
Next up is the Truce Ticket Hut where you can buy a ticket to ride a boat to Porre

Sometimes a mysterious whirlpool appears in the ocean near here. What could cause that?
If only Fritz would return, I'd ask for nothing more!
Being a named character, he must be important!
Next up is Leela's very messy house:

Lara is Leela's crippled mom.
Then we have the Mayor's Manor, which is the in-game manual. People within explain the various aspects of the game from a character's stats, to the weapons they use, and how to use their techs.
Of particular note:

The mayor will give you 300G if you listen to what he has to say (and talk to him a second time.)
Next up is Guardia Forest, which has some easy monsters you can fight to learn your first tech and get a couple levels.
There are three seperate clusters of these mushroom-like Hetake:

Bump into this Rolly, and you'll start a fight with three bugs...

Which quickly fall to Cyclone

Pass by this Bellbird, and he'll call for some Bugs:

There isn't only enemies to be fought, but also treasure to be found! Above the second Hetake cluster is a Power Tab, and in the deadend clearing there's another sealed chest.

Make your way to the top of the forest and exit to get to Guardia Castle. When you enter, the guards will accost you...and escort you out XD

A decent enough hope. This is probably Lavos starting to wake up from his aeons long sleep.
We encounter our first sealed chest on this floor. It cannot be opened yet, but maybe further along in the game.
Next up is the Truce Ticket Hut where you can buy a ticket to ride a boat to Porre
and Medina, at the near end of the game.
It is faster to walk to Porre, but touches like this are pretty neat. You can talk to the ferryman and pay 10G for the ride.

This is the whirlpool created when you're escaping the Mystic's Cave.

Being a named character, he must be important!
Next up is Leela's very messy house:

Lara is Leela's crippled mom.

The accident that happened to Lara is what inspires Leela to become an inventor!
Then we have the Mayor's Manor, which is the in-game manual. People within explain the various aspects of the game from a character's stats, to the weapons they use, and how to use their techs.
Of particular note:

The mayor will give you 300G if you listen to what he has to say (and talk to him a second time.)
Next up is Guardia Forest, which has some easy monsters you can fight to learn your first tech and get a couple levels.
There are three seperate clusters of these mushroom-like Hetake:

Bump into this Rolly, and you'll start a fight with three bugs...

Which quickly fall to Cyclone

Pass by this Bellbird, and he'll call for some Bugs:

There isn't only enemies to be fought, but also treasure to be found! Above the second Hetake cluster is a Power Tab, and in the deadend clearing there's another sealed chest.

Make your way to the top of the forest and exit to get to Guardia Castle. When you enter, the guards will accost you...and escort you out XD

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:17:49
With Truce explored (except the Fair), this leaves Porre...

At the Zenan Bridge the people are excited about the fair:
I'm opening a stall at the fairgrounds. Why don't you drop by!?
Going to the fair!
Yea! A festival! Let's get crazy!
Always wanted to go to a 1000th Anniversary!
All right, everyone! Let's have some fun!
The equipment in the Porre market is worth taking a look at:

The steel sabre pretty much doubles your attack.
The Porre Inn... (Which you'll never need to visit.)

Charge double that of Truce's Inn too!

At the Zenan Bridge the people are excited about the fair:

The equipment in the Porre market is worth taking a look at:

The steel sabre pretty much doubles your attack.

The Porre Inn... (Which you'll never need to visit.)

Charge double that of Truce's Inn too!
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:19:41
The mayor's house in Porre isn't as informative as the Mayor's manor in Truce...

My dad loves money more than he loves me...
The person I hate most? My dad, of course.
The children are slipping away from us. It's so sad...
Ha! I run this town! And I'm so rich I don't know what to do with it all!!
Give you 10G if you act like a chicken! (Yes. / No.)
(Yes.) HAAAHAHA! Here ya go, 10G!
Fry has no self respect, so he can keep doing this over and over again if he needs the cash.
The only residence accessible in Porre:

Porre's Ticket Office...

A one-way ticket is 10G. Want one? (Yes. / No.)
(No.) But you'd love the trip! I guarantee it!
Nothing like a ferry ride!
I take the ferry every chance I get!

Fry has no self respect, so he can keep doing this over and over again if he needs the cash.
The only residence accessible in Porre:

Porre's Ticket Office...

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:21:46
The Snail Stop (a bar!)

I've the best Jerky in town, but I'm saving it.
I might let some go for, say, 9900G. How about it?
This would be about 990 chicken dances. We don't need this right now though, nor can we afford it
Some monsters coexist with humans. Like that piano player.
400 years ago a woman named Fiona died trying to save the great forest that once flourished to the north. How sad...
That was the huge desert we passed by on the way to Porre...
Everyone's over at the festival. What fools!
Not all in Porre were friendly with Guardia...
I'm the piano man (Play a sad one, Joe! / Something upbeat, please!)
He'll have two choices of song, and he's free too!

This would be about 990 chicken dances. We don't need this right now though, nor can we afford it

That was the huge desert we passed by on the way to Porre...

Not all in Porre were friendly with Guardia...

He'll have two choices of song, and he's free too!
Doesn't really seem that people are discontent with Guardia and Truce, except that one drunk. How do they get a military, and why do they butcher Truce a few years in the near future?
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:22:19
We're finished in Porrre...on to the Fair!

Welcome to the Millennial Fair! Have fun!
I heard Leela and her dad have made another crazy invention.
Hope it doesn't blow up like all the others!
This is Leene Square. They say people who hear Leene's Bell ring will have interesting and happy lives!
Those runners are busy racing, so they won't talk to you.
This Kingdom's been through a lot, like the war against Magus, 400 years ago.
Thank goodness things are so peaceful now.

This is both true and false. Oh so false.

Not for long granny 

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:22:45

The Truce merchant, Melchior and that Zenan bridge guy have set up shop:

Only Melchior has better stuff than Porre, and the Lode Sword is currently beyond our budget

There are several games in the fair, and I'll explain each. On the first map, there are three games:

The first is simple...Just wait until you're at the very end of the line, then push O. You'll ring the bell and this'll net you 1 Silver Point.
The second game is guessing which of the four racers will place in first. This is completely random. The old man on on the bottom makes some accurate guesses, though you can hinder the runners by walking besides them. This will slow them down and (hopefully) give the guy you bet on a better chance at winning. Guessing the correct runner will net you 20SP.
The third game is the Tent of Horrors, and here you don't earn SP but instead spend it on three games. The first two are fairly easy to do, the last is rather difficult (which is why I don't want to be feeding any kitties

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:24:34
We'll now head up to the second part of the Fair...and bump into this blond. Leene's Bell starts to ring, something worth noting.

I imagine he's not fine, as he's been lying there while she's been walking around. I don't like Marle. Pretty much everyone else you get is more useful than her, and there's two Water users in this game.

Things you do at the fair will impact what happens at a future event. I'll do everything wrong, since the benefit of doing everything right isn't all that great. First thing to do wrong: Get the pendant before checking on the girl.
You'll pick up the pendant then check up on the girl:

She then wants to join up with you. Saying no, results in this loop:

So you have to take her along with you wether you want to or not. She'll just keep nagging you until you do!
It's alright for your mom to forget your only friend's name, but something wrong with you if you don't remember your OWN name

We now have Amy! Let's check out the rest of the fair. There's a couple games in this part of the fair as well. You can beat up Gato, the giant robot cat, for 15SP, or guzzle sodas (beer?) for 5SP. Gato is one of Leena's creations, and beating it up will also net you 10XP and 1TP.

Amy will comment every once in a while when you do things. Like above, she calls you competitive wether or not you win the soda guzzling game. She'll call you a pig for eating an old man's lunch. Which we do, since it's a free HP/MP restore without having to hoof it home (and it's the second wrong thing to do). There's a girl crying for her cat near the soda game, but we'll just scare it away instead of bringing it to her (wrong number three!).
You can also exchange any extra silver points for gold:

Next up is the Tent of Horrors. We've beaten up Gato a few times, so we have enough SP for the first two games in the ToH.
The first game costs 10SP. Three soldiers will introduce themselves (Biggs, Piette, Wedge), then walk around and get mixed up with each other. You need to identify the soldier that Bekkler calls out. It's pretty simple. Just keep your eye on one of them, and it's a 50/50 chance of who the other will be. Your reward is the Poyozo Doll, which will play a different song when you look at it in Fry's Room.

I imagine he's not fine, as he's been lying there while she's been walking around. I don't like Marle. Pretty much everyone else you get is more useful than her, and there's two Water users in this game.

Things you do at the fair will impact what happens at a future event. I'll do everything wrong, since the benefit of doing everything right isn't all that great. First thing to do wrong: Get the pendant before checking on the girl.
You'll pick up the pendant then check up on the girl:

She then wants to join up with you. Saying no, results in this loop:

So you have to take her along with you wether you want to or not. She'll just keep nagging you until you do!
It's alright for your mom to forget your only friend's name, but something wrong with you if you don't remember your OWN name

We now have Amy! Let's check out the rest of the fair. There's a couple games in this part of the fair as well. You can beat up Gato, the giant robot cat, for 15SP, or guzzle sodas (beer?) for 5SP. Gato is one of Leena's creations, and beating it up will also net you 10XP and 1TP.

Amy will comment every once in a while when you do things. Like above, she calls you competitive wether or not you win the soda guzzling game. She'll call you a pig for eating an old man's lunch. Which we do, since it's a free HP/MP restore without having to hoof it home (and it's the second wrong thing to do). There's a girl crying for her cat near the soda game, but we'll just scare it away instead of bringing it to her (wrong number three!).
You can also exchange any extra silver points for gold:

Next up is the Tent of Horrors. We've beaten up Gato a few times, so we have enough SP for the first two games in the ToH.
The first game costs 10SP. Three soldiers will introduce themselves (Biggs, Piette, Wedge), then walk around and get mixed up with each other. You need to identify the soldier that Bekkler calls out. It's pretty simple. Just keep your eye on one of them, and it's a 50/50 chance of who the other will be. Your reward is the Poyozo Doll, which will play a different song when you look at it in Fry's Room.