Kharaen2008-11-10 05:50:04

Your faith was wasted. Leela strongarmed me into coming.

Blue is no longer my favorite colour. Bad things always happen around blue things

And there she goes...again. She cannot stay put. Can't do much here, might as well leave.

Kharaen2008-11-10 05:51:06
As we head out of the queen's wing, we encounter our only friend.

They may be rude, but in this time period, they KNOW what their royalty looks like.

Fry's very oblivious...

They may be rude, but in this time period, they KNOW what their royalty looks like.

Fry's very oblivious...
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:51:54

Why wouldn't they call the search back on when Amy disappears?
Kharaen2008-11-10 05:52:10

See? Blue IS the colour of evil.

Leela joins the party!

End of chapter!
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:31:12
Chapter 3: The Queen Disappears
Last chapter we learned that Leela's invention had hurled us 400 years in the past, and that Amy was royalty. She dissapeared into the ether, and it is now up to Fry to fix this time mishap by finding the real Queen.
We level up Leela to the 5th level, and she learns her single techniques:

Fire shot is actually a magical attack using the fire element. Hypno Wave tries to put all enemies to sleep and very often fails.
And her dual tech with Fry:

Fire whirl is another magical attack!
Fry also learns a tech!

Slash is a line attack, imbued with a touch of lightning element.
Toma kept talking about the cathedral, and it's the only place we haven't checked out. The hunt for the Queen will begin there.

1 - We want nothing but world peace...or a piece of the world, tee, hee...
2 - You might want to stick around for the organ recital. It's a real killer!
3 - People wouldn't know what to do with themselves in a truly peaceful world! My, what delicious, er ...... I mean, delightful looking humans!
4 - Oh dear! It looks like you could use some food and a place!
Last chapter we learned that Leela's invention had hurled us 400 years in the past, and that Amy was royalty. She dissapeared into the ether, and it is now up to Fry to fix this time mishap by finding the real Queen.
We level up Leela to the 5th level, and she learns her single techniques:

Fire shot is actually a magical attack using the fire element. Hypno Wave tries to put all enemies to sleep and very often fails.
And her dual tech with Fry:

Fire whirl is another magical attack!
Fry also learns a tech!

Slash is a line attack, imbued with a touch of lightning element.
Toma kept talking about the cathedral, and it's the only place we haven't checked out. The hunt for the Queen will begin there.

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:31:52
These nuns have a lot of dramatic pauses and they speak funny. After talking to the one at the organ, this scene unfolds:

I don't have a snapshot, but Leela exclaims that the pin has the Guardia Crest (this is likely the missing coral pin the King was talking about!)

The flames are blue. Obviously these wenches are EVIL.

See? From now on, I'm substituting blue for evil.
The lovely thing about all monsters in our first dungeon is that most are incredibly weak to magic. Fire whirl annihilates these Naga-ettes, though Leela can actually one-shot a Naga with her flame shot.

Confident with that easy victory... wasn't close to being close


I don't have a snapshot, but Leela exclaims that the pin has the Guardia Crest (this is likely the missing coral pin the King was talking about!)

The flames are blue. Obviously these wenches are EVIL.

See? From now on, I'm substituting blue for evil.
The lovely thing about all monsters in our first dungeon is that most are incredibly weak to magic. Fire whirl annihilates these Naga-ettes, though Leela can actually one-shot a Naga with her flame shot.

Confident with that easy victory... wasn't close to being close

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:32:35

Leela got knocked quite aways back...


That killed the other monster. 'Kay, he's cool.

He's the only guy in all of 600AD that talks this way -.-

She has a worse reaction about the frog then the Nagas...Admitedly, this guy has a huge sword (broadword?)
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:33:03

If you refuse, this loops:

What's another fighter? The enemy might think we're on their side if we have a monster of our own!

Yes, yes you will.

Meet Zoidberg, or Zoid, for short.
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:33:36

Before we do that, Zoid needs to learn his techs...

Both of Zoid's first techs aren't terribly useful. A weak Slurp Kiss that heals less than a tonic, and a Slurp Cut that deals only slightly more damage than his normal slash.
However, when Fry's slash and Zoid's slurp cut combine we get X-Strike:

It looks neat and deals decent damage. Back to the cathedral to search for monster dens and missing Queens.
Fry is no history buff, but he did play the air guitar in a rock tribute band. His skills come into play in revealing this door as he rocks out on the killer organ.

There's something neat and disturbing about the first dungeon being a cathedral defiled by beasts. Diablo flashbacks sometimes flicker through my mind...
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:34:23
Here is the first hall upon entering the secret lair:

The grey gargoyle-like creatures are called Diablos. They are one of the two monsters in here that are not weak to magic. The chests have a Revive and Tonic. We'll go through the left door first.

That chest up there contains a steel saber, which is already equipped on Fry.
The bottom room reveals this (chests contain: MaidenSuit (for women only!), Tonic, Ether) -

Pilage the dresser on the side to get a Naga-ette Bromide. It won't show up in your inventory, but you do possess it. These Henches smash in...they have a very good defense, but fall very easily to magic.

The top room can be accessed by running below the spikes and switching off the glowing in turn reveals two soldiers and a glowing urn. Investigate the glow for a power tab!

1 - Y, you're humans? They're hiding the Queen in the back. Please rescue her!
2 - Inside this building, there's a room dedicated to Magus...Heard something about a treasure being there...
The first soldier confirms the queen is present, and where she is.

The grey gargoyle-like creatures are called Diablos. They are one of the two monsters in here that are not weak to magic. The chests have a Revive and Tonic. We'll go through the left door first.

That chest up there contains a steel saber, which is already equipped on Fry.
The bottom room reveals this (chests contain: MaidenSuit (for women only!), Tonic, Ether) -

Pilage the dresser on the side to get a Naga-ette Bromide. It won't show up in your inventory, but you do possess it. These Henches smash in...they have a very good defense, but fall very easily to magic.

The top room can be accessed by running below the spikes and switching off the glowing in turn reveals two soldiers and a glowing urn. Investigate the glow for a power tab!

The first soldier confirms the queen is present, and where she is.
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:35:28
Now for the right wing...

Going through the bottom room reveals a short scene:

It's almost my shift. I hate pretending to be's so repulsive.
Burrp! The ones we ate recently weren't SO bad. And those 2 soldiers we caught look rather plump and juice...
Yakra's so smart! His plan to capture the Chancellor and take his place worked perfectly! Now the Queen's captive, and the castle's in an uproar. This is rich!
After speaking to both Naga and Hench, the Diablos says...
I'll look in on Magus's statue before my shift.
Apparently there's treasure in this room, so we follow the Diablos to the upper door in the right wing...(One chest has 100G, the other has an ether.

A...are you here to save Queen Leene?! Oh, what a relief!
How nice of you to come. I'm sure Yakra will be just as pleased. Why not rest in here until he's available?
There was no need for you to come rescue me! The master, Yakra is very kind! I've decided to stay here. Now why don't you make yourselves at home, too!
Apparently the Queen doesn't need our help after all. The indent in the wall is another door, which leads to this room:

The text in the last shot is hiding a statue of Magus. Let's just say he looks decidedly human, and it's a wonder why these monsters worship him. The chests contain: a speed belt (+2SPD) and a defender (+2DEF). The belt hastily makes it way onto Leela to replace the less impressive bandana.
Heading towards the exit of this room will precipitate a fight with all of the critters within it...the three Diablos fall to a single Slash, and the two Naga-ettes fall to Flame Shot.
When we attempt to leave the other room...

These Gnashers fall to a single fire whirl.

Going through the bottom room reveals a short scene:

After speaking to both Naga and Hench, the Diablos says...

Apparently there's treasure in this room, so we follow the Diablos to the upper door in the right wing...(One chest has 100G, the other has an ether.

Apparently the Queen doesn't need our help after all. The indent in the wall is another door, which leads to this room:

The text in the last shot is hiding a statue of Magus. Let's just say he looks decidedly human, and it's a wonder why these monsters worship him. The chests contain: a speed belt (+2SPD) and a defender (+2DEF). The belt hastily makes it way onto Leela to replace the less impressive bandana.
Heading towards the exit of this room will precipitate a fight with all of the critters within it...the three Diablos fall to a single Slash, and the two Naga-ettes fall to Flame Shot.
When we attempt to leave the other room...

These Gnashers fall to a single fire whirl.
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:35:56
We'll now head up the middle of this first large room...take my word for it, there's a double door up there...

To here:

The chest to the left contains a shelter. The first stairs you use will turn into a slide, making going up that way impossible (you'll need to use the other stairs.) Each room leads to a small hall with a skull switch, and another large hall with no door (but a sign that reads 'No entry.') The left switch creates more Mad Bats (the bat monster. It dodges all attacks, including techs, and has a drain attack. Irriting monster.) While the right switch drops the spikes in the organ room.

With the spikes down, you can easily kill the group of henches and diablos. The chest contains an Iron Sword Zoid. Playing the organ will reveal another door where the sign was (it now reads 'Try hard enough and you will find a way in.') The two chests beside this door contain a tonic and a heal. Then we head on up where a save point and another door await us...

To here:

The chest to the left contains a shelter. The first stairs you use will turn into a slide, making going up that way impossible (you'll need to use the other stairs.) Each room leads to a small hall with a skull switch, and another large hall with no door (but a sign that reads 'No entry.') The left switch creates more Mad Bats (the bat monster. It dodges all attacks, including techs, and has a drain attack. Irriting monster.) While the right switch drops the spikes in the organ room.

With the spikes down, you can easily kill the group of henches and diablos. The chest contains an Iron Sword Zoid. Playing the organ will reveal another door where the sign was (it now reads 'Try hard enough and you will find a way in.') The two chests beside this door contain a tonic and a heal. Then we head on up where a save point and another door await us...

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:36:30
And this is the scene that starts off the first BOSS BATTLE of the game.


She does kind of look like Amy.


Evil lightning...


She does kind of look like Amy.


Evil lightning...
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:36:58

Evil monster!
Yakra is fairly easy to take down. Unfortunately, he is not as weak to magic as the rest of the creatures in this place, so Zoid finally becomes useful as we spam X-strike. Leela flame tosses away, and used a single tonic on Zoid because he was getting low. Yakra counters every attack on him with an attack that hits all of your party. But it isn't long before...

He dissapears into monster hell where human buffets are distant dreams.

(The first chest contained the real Chancellor, the second a mid ether. Why they didn't eat the Chancellor like they did other humans is beyond me. Maybe he's too old to taste good.)
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:37:31
We return to the castle:

And he hops out of the throne room. Zoidberg's probably the most emo of the party.
So we talk to the people in the throne room, hoping for some reward besides a vague 'thank you' directed more towards Zoid then us...
Thank you, Fry. But...who was that girl we found in the canyon?
Your timing was perfect. Who knows what would have happened had you not saved me? By the way, where is the girl who was mistaken for me?
Oh, yeah! I forgot all about Princess Nadia! Fry! Where did Princess Nadia disappear? She may still be there! (If she disappeared, how could she still be there..?)
Left - The King and Queen make such a great couple!
Right - So...she wasn't Leene after all.
We then head up to the queen's room to see if Amy will reappear...
But you're a dead ringer for her!
Which means the real Leene was somwhere else. It's exactly as I thought.

And he hops out of the throne room. Zoidberg's probably the most emo of the party.
So we talk to the people in the throne room, hoping for some reward besides a vague 'thank you' directed more towards Zoid then us...

We then head up to the queen's room to see if Amy will reappear...

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:37:53


Kharaen2008-11-11 23:38:42

Finally takes note of Leela's presence...

Pick whatever response you like best. The silly loon is happy either way.

And off we go! Most people in the castle have something different to say when you've got Amy in your group:
Queen's Room:
Hmmm. The more I look at you, the stronger the resemblance...uncanny!
You guys leaving? Wherever you're heading, be careful!
In the Throne Room:
You're the real Queen Leene, huh?!
You really could be my twin.
Well, you two better get along...or I'll be in big trouble. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Excuse me?
Um...never mind! I guess it's time to go!
You seem like one of the family, now!
Thank goodness, you're safe!! You may resemble Leene, but you sure don't act like her! Anyway, you've really helped me. Let me know how I can repay you.
Wow, you could be Leene's twin!

Finally takes note of Leela's presence...

Pick whatever response you like best. The silly loon is happy either way.

And off we go! Most people in the castle have something different to say when you've got Amy in your group:
Queen's Room:

In the Throne Room:

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:39:10
Up at the King's Room:
Left - Didn't know that a frog could be so brave.
Right - Hmm. I still think there's a consipiracy going on here!
A beast was posing as the Chancellor? Well, the fake one had much better taste.
As we head out of the Throne Room, we encounter Zoid again. He wanted to say bye again before he left forever and ever.

Every woman's response to a giant frog.

He was actually better at both swordmanship and magic than Zoid. Zoid was the least used member of the team in the Cathedral.

And thus did Leela overcome her frog phobia.
Speaking to the rest of the people in the castle starting with the guards before the throne room...
Left - This ought to relieve the King.
Right - Leene's presence always brighens things up.
At the entrance to the castle...
Left - You can come and go as you please from now on.
Right - You sure were lucky, defeating Yakra and all.
No luck in about it. It's the power I get from my spikey hair.

As we head out of the Throne Room, we encounter Zoid again. He wanted to say bye again before he left forever and ever.

Every woman's response to a giant frog.

He was actually better at both swordmanship and magic than Zoid. Zoid was the least used member of the team in the Cathedral.

And thus did Leela overcome her frog phobia.
Speaking to the rest of the people in the castle starting with the guards before the throne room...

At the entrance to the castle...

Kharaen2008-11-11 23:40:18
The Knight's Quarters...
1 - I guess Magus's troops kidnapped Leene.
3 - Heard that Magus's troops put Yakra up to it all.
5 - Can't believe the cathedral was their hideout.
- So! That cathedral was at the head of it all. That Zoid's done a fine job. But since Magus's troops failed to kidnap Leene, they'll probably be back soon. If only Cyrus were here!
And in the Kitchen...
Top - Now the Knight Captain can concentrate on battling Magus's troops.
Bottom - Hard to believe she really wasn't Leene...
- Well, Leene would never snack before meals like that other girl did!
2 - I THOUGHT she ate too much to be our Queen.
The REAL Leene? Wonderful! Let's prepare a feast!
What?! That wasn't Queen Leene!? And I wasted my time whipping up a batch of that "Eyes Cream" dish she wanted so badly! Yuck!
Nothing much is different in Truce. At Zenan Bridge, the soldier mentions that Zoid swam across the river, while Toma has disappeared from the Inn. We truck it on back to where the Gate had dropped us off...

And in the Kitchen...

Nothing much is different in Truce. At Zenan Bridge, the soldier mentions that Zoid swam across the river, while Toma has disappeared from the Inn. We truck it on back to where the Gate had dropped us off...
Kharaen2008-11-11 23:40:39
This forced fight replaces the one before with the two blue imps. The roly is weak to magic.

Back in that clearing...EVIL!

Nice pose!

Even Amy and Fry are impressed!

Back in that clearing...EVIL!

Nice pose!

Even Amy and Fry are impressed!