Domoth blessings

by Kiradawea

Back to Ideas.

Nydekion2008-11-19 19:19:30
Yeah, I'd be fine with setting the bonus to 25k per day but limiting essence gain to one crown at a time only.
Unknown2008-11-19 22:10:53
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 19 2008, 06:54 PM) 584075
Hm? A penalty for failing the first stage seems unduly harsh for a mechanic that is supposed to be a bonus to a player/org and not a requirement. If a player is successfully interrupted from killing 30 domotheos guardians do they really need something more negative heaped upon them? Since the changes in essence gain at crown level, there's already rather little reason for a demigod without a seal to hold a domoth, except in an interest for org power gain at the cost of their own essence...which is really where change should be seen, in my opinion.

I fail to see the harshness of such a penalty when the first stage is incredibly easy. This mechanic will be to stop the idiocy tactic of claiming then leaving to prevent another from taking the domoth throne. I.e Rika will camp the domotheos realms when a throne is about to go open. The split second it goes open, she challenges, then descends. Then we are forced to wait five hours until we want to claim again assuming we have the time to do so in five hours. I assume the only reason why you do not agree with this mechanic is because you are a supporter of this incredibly stupid tactic.

Crowns do not need to give more essence per hour. 10k is fine. I can hold a crown and I am happy with what I receive (blessings, power, free passive essence gain). If you do not like the essence loss for claiming domotheos items whilst in domothean territory then maybe you shouldnot participate in domoth battles. Ascendents already don't have essence loss while up there, let's not make this type of stuff benefit them more thanks.
Ilyarin2008-11-19 22:56:48
Oops. I think I got Rika into doing that one. I did it to her once. Sorry guys! sad.gif
Xenthos2008-11-19 22:56:56
25k is fine... if you limit Ascendants to one Throne at a time.

Which also helps with fluctuation, etc. Can't just have 2 people holding half of the Domoths, so there will be more times when they're getting challenged with opposition present.
Nydekion2008-11-20 01:25:22
Hm? Isn't limiting essence gain from one crown only the same thing? So an ascendant can hold 2 crowns, but still only get 25k essence per day.

Edit: Heh, the world isn't all Celenwilde vs. Magdorina, y'know. I realize that this tactic can be used by either side and in all honesty, I don't see it much different than challenging a domoth when most of the other side's defenders are logged out.
Xenthos2008-11-20 01:26:51
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 19 2008, 08:25 PM) 584297
Hm? Isn't limiting essence gain from one crown only the same thing? So an ascendant can hold 2 crowns, but still only get 25k essence per day.

No, it's not the same thing.

Restricting Ascendants to just one Throne addresses other issues as well, while that solution is much more limited.
Nydekion2008-11-20 01:33:54
What issue is being addressed from limiting ascendants to one throne? My reason for asking this question is that seal bearers can already hold two domoths (same as ascendants)...and there are quite a few more seal bearers than vernal ascendants out there even if they not participate in domoth battles currently.
Xenthos2008-11-20 02:25:07
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 19 2008, 08:33 PM) 584308
What issue is being addressed from limiting ascendants to one throne? My reason for asking this question is that seal bearers can already hold two domoths (same as ascendants)...and there are quite a few more seal bearers than vernal ascendants out there even if they not participate in domoth battles currently.

Ascendant Seal-Bearers can hold 3. That's Sojiro, Ilyarin, and myself so far. The number is going to grow very soon with the next True Ascendant contest, plus any other Ascendants who are raised while holding a Seal.

3 people can hold the entire Domoths, and it is much easier for a smaller number of people to hold and contest at times when there is little-to-no opposition present. If we are limited to 1 Throne each, there's suddenly much more need for Demigods to be involved in capturing and holding. More people will be required, and it will also happen at times when there is more likely to be a contestation for the Throne due to the time that these individuals can be around.
Nydekion2008-11-20 02:32:18
Demigods are already in high demand to assist when there is resistance in the domoths regardless of who holds the throne. You're focusing purely on ascendants (of which there are 6 total in addition to 2 true ascendants) while entirely ignoring the fact that seal bearers can hold two domoths...and there are many more of them (17 total, I believe). If you're going on pure numbers, seal bearers are much more of an issue than ascendants are in holding domoths. I just don't see how you're focusing on the smaller issue and entirely ignoring the bigger one.
Xenthos2008-11-20 03:07:04
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 19 2008, 09:32 PM) 584368
Demigods are already in high demand to assist when there is resistance in the domoths regardless of who holds the throne. You're focusing purely on ascendants (of which there are 6 total in addition to 2 true ascendants) while entirely ignoring the fact that seal bearers can hold two domoths...and there are many more of them (17 total, I believe). If you're going on pure numbers, seal bearers are much more of an issue than ascendants are in holding domoths. I just don't see how you're focusing on the smaller issue and entirely ignoring the bigger one.

I am pretty sure there are not 17 active Sealbearer Demigods... and even with 2 per, that's 5 people versus the 3 now. Nearly a 50% increase in number required to hold and maintain. As well as the "overlapping Seals don't allow the other Demigod to claim a second throne," and each of the 18 Seals out there overlaps. (Though Kaervas has two Nature seals on the Demigod end of things, and for the Ascendant Ilyarin and I both have Life, Sojiro has Death, and the next True Ascendant will hold one as well).

Demigods are definitely in high demand for stage 2, but they are far less active in claiming or holding.

I honestly wouldn't mind the Seals also not granting an additional throne as well, and force it to always be 9 people, but the ability to hold 3 Thrones is too much.
Unknown2008-11-20 04:14:22
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 20 2008, 01:25 AM) 584297
Hm? Isn't limiting essence gain from one crown only the same thing? So an ascendant can hold 2 crowns, but still only get 25k essence per day.

Edit: Heh, the world isn't all Celenwilde vs. Magdorina, y'know. I realize that this tactic can be used by either side and in all honesty, I don't see it much different than challenging a domoth when most of the other side's defenders are logged out.

Are you really being this ignorant? Heh. No, you are 100% wrong, claiming and descending is not the same as challenging a domoth when the other sides have no defenders.
Esano2008-11-20 06:15:08
Why not end the whole claim-and-run thing by letting two people challenge the same throne at the same time in stage 1? Is there even any reason for the limitation?
Unknown2008-11-20 06:18:04
That idea is also good.
Nydekion2008-11-20 06:47:37
I've no problem with that. Could have a challenged throne spit out a guardian once every 15 seconds regardless of whether someone is standing at the throne. First person to get to 30 gets the vision. Alternatively, the place could get overrun and we get great deathsights.
Rika2008-11-20 06:49:29
I remember when they did that back when they were released. Zia tried going for Beauty. I remember being off-eq for about 15 seconds before I had to fire, and then another minute before I inevitably died. sad.gif
Shiri2008-11-20 06:52:28
Yeah, they already had that, it got emergency-fixed in a -hurry-. Ugh.
Sarrasri2008-11-20 06:52:52
Two people being able to challenge is a bad idea. I already know that as a wiccan, I'll never be able to kill 30 guardians before a warrior or monk can and then if it's another caster, then it's luck based. It's hard enough for me just to survive once I get to crown level, don't need another thing to worry about.
Nydekion2008-11-20 07:09:51
Well, I'm agreeing under the assumption that it wouldn't be the case for the crown or orb level, only scepter. It is a good point that guardian/wiccan/mage/druid bashing has been out of whack ever since stats were flattened though. Forgot to consider that point. Slightly off topic...but unnerf how intelligence affects bashing damage, please. tongue.gif
Unknown2008-11-20 14:21:18
QUOTE(Nydekion @ Nov 20 2008, 07:09 AM) 584541
Well, I'm agreeing under the assumption that it wouldn't be the case for the crown or orb level, only scepter. It is a good point that guardian/wiccan/mage/druid bashing has been out of whack ever since stats were flattened though. Forgot to consider that point. Slightly off topic...but unnerf how intelligence affects bashing damage, please. tongue.gif

They're never going to get bash speed even enough to where the archetype isn't going to matter. Especially if the mobs are such that it makes this or that archetype sometimes use equilibrium/balance on some survival method. I mean, even if nobody has to do that, you've still the issue of attack speeds, or attacks broken into several attacks that reduces critical overkill waste.

Even if this factor is insignificant on a race through 30 mobs, luck would still play a massive role- who got the bestest crits the mostest, so to speak.
Unknown2008-11-20 14:34:27
Just make it so that if you challenge in stage 1, but aren't present at the throne at all for a certain stretch (let's say five minutes), the throne instantly becomes open for others to steal from the initial challenger. This effect will not go dormant if the initial challenger returns to the throne after the five minutes, but so long as they can thwart steal attempts, it is still their throne.

This way, if someone just wants to challenge a throne and descend to force it to go dormant, they will at least need to put a greater degree of commitment into the process. If a true attempt has been made and the initial challenger dies and needs to redef, that should be enough time for them to get back in gear. And if enemies manage to kill them and prevent them from getting back to it at all, there's always stage 2. And if you can't get it back in stage 2, well, then you shouldn't have won it anyways.