kiriwe2009-03-11 18:36:45
Bah, disregard the first one. Stupid computer.
Daganev2009-03-11 22:10:16
deadline, or no?
At this point, if I get home and nothing further has occured, I will role the dice and a random person is going to get killed. (that's about 4-5 hours from now)
At this point, if I get home and nothing further has occured, I will role the dice and a random person is going to get killed. (that's about 4-5 hours from now)
Shaddus2009-03-11 22:25:59
QUOTE (daganev @ Mar 11 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
deadline, or no?

I'll be honest, I haven't voted much because there isn't much going on but accusations being thrown back and forth. I'm not sure if I want a deadline, but I think it would make some stuff happen a bit faster, and perhaps make people make mistakes so we will know who to vote for.
I'll go with yes, deadline.
Kiradawea2009-03-11 22:57:08
Cute. Y'know Kiri, a vote ain't gonna make me suddenly chatty. Especially since, on re-reading, you were the one who got Archer2 to vote for me by claiming that I was pointing out a contradiction in Narsrim's post. I originally mistook Renthur for making the first mistake, but it appears I was mistaken. He did, in fact, say that Narsrim was going against what he says himself by "overanalyzing" me. Did I get it right this time Renny?
But let me get to the point. Though I'm surprised you haven't got it yet, I find Narsrim suspicious because of his *drumroll* defensiveness. Let's take a look back.
Around this point it all started. I say that Noola sounds suspicious because she does this and that. I say Dai is suspicious because of his oddball post where he votes on Renthur. I find Azazel/Fyler strange because of the lore surrounding it. And I find Narsrim suspicious because I feel that he is manipulating my post. And that's where the fun begins. Y'see what makes Noola, Dai and Fyler so different from Narsrim? None of them jumped on the defensive and started to insinuate that I was out to get them to draw attention from me.
That there. That's what made me really suspicious. Why was he so defensive? Of course, it wasn't certain just yet, so the time came to play some baiting, and it paid off.
Notice the funny part there? "I seem to turn and vote against people who question me". Funny I never voted for Fyler then. "Most randomly..." yeah, funny that ain't it. I did a random vote of Renthur in the beginning. Since then, I haven't voted for anyone except Narsrim. Do you consider that a random vote? What about this?
See this is why he was perpetually in the process of writing up an "analysis". Because he couldn't ever write up an "analysis" of something that wasn't there. I wanted to wait to trap him on that, but if you're so impatient, then suit yourself.
Because if you cannot see the hypocrisy in that then there is little I can do to convince you. But really, I think Renthur summed it up best.
Because as he noticed, Narsrim is doing exactly what he claims he isn't doing.
And hey, of course Kiriwe is gonna defend me if she thinks I'm not scum. After all, it's not in HER interest to lynch a townie.
QUOTE (Renthur @ Mar 9 2009, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your quote was speaking against reading into posts at the beginning, and with the little information we have I'm fairly certain it still counts as such. The dropping of one small part that was a simple statement of suspicion really is just irrelevant when the rest of the post makes your suspicion obvious. It also hardly qualifies as modifying a quote. She also gave reason why she was suspicious of you, twisting intentions to cast someone being helpful into the focus.
But let me get to the point. Though I'm surprised you haven't got it yet, I find Narsrim suspicious because of his *drumroll* defensiveness. Let's take a look back.
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 8 2009, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*cough* This does make you seem suspicious Noola. *cough*
That being said, the ones I are suspicious about would be Dai and Narsrim. Dai because he claimed to have read the thread, yet he manages to not only pull an oddball vote on Renthur, but do it after Kiriwe's post where she practically spells out that "I am killing you now Fyler". Narsrim is suspicious because of this.
I find when people try to read into something at the start of a game overly trying to convince the group at large that so is so is scummy for some obscure reason, it's usually not a good sign.
Townies never have anything to gain from manipulation of stated intent.
And Azazel/Fyler still boggles my mind, but I'll get to that when I don't have this blinding headache.
That being said, the ones I are suspicious about would be Dai and Narsrim. Dai because he claimed to have read the thread, yet he manages to not only pull an oddball vote on Renthur, but do it after Kiriwe's post where she practically spells out that "I am killing you now Fyler". Narsrim is suspicious because of this.
Right now, the two people I am most suspicious of is Fyler and Kiriwe. They got awfully defensive quick. I'm not so suspicious of Dai as Noola, because no one has contributed anything meaningful yet. Well, I guess an argument can be made that lightening the mood is meaningful, but it doesn't help us weed out who are demons.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
I find when people try to read into something at the start of a game overly trying to convince the group at large that so is so is scummy for some obscure reason, it's usually not a good sign.
And Azazel/Fyler still boggles my mind, but I'll get to that when I don't have this blinding headache.
Around this point it all started. I say that Noola sounds suspicious because she does this and that. I say Dai is suspicious because of his oddball post where he votes on Renthur. I find Azazel/Fyler strange because of the lore surrounding it. And I find Narsrim suspicious because I feel that he is manipulating my post. And that's where the fun begins. Y'see what makes Noola, Dai and Fyler so different from Narsrim? None of them jumped on the defensive and started to insinuate that I was out to get them to draw attention from me.
These are the actual quotes. Please compare them to the quotes above Kiradawea posted. She claims she's suspicious of me, yet she intentionally deleted a whole line of my quote (the bolded part), where I was suspicious of her. Was that a simple accident or an attempt to strike back at me for questioning you earlier?
That there. That's what made me really suspicious. Why was he so defensive? Of course, it wasn't certain just yet, so the time came to play some baiting, and it paid off.
QUOTE (Narsrim @ Mar 10 2009, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm in the process of writing an analysis of your voting from from the beginning of the game up until now. Of all persons, you seem to vote the most randomly or arbitrarily. You seem to turn and vote against people who question you. You also always add in interesting modifiers and descriptors. You're always so certain someone is this or that. However, we'll save this for later.
I want to give you the time you've requested. What is it you would like me to convey? You seem to think I have some need to strength my case (and I will soon be making the same request of you) so I think it only fair that I offer onto you the chance to point out what you think I've done that was shady (and use detailed, specific examples - please).
As for a general blurb about my style: I prefer a relaxed, disciplined approach to rooting out scum. I'm not a fan of jumping the gun or a voting train for the sake of having something to do. It can backfire (as it did), and I think it favors scum. I'm hesitant of people who are "so certain" and even more so when they are "so certain" about multiple people. I find it is generally an attempt to provide some sort of legitimation to an otherwise random guess. It can be successful. It can fail. As we aren't being pressed for time limits, it's not worth the risk.
You fit my description Kira so yes, I'm cautious of you. I'm even more cautious that you seem to be voting for me because you're "pretty sure" and cannot provide anymore than that to support your claim other than I've raised my finger at you in the past.
I want to give you the time you've requested. What is it you would like me to convey? You seem to think I have some need to strength my case (and I will soon be making the same request of you) so I think it only fair that I offer onto you the chance to point out what you think I've done that was shady (and use detailed, specific examples - please).
As for a general blurb about my style: I prefer a relaxed, disciplined approach to rooting out scum. I'm not a fan of jumping the gun or a voting train for the sake of having something to do. It can backfire (as it did), and I think it favors scum. I'm hesitant of people who are "so certain" and even more so when they are "so certain" about multiple people. I find it is generally an attempt to provide some sort of legitimation to an otherwise random guess. It can be successful. It can fail. As we aren't being pressed for time limits, it's not worth the risk.
You fit my description Kira so yes, I'm cautious of you. I'm even more cautious that you seem to be voting for me because you're "pretty sure" and cannot provide anymore than that to support your claim other than I've raised my finger at you in the past.
Notice the funny part there? "I seem to turn and vote against people who question me". Funny I never voted for Fyler then. "Most randomly..." yeah, funny that ain't it. I did a random vote of Renthur in the beginning. Since then, I haven't voted for anyone except Narsrim. Do you consider that a random vote? What about this?
QUOTE (Narsrim @ Mar 6 2009, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unvote | vote Shaddus
You keep waiting until someone else makes a valid point, jump on that train, claim it as your own, and then play stupid for not posting earlier. Smells fishy.
You keep waiting until someone else makes a valid point, jump on that train, claim it as your own, and then play stupid for not posting earlier. Smells fishy.
See this is why he was perpetually in the process of writing up an "analysis". Because he couldn't ever write up an "analysis" of something that wasn't there. I wanted to wait to trap him on that, but if you're so impatient, then suit yourself.
QUOTE (Narsrim @ Mar 11 2009, 03:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Although to be honest, I have no idea what this haze is. No specifics have been stated this far, but as she has made the accusation, I will attempt settle it if possible. I think one reason specifics have been lacking though is because there is no substance to her argument whereas I am fully willing to show how her random voting has been in effort to dodge attention.
Because if you cannot see the hypocrisy in that then there is little I can do to convince you. But really, I think Renthur summed it up best.
QUOTE (Renthur @ Mar 9 2009, 12:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Narsrim, being suspicious of her has no relevance to those quotes at all, and at the moment you're going against what your post was quoted saying. I'm not sure but day 2 still seems like the beginning, especially since all we've got to go on is that Fyler was a jester and came back and that Fania is gone. You're also not bothering to refute that you were twisting words and intent, just simply trying to shift the focus of attention with more of it.
Vote: Narsrim
Vote: Narsrim
Because as he noticed, Narsrim is doing exactly what he claims he isn't doing.
QUOTE (Narsrim @ Mar 9 2009, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do I continue to point my finger at her? Can you provide an example of where I've tried to get a mass of people to jump the gun and lynch someone because they were acting intentionally strange and drawing attention to themselves.
The damnest thing of it all Kiriwe, is she was suspicious of you, and here I was suggesting she was being strange herself. And now you're defending her? I'm just not sure what to think of that.
The damnest thing of it all Kiriwe, is she was suspicious of you, and here I was suggesting she was being strange herself. And now you're defending her? I'm just not sure what to think of that.
And hey, of course Kiriwe is gonna defend me if she thinks I'm not scum. After all, it's not in HER interest to lynch a townie.
Unknown2009-03-11 23:01:02
Really, how has her voting been random when she's hardly done any of it? She votes about as much as I post speculations. Narsrim has been going after her from day one when even most felt exactly as she did, and you all confuse me. You vote for me saying not posting speculations are bad, and you also vote for Kira for actually doing so. And Narsrim is doing just what he says Kira is, refusing to answer questions and just asking more to shift attention. As for the first point, there's this
Right now, the two people I am most suspicious of is Fyler and Kiriwe. They got awfully defensive quick. I'm not so suspicious of Dai as Noola, because no one has contributed anything meaningful yet. Well, I guess an argument can be made that lightening the mood is meaningful, but it doesn't help us weed out who are demons.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
I find when people try to read into something at the start of a game overly trying to convince the group at large that so is so is scummy for some obscure reason, it's usually not a good sign.
FOS Kiradawea
which was when the general consensus was that at least Kiriwe was being scummish. I don't think Narsrim has even given a proper answer anywhere, he's also been 'analyzing her voting pattern' for about two days now.
QUOTE (Narsrim @ Mar 4 2009, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 4 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right now, the two people I am most suspicious of is Fyler and Kiriwe. They got awfully defensive quick. I'm not so suspicious of Dai as Noola, because no one has contributed anything meaningful yet. Well, I guess an argument can be made that lightening the mood is meaningful, but it doesn't help us weed out who are demons.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
I find when people try to read into something at the start of a game overly trying to convince the group at large that so is so is scummy for some obscure reason, it's usually not a good sign.
FOS Kiradawea
which was when the general consensus was that at least Kiriwe was being scummish. I don't think Narsrim has even given a proper answer anywhere, he's also been 'analyzing her voting pattern' for about two days now.
Dugan2009-03-11 23:42:39
It is very disheartening that we are having either a deadline or a random die roll for someone to die and night to occur. I say if it comes to a die roll, the non-actives/non-participants should be the ones who get rolled to get killed off.
kiriwe2009-03-11 23:42:41
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 11 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cute. Y'know Kiri, a vote ain't gonna make me suddenly chatty. Especially since, on re-reading, you were the one who got Archer2 to vote for me by claiming that I was pointing out a contradiction in Narsrim's post. I originally mistook Renthur for making the first mistake, but it appears I was mistaken. He did, in fact, say that Narsrim was going against what he says himself by "overanalyzing" me. Did I get it right this time Renny?
Eh, a vote for pressure doesn't hurt anybody, really. I just wanted to see something happen, since the thread was like a ghost town.
After seeing you lay it all out like that, I am seeing the problem with Narsrim's posting pattern. It was hard for me to pick it all out of the thread, mostly because I don't have the patience to go back and look.
Vote: Narsrim
You still need to work on the quoting thing, Kira. Don't put quotes within quotes, it's very confusing and hard to tell who said what, especially if you don't put names on them. Well, at least it's hard for me.
kiriwe2009-03-11 23:44:18
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Mar 11 2009, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is very disheartening that we are having either a deadline or a random die roll for someone to die and night to occur. I say if it comes to a die roll, the non-actives/non-participants should be the ones who get rolled to get killed off.
I think we are getting somewhere now, so I don't think the deadline/die roll is necessary anymore.
I'm hoping.
Dugan2009-03-11 23:53:56
QUOTE (Kiriwe y'Kaliath @ Mar 11 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think we are getting somewhere now, so I don't think the deadline/die roll is necessary anymore.
I'm hoping.
I'm hoping.
I don't. We aren't going to get anywhere with the same people saying the same things. We want to get somewhere ... Renthur needs to vote. Casilu needs to vote. Shaddus needs to vote. Dai needs to vote. Archer needs to vote. We have 11 alive with almost 1/2 the people in the game not voting.
Kiradawea2009-03-12 00:02:48
Renthur's voting. He has a vote for Narsrim. And it was meant as a joke Kiriwe. But okay, I'll try to refrain from quotes within quotes. I just didn't want to be accused again for doing something I didn't do. Sorry if it was offensive.
And yeah, please no die roll? We might finally be getting somewhere.
And yeah, please no die roll? We might finally be getting somewhere.
Unknown2009-03-12 00:03:57
Yeah, I never removed my vote, it's still sittin' there from a few pages back.
Dugan2009-03-12 00:08:48
I do stand corrected. Renther is voting. Five people are, six are not. Even if the five voting decided on voting for one person, we wouldn't have enough for a lynch. Given that Renther is voting ... and at least reading the thread ... I will vote for the 2nd lowest poster, who is a non-voter.
UNVOTE: Renther
VOTE: Archer2
UNVOTE: Renther
VOTE: Archer2
Casilu2009-03-12 00:15:24
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Mar 11 2009, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't. We aren't going to get anywhere with the same people saying the same things. We want to get somewhere ... Renthur needs to vote. Casilu needs to vote. Shaddus needs to vote. Dai needs to vote. Archer needs to vote. We have 11 alive with almost 1/2 the people in the game not voting.
I don't need to do anything. I'll vote when I feel someone needs to die. It sounds to me like you're almost trying to rush things. Now that the light is currently on Narsrim, I'll vote for him based on his next post.
Narsrim2009-03-12 00:54:18
I note from your post that you didn’t pose a single question to me so I assume you have none. You have suggested I’m failing to answer questions, but you also aren’t posing any, which makes me even more suspicious.
Overall, I find your manner and posting style aggressive Kira. You drastically overdo suspicion (you’re been suspicious of everyone at this point, almost, for some rather strange reasons), and from page 1 to 21, you are trying to pursue someone, which in turn is diverting attention away from yourself (see examples below). When someone tries to do the same to you, you freak out and start voting for them. All in all, I think this is just a bad sign.
I'm also somewhat alarmed for this apparent Kiradawea/Renthur alliance. It seems strange to me how she started off explaining it to try and blunt any concern over it. I'd call that defensive! I'm going to Vote Kiradawea. I've seen enough to make what I feel is a logical decision at this point.
Overall, I find your manner and posting style aggressive Kira. You drastically overdo suspicion (you’re been suspicious of everyone at this point, almost, for some rather strange reasons), and from page 1 to 21, you are trying to pursue someone, which in turn is diverting attention away from yourself (see examples below). When someone tries to do the same to you, you freak out and start voting for them. All in all, I think this is just a bad sign.
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 3 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tsktsktsk. Dugan and Fania are random-voting for me, not Kiriwe.
Unless Kiriwe has a special power that makes her take all my votes? Hmm. Suspicious.
Anyway hmm... after consulting my crystal ball, tarot cards, tea leaves and stars, all signs point to this. I shall Vote: Renthur.
Unless Kiriwe has a special power that makes her take all my votes? Hmm. Suspicious.

Anyway hmm... after consulting my crystal ball, tarot cards, tea leaves and stars, all signs point to this. I shall Vote: Renthur.
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 4 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right now, the two people I am most suspicious of is Fyler and Kiriwe. They got awfully defensive quick. I'm not so suspicious of Dai as Noola, because no one has contributed anything meaningful yet. Well, I guess an argument can be made that lightening the mood is meaningful, but it doesn't help us weed out who are demons.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
Anyway, I suggest that we focus on either of them before Dai. I don't like non-participation, but both Fyler and Kiriwe's defensiveness is far more scummish to me.
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 9 2009, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
These are Renthur's latest five posts. Except for being overly eager at agreeing with me (and seeing that we're married IC it's not that odd), I don't find him particularily suspicious. These aren't the posts of someone who is lying low to hide something. This is just the way Renny is.
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 9 2009, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh it isn't because of that reason that I defend Renthur. I just find Shaddus, Dai and Narsrim to be more suspicious targets at the moment. That, and trying to get Renthur to post is... difficult. Believe me, I've tried everything from begging to threaths to guilt-tripping.
I'm also somewhat alarmed for this apparent Kiradawea/Renthur alliance. It seems strange to me how she started off explaining it to try and blunt any concern over it. I'd call that defensive! I'm going to Vote Kiradawea. I've seen enough to make what I feel is a logical decision at this point.
Narsrim2009-03-12 01:01:50
I also find it somewhat strange that you're first "random" vote was for Renthur. I didn't really notice this until now, but why did you prod someone on forums to get them to vote when you're also doing it elsewhere? Seems silly to me.
Dugan2009-03-12 01:22:50
QUOTE (casilu @ Mar 11 2009, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't need to do anything. I'll vote when I feel someone needs to die. It sounds to me like you're almost trying to rush things. Now that the light is currently on Narsrim, I'll vote for him based on his next post.
I am rushing things? OMG. The Mod posted that he is going to roll a die to have someone die to end this day. Am I rushing or are you stalling? If the Mod rolls a die, the odds are a townie is going to die and not a mafia.
Casilu2009-03-12 01:28:39
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Mar 11 2009, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am rushing things? OMG. The Mod posted that he is going to roll a die to have someone die to end this day. Am I rushing or are you stalling? If the Mod rolls a die, the odds are a townie is going to die and not a mafia.
But so long as we're not stupid and not pushing for a deadline or stall completely. The advantage slowly drifts over to town as more and more information is revealed. Transparency is an advantage. Also, you for strangely defensive for an off-hand comment.
Shaddus2009-03-12 01:30:36
Narsrim does have an odd scummy feeling. But I think maybe that's his norm 
What vote pattern, Kiri? He's either trying to post so he doesn't get picked off as a lurker, or he's being methodical.
He IS talking a bit much.

What vote pattern, Kiri? He's either trying to post so he doesn't get picked off as a lurker, or he's being methodical.
He IS talking a bit much.

kiriwe2009-03-12 01:40:18
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Mar 11 2009, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Narsrim does have an odd scummy feeling. But I think maybe that's his norm 
What vote pattern, Kiri? He's either trying to post so he doesn't get picked off as a lurker, or he's being methodical.
He IS talking a bit much.

What vote pattern, Kiri? He's either trying to post so he doesn't get picked off as a lurker, or he's being methodical.
He IS talking a bit much.

I didn't say vote pattern, I said post pattern.
Daganev2009-03-12 03:02:13
Metatron peaks into the hall and quickly looks around. He doesn't hear too much talking, so he steps further into the hall, and you can see that behind his back is a giant bolt of lightning. He throws the bolt of lightning into the center of the room and then quickly hears the talking start up again. Faster than his throw, Metatron runs forward and catches the lightningbolt. The look of relief on Archer2's face is very apparent.
"Just playing with you!", says Metatron as he leaves the hall again, to allow the group to talk amongst themselves.
"Just playing with you!", says Metatron as he leaves the hall again, to allow the group to talk amongst themselves.