Kharaen2008-11-08 19:25:23
The second game is 40SP. A clone of Fry will step out from the cage and you'll have to mimic what he does. Mimic it perfectly, and you get to keep the clone! The clone is a lifesize action figure of Fry; you can set him up in different poses at Fry's house. I think you can also get clones of the other characters, as long as they are leading the party.

The third game costs 80SP, and can only be played when you have more than one party member. One of the party will be tied up and will slowly descend onto a flame. There are three kilwalas outside of the cage - you need to throw rocks at them to back them up into it. If you don't push them back fast enough, they'll attack your party member, and the game is over. You can touch a blue glowing rock to raise your friend from the flames if you need to. This game is very hard, but if you win (and you have enough catfood) you get a new cat. You can get catfood from all of the games after winning their initial prize.
Now that we have a couple toys to check out, let's go home...Mom says hi to Amy.

(She's surprised he has more than one friend!)
Here's our new acquisitions:

Back to the fair we go! As we've beaten Gato a few times now, when we speak to the girl sitting at the fountain in the first part of the fair, she'll have this to say:

Before we go there, let's get the fourth wrong done (trying to sell Amy's pendant):

The two men blocking the way to the last part of the fair are gone. We finally get to meet Leela and see what she's been up to. Amy's a glutton though, she needs her sugar fix before heading to the show:

Try to walk away while she chooses and this happens (fifth wrong!):

Finally she's done:

She'll accuse you of being a kidnapper and in the next breath thank you for waiting

The third game costs 80SP, and can only be played when you have more than one party member. One of the party will be tied up and will slowly descend onto a flame. There are three kilwalas outside of the cage - you need to throw rocks at them to back them up into it. If you don't push them back fast enough, they'll attack your party member, and the game is over. You can touch a blue glowing rock to raise your friend from the flames if you need to. This game is very hard, but if you win (and you have enough catfood) you get a new cat. You can get catfood from all of the games after winning their initial prize.
Now that we have a couple toys to check out, let's go home...Mom says hi to Amy.

(She's surprised he has more than one friend!)
Here's our new acquisitions:

Back to the fair we go! As we've beaten Gato a few times now, when we speak to the girl sitting at the fountain in the first part of the fair, she'll have this to say:

Before we go there, let's get the fourth wrong done (trying to sell Amy's pendant):

The two men blocking the way to the last part of the fair are gone. We finally get to meet Leela and see what she's been up to. Amy's a glutton though, she needs her sugar fix before heading to the show:

Try to walk away while she chooses and this happens (fifth wrong!):

Finally she's done:

She'll accuse you of being a kidnapper and in the next breath thank you for waiting

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:25:54
Taban explains as we enter the display what the large machines are about:

People have no faith in Leela, of course. Her screwups are fairly known by all:
She could probably see the back side of the moon with those.
Check out that girl's glasses!
Leela's inventions never work right.
TABAN: Give it a try, kid? ...Oh, it's you, Fry!
Leela: Fry!
Where have you been! No one wants to try the Telepod!
How about you?
Amy: It looks like fun! I'll watch while you try it out!
Amy scooches over to the entrance of the area. You don't have to try the telepod, as talking to her will have her wanting to try out the telepod.
So we approach the Telepod...

People have no faith in Leela, of course. Her screwups are fairly known by all:

Amy scooches over to the entrance of the area. You don't have to try the telepod, as talking to her will have her wanting to try out the telepod.
So we approach the Telepod...
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:26:47

So we hop on the pod...

It worked, and Fry's alive. Maybe Leela isn't so bad after all.

Even her father doubted her abilities

Then we talk to Amy (this will occur whether we try out the Telepod or not):

Why is everyone surprised that Fry can make friends?
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:27:44

She seems worried Fry would abandon her...I can't imagine why.

Taban reminds me why it's not so bad to be without parents...

Something seems to be wrong...


Amy's gone! Taban hastily shoos everyone out. After calling out his daughter's incompetance once again

Kharaen2008-11-08 19:31:40

Impossible. Despite it being able to transpose a person from one location to another...

Leela's at the begining of the entrance. You try to go by her, and she'll say this:

Might as well get the pendant to sell to Melchior...

EEP! Caught in the act...
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:32:10

Here we go...

The machine starts to freak out again:


Thus concludes Chapter 1: The Millennial Fair!
Let me know if this is too much info. I can skip NPC dialogue and only show treasures and story related conversations if that's preferable.
Tervic2008-11-08 19:32:50
QUOTE(Furien @ Nov 6 2008, 10:02 PM) 580051
Oh god, I'm ashamed. He's like a wannabe jack-of-all-elements but turns out worse than the other characters. (Maybe I was just like, 8 at the time I played the game and I still hated him for BEING A BAD GUY
Personally, I went through the game using mainly Crono, Marle and Frog.
Also, Schala's Theme music = <3

Personally, I went through the game using mainly Crono, Marle and Frog.
Also, Schala's Theme music = <3
Pffh....... Dark Matter and Magus's tripletech are teh awesome and you know it.
You forgot the
drinking contest
and the other random crap that affects the judgement verdict
such as finding the lost cat
or eating the dude's lunch.
. Are you going to post the entire game here? Because if you are... it's a freaking huge game of awesome. And I really hope you don't post all possible runs through the Black Omen
....Goddamnit, now I need to go back and play this again.
EDIT: Oh yeah, whether you
wait patiently or not for "Amy" to get her candy also affects the judgement later in the game
Kharaen2008-11-08 19:56:15
Yeah, I'll be doing the whole game. I forgot to put in the bit with Melchior, I'll do that now. I'll try to update by the game's chapters, and probably put links to each in the first post. After I walk my dog that's been growling at me...
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:42:51
Chapter 2: The Queen Returns
We'd just willing stepped into oblivion after a naive blond tried out a crazy invention...

Which was kind of cool...and ended up here:

And we immediately get ambushed by these critters...

They've been dealt with.
Here's the rest of this apparent mountain:

We promptly remove the Bandana (+1SPD) for this Power Glove (+2PWR). Fry is the fastest member of the cast with 12 speed, with it being fairly close to max (16).
We step out of the area beyond the two imps and the rolly to find that Fry's house is missing, as is Leela's. We seemed to have been teleported to where Leene Square would have been if it was there. Truce Canyon is there in its place.

We'd just willing stepped into oblivion after a naive blond tried out a crazy invention...

Which was kind of cool...and ended up here:

And we immediately get ambushed by these critters...

They've been dealt with.
There aren't many forced fights in Chrono Trigger (you usually have to bump into an enemy to fight it), 600AD is full of them. There's a forced fight up ahead, and you can get ambushed several times in the Guardia Forest.
Here's the rest of this apparent mountain:

We promptly remove the Bandana (+1SPD) for this Power Glove (+2PWR). Fry is the fastest member of the cast with 12 speed, with it being fairly close to max (16).
We step out of the area beyond the two imps and the rolly to find that Fry's house is missing, as is Leela's. We seemed to have been teleported to where Leene Square would have been if it was there. Truce Canyon is there in its place.

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:43:32
We've no idea where we are, so might as well ask the locals. Here, places with red roofs can be entered. First stop is the Inn.

1 - "Where am I?" Are you stupid? THIS is the kingdom of Guardia! We're battling Magus's army. You DID know that, right?
1 - (Of course.) Then shut your pie hole!
1 - (No.) Lovely...We NEED more ignorant strangers around here...
Millennial Fair? What? Are you crazy?! What nonsense!
2 - What a relief! They finally found Queen Leene wandering up in the mountains!
3 - She must be glad to be home!
3 - Everyone was worried! The King freaked when the Queen took off. We all thought Magus had grabbed her. Thank goodness she's safe!
The Magus's army destroyed Zenan Bridge, so the south continent is inaccessible.

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:44:04
After talking to those two soldiers, this fellow enters the Inn...

(No.) So, you think I'm a beggar, huh? Well, scram!
(Sure.) Cider please!
Thanks! It's about the missing Queen. She dissapeared while visiting that cathedral to the west, and...
That guard said she was found in the mountains...
Beg your pardon? WHAT?! They found her? Never mind...
I was sure there was something fishy about that cathedral...
Seems to be the same Truce Inn that we explored before, though it looks different. It has a sealed chest though! The cost to stay here is 10G, same as previously as well. Since we don't have a house to sleep at, seems there's no other alternative if we need a quick rest. Also, Queen Leene sounds familiar...
There's a couple residences that we can visit as well...

My husband wants a daughter who is as intelligent as she is beautiful.
I'm Banta, the blacksmith. I'm forging a bell for the King to present to his beloved Queen Leene. I lost it when the Queen disappeared. I just couldn't keep working on the bell. But now it's back to business as usual!

Seems to be the same Truce Inn that we explored before, though it looks different. It has a sealed chest though! The cost to stay here is 10G, same as previously as well. Since we don't have a house to sleep at, seems there's no other alternative if we need a quick rest. Also, Queen Leene sounds familiar...
There's a couple residences that we can visit as well...

A daughter as beautiful as she is intelligent? Taban calls Leela beautiful, and she's smart enough to build a cat robot. Maybe these are her descendents.
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:44:42

Next up is the Market...

The knight is a bonecrusher since there's an axelord and bonecrusher emote, but no blademaster or pureblade emotes!
Lastly, the mentioned destroyed bridge:

So we've discovered that we're in the year 600, and that a war with this Magus fellow is currently ravaging Guardia. We got kicked out of the 1000 year castle, but maybe they'll let us in this one.

There's also a bluebird ambush from the west path of the forest. On the east path, you'll find a seemingly empty clearing...

Both rocks have a glowing point. The top rock reveals a power tab, the bottom rock is a rolly ambush!

We can also get unlimmited shelters from this bush:

And there's a sealed chest too!

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:45:37
Let's try our luck at the castle now.

These guys are worse than the 1000 guys...they fling random insults, THEN tell me to leave. Jerks.

Finally, someone with class in this age. I thought they were all rude.

Fry's unusually spikey hair sometimes has this effect on people.

Finally, some respect!

These guys are worse than the 1000 guys...they fling random insults, THEN tell me to leave. Jerks.

Finally, someone with class in this age. I thought they were all rude.

Fry's unusually spikey hair sometimes has this effect on people.

Finally, some respect!
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:46:09

Queens don't giggle!

We now have free range of the castle, thanks to the Queen. Before meeting her, let's see what information can be garnered.

Heading to the left, we come to a stairway, which two soldiers guard...

Yay, free sleeping once again! No more Inns for Fry.
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:46:41
We head down the stairs to the Knights' Quarters...The guy in gold is the Knight Captain.

Wounded - Oooohhh...
1 - Magus's troops are strangely quiet. Something's about to happen.
Zenan Bridge is our last line of defense! We MUST guard it with our lives! So you're the one who helped the Queen. Talk to the maid if you need to rest.
2 - Oh! If only Sir Cyrus were here! You've heard of him, haven't you?
2 - (No.) You don't know of Sir Cyrus?! From which land do you come? Or are you simply a fool?
2 - (Yes.) If HE were here, this whole mess with the Queen would never have happened.
3 - Long ago, a beast called Yakra lurked in the western forest. But after the cathedral was built, Yakra disappeared. We're thankful for that.
4 - Sir Cyrus was the Commander of the the Knights. His mission was to protect the King and Queen. He and a friend left on a journey 10 years ago. No one has heard from them since.
5 - What a relief, the Queen's been found. Now we can concentrate on the war!

(This guy will be wounded here throughout the whole war.)

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:47:08
Next we head to the right hall, and another guarded stairway.

We head down the stairs to the kitchens...Food will restore us much the same way sleeping does.

wounded - I...I'm hungry...
Here's your food!
wounded - All right! (at table) This is great!
2 - This dining room is for us soldiers. Feel free to grab a bite.
3 - Magus's troops had better watch out for us!
4 - The chef's food is great. I give it 3 stars.
5 - Hungry? Sit down at the upper left corner of the left table.
So we do just that...

I think the Refresh Salad will heal HP, and the Power Stew MP. The Hyper Kabob will heal all, including any status afflicts. This is what the kabob looks like:

More like a roast, but still tasty!

We head down the stairs to the kitchens...Food will restore us much the same way sleeping does.

So we do just that...

I think the Refresh Salad will heal HP, and the Power Stew MP. The Hyper Kabob will heal all, including any status afflicts. This is what the kabob looks like:

More like a roast, but still tasty!
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:47:32

The chest has an ether. As we try to leave the kitchens, this scene will play out:

The kitchen staff will have new things to say:

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:48:22
So we leave and head further into the castle:

And into the throne room itself:

Sir! I understand that you are the one who saved my dear wife, the Queen! But can you tell me what happened? Leene's acting rather odd. And she seems to have lost her coral pin, which is something she guarded with her life...Forgive me! You must be tired. We can talk about this later. Please rest in the Knights quarters downstairs, to the left.
Left - The King's room is upstairs. The Knights' quarters are downstairs, to the left.
Right - The Queen seems to be waiting for you upstairs in her room.
Hmmm... (after saying this, the chancellor departs for the left stairways. Let's follow!)

A sealed chest...

And into the throne room itself:

A sealed chest...

and a chest we won't open, since we're in the past. It'll be open in the present if we open it now!
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:48:56
This is the king's floor:

Hmmmm...What do you want? Get out of my face!
People are seriously rude in 600AD
Left - Just between us, the Chancellor's been acting VERY strange lately. He's been sneakin' out at night...
Right - Speaking of nut cases, I haven't seen the Queen's guard, that frog-thing, recently. Heard a spell turned him into a frog. Do you believe that? I think he's a spy!
Didn't mention any wackos...
People say the Chancellor's gone crazy, but I don't believe it. The Chancellor's a decent man. Why, he goes to the cathedral everyday.

People are seriously rude in 600AD

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:49:22
That's it for the left wing, time to go meet the queen...

A chest tempts us in this wing as well...Heading further up, we arrive on the queen's floor.

The Queen awaits.

The Queen married into the family 10 years ago. She still looks so youthful! In fact, she looks even younger now than on her wedding day...
YOU saved our Queen? You don't look that tough.
No respect...So we go to checkout the Queen who's about the only person who's been nice to us in this entire time period...

Here I am!

We're so close we could kiss right now
But nearer I come.

A chest tempts us in this wing as well...Heading further up, we arrive on the queen's floor.

No respect...So we go to checkout the Queen who's about the only person who's been nice to us in this entire time period...

We're so close we could kiss right now