Kiradawea2009-02-20 23:14:17
Okay, it seems I'm not gonna get this Night action, so I'm starting day 2 now. Gimme a moment.
Fania2009-02-20 23:15:06
Kira, I just want you to know: I love you more than cookies right now.
Daganev2009-02-20 23:23:37
Kiradawea Using Personal Messenger Today, 03:21 PM
I'm not a stalker I promise! :luv:
I'm not a stalker I promise! :luv:
Fania2009-02-20 23:41:31
Ugh, I feel like crap right now. Just posting so people will get all excited thinking OMG something is happening right now, but it's not.
Daganev2009-02-20 23:44:23
don't worry things are happening. why just a minute ago Kiradawea actually clicked something inside of the personal messenger system.
Kiradawea Using Personal Messenger Today, 03:42 PM
Kiradawea Using Personal Messenger Today, 03:42 PM
Kiradawea2009-02-20 23:47:42
I don't know if I should be flattered or scared. Writing up Day 2 post now.
Daganev2009-02-20 23:56:35
be flattered, I rarely get this into a mafia game.
Fania2009-02-20 23:57:45
They aren't all this fun? They should be. I want to be put on the list now for Kira's next game, heh heh
Kiradawea2009-02-21 00:00:51
The birds twitter in the air as the sun rises up into the sky, but a grim feeling prevades the area. Everyone feels uncertain about what has happened in the dead of the night.
Around the massive flagship of team Starfox, no birds sing. Only an omnious tune hums in the area.

Beneath his ship, Dai stands tall, though no life shines in his eyes. A broken and discarded spy-camera lies beside his trophified form. Even in the form of a trophy, he still has his half-cocky, half-charming smile.
Dai was Fox
The death of Dai is shocking indeed, and to add to the fear and chaos of it all, Tekora seems to have gone missing. There is not a single trace of him anywhere to be found.
At least Sandbag has returned, and he has brought a Smashball with him.
Let's begin DAY 2.
Around the massive flagship of team Starfox, no birds sing. Only an omnious tune hums in the area.

Beneath his ship, Dai stands tall, though no life shines in his eyes. A broken and discarded spy-camera lies beside his trophified form. Even in the form of a trophy, he still has his half-cocky, half-charming smile.
Dai was Fox
Do a barrel roll and hold A to charge your laser. You're Fox McCloud.

Leader of team Star-Fox, a group of mercenaries from Corneria. You're responsible for ending menaces like Andross, Andrew Oikonny, Pigma Dengar, the Aparoids and the Anglars. And despite all of this, you still can't man up and confess to the girl you like. You may be 28, but you act like you're 18. Of course, that's half the charm, isn't it? Unfortunately, that charm might not work on Wolf, your nemesis.
You win with the Big Four. If they collapse, you can win with the Loyalists.
Your powers are:
Spycam: You can send out a spycam to keep watch over someone and see if anything is done to them at night. To use, at night send me a PM with the message “WATCH: (person)â€
Confront: At night, you can, instead of watching someone, try to confront the person. To use, at night send me a PM with the message “CONFRONT: (person)â€. In most instances, this'll do Zilch, but if the target is Wolf...

Leader of team Star-Fox, a group of mercenaries from Corneria. You're responsible for ending menaces like Andross, Andrew Oikonny, Pigma Dengar, the Aparoids and the Anglars. And despite all of this, you still can't man up and confess to the girl you like. You may be 28, but you act like you're 18. Of course, that's half the charm, isn't it? Unfortunately, that charm might not work on Wolf, your nemesis.
You win with the Big Four. If they collapse, you can win with the Loyalists.
Your powers are:
Spycam: You can send out a spycam to keep watch over someone and see if anything is done to them at night. To use, at night send me a PM with the message “WATCH: (person)â€
Confront: At night, you can, instead of watching someone, try to confront the person. To use, at night send me a PM with the message “CONFRONT: (person)â€. In most instances, this'll do Zilch, but if the target is Wolf...
The death of Dai is shocking indeed, and to add to the fear and chaos of it all, Tekora seems to have gone missing. There is not a single trace of him anywhere to be found.
At least Sandbag has returned, and he has brought a Smashball with him.
Let's begin DAY 2.
Unknown2009-02-21 00:00:55
Bah. Off to dinner for me. I'll be back in a bit.
Shaddus2009-02-21 00:01:55
Smash Smashball (or whatever it is. )
Kiradawea2009-02-21 00:02:58
And I'm sorry that the Day 2 post is a little... lacking in content. It's late for me, so I have to go to sleep now. Have fun beating the living daylight out of Sandbag. I'll make it up if the daily event is chosen today.
Daganev2009-02-21 00:07:14
SAW, don't forget to smash the smashball before it runs away for our bet!
Either Sadhyra is not "evil" or someone protected Sadhyra instead of Dai last night. Sorry Dai, I would have protected you, but I didn't want the people who investitaged me to get a null answer.
I'll smash sandbag, and vote Caerulo for trying to build a case against me by distorting my position and trying to very subtely defend Harkux.
And now I must go for the weekend. If anyone has more light arrows, feel free to give them to me. (they can only hurt "evil")
Either Sadhyra is not "evil" or someone protected Sadhyra instead of Dai last night. Sorry Dai, I would have protected you, but I didn't want the people who investitaged me to get a null answer.
I'll smash sandbag, and vote Caerulo for trying to build a case against me by distorting my position and trying to very subtely defend Harkux.
And now I must go for the weekend. If anyone has more light arrows, feel free to give them to me. (they can only hurt "evil")
Fania2009-02-21 00:07:23
Smash Sandbag
Daganev2009-02-21 00:12:41
Oh, since the arrow hit Sadhyra straight on, I am guessing she wasn't protected and just isn't evil. Also, it is highly likely that atleast 1 person voting for me last round is also scum. (or atleast voted for me at some point)
lastly, I'm curious what Shaddus's "oh crap" comment was about at the end of yesterday.
lastly, I'm curious what Shaddus's "oh crap" comment was about at the end of yesterday.
Daganev2009-02-21 00:16:00
sorry I should clarify since I won't be here. It is likely that atleast 1 person who voted for me (at some point) AFTER I made my case against Harkux is likely scum. Anyone who voted for me before that point just found me scummy naturally. (as atleast someone always does)
Hopefully people investigated the unkowns in that group and it will be easy to figure out who it was.
Hopefully people investigated the unkowns in that group and it will be easy to figure out who it was.
Daganev2009-02-21 00:26:11
Oh just some more info. The reason I shot Sadhyra last night was because of her low post count. I didn't think she was doing anything suspicius enough to warrant being focused on, but at the same time she seemed to be lurking and only posted to give reasons to lynch me. So for that reason I shot to see if she was "evil" or not. It was a toss up between Sadhyra and Rika, but I think sadhyra would have been less likely to be investigated. (since rika and diamondais have the lower post counts)
If I was around for "today" more, I'd be trying to put more preasure on Caerulo to find out what we can.
If I was around for "today" more, I'd be trying to put more preasure on Caerulo to find out what we can.
Llandros2009-02-21 00:27:10
smash sandbag
Fania2009-02-21 00:28:45
It's going to be quiet without you Dag.
Daganev2009-02-21 00:30:01
QUOTE (Fania @ Feb 20 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's going to be quiet without you Dag.
nonsense, Shiri is still alive.

And with the amount of info we uncovered yesterday, I doubt people have little to talk about.