Ilyarin2008-12-02 18:10:36
This thread is for people to declare they want to run a mafia game. It isn't for individual mafia game sign-ups. These should be done in their own "throw-away" thread. To qualify for modding a mafia game you must have participated in, to completion, and with appropriate etiquette, at least three mafia games. You must neither be running a current game, or already waiting to mod a game, to be eligible to be added to the list of future games. (you may still declare your game here, but other games will go before yours, until there is are four games between your last one and your new one.)
Feel free to include the theme.
New games will be added to the bottom of the list. If you want to let the person below you run their game before yours, send me or a mod a message asking them to swap you two over on the list.
1) Xiran (theme: Stargate)
2) Silferras
3) Fania (theme: undeclared)
4) Serella
5) Rika
6) Shaddus
7) Kiradawea
8) Tekora
9) Daganev
10) Mirami
11) Casilu
12) Eldanien
Past Games:
(Jun 13 2009) - Myrkr ............. Pyschward
(Apr XX 2009) - Rika ............... Occupations
(Mar XX 2009) - Silferras .......... Pokemon 2
(Mar XX 2009) - Casilu ............. Lazy Mod
(Mar 02 2009) - Daganev ............ Angels and Demons:Gaia
(Mar 02 2009) - Daganev ............ Angels and Demons:Terra
(Feb XX 2009) - Kiradawea .......... Super Smash Bros. Brawl
(Feb XX 2009) - Casilu ............. Reservoir Dogs
(Dec 19 2008) - Ilyarin ............ Bioshock
(Dec 04 2008) - Myrkr .............. Super Mario RPG
(Nov 14 2008) - Shaddus ............ Final Fantasty VI.
(Oct 27 2008) - Rika ............... Marvel Superheroes/Supervillains.
(Oct 19 2008) - Casilu ............. Lack of Rants.
(Oct 08 2008) - Myrkr .............. Sonic the Hedgehog: Trouble on Mobius!
(Sep 30 2008) - Xavius ............. Smalltown Heroes.
(Sep 23 2008) - Silferras .......... Gotta Catch 'Em All!
(Sep 10 2008) - Rika ............... Cold War Style.
(Aug 31 2008) - Ryleth ............. Behind Enemy Lines.
(Aug 28 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ Fallout.
(Aug 16 2008) - Myrkr .............. Havens & Hoardes.
(Jul 31 2008) - Rika ............... Elder Wars Redux.
(Jul 15 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ The Quest.
(Jul 04 2008) - Shamarah ........... My Little Ponies vs. Care Bears.
(Jun 21 2008) - Shamarah ........... Iron Realms ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!
(Jun 08 2008) - Xavius ............. The New American World Order.
(May 09 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ Kickapoo.
(May 06 2008) - Shamarah ........... Overpowered Skills.
(Jul 09 2007) - Saran .............. Shadow
(Jun 01 2007) - Requiem dot exe .... After Hours.
(Mar 01 2007) - Quidgyboo .......... Pop: Sing Away!
(Dec 28 2006) - Quidgyboo .......... Lusternia: Battle of the Races!
(Jul 09 2006) - Requiem dot exe .... Lusternia: Miakoda Dead
(May 27 2006) - Fallen ............. A Masquerade on Celestia.
(May 03 2006) - Daganev ............ The Creation of Glomdoring.
(Feb 17 2006) - Quidgyboo .......... Lusternia: Game Over!
(Nov 08 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 4.
(Nov 08 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 3.
(Oct 20 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 2.
(Oct 18 2005) - Ye of Little Faith . Operation de-Celestation!
(Sep 23 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 1.
(Sep 03 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Soulless Game 8.
(Jul 30 2005) - Tsuki .............. The Soulless Game 7.
(Jun 12 2005) - Requiem dot exe .... The Soulless Game 6.
(May 16 2005) - Tsuki .............. The Soulless Game 5.
(May 03 2005) - Jack ............... The Soulless Game 4.
(Apr 18 2005) - Summer ............. The Soulless Game 3.
(Apr 03 2005) - Soll ............... The Soulless Game 2.
(Mar 07 2005) - Shamarah ........... The Soulless Game 1.
1) Do not copy and paste the role PM sent to you by the game moderator so that any other player can see it.
2) No talking privately to other players unless you have explicit permission (ie, you are a mason pair, or are scum, etc), and even then you must abide by any restrictions.
3) Light communication on the Mafia thread at night is acceptable, but it must not be game-related.
4) If you're dead, pipe down. You're allowed to say a sportsmanlike, "Go team!" or "Oh no, I died. Sad face.", but just remember: you aren't in the game any more.
Feel free to include the theme.
New games will be added to the bottom of the list. If you want to let the person below you run their game before yours, send me or a mod a message asking them to swap you two over on the list.
1) Xiran (theme: Stargate)
2) Silferras
3) Fania (theme: undeclared)
4) Serella
5) Rika
6) Shaddus
7) Kiradawea
8) Tekora
9) Daganev
10) Mirami
11) Casilu
12) Eldanien
Past Games:
(Jun 13 2009) - Myrkr ............. Pyschward
(Apr XX 2009) - Rika ............... Occupations
(Mar XX 2009) - Silferras .......... Pokemon 2
(Mar XX 2009) - Casilu ............. Lazy Mod
(Mar 02 2009) - Daganev ............ Angels and Demons:Gaia
(Mar 02 2009) - Daganev ............ Angels and Demons:Terra
(Feb XX 2009) - Kiradawea .......... Super Smash Bros. Brawl
(Feb XX 2009) - Casilu ............. Reservoir Dogs
(Dec 19 2008) - Ilyarin ............ Bioshock
(Dec 04 2008) - Myrkr .............. Super Mario RPG
(Nov 14 2008) - Shaddus ............ Final Fantasty VI.
(Oct 27 2008) - Rika ............... Marvel Superheroes/Supervillains.
(Oct 19 2008) - Casilu ............. Lack of Rants.
(Oct 08 2008) - Myrkr .............. Sonic the Hedgehog: Trouble on Mobius!
(Sep 30 2008) - Xavius ............. Smalltown Heroes.
(Sep 23 2008) - Silferras .......... Gotta Catch 'Em All!
(Sep 10 2008) - Rika ............... Cold War Style.
(Aug 31 2008) - Ryleth ............. Behind Enemy Lines.
(Aug 28 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ Fallout.
(Aug 16 2008) - Myrkr .............. Havens & Hoardes.
(Jul 31 2008) - Rika ............... Elder Wars Redux.
(Jul 15 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ The Quest.
(Jul 04 2008) - Shamarah ........... My Little Ponies vs. Care Bears.
(Jun 21 2008) - Shamarah ........... Iron Realms ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!
(Jun 08 2008) - Xavius ............. The New American World Order.
(May 09 2008) - B_a_L_i ............ Kickapoo.
(May 06 2008) - Shamarah ........... Overpowered Skills.
(Jul 09 2007) - Saran .............. Shadow
(Jun 01 2007) - Requiem dot exe .... After Hours.
(Mar 01 2007) - Quidgyboo .......... Pop: Sing Away!
(Dec 28 2006) - Quidgyboo .......... Lusternia: Battle of the Races!
(Jul 09 2006) - Requiem dot exe .... Lusternia: Miakoda Dead
(May 27 2006) - Fallen ............. A Masquerade on Celestia.
(May 03 2006) - Daganev ............ The Creation of Glomdoring.
(Feb 17 2006) - Quidgyboo .......... Lusternia: Game Over!
(Nov 08 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 4.
(Nov 08 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 3.
(Oct 20 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 2.
(Oct 18 2005) - Ye of Little Faith . Operation de-Celestation!
(Sep 23 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Taint Wars 1.
(Sep 03 2005) - Rhayni ............. The Soulless Game 8.
(Jul 30 2005) - Tsuki .............. The Soulless Game 7.
(Jun 12 2005) - Requiem dot exe .... The Soulless Game 6.
(May 16 2005) - Tsuki .............. The Soulless Game 5.
(May 03 2005) - Jack ............... The Soulless Game 4.
(Apr 18 2005) - Summer ............. The Soulless Game 3.
(Apr 03 2005) - Soll ............... The Soulless Game 2.
(Mar 07 2005) - Shamarah ........... The Soulless Game 1.
1) Do not copy and paste the role PM sent to you by the game moderator so that any other player can see it.
2) No talking privately to other players unless you have explicit permission (ie, you are a mason pair, or are scum, etc), and even then you must abide by any restrictions.
3) Light communication on the Mafia thread at night is acceptable, but it must not be game-related.
4) If you're dead, pipe down. You're allowed to say a sportsmanlike, "Go team!" or "Oh no, I died. Sad face.", but just remember: you aren't in the game any more.
Kiradawea2008-12-02 18:26:47
This looks fun. I wouldn't mind giving a game like this a shot someday. I'm thinking a Tales of Phantasia themed game, or perhaps Star Ocean.
Daganev2008-12-02 18:45:56
I just saw the poster for the movie Angels and Demons, and now reading this thread, I think I might want to run an Angels and Demons themed mafia game. (unrelated to the movie, but related to this other book I'm reading, "The Name of the Wind")
Casilu2008-12-02 22:11:45
My theme is rock music of the 1970s.
Unknown2008-12-02 22:15:05
I'm going to suggest there be a rule that you have to at least played and completed 3 games before you can mod a game on these forums.
Unknown2008-12-02 22:17:05
Also, each game should be reviewed by someone before the game is initiated. Should also make signups for back-up mods.
Kiradawea2008-12-02 22:23:16
If everything goes according to the plan, I'll have played four games by the time I get to try my hand at ruling one. 

Ilyarin2008-12-02 22:41:04
Okay the info here's been processed so could a mod please delete posts 2-8. 

Daganev2008-12-02 22:43:13
sorry, don't think so. You'll have to keep a running tab.
but consider the thread pinned
but consider the thread pinned
Ilyarin2008-12-02 22:49:50
Okay well let's keep posts strictly to requests to run games then please

Okay well let's keep posts strictly to requests to run games then please

Noola2008-12-02 22:53:41
You know what? I wanna try running one too! I think with... a Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme!

Ilyarin2008-12-04 10:52:12
If someone wanted to do a Christmas themed one that could be appropriate... :>
Unknown2008-12-04 11:44:41
Hmm. Sign me up. Tentative theme.. well, I haven't decided, but depending on which I can make work, it's between Phoenix Wright, The World Ends With You, and yet another Pokemon one. <.<
Morhgor2008-12-04 12:55:39
Morhgor : Legend of Zelda.
Shhh. You know it'll be fun.
Shhh. You know it'll be fun.
Kiradawea2008-12-04 13:00:21
Now that other games have been added, I'd like to play a new game later on, again with a Star Ocean or Tales of Phantasia theme. Whichever one that isn't played first.
Ilyarin2008-12-04 14:46:20
@Morhgor - Make sure you keep playing games then! 
(btw as of this post I've also signed up to run a second game)

(btw as of this post I've also signed up to run a second game)
Daganev2008-12-04 18:22:18
aww man. Ilyarin, you didn't find the mafia game I ran, which was the first mafia game to have a non mafia theme! (i.e. Lusternia theme)
Casilu2008-12-04 21:08:16
Put me down for another hosting session at the end there.
Daganev2008-12-04 21:49:48
hey, Ilyarin, here:
And I found my game finally:
And I found my game finally:
Ilyarin2008-12-04 21:51:36
Yes I've done it already.