Morhgor2008-12-09 11:36:55
Reh, with the decision that it's every team for itself (and every rogue for him/herself) I feel a bit less guilty about going after the ninja-lyncher.
...and none of you ever did say HOW you were proving that you were part of Mario's team.
That doesn't quite cut it, you know? Especially when the other teams have the same trick. Names, people. Names was what I was looking for. (Keyword, was.)
...and none of you ever did say HOW you were proving that you were part of Mario's team.
QUOTE(Aerotan @ Dec 8 2008, 11:12 PM) 591833
I can confirm that Silvanus is Mario team.
That doesn't quite cut it, you know? Especially when the other teams have the same trick. Names, people. Names was what I was looking for. (Keyword, was.)
Llandros2008-12-09 15:23:41
Does anyone on team Mario have night kill powers? If people on one team have night kill powers and people on another don't, then I would be iffy on lynching people on a team that can't fight back.
However, I'll do anything to be one of the cool kids, and I mean quite literally anything, so bandwagon ho!
Vote Sylvanus
However, I'll do anything to be one of the cool kids, and I mean quite literally anything, so bandwagon ho!
Vote Sylvanus
Unknown2008-12-09 15:28:22
QUOTE(Arix @ Dec 9 2008, 05:03 AM) 591986
Arix offers Ilyarin some money from his wallet. Eagerly, Ilyarin accepts it, finding it hard to want to vote for Arix today.
Arix sniffles sadly, his wallet all out of cash.
Unknown2008-12-09 15:32:48
Vote Count!
Silvanus - 5 (Noola, Dugan, Shaddus, Reiha, Morhgor)
Arix - 2 (Esano, Silvanus)
With 18 alive, it's 10 to lynch!
Silvanus - 5 (Noola, Dugan, Shaddus, Reiha, Morhgor)
Arix - 2 (Esano, Silvanus)
With 18 alive, it's 10 to lynch!
Morhgor2008-12-09 15:45:35
Psst, Llandros voted for Silvanus, too. Just spelled the name wrong.
Llandros2008-12-09 15:47:02
Doh! Sorry
Vote Silvanus
Vote Silvanus
Arix2008-12-09 19:07:16
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Dec 9 2008, 03:29 AM) 591995
Vote: Arix
Team stuff is confusing, WIFOM is a little bit more confusing, voting for the neutral party is not.
Vote: Arix
Team stuff is confusing, WIFOM is a little bit more confusing, voting for the neutral party is not.
ahhh, THERE'S the revenge vote from Silvanus. Was wondering when I'd see that
Arix2008-12-09 19:09:42
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Dec 9 2008, 03:13 AM) 591994
For someone who claimed to have "no actions that facilitate ", I'm not feeling it. 

I retract that quote, now that Diamondais explained my role to me. I thought originally I was supposed to somehow win by having a crapload of items or something equally silly. And the bribery is from a two-shot item, it's not normally part of my skillset.
Ilyarin2008-12-09 19:16:48
Diamondais explained your role to you? Uhm. Wha. And, sure it was part of your skill - a subskill from your Goodie Bag. Your Goodie Bag does nothing but provide you with useable skills.
Also it's hardly a revenge vote from Silvanus. You declared yourself teamless - it's a viable voting option. It's hardly unjustified.
Re-vote: Ari--*fail* ... can't do it

Re-vote: Ari--*fail* ... can't do it

Arix2008-12-09 19:20:16
He's mad at me from last game, as is Celina. They both said at one point that they'd get me for that
Ilyarin2008-12-09 19:20:56
I don't understand this intergame politicking. :/
Arix2008-12-09 19:21:50
And as I said, I was confused about the 'you win with yourself' thing, because I looked at my skills and thought I'd have to collect items, and then Dia told me I was likely a survivor, and the role made more sense afterwards.
Llandros2008-12-09 19:28:21
Assuming that Arix is telling the truth, while there is no good reason to kill him but then again there is no real reason not to.
However, surely there is someone better to lynch. Taking out rogues doesn't really move things along or provide that much information.
However, surely there is someone better to lynch. Taking out rogues doesn't really move things along or provide that much information.
Morhgor2008-12-09 19:28:25
QUOTE(Arix @ Dec 9 2008, 02:07 PM) 592123
ahhh, THERE'S the revenge vote from Silvanus. Was wondering when I'd see that
Going to vote for him, in return?
Arix2008-12-09 19:29:56
Serella2008-12-09 22:49:04
Wow do I have a lot of posts to read.
I'll come up with a more detailed analysis later, this post is just to let you know I'm not dead. Leaning on joining the Silvanus bandwagon though; I don't think it would be worth it to lynch Arix if he's just a rogue.

I'll come up with a more detailed analysis later, this post is just to let you know I'm not dead. Leaning on joining the Silvanus bandwagon though; I don't think it would be worth it to lynch Arix if he's just a rogue.
Rika2008-12-10 00:17:24
Went to Disneyland yesterday, so didn't get much of a chance to post anything.
Now, why didn't anyone say anything about Dugan being searched by Silvanus?
Let's prove Silvanus' innocence, or at least, his trustworthiness when it comes to searching. SILVER BULLET DUGAN
Now, why didn't anyone say anything about Dugan being searched by Silvanus?
Let's prove Silvanus' innocence, or at least, his trustworthiness when it comes to searching. SILVER BULLET DUGAN
Diamondais2008-12-10 00:22:54
Huh, wonder what that does.
Rika2008-12-10 00:25:11
Well... it's a bullet! 

Unknown2008-12-10 00:33:47
Rika seems to vanish into thin air, and amazingly, it appears she has left. "Hah, what coward," comments Dugan with a giant grin. But then Rika appears behind Dugan, her back to him, and she back-kicks his back with such fierce strength it shatters the very metal he's made of, killing him instantly.
Dugan was...
While it seems that Dugan is dead, the sun is still out, beckoning for the group to decide who to kill.
Dugan was...
You took over Princess Toadstool's castle. And scared the
out of her dad. Good job!
You win with Smithy's Gang.
Search Out - Look for your allies! This has a 20% chance of revealing who you are, if the person you use search out on is NOT AN ALLY TO YOU! To use, send me a PM at night saying SEARCH OUT (person).
Same Cause - If you find an ally (oh happy day!) you may talk to them at night via PM.
Block - At the cost of not being able to use Search Out, you may use BLOCK at night which will give you a 50% chance to survive through a Night Kill.
Able Juice - One use and one use only. Fixes any status problems. To use, type in bold on the forums, USE ABLE JUICE ON (person).
Boing! - Inherent ability, that makes you bounce out of the way once a night, saving you from one night action, nightkill or otherwise.
Mack the Knife

You took over Princess Toadstool's castle. And scared the

You win with Smithy's Gang.
A Skills
Search Out - Look for your allies! This has a 20% chance of revealing who you are, if the person you use search out on is NOT AN ALLY TO YOU! To use, send me a PM at night saying SEARCH OUT (person).
Same Cause - If you find an ally (oh happy day!) you may talk to them at night via PM.
B Skills
Block - At the cost of not being able to use Search Out, you may use BLOCK at night which will give you a 50% chance to survive through a Night Kill.
X Skills
Able Juice - One use and one use only. Fixes any status problems. To use, type in bold on the forums, USE ABLE JUICE ON (person).
Y Skills
Boing! - Inherent ability, that makes you bounce out of the way once a night, saving you from one night action, nightkill or otherwise.
While it seems that Dugan is dead, the sun is still out, beckoning for the group to decide who to kill.