Valestrix2008-11-24 05:04:55
You might want to read a little bit further than the first part of the sentence. 

Ameri2008-11-24 05:08:47
QUOTE(Valestrix @ Nov 23 2008, 08:23 PM) 585865
Words can have different meanings and uses anyways, and considering that gender is so frequently used in place of 'sex', I'd say that it qualifies as meaning the same thing when it is used that way.
Gender frequently being used in place of sex is the problem. They are not the same thing. My sex is one thing, however, my gender may be completely and totaly different thing.
Which is why I brought up intersex people. A woman who has XY chromosomes or a man who has XX chromosomes with varying differences in their physical sex organs does not conform to the idea and misuse of sex and gender as synonyms.
Edit: I did read your post, three times now, and the general populace is incorrect in using them as synonyms. That is the point.
Unknown2008-11-24 05:10:06
I wonder if you throw this big of a fit when you're dealing with applications that require you to state your "sex". Do you cross out sex and write gender or something? 

Valestrix2008-11-24 05:11:28
They do mean the same thing, to people using the words interchangeably. Words have multiple potential definitions and uses, if the general populace uses the words a certain way then it works. In fact, like other people pointed out, this has led to that aspect of its use being placed into definitions of gender.
The general populace is not full of psychologists and scientists who use special technical definitions of every word, the general populace uses the general popular definitions of the words, and they are still correct.
Edit: You fail to understand that words have multiple uses and definitions, even though you have outright posted definitions showing that yourself.
The general populace is not full of psychologists and scientists who use special technical definitions of every word, the general populace uses the general popular definitions of the words, and they are still correct.
Edit: You fail to understand that words have multiple uses and definitions, even though you have outright posted definitions showing that yourself.
Ameri2008-11-24 05:11:46
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Nov 23 2008, 09:10 PM) 585888
I wonder if you throw this big of a fit when you're dealing with applications that require you to state your "sex". Do you cross out sex and write gender or something? 

Sex would be the correct term/question. If it asks me to state my gender, that is a. inaccurate and b. none of their damn business.
Ameri2008-11-24 05:16:01
QUOTE(Valestrix @ Nov 23 2008, 09:11 PM) 585889
They do mean the same thing, to people using the words interchangeably. Words have multiple potential definitions and uses, if the general populace uses the words a certain way then it works. In fact, like other people pointed out, this has led to that aspect of its use being placed into definitions of gender.
The general populace is not full of psychologists and scientists who use special technical definitions of every word, the general populace uses the general popular definitions of the words, and they are still correct.
Edit: You fail to understand that words have multiple uses and definitions, even though you have outright posted definitions showing that yourself.
The general populace is not full of psychologists and scientists who use special technical definitions of every word, the general populace uses the general popular definitions of the words, and they are still correct.
Edit: You fail to understand that words have multiple uses and definitions, even though you have outright posted definitions showing that yourself.
Many in the general populace believe GODAH created man 2000 years ago. The fact that they believe this does not make it right. In fact, we know, that this is wrong.
The definitions I posted simply describe the issue at hand. Sex and gender were tied to scientifically force "gender roles" onto the sexes as form of control of the sexes -male and female- and their subsequent sexualities.
I agree, words can have multiple meanings. However, when you are describing the male or female properties of an orginism, the proper term to use is sex. Gender does not describe the sexual organs that make something male or female.
Valestrix2008-11-24 05:21:19
A religious belief based on faith is nowhere near the same as a definition and usage of a word.
This isn't a faith based issue or something that has some physical disprovable backing.
It is a word that is used a certain way by a large number of people, words being language which is 'solely' meant to convey things. If to many many people, gender can be used in place of sex as a suitable conveyance of that meaning, then it is entirely viable as a definition of the word. It is as simple as that, all you are doing is ignoring one definition of the word just because you don't like it. Tough luck to you though, to most people gender can be used interchangeably with sex to convey the same meaning.
That's language.
This isn't a faith based issue or something that has some physical disprovable backing.
It is a word that is used a certain way by a large number of people, words being language which is 'solely' meant to convey things. If to many many people, gender can be used in place of sex as a suitable conveyance of that meaning, then it is entirely viable as a definition of the word. It is as simple as that, all you are doing is ignoring one definition of the word just because you don't like it. Tough luck to you though, to most people gender can be used interchangeably with sex to convey the same meaning.
That's language.
Unknown2008-11-24 05:28:56
There is no doubt in my mind Ameri is a full blown woman, sex AND gender wise.
I mean, how many guys do you know that complain like that?
/sexist comment against own GENDER
I mean, how many guys do you know that complain like that?
/sexist comment against own GENDER
Celina2008-11-24 05:30:02
QUOTE(Ameri @ Nov 23 2008, 11:59 PM) 585884
I grew up in Texas, am a native Texan. I recall Texas being a place where deviant was a term thrown out when anything did not meet societal norms. Example, a boy playing with Barbi dolls. Growing up in Texas conforming with societal gender roles was often demanded by soceity at large. I'm not surprised that someone from Texas would use a term like deviant. I did not intend to knock on you for using it, rather the society that fosters such ill terminology.
Valestrix I said, "Today Gender and Sex are -not- thought to be the same thing". Your correction affirms what I said.
Valestrix I said, "Today Gender and Sex are -not- thought to be the same thing". Your correction affirms what I said.
A "deviant" is anyone who deviates from the norm. Any "ill" connotations that you put with it are your own.
Society has dubbed "gender" and "sex" as interchangable. Hence why it's in the dictionary. You can disagree all you want, but that's purely a matter of opinion. The Dictionary is a published reference. If it says they can mean the same thing, then they can mean the same thing. That's the entire point of a dictionary.
Ameri2008-11-24 05:35:47
QUOTE(Valestrix @ Nov 23 2008, 09:21 PM) 585893
A religious belief based on faith is nowhere near the same as a definition and usage of a word.
This isn't a faith based issue or something that has some physical disprovable backing.
It is a word that is used a certain way by a large number of people, words being language which is 'solely' meant to convey things. If to many many people, gender can be used in place of sex as a suitable conveyance of that meaning, then it is entirely viable as a definition of the word. It is as simple as that, all you are doing is ignoring one definition of the word just because you don't like it. Tough luck to you though, to most people gender can be used interchangeably with sex to convey the same meaning.
That's language.
This isn't a faith based issue or something that has some physical disprovable backing.
It is a word that is used a certain way by a large number of people, words being language which is 'solely' meant to convey things. If to many many people, gender can be used in place of sex as a suitable conveyance of that meaning, then it is entirely viable as a definition of the word. It is as simple as that, all you are doing is ignoring one definition of the word just because you don't like it. Tough luck to you though, to most people gender can be used interchangeably with sex to convey the same meaning.
That's language.
Believing GODAH created the world 2000 years ago is a fact to many people. When they state such, they are wrong. It doesn't have anything to do with faith, it is a fact that people believe this just as it is a fact that people incorrectly state so. Its the same when people inaccurately describe the sex of an organism with the term gender.
You could also argue the use of Negro or some other nasty word to describe African Americans/New Africans. This group is neither a Negro (a term coined, readily used and accepted by the populace to describe a group of people in order to oppress and discriminate). Using Negro to describe a person is no longer accurate.
Unknown2008-11-24 05:41:18

Urazial2008-11-24 05:42:13
What the heck is GODAH?
Valestrix2008-11-24 05:46:31
It has plenty to do with faith, because religion is faith based. Just because they believe it is 'fact' doesn't mean they lack faith in it.
There is very little point arguing with you though, because you seem to have no idea what language is, what it is for, or how bringing in the concept of 'Godah' has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Language is specifically used to convey things that you want another person to know, it is highly based on the concept of general use. Namely, the only way for language to work is if most people place the same meaning with the same words, and the words themselves hold little real meaning except what is placed to them. This is how there can be multiple languages, holding different words for the same things, because the word itself means nothing except what is given to it.
Due to how the system of language works, a prime meaning of a word is what the general populace gives to it. Language would not be successful otherwise.
Anyways, I'm done
, if you don't get that then you have no understanding of how language works or is used, nor do you seem to actually grasp the concept of words holding multiple uses. You merely appear to have a grudge against the concept of that word being used a certain rather common way, which is silly to put on others. If you don't like it, that doesn't mean it is wrong.
Small Edit: The worst part of this is that you are talking about having faith in 'Godah' having created the world and disregarding anything else/the truth. Yet you are believing that Gender has only that one definition and disregarding the common use and other definitions. The only thing close to exemplifying a similarity to your Godah example is you.
There is very little point arguing with you though, because you seem to have no idea what language is, what it is for, or how bringing in the concept of 'Godah' has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Language is specifically used to convey things that you want another person to know, it is highly based on the concept of general use. Namely, the only way for language to work is if most people place the same meaning with the same words, and the words themselves hold little real meaning except what is placed to them. This is how there can be multiple languages, holding different words for the same things, because the word itself means nothing except what is given to it.
Due to how the system of language works, a prime meaning of a word is what the general populace gives to it. Language would not be successful otherwise.
Anyways, I'm done

Small Edit: The worst part of this is that you are talking about having faith in 'Godah' having created the world and disregarding anything else/the truth. Yet you are believing that Gender has only that one definition and disregarding the common use and other definitions. The only thing close to exemplifying a similarity to your Godah example is you.
Ameri2008-11-24 05:52:40
QUOTE(Celina @ Nov 23 2008, 09:30 PM) 585896
A "deviant" is anyone who deviates from the norm. Any "ill" connotations that you put with it are your own.
Society has dubbed "gender" and "sex" as interchangable. Hence why it's in the dictionary. You can disagree all you want, but that's purely a matter of opinion. The Dictionary is a published reference. If it says they can mean the same thing, then they can mean the same thing. That's the entire point of a dictionary.
Society has dubbed "gender" and "sex" as interchangable. Hence why it's in the dictionary. You can disagree all you want, but that's purely a matter of opinion. The Dictionary is a published reference. If it says they can mean the same thing, then they can mean the same thing. That's the entire point of a dictionary.
To those who do not conform to socieities (using the sociological perspective) norms the use of a term like deviant is discriminatory. To a boy who plays with dolls, perhaps based on his gender (maybe he just likes using it) calling his behavior "deviant" is not appropriate.
I think a dictionary can be wrong and in this case is sex and gender are not the same thing. A) Sex, you would accept, is determined by the sex organs of an organism (not the act of), and gender described by those same dicitonarys describe it also as the femininity or masculinity or one's sex. That is where its wrong. Masculinity and Feminity (many others in non-western cultures) are -not- determined by one's sex. This is why sociologists, psychologists, and medical professionals do not use gender in place of sex. That is why the "populace" using the term is also inaccurate.
Native Americans have up to four genders, Indians have three genders, various African tribes maintain multiple genders. Kemetic civilization (ancient Egypt) did not have any concept of gender in the western sense. Gender was masculine, feminine, or neutral depending on who was speaking...all beings, sentient or not, were all considered Aspects of Ra. Ancient Greeks maintained that masculine and feminine were gender traits, not sex, even though their society forced their gender "roles" forcibly onto others through institutional pederasty.
So, let me ask you this. How would you classify an American who is intersexed, an Native American who is of two-spirits, an Indian Hirja, a butch woman, an effeminate male, or a transgendered person?
To claim any one of these people's sex as their gender is completely inaccurate and wrong.
Shiri2008-11-24 05:53:40
QUOTE(Urazial @ Nov 24 2008, 05:42 AM) 585901
What the heck is GODAH?
God/Allah, was my guess.
Missing from the analysis is that unlike the fact of whether the world was created 6000 (not 2000) years ago or not, language is paradigm-based, not reality-based.
Words mean whatever people agree they mean between themselves.
Valestrix2008-11-24 05:56:16
To claim any one of these people's sex as their gender is completely inaccurate and wrong.
You go on to exclaim that there are multiple ways and views of seeing gender, and then go on to say that another way of viewing it is wrong because it contradicts those ways, despite the fact each of those ways contradicts with each of the others. Silly
Ameri2008-11-24 05:59:25
QUOTE(Shiri @ Nov 23 2008, 09:53 PM) 585904
God/Allah, was my guess.
Missing from the analysis is that unlike the fact of whether the world was created 6000 (not 2000) years ago or not, language is paradigm-based, not reality-based.
Words mean whatever people agree they mean between themselves.
Missing from the analysis is that unlike the fact of whether the world was created 6000 (not 2000) years ago or not, language is paradigm-based, not reality-based.
Words mean whatever people agree they mean between themselves.
I agree that is how language functions, but that refers only to grammar...not definitions of words.
I don't touch on Allah. GODAH is GOD with an immediate AHHHHH at the end.
"Blessed be godAH...PRAISE HIM!!! THANK YOU JEEEEEESUS!!! ALLALUJAH, amen.- it is funny. I say it to myself like th American Dream Dusty Rhodes. If you know who is is, its damn funny...if you weeeeeeel.
Valestrix2008-11-24 06:00:44
I agree that is how language functions, but that refers only to grammar...not definitions of words.
No actually... if anything, it refers to the definitions of the words and grammar stays consistently the same.
... Look it up.
Astraea2008-11-24 06:00:59

Unknown2008-11-24 06:01:43
QUOTE(Ameri @ Nov 24 2008, 12:59 AM) 585907
I agree that is how language functions, but that refers only to grammar...not definitions of words.
I don't touch on Allah. GODAH is GOD with an immediate AHHHHH at the end.
"Blessed be godAH...PRAISE HIM!!! THANK YOU JEEEEEESUS!!! ALLALUJAH, amen.- it is funny. I say it to myself like th American Dream Dusty Rhodes. If you know who is is, its damn funny...if you weeeeeeel.
I don't touch on Allah. GODAH is GOD with an immediate AHHHHH at the end.
"Blessed be godAH...PRAISE HIM!!! THANK YOU JEEEEEESUS!!! ALLALUJAH, amen.- it is funny. I say it to myself like th American Dream Dusty Rhodes. If you know who is is, its damn funny...if you weeeeeeel.
Your level of tolerance is astounding.