Morhgor2008-12-15 04:25:56
So... Anyone care to throw in the last vote?
Kiradawea2008-12-15 04:59:54
Not me. I'm gonna sleep. G'night.
Noola2008-12-15 05:32:02
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Dec 14 2008, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not me. I'm gonna sleep. G'night.
You already voted, silly!

Arix2008-12-15 06:13:06
Well, since everyone expects me to do it
Noola2008-12-15 06:15:43

What does the firebomb do again?
Dugan2008-12-15 06:16:48
Fire Bomb - One use and one only. Use it and three people randomly will be chosen to be affected. Those affected will die by any night action being taken to them that night. To use, on the forum, type in bold during the day USE FIRE BOMB.
Reiha2008-12-15 06:22:31
If I die... well, I can't really do anything but I better not :/
Arix2008-12-15 06:24:16
the fire bomb only kills you if you take a night action
Noola2008-12-15 06:26:28
QUOTE (Arix @ Dec 15 2008, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the fire bomb only kills you if you take a night action
If you do a Night action, or if someone uses one against you?
Arix2008-12-15 06:29:03
That's a good question. Myrkr, clarify please
Rika2008-12-15 06:37:30 obviously says if a night action is taken to you. GG idiocy.
Noola2008-12-15 06:45:47
QUOTE (rika @ Dec 15 2008, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> obviously says if a night action is taken to you. GG idiocy.

Rika2008-12-15 06:54:29
That was at Arix. If you aren't sure what your power does, DON'T USE IT.
Arix2008-12-15 06:56:14
I read the description, I was sure it said BY not TO
Unknown2008-12-15 07:01:11
Arix takes his firebomb and throws it at the crowd. It sets Noola, Serella, and Llandros on fire!
Arix2008-12-15 07:02:21
Oh for crying out loud
Noola2008-12-15 07:04:01

Unknown2008-12-15 07:05:23
The group looks at Silvanus. "Let's just kill him," Shaddus suggests, before Thiden shoves a mushroom down his throat for even suggesting it.
The group advances on Silvanus, who helplessly tries to fend them off with his umbrella. Unfortunately, he fails, and they take her umbrella and beat her to death with it instead.
Silvanus was...
It is now NIGHT 5. Send me your PM choices!
The group advances on Silvanus, who helplessly tries to fend them off with his umbrella. Unfortunately, he fails, and they take her umbrella and beat her to death with it instead.
Silvanus was...
You have a knack for getting kidnapped. Though, you soon figure out that you hate being locked away in ANY castle, even if it's your own! And so, you head out with Mario
You win with Mario's Team.
Search Out - Look for your allies! This has a 20% chance of revealing who you are, if the person you use search out on is NOT AN ALLY TO YOU! To use, send me a PM at night saying SEARCH OUT (person).
Same Cause - If you find an ally (oh happy day!) you may talk to them at night via PM.
Block - At the cost of not being able to use Search Out, Mute, or Come Back, you may use BLOCK at night which will give you a 50% chance to survive through a Night Kill.
Energizer - One use and one only. Use it on someone to make their votecount count double. To use, on the forum, type in bold during the day GIVE ENERGIZER TO (person). You may use this on yourself.
Mute - Prevent the use of Y skills on whoever you use it on! To use, send me a PM at night saying MUTE (person). They will be unable to talk, also, aside from placing a vote on someone.
Come Back - Revive someone back to life! At night send me a PM saying COME BACK, (person)!. They'll be revived at the start of the next day.
Princess Toadstool

You have a knack for getting kidnapped. Though, you soon figure out that you hate being locked away in ANY castle, even if it's your own! And so, you head out with Mario
You win with Mario's Team.
A Skills
Search Out - Look for your allies! This has a 20% chance of revealing who you are, if the person you use search out on is NOT AN ALLY TO YOU! To use, send me a PM at night saying SEARCH OUT (person).
Same Cause - If you find an ally (oh happy day!) you may talk to them at night via PM.
B Skills
Block - At the cost of not being able to use Search Out, Mute, or Come Back, you may use BLOCK at night which will give you a 50% chance to survive through a Night Kill.
X Skills
Energizer - One use and one only. Use it on someone to make their votecount count double. To use, on the forum, type in bold during the day GIVE ENERGIZER TO (person). You may use this on yourself.
Y Skills
Mute - Prevent the use of Y skills on whoever you use it on! To use, send me a PM at night saying MUTE (person). They will be unable to talk, also, aside from placing a vote on someone.
Come Back - Revive someone back to life! At night send me a PM saying COME BACK, (person)!. They'll be revived at the start of the next day.
It is now NIGHT 5. Send me your PM choices!
Rika2008-12-15 07:11:23
Failure ftl.
Unknown2008-12-15 08:36:40

This game fails because we were lead to believe we were town, not just apart of some 'team'. This isnt even mafia - there is no town majority/scum minority. We should have been informed about what kind of game this was before it started. So not only were we left entirely in the dark about what our alignment was, every player has a billion abilities so all player intent is thrown out the window. Also because of the way the game is structured, lurking is highly encouraged because no one knows whats going on.