Unknown2009-01-26 01:42:59
You shout, "Xiel, raucous squawker of the Spiritsinger! I've a bone to pick with you!"
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "Hmm? I could've sworn some wannabe Kepheran Queen wanted my attention."
Xanar tells you, "Honestly, you couldn't have done that through a tell? It's nearly dawn."
(Newbie): Spindle says, "Are your ears burning with the vile insults being tossed around? Need relief? Try SHOUTSOFF to stop those silly grating shouts. If you can't hear any shouts and your curiosity is getting the better of you, try SHOUTSON to start paying attention to them."
Wyrden Snare Rika Talnara, Fist of the Agile says, "Oh snap!"
You shout, "If you won't TUNE THAT BLOODY LYRE DOWN, I'm going to have to talk you into speechlessness, for the preservation of the Basin's ears from that racket you call "music"."
Wyrden Snare Rika Talnara, Fist of the Agile looks skeptical and says to you, "Um... to be fair... your "music" isn't much better."
Kundu tells you, "Why are you shouting?"
Shaddus tells you, "He plays a violin."
You tell Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan, "Even worse. I wondered why it sounded like cats mating."
Shaddus tells you, "Heh."
You portal to the Aetherplex Chamber.
The Aetherplex Chamber. (Avechna's Peak.)
You see the following people here:
Kamiko, Xypher, Silvanos, Sadhyra
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "I think it's far more preferable to the cacophony that spills out of your filthy mandibles every so often!"
Xanar tells you, "It's not so hard. Here's what you need to do. TELL XIEL < I have something to prove to everyone. >."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard shouts, "Now, now children, there's no need to fight. You're both equally incompetent. Please be silent."
You shout, "Oh, it's on. On like my songs - but you wouldn't know about that, eh, you off-key wastrel. Put your money where your lack of pitch is, and prove me wrong: the Aetherplex. Dawn. A singoff."
Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour shouts, "Shaddup."
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan shouts, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard shouts, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour shouts, "I'll gladly walk in and slaughter them both."
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "Then it shall be done."
A brown striped, portly pony with a bushy tail trundles in from the north.
Sarrasri arrives following Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase.
Xiel enters from the north, emanating an aura of immense power.
A beautiful maiden gracefully enters from the north.
Calling out boldly, Sarrasri attempts to rally Xiel to her cause.
You say, "...hey. Why don't I have ralliers?!"
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Obviously you're a wannabe queen."
Xypher Nimaet, Breath of Fire says, "That was mean."
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Not their fault they feel mildly repulsed by cheering on a bug."
Looking slightly worried at the situation Silvanos quickly hides behind Xypher.
You scoff arrogantly.
Xypher Nimaet, Breath of Fire says, "But I like the Kephera..."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to Xypher, "She's a wyrded one."
You see the following people here:
Shaddus, Vathael, Xiel, Xypher, Silvanos, Kamiko, Sarrasri, Sadhyra
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to you, "Who runs Bardictown?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "I know you two won't break the rules, because there aren't any."
You say to Shaddus, "I'm the Queen - as some have seen. And Xiel, here? He's certainly mean..."
You say, "...As a babe in the crib, he's nothing close to glib, and when I'm done? He won't want to live."
You have emoted: Sadhyra stares at Xiel with challenge in her eyes.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Emphatically strumming her lyre, you say to Xiel, "Can you step to my beat? Or just...get beat...DOWN!"
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Lets debate the matter, shall we?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Ixchilgal, "Who runs Bardictown?"
The corners of Nalla's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Calling out boldly, Sarrasri attempts to rally Xiel to her cause.
You see the following people here:
Celina, Xiel, Shaddus, Kamiko, Xypher, Ixchilgal, Sarrasri, Silvanos, Vathael, Nalla, Shuyin, Sadhyra
Shuyin pumps his fists in the air to rally the troops.
Ser Shuyin says, "I have faith in you, Xiel."
Ser Shuyin says, "Show her the power of rhyme."
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Or just debate her words to see how valid they are."
Nalla urges Xiel onwards.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "You guys should really have considered selling tickets to this."
Ser Shuyin says, "In rhythmic form."
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Rhyming? Really, this is what you want to show for your own bardic capabilities."
You have emoted: Sadhyra idly pluck a back-beat on the lower strings of her lyre, softly picking out a rather bassy bump.
Pressing the smudge stick against his breast, Xiel murmurs briefly to himself, then lights a bundle of herbs and lets it tumble to the ground.
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Oops."
The embers on a smoldering smudge stick suddenly flare and crackle, releasing a cloud of fragrant smoke.
Fragrant smoke continues to billow up from a smoldering smudge stick.
Xiel clears his throat.
The cloud of fragrant smoke coalesces into the scene of a soaring mountain. An ominous rumbling soon heralds an avalanche of rock that comes crashing down the mountainside.
Ser Shuyin says, "He's doing it for effect!"
You see the following people here:
Celina, Ixchilgal, Desitrus, Urazial, Sarrasri, Vathael, Nalla, Shaddus, Kamiko, Xypher, Shuyin, Zada, Silvanos, Xiel, Sadhyra
Shaddus smiles wryly at Shuyin.
Unimpressed, you say, "Grand entrance, eh?"
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight states, "Its all for effect yah know."
Deep in thought, Xiel leans his cheek on his hand.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau puts a hand to his mouth and starts uttering noises, "Bum bum psch, bum bum psch."
Desitrus gives the world a thumbs up.
Raising his hands above his head, Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "The tension is building.. who will leave the Bardicdome?"
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
You have emoted: Sadhyra shifts her weight, her carapace clinking in time to the beats of Desitrus. "That you've lost it is clear, his words quaver with fear, while my rhymes menace and leer... Just get out of here."
You have emoted: Sadhyra jerks her thumb roughly behind her, pointing back down the mountain as she grins widely at Xiel.
Silvanos blinks perplexedly at Shaddus for a moment before emitting a confused "Wha?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Ixchilgal, "The big one is rather silent. 4:1 odds on him."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to Xiel, "Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment... Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Maybe he's just saving up for something -really- good?"
Opening his mouth wide, Shaddus gapes in wonder at Desitrus.
You see the following people here:
Xiel, Celina, Shuyin, Sarrasri, Xypher, Lehki, Silvanos, Desitrus, Ixchilgal, Vathael, Shaddus, Gregori, Pelas, Sadhyra
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "I think he's busy vomiting on his shoes mentally."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says to Xiel, "It's ok. You don't have to know how to rhyme. You are the guildmaster. You can delegate people to do it for you."
Shuyin coughs softly.
Xiel's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Snapping her fingers across her chest as she steps forward, you say, "He's silent as the dead, I can hear the echoes from his head - it's sluggish as lead...and nothing was all he said."
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Xiel, "Are you designating a champion for your rhyme scheme?"
You see the following people here:
Vathael, Desitrus, Celina, Sarrasri, Shuyin, Xypher, Kamiko, Ixchilgal, Nalla, Silvanos, Shaddus, Pelas, Xiel, Lehki, Gregori, Darthen, Sadhyra
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says, "I think he's broke, this could be a joke, a skill not born of Night Choke."
Desitrus looks exhausted and opens his mouth in an enormous yawn.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Down in front!"
Shaddus gives the world a big thumbs down and a disappointed "Booo!"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard throws his hands up in the air, trying to start a wave.
Ser Shuyin says, "All right."
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight recites, "An debate would be better than violence, but not by much with this bunch."
Ser Shuyin says, "As we are the Serenwilde and Desitrus, we will all rhyme."
Waving his hands from here to there, Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "Hey, hoooooooo."
Ser Shuyin says, "Just like in battle."
4030h, 4305m, 5100e, 10p, 7200en, 20000w exkb-
Ser Shuyin says, "We will pile on."
Ser Shuyin exclaims, "And overwhelm!"
Lehki sniffs Shuyin, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from him is.
Ser Shuyin says, "...so."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Where's Narsrim?"
Ser Shuyin says, "Desitrus first."
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Shuyin points accusingly at Desitrus.
Turning to the Aquamancer, you say to Desitrus, "Are you his saving grace? You jump in to chant with haste, but fish-heavy your words taste. I suggest you back away."
Shaddus clenches his fist and chortles "Ooer!"
Nalla grins mischievously at you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra holds her hand out, palm forwards, in the face of Desitrus.
Shaddus sniggers evilly.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "We'll overwhelm, I'm at the helm in this the Basin realm. Your skills are weak, my foot your peak, perhaps you should cease to speak?"
Jerking her chin up, you say, "Talk to it...go on...talk to it.."
Calling out boldly, Shuyin attempts to rally Desitrus to his cause.
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Snaps."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Testify!"
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Say it sista."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt snaps three times, moving her hand in a z-like shape.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard bobs his head around briefly, snaps his fingers and makes an "Mmmhmm" noise in the back of his throat.
A young pony with a braided tail twitches his ears.
You have emoted: Sadhyra steps side to side, her carapace clinking in time with her words. "Oh, please, Sir Splash, you call THAT an attack? I've seen puddles that fight back with more ooph in their hack."
Opening her mouth wide, Nalla gapes in wonder at Ixchilgal.
You see the following people here:
Desitrus, Shuyin, Darthen, Ixchilgal, Xiel, Nalla, Shaddus, Pelas, Celina, Sarrasri, Xypher, Lehki, Silvanos, Talkan, Jinx, Vathael, Krellan, Gregori, Sadhyra
"Shh!" Kamiko says to Nalla, putting a finger to her lips.
Shaddus carefully lights a smoke wreathed pipe and puffs on it before blowing out a small, murky smoke ring.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "One for me, one for my 'thoids."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau twirls his staff over head and recites amidst the falling drops, "At least I attack, rather than spring forth from a mother whose time is spent on her back. Your style is off-track, beats that slack, your verbal ability do I smack."
Shuyin applauds Desitrus heartily.
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "That was wrong!"
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight hisses, "This will just end badly,with both sides stating that they won."
Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "Clearly, we did."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Not true. So far, we're of the opinion that they've both lost."
Druid Lehki Mes'ard, Heir of Glinshari says to Silvanos, "Just start killing everybody."
Ser Shuyin says, "The audience is the winner here."
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight hisses, "Thats true as well, they lose by winning, at the least, they then fall silent."
Shaddus urges you onwards.
You see the following people here:
Vathael, Talkan, Daedalion, Desitrus, Darthen, Shuyin, Pelas, Lehki, Xypher, Zada, Silvanos, Jinx, Shaddus, Sarrasri, Nalla, Xiel, Ixchilgal, Gregori, Nydekion, Sadhyra
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "I haven't even said anything yet. You all seem so content to enjoy this little exchange of insults though."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says, "I say we take Munsia up on her offer. Mostly cause the best entertainment would be seeing her getting her ass beat down."
You have emoted: Sadhyra shakes her plates with a casual ruffle, sending water droplets skittering off in all directions. "I'd hardly call me best, I'm not even being pressed. You call this a test? Crawl back. To. Celest."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "I still say you should debate the matter."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Oh my, what's going on here?"
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says to Ciaran, "Battle of the Bards."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Splashin, crashin, thrashin, I'm trashin your rhyme. Your abilties are nothing when compared to mine. I don't need to send you home, I'll be done with you and burst your dome."
Gesturing to the Glomdorings around her, you say, "City boy, don't toy, you're not coy, this is all just a ploy.."
You say, "To."
You say, "Say."
You say, "That the kids from the woods are always hard - you come talking your smack and we'll chop down your yard. Knowing nothing in life but the Night and Crow skit..."
You say, "Don't mess with me boy - I ain't said :censor:."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Go, Sadhyra! Go, Sadhyra!"
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says to you, "We all know Glom has nothing to do. Sitting and rhyming and being Mag's zoo. Do something useful and fall over dead. Saves us the trouble of a warrior behead."
Entranced by Gregori, Shaddus emits a long "Ooooh."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Wow...I didn't know Gregori could do that."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Snaps."
Ser Shuyin says, "I guess this is where we pile in."
You see the following people here:
Desitrus, Ciaran, Ixchilgal, Darthen, Nydekion, Daedalion, Lehki, Shaddus, Sarrasri, Xypher, Silvanos, Jinx, Shuyin, Pelas, Nalla, Kamiko, Vathael, Xiel, Gregori, Sadhyra
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Your words are inspired from another time and place, perhaps you should return there to save some face. This verbal race would be better solved with a mace. Shattered jaw? Weak Crow caw. I heard that Hart tore him Apart."
Vathael points a hideous hammer of depraved steel at you.
With a triumphant smirk, you say, "One, two, three, and four - how many of you do you bring to the war? I fight alone, yet I'm leading the score. Shall I show ALL of you little boys to the door?"
Shaddus applauds you heartily.
Nalla rolls on the floor, laughing.
Shaddus points outwards.
You have emoted: Sadhyra offers a sardonic curtsey.
Shaddus thumps his strong fists against each other menacingly, roaring out a sudden, thunderous snarl.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Making light that you have no allies with which to fight, I'll bring that to light, perhaps Shaddus's big ass clouded your sight?"
Shaddus peers at himself unscrupulously.
"Haha!" laughs Shuyin.
Opening her mouth wide, Nalla gapes in wonder.
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "My ass is proportional to my body, thank you."
Shaddus reaches over and spanks himself firmly on his bum.
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Right, I just say we end this with a debate."
You say, "Well, if you want to be crass, and insult his ass, I'll have to harass Xiel's own body mass."
You stare implacably at Xiel.
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "This battle of wit with a pseudo Kepheran twit was over the moment I entered the pit. To rescue my friend, I came to defend, and put this charade to a fantastic end."
Desitrus snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
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| POOF! |
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Ser Shuyin says, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
Nalla claps her hands excitedly as she intones a hearty, "Boom!"
Kyoodai Darthen Shanthine, Apprentice of the Way says, "Pretty colors."
Xypher snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
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| POOF! |
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* * *
With a lazy smile, you say, "Parlor tricks, for petty minds. I think this battle is clearly mine. Xiel is stunned, undefined - we've proven that he. Can. Not. Rhyme."
The corners of Xiel's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Shaddus congratulates you with some wild clapping.
You scream at Xiel, reminding him that he has to hurry.
Ser Shuyin says to Xiel, "She got you there."
(insert debate)
Ser Shuyin says, "It's a free for all of the mind now."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "A sneak attack, you no talent hack, perhaps you should just head back and put your head in a sack."
(more debate spam)
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight intones, "Violence is for the weak this, though, is just perverse."
The stress of this debate is too much! You throw up your hands in exasperation and curse loudly, losing face in front of your peers.
After a long pause in you and your interlocutor's dialectic, you lose interest in the debate and let your mind drift to other things.
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Silly bug."
"Ha!" Ixchilgal exclaims with gusto.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "Well done."
You say to Xiel, "Take what victories you can get, eh?"
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "I never claimed to be able to rhyme. Though I'm always up for a debate."
Ser Shuyin says, "Well that was fun."
Ser Shuyin says, "Serenwilde out."
Ser Shuyin taps his chest twice.
Shuyin flashes the victory sign.
Shuyin places some iridescent spores on the back of his hand and snorts them up his nose.
You say to Xiel, "Well, then. You're allowed to keep up that squawking you call music - as long as you present it in pettifogged stanzas of pontificated passion, hmm?"
You say, "To the Glomdoring!"
You portal to A Shrine to Lady Mahalla.
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "Hmm? I could've sworn some wannabe Kepheran Queen wanted my attention."
Xanar tells you, "Honestly, you couldn't have done that through a tell? It's nearly dawn."
(Newbie): Spindle says, "Are your ears burning with the vile insults being tossed around? Need relief? Try SHOUTSOFF to stop those silly grating shouts. If you can't hear any shouts and your curiosity is getting the better of you, try SHOUTSON to start paying attention to them."
Wyrden Snare Rika Talnara, Fist of the Agile says, "Oh snap!"
You shout, "If you won't TUNE THAT BLOODY LYRE DOWN, I'm going to have to talk you into speechlessness, for the preservation of the Basin's ears from that racket you call "music"."
Wyrden Snare Rika Talnara, Fist of the Agile looks skeptical and says to you, "Um... to be fair... your "music" isn't much better."
Kundu tells you, "Why are you shouting?"
Shaddus tells you, "He plays a violin."
You tell Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan, "Even worse. I wondered why it sounded like cats mating."
Shaddus tells you, "Heh."
You portal to the Aetherplex Chamber.
The Aetherplex Chamber. (Avechna's Peak.)
You see the following people here:
Kamiko, Xypher, Silvanos, Sadhyra
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "I think it's far more preferable to the cacophony that spills out of your filthy mandibles every so often!"
Xanar tells you, "It's not so hard. Here's what you need to do. TELL XIEL < I have something to prove to everyone. >."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard shouts, "Now, now children, there's no need to fight. You're both equally incompetent. Please be silent."
You shout, "Oh, it's on. On like my songs - but you wouldn't know about that, eh, you off-key wastrel. Put your money where your lack of pitch is, and prove me wrong: the Aetherplex. Dawn. A singoff."
Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour shouts, "Shaddup."
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan shouts, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard shouts, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour shouts, "I'll gladly walk in and slaughter them both."
Echoes of an ancient, ethereal song whisper softly on the wind as Xiel resonates, "Then it shall be done."
A brown striped, portly pony with a bushy tail trundles in from the north.
Sarrasri arrives following Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase.
Xiel enters from the north, emanating an aura of immense power.
A beautiful maiden gracefully enters from the north.
Calling out boldly, Sarrasri attempts to rally Xiel to her cause.
You say, "...hey. Why don't I have ralliers?!"
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Obviously you're a wannabe queen."
Xypher Nimaet, Breath of Fire says, "That was mean."
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Not their fault they feel mildly repulsed by cheering on a bug."
Looking slightly worried at the situation Silvanos quickly hides behind Xypher.
You scoff arrogantly.
Xypher Nimaet, Breath of Fire says, "But I like the Kephera..."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to Xypher, "She's a wyrded one."
You see the following people here:
Shaddus, Vathael, Xiel, Xypher, Silvanos, Kamiko, Sarrasri, Sadhyra
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to you, "Who runs Bardictown?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "I know you two won't break the rules, because there aren't any."
You say to Shaddus, "I'm the Queen - as some have seen. And Xiel, here? He's certainly mean..."
You say, "...As a babe in the crib, he's nothing close to glib, and when I'm done? He won't want to live."
You have emoted: Sadhyra stares at Xiel with challenge in her eyes.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Emphatically strumming her lyre, you say to Xiel, "Can you step to my beat? Or just...get beat...DOWN!"
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Lets debate the matter, shall we?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Ixchilgal, "Who runs Bardictown?"
The corners of Nalla's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Calling out boldly, Sarrasri attempts to rally Xiel to her cause.
You see the following people here:
Celina, Xiel, Shaddus, Kamiko, Xypher, Ixchilgal, Sarrasri, Silvanos, Vathael, Nalla, Shuyin, Sadhyra
Shuyin pumps his fists in the air to rally the troops.
Ser Shuyin says, "I have faith in you, Xiel."
Ser Shuyin says, "Show her the power of rhyme."
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Or just debate her words to see how valid they are."
Nalla urges Xiel onwards.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "You guys should really have considered selling tickets to this."
Ser Shuyin says, "In rhythmic form."
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Rhyming? Really, this is what you want to show for your own bardic capabilities."
You have emoted: Sadhyra idly pluck a back-beat on the lower strings of her lyre, softly picking out a rather bassy bump.
Pressing the smudge stick against his breast, Xiel murmurs briefly to himself, then lights a bundle of herbs and lets it tumble to the ground.
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Oops."
The embers on a smoldering smudge stick suddenly flare and crackle, releasing a cloud of fragrant smoke.
Fragrant smoke continues to billow up from a smoldering smudge stick.
Xiel clears his throat.
The cloud of fragrant smoke coalesces into the scene of a soaring mountain. An ominous rumbling soon heralds an avalanche of rock that comes crashing down the mountainside.
Ser Shuyin says, "He's doing it for effect!"
You see the following people here:
Celina, Ixchilgal, Desitrus, Urazial, Sarrasri, Vathael, Nalla, Shaddus, Kamiko, Xypher, Shuyin, Zada, Silvanos, Xiel, Sadhyra
Shaddus smiles wryly at Shuyin.
Unimpressed, you say, "Grand entrance, eh?"
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight states, "Its all for effect yah know."
Deep in thought, Xiel leans his cheek on his hand.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau puts a hand to his mouth and starts uttering noises, "Bum bum psch, bum bum psch."
Desitrus gives the world a thumbs up.
Raising his hands above his head, Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "The tension is building.. who will leave the Bardicdome?"
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan chants, "Two bards enter, one bard leaves!"
You have emoted: Sadhyra shifts her weight, her carapace clinking in time to the beats of Desitrus. "That you've lost it is clear, his words quaver with fear, while my rhymes menace and leer... Just get out of here."
You have emoted: Sadhyra jerks her thumb roughly behind her, pointing back down the mountain as she grins widely at Xiel.
Silvanos blinks perplexedly at Shaddus for a moment before emitting a confused "Wha?"
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Ixchilgal, "The big one is rather silent. 4:1 odds on him."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to Xiel, "Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment... Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Maybe he's just saving up for something -really- good?"
Opening his mouth wide, Shaddus gapes in wonder at Desitrus.
You see the following people here:
Xiel, Celina, Shuyin, Sarrasri, Xypher, Lehki, Silvanos, Desitrus, Ixchilgal, Vathael, Shaddus, Gregori, Pelas, Sadhyra
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "I think he's busy vomiting on his shoes mentally."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says to Xiel, "It's ok. You don't have to know how to rhyme. You are the guildmaster. You can delegate people to do it for you."
Shuyin coughs softly.
Xiel's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Snapping her fingers across her chest as she steps forward, you say, "He's silent as the dead, I can hear the echoes from his head - it's sluggish as lead...and nothing was all he said."
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says to Xiel, "Are you designating a champion for your rhyme scheme?"
You see the following people here:
Vathael, Desitrus, Celina, Sarrasri, Shuyin, Xypher, Kamiko, Ixchilgal, Nalla, Silvanos, Shaddus, Pelas, Xiel, Lehki, Gregori, Darthen, Sadhyra
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says, "I think he's broke, this could be a joke, a skill not born of Night Choke."
Desitrus looks exhausted and opens his mouth in an enormous yawn.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Down in front!"
Shaddus gives the world a big thumbs down and a disappointed "Booo!"
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard throws his hands up in the air, trying to start a wave.
Ser Shuyin says, "All right."
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight recites, "An debate would be better than violence, but not by much with this bunch."
Ser Shuyin says, "As we are the Serenwilde and Desitrus, we will all rhyme."
Waving his hands from here to there, Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "Hey, hoooooooo."
Ser Shuyin says, "Just like in battle."
4030h, 4305m, 5100e, 10p, 7200en, 20000w exkb-
Ser Shuyin says, "We will pile on."
Ser Shuyin exclaims, "And overwhelm!"
Lehki sniffs Shuyin, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from him is.
Ser Shuyin says, "...so."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Where's Narsrim?"
Ser Shuyin says, "Desitrus first."
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Shuyin points accusingly at Desitrus.
Turning to the Aquamancer, you say to Desitrus, "Are you his saving grace? You jump in to chant with haste, but fish-heavy your words taste. I suggest you back away."
Shaddus clenches his fist and chortles "Ooer!"
Nalla grins mischievously at you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra holds her hand out, palm forwards, in the face of Desitrus.
Shaddus sniggers evilly.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "We'll overwhelm, I'm at the helm in this the Basin realm. Your skills are weak, my foot your peak, perhaps you should cease to speak?"
Jerking her chin up, you say, "Talk to it...go on...talk to it.."
Calling out boldly, Shuyin attempts to rally Desitrus to his cause.
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Snaps."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Testify!"
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Say it sista."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt snaps three times, moving her hand in a z-like shape.
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard bobs his head around briefly, snaps his fingers and makes an "Mmmhmm" noise in the back of his throat.
A young pony with a braided tail twitches his ears.
You have emoted: Sadhyra steps side to side, her carapace clinking in time with her words. "Oh, please, Sir Splash, you call THAT an attack? I've seen puddles that fight back with more ooph in their hack."
Opening her mouth wide, Nalla gapes in wonder at Ixchilgal.
You see the following people here:
Desitrus, Shuyin, Darthen, Ixchilgal, Xiel, Nalla, Shaddus, Pelas, Celina, Sarrasri, Xypher, Lehki, Silvanos, Talkan, Jinx, Vathael, Krellan, Gregori, Sadhyra
"Shh!" Kamiko says to Nalla, putting a finger to her lips.
Shaddus carefully lights a smoke wreathed pipe and puffs on it before blowing out a small, murky smoke ring.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "One for me, one for my 'thoids."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau twirls his staff over head and recites amidst the falling drops, "At least I attack, rather than spring forth from a mother whose time is spent on her back. Your style is off-track, beats that slack, your verbal ability do I smack."
Shuyin applauds Desitrus heartily.
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "That was wrong!"
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight hisses, "This will just end badly,with both sides stating that they won."
Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "Clearly, we did."
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard says, "Not true. So far, we're of the opinion that they've both lost."
Druid Lehki Mes'ard, Heir of Glinshari says to Silvanos, "Just start killing everybody."
Ser Shuyin says, "The audience is the winner here."
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight hisses, "Thats true as well, they lose by winning, at the least, they then fall silent."
Shaddus urges you onwards.
You see the following people here:
Vathael, Talkan, Daedalion, Desitrus, Darthen, Shuyin, Pelas, Lehki, Xypher, Zada, Silvanos, Jinx, Shaddus, Sarrasri, Nalla, Xiel, Ixchilgal, Gregori, Nydekion, Sadhyra
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "I haven't even said anything yet. You all seem so content to enjoy this little exchange of insults though."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says, "I say we take Munsia up on her offer. Mostly cause the best entertainment would be seeing her getting her ass beat down."
You have emoted: Sadhyra shakes her plates with a casual ruffle, sending water droplets skittering off in all directions. "I'd hardly call me best, I'm not even being pressed. You call this a test? Crawl back. To. Celest."
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "I still say you should debate the matter."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Oh my, what's going on here?"
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says to Ciaran, "Battle of the Bards."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Splashin, crashin, thrashin, I'm trashin your rhyme. Your abilties are nothing when compared to mine. I don't need to send you home, I'll be done with you and burst your dome."
Gesturing to the Glomdorings around her, you say, "City boy, don't toy, you're not coy, this is all just a ploy.."
You say, "To."
You say, "Say."
You say, "That the kids from the woods are always hard - you come talking your smack and we'll chop down your yard. Knowing nothing in life but the Night and Crow skit..."
You say, "Don't mess with me boy - I ain't said :censor:."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Go, Sadhyra! Go, Sadhyra!"
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard, the Lady's Wrath says to you, "We all know Glom has nothing to do. Sitting and rhyming and being Mag's zoo. Do something useful and fall over dead. Saves us the trouble of a warrior behead."
Entranced by Gregori, Shaddus emits a long "Ooooh."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Wow...I didn't know Gregori could do that."
Penumbra Nalla Vo'Lindre says, "Snaps."
Ser Shuyin says, "I guess this is where we pile in."
You see the following people here:
Desitrus, Ciaran, Ixchilgal, Darthen, Nydekion, Daedalion, Lehki, Shaddus, Sarrasri, Xypher, Silvanos, Jinx, Shuyin, Pelas, Nalla, Kamiko, Vathael, Xiel, Gregori, Sadhyra
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Your words are inspired from another time and place, perhaps you should return there to save some face. This verbal race would be better solved with a mace. Shattered jaw? Weak Crow caw. I heard that Hart tore him Apart."
Vathael points a hideous hammer of depraved steel at you.
With a triumphant smirk, you say, "One, two, three, and four - how many of you do you bring to the war? I fight alone, yet I'm leading the score. Shall I show ALL of you little boys to the door?"
Shaddus applauds you heartily.
Nalla rolls on the floor, laughing.
Shaddus points outwards.
You have emoted: Sadhyra offers a sardonic curtsey.
Shaddus thumps his strong fists against each other menacingly, roaring out a sudden, thunderous snarl.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "Making light that you have no allies with which to fight, I'll bring that to light, perhaps Shaddus's big ass clouded your sight?"
Shaddus peers at himself unscrupulously.
"Haha!" laughs Shuyin.
Opening her mouth wide, Nalla gapes in wonder.
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "My ass is proportional to my body, thank you."
Shaddus reaches over and spanks himself firmly on his bum.
Heiress Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "Right, I just say we end this with a debate."
You say, "Well, if you want to be crass, and insult his ass, I'll have to harass Xiel's own body mass."
You stare implacably at Xiel.
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "This battle of wit with a pseudo Kepheran twit was over the moment I entered the pit. To rescue my friend, I came to defend, and put this charade to a fantastic end."
Desitrus snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Ser Shuyin says, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
Nalla claps her hands excitedly as she intones a hearty, "Boom!"
Kyoodai Darthen Shanthine, Apprentice of the Way says, "Pretty colors."
Xypher snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
With a lazy smile, you say, "Parlor tricks, for petty minds. I think this battle is clearly mine. Xiel is stunned, undefined - we've proven that he. Can. Not. Rhyme."
The corners of Xiel's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Shaddus congratulates you with some wild clapping.
You scream at Xiel, reminding him that he has to hurry.
Ser Shuyin says to Xiel, "She got you there."
(insert debate)
Ser Shuyin says, "It's a free for all of the mind now."
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to you, "A sneak attack, you no talent hack, perhaps you should just head back and put your head in a sack."
(more debate spam)
Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, of Seasonal Moonlight intones, "Violence is for the weak this, though, is just perverse."
The stress of this debate is too much! You throw up your hands in exasperation and curse loudly, losing face in front of your peers.
After a long pause in you and your interlocutor's dialectic, you lose interest in the debate and let your mind drift to other things.
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "Silly bug."
"Ha!" Ixchilgal exclaims with gusto.
Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, Cenobite Artisan says, "Well done."
You say to Xiel, "Take what victories you can get, eh?"
Lord Xiel Peulus, of the Serene Phrase says, "I never claimed to be able to rhyme. Though I'm always up for a debate."
Ser Shuyin says, "Well that was fun."
Ser Shuyin says, "Serenwilde out."
Ser Shuyin taps his chest twice.
Shuyin flashes the victory sign.
Shuyin places some iridescent spores on the back of his hand and snorts them up his nose.
You say to Xiel, "Well, then. You're allowed to keep up that squawking you call music - as long as you present it in pettifogged stanzas of pontificated passion, hmm?"
You say, "To the Glomdoring!"
You portal to A Shrine to Lady Mahalla.
Celina2009-01-26 01:51:14
And they say Lusternian RP is dead.
Noola2009-01-26 02:38:00
That looked fun! 
I'm glad I'm never called out to a rhyming war. I'd be just like Xiel and be all "dur" while the other person rhymes all over me.

I'm glad I'm never called out to a rhyming war. I'd be just like Xiel and be all "dur" while the other person rhymes all over me.

Amarysse2009-01-26 02:41:39
Ha! I'm sorry I missed this. Very, very funny. A bit OOC, but it still would have been fun to watch.
Xiel2009-01-26 02:54:35
QUOTE (Noola @ Jan 25 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That looked fun! 
I'm glad I'm never called out to a rhyming war. I'd be just like Xiel and be all "dur" while the other person rhymes all over me.

I'm glad I'm never called out to a rhyming war. I'd be just like Xiel and be all "dur" while the other person rhymes all over me.

Exactly! It was SUPPOSED to be a debate practice, but it SOMEHOW evolved into a rhyme off. -weep-
I still got my debate at the end though, while other people came to my rhyming rescue and had fun, so I'm happy.

Unknown2009-01-26 03:10:58
That looked fun and stupid! Perfect for 4 in the morning fun!
Rakor2009-01-26 05:18:21
That was hilarious. Best part: Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau says to Xiel, "Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment... Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
I'm glad it went that far without degenerating into a debate. If only that's what debating actually was - rap battles.
I'm glad it went that far without degenerating into a debate. If only that's what debating actually was - rap battles.
Shryke2009-01-26 10:53:28
Oh my... that was the ... uck
EWW >.<
If you're going to rap battle make it about lusternia and don't jack cheap lines from eminem please.
Sorry, I'm sure it was a blast, but it's just ugly as hell to read, and IC, realllly?
Edit: If this happens again Xiel, feel free to use this line:
You say you want to rhyme, but you're from the swamps, all covered in slime. Who would want such a lime?
Well I guess you'll do. I'll take you off teru's hands, show you what it's like to have a real man.
(See? IC, niice)
More hot
from Ciaran enterprises.
It's over, you'd best roll away like a furrikin, I'd take you in, but we know where you've been.
Look at you hiding in the shade, see the light and you'd go blind,
Here I am, not afraid, watch me blow your mind.
This isn't a game, you can try to cover your ears,
Feel the shame, while you wish you couldn't hear.
Now I've got you all strung out like a lyre,
Here here, bring the wood, we'll set her on fire,
No don't worry, she wont fight, she wants to die,
Should have never asked me to battle, to sad to cry.
Should have checked the stars, you'd know what was coming,
You could have left, could have backed down, something,
Now what do you have? No respect, no love, nothing,
Go back to the place that represents such power! Glomdoring.
EWW >.<
If you're going to rap battle make it about lusternia and don't jack cheap lines from eminem please.
Sorry, I'm sure it was a blast, but it's just ugly as hell to read, and IC, realllly?
Edit: If this happens again Xiel, feel free to use this line:
You say you want to rhyme, but you're from the swamps, all covered in slime. Who would want such a lime?
Well I guess you'll do. I'll take you off teru's hands, show you what it's like to have a real man.
(See? IC, niice)
More hot

It's over, you'd best roll away like a furrikin, I'd take you in, but we know where you've been.
Look at you hiding in the shade, see the light and you'd go blind,
Here I am, not afraid, watch me blow your mind.
This isn't a game, you can try to cover your ears,
Feel the shame, while you wish you couldn't hear.
Now I've got you all strung out like a lyre,
Here here, bring the wood, we'll set her on fire,
No don't worry, she wont fight, she wants to die,
Should have never asked me to battle, to sad to cry.
Should have checked the stars, you'd know what was coming,
You could have left, could have backed down, something,
Now what do you have? No respect, no love, nothing,
Go back to the place that represents such power! Glomdoring.
Xiel2009-01-26 11:47:40

I just wanted my debates.

Unknown2009-01-26 14:47:48
Ciaran, you're such an Eeyore. 

Shiri2009-01-26 14:49:55
And your lines are crap compared to theirs!
Unknown2009-01-26 15:06:13
Yea! Sadhyra and Desitrus were totally awesome. A bit OOC, but still, sounded really fun.
Unknown2009-01-26 16:09:26
The funniest part, by far:
Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour shouts, "I'll gladly walk in and slaughter them both."
Daereth2009-01-26 16:23:38
I was laughing so hard during that!


Somaria2009-01-26 18:47:32
Aqua Transfer Desitrus Kamau twirls his staff over head and recites amidst the falling drops, "At least I attack, rather than spring forth from a mother whose time is spent on her back. Your style is off-track, beats that slack, your verbal ability do I smack."

Desitrus2009-01-26 19:16:26
Mothers are a staple of rapbattles... Hers just happens to be an easy target, what can I say?
Noola2009-01-26 19:20:11
Oh! Oh! Oh! Someone do a 'You Got Served' style Dance Off now!! 

Isuka2009-01-26 19:30:10
QUOTE (Noola @ Jan 26 2009, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh! Oh! Oh! Someone do a 'You Got Served' style Dance Off now!! 

we need prepared gif-image dance moves via stick figure animation, and MXP tags for embedding images to Lusternia.
Noola2009-01-26 19:32:10
QUOTE (Isuka @ Jan 26 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we need prepared gif-image dance moves via stick figure animation, and MXP tags for embedding images to Lusternia.
Or.... cool custom emotes!

Llandros2009-01-26 19:46:37
QUOTE (Noola @ Jan 26 2009, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh! Oh! Oh! Someone do a 'You Got Served' style Dance Off now!! 

I think ALL arguements and disagreements should be sorted out through "West Side Story" type dance fighting. This would proably work as a form of self defense too as somone trying to mug you will likely leave you alone if you just randomly start dancing at them. That or just kill you, it's a bit of a coin toss.