Unknown2009-03-07 06:31:18
Well, my turn.
Gregori covered most of it. I'd be fine with removing the power gain from domoths, but in return, I'd want the essence gain brought back up and have the demi/ascendant gain smaller amounts of essence even at orb/sceptre level. For example, A demi/ascendant will gain 5k/7k/13k essence per IC day at sceptre/orb/crown. Additionally, I'd think it'd be kind of cool to give someone who owns a domoth crown a cool domoth related personal ability that only he/she can do so long as he keeps his crown. I think changing it like this will lighten the organizational load on domoths while at the same time improve the personal gain.
Yep, ascendance is kind of eh except for fearaura, aegis, and flying, though omniscience has grown on me. It'd be kind of neat if the admin decide to revisit ascendance's skills sometime, but I'm in no rush.
The domothing process itself is a bit dull, to be honest I got bubblixes to the top 3 most popular domoth bubbles just to circumvent having to fly, and that really helps a lot with the aetherspace aspect. It was pretty exciting though back when people came to fight, but at the same token, it was also pretty easy to avoid said fights. Covensquads also make domothing pretty awesome now btw. While it would be nice to change what you have to do to secure a throne and make it more related to the domoth you're challenging, that's probably impossible.
Also, I think the blessings need to be re-evaluated. Some are too awesome, some suck. I think they should all be pretty awesome. I agree that you probably shouldn't be able to blessing stack races, but I think it's fine for guilds.
Gregori covered most of it. I'd be fine with removing the power gain from domoths, but in return, I'd want the essence gain brought back up and have the demi/ascendant gain smaller amounts of essence even at orb/sceptre level. For example, A demi/ascendant will gain 5k/7k/13k essence per IC day at sceptre/orb/crown. Additionally, I'd think it'd be kind of cool to give someone who owns a domoth crown a cool domoth related personal ability that only he/she can do so long as he keeps his crown. I think changing it like this will lighten the organizational load on domoths while at the same time improve the personal gain.
Yep, ascendance is kind of eh except for fearaura, aegis, and flying, though omniscience has grown on me. It'd be kind of neat if the admin decide to revisit ascendance's skills sometime, but I'm in no rush.
The domothing process itself is a bit dull, to be honest I got bubblixes to the top 3 most popular domoth bubbles just to circumvent having to fly, and that really helps a lot with the aetherspace aspect. It was pretty exciting though back when people came to fight, but at the same token, it was also pretty easy to avoid said fights. Covensquads also make domothing pretty awesome now btw. While it would be nice to change what you have to do to secure a throne and make it more related to the domoth you're challenging, that's probably impossible.
Also, I think the blessings need to be re-evaluated. Some are too awesome, some suck. I think they should all be pretty awesome. I agree that you probably shouldn't be able to blessing stack races, but I think it's fine for guilds.
Xavius2009-03-07 06:47:46
So, before we nerf racial domoth blessings, I've never actually had one. What races have them right now and what do they do?
Shiri2009-03-07 06:51:31
Lucidian has chaos, merian have justice, furrikin have knowledge, elfen have the other 5.
Lucidian has chaos, merian have justice, furrikin have knowledge, elfen have the other 5.
Gregori2009-03-07 06:54:14
QUOTE (Shiri @ Mar 7 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lucidian has chaos, merian have justice, furrikin have knowledge, elfen have the other 5.
Lucidian has chaos, merian have justice, furrikin have knowledge, elfen have the other 5.
Elfen usually have all of them, but I decided I was furrikin now and so tough luck on elfen I was going to be selfish. Merian is because Malicia holds that one and Lucidian is for whatever reasons Sarrasri decided to not put it on elfen this time.
Unknown2009-03-07 07:02:49
Wasn't there originally a limit of one VA per city/commune? It's probably a moot point, since it's already been pointed out that reducing the number of VAs is not a viable option by now, but I am curious.
Gregori2009-03-07 07:03:27
QUOTE (Volroc @ Mar 7 2009, 01:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wasn't there originally a limit of one VA per city/commune? It's probably a moot point, since it's already been pointed out that reducing the number of VAs is not a viable option by now, but I am curious.
Xavius2009-03-07 07:07:33
QUOTE (Volroc @ Mar 7 2009, 01:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wasn't there originally a limit of one VA per city/commune? It's probably a moot point, since it's already been pointed out that reducing the number of VAs is not a viable option by now, but I am curious.
Ignore him. Yes, there was.
Gregori2009-03-07 07:09:04
QUOTE (Xavius @ Mar 7 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ignore him. Yes, there was.
No there wasn't. There was an assumption that the cost would be so high that a city/commune would only be able to raise one. Subtle distinction.
Xavius2009-03-07 07:16:03
QUOTE (Gregori @ Mar 7 2009, 01:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No there wasn't. There was an assumption that the cost would be so high that a city/commune would only be able to raise one. Subtle distinction.
Each city and commune may raise one Vernal Ascendant. There can only ever be
one Vernal Ascendant of a city or commune, and that Vernal Ascendant is tied
to the nexus of power. The entire council of the city or commune must come to
a consensus agreement to raise a Vernal Ascendant, which will drain 1 million
power from their nexus of power. If the Vernal Ascendant ever leaves the city
or commune, they will lose their Ascendancy.
Each city and commune may raise one Vernal Ascendant. There can only ever be
one Vernal Ascendant of a city or commune, and that Vernal Ascendant is tied
to the nexus of power. The entire council of the city or commune must come to
a consensus agreement to raise a Vernal Ascendant, which will drain 1 million
power from their nexus of power. If the Vernal Ascendant ever leaves the city
or commune, they will lose their Ascendancy.
Next plz
Rika2009-03-07 07:18:26
Yeah, and then everyone complained because no one would invest 1 mill power on someone just to have them go inactive and completely end the chances of anyone else being raised.
Gregori2009-03-07 07:20:43
Alright, I stand corrected, but as Rika said it was quickly changed and for damn good reason.
Each city and commune may raise Vernal Ascendants, who are tied to the nexus
of power. The entire council of the city or commune must come to a consensus
agreement to raise a Vernal Ascendant, which will drain 1 million power from
their nexus of power. If the Vernal Ascendant ever leaves the city or commune,
they will lose their Ascendancy.
Each city and commune may raise Vernal Ascendants, who are tied to the nexus
of power. The entire council of the city or commune must come to a consensus
agreement to raise a Vernal Ascendant, which will drain 1 million power from
their nexus of power. If the Vernal Ascendant ever leaves the city or commune,
they will lose their Ascendancy.
Mirami2009-03-07 07:39:19
I've been thinking a bit about this. First off, the fact that elfen get so many blessings isn't really fair to anybody. I don't think Loboshigaru have EVER gotten a racial blessing (please, prove me wrong on this one!). Also, I think that bashing in the aetherbubbles is really worthwhile, at least if you're below circle 80. I gained at least two and a half circles from 68 to 72 domoth-bashing. Part of the problem is that people only ask over clans like SEG. If they asked over the commune aether, more people would come, more people would get insane experience (at least at lower circles), and therefore the commune/city will get more people interested in domoths, as well as more able combatants. it's a win-win situation for everybody, right?
kiriwe2009-03-07 07:50:29
QUOTE (Romertien @ Mar 7 2009, 02:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been thinking a bit about this. First off, the fact that elfen get so many blessings isn't really fair to anybody. I don't think Loboshigaru have EVER gotten a racial blessing (please, prove me wrong on this one!). Also, I think that bashing in the aetherbubbles is really worthwhile, at least if you're below circle 80. I gained at least two and a half circles from 68 to 72 domoth-bashing. Part of the problem is that people only ask over clans like SEG. If they asked over the commune aether, more people would come, more people would get insane experience (at least at lower circles), and therefore the commune/city will get more people interested in domoths, as well as more able combatants. it's a win-win situation for everybody, right?
Not really. You forget that half of the nations don't have the viability to actually go for these Domoths, l or have the means to challenge, when all the Domoths are being held by (mostly) one organization.
Aetherbubble bashing is great, but you have to have a reason to go, and while Serenwilde holds all (mostly) the Domoths, Serenwilde is really the only one benefitting at all from the Domoth-bashing, since Mag and Glom have given up even trying. The other Aetherbubbles are just so far out there, and those who have ships or cubixes to reach these far away places, aren't exactly the most approachable, or even available to everybody. (Disclaimer, this is from my experience)
Mugwumps haven't gotten a blessing either, but then again, there are only two of us right now.
Rika2009-03-07 08:09:57
QUOTE (Romertien @ Mar 7 2009, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been thinking a bit about this. First off, the fact that elfen get so many blessings isn't really fair to anybody. I don't think Loboshigaru have EVER gotten a racial blessing (please, prove me wrong on this one!). Also, I think that bashing in the aetherbubbles is really worthwhile, at least if you're below circle 80. I gained at least two and a half circles from 68 to 72 domoth-bashing. Part of the problem is that people only ask over clans like SEG. If they asked over the commune aether, more people would come, more people would get insane experience (at least at lower circles), and therefore the commune/city will get more people interested in domoths, as well as more able combatants. it's a win-win situation for everybody, right?
Loboshigaru have. For when Nejii was Domothing stage 3 pre-nerf as a loboshigaru and needed life.
Gregori2009-03-07 08:57:14
QUOTE (Romertien @ Mar 7 2009, 01:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Part of the problem is that people only ask over clans like SEG. If they asked over the commune aether, more people would come, more people would get insane experience (at least at lower circles), and therefore the commune/city will get more people interested in domoths, as well as more able combatants. it's a win-win situation for everybody, right?
Every Domoth is announced for stage 2 on the Commune aether. I have yet to see one that isn't. Keep in mind that we have a limited amount of time to do the Domoths in so we are not going to wait 20 minutes for everyone to decide if they are coming or not.
Unknown2009-03-07 09:06:54
Part of the reason why I don't ask ct is just cause of habit when back in the day, stage two domoths meant 'pk fest for an hour, only people who can cure will be useful'
Shiri2009-03-07 09:08:32
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Mar 7 2009, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Part of the reason why I don't ask ct is just cause of habit when back in the day, stage two domoths meant 'pk fest for an hour, only people who can cure will be useful'
Which they still are for some domoths, before I gave nature to Gregori we kept having noobs coming up with no antidote expecting to tank fae (I think I may have done this once )
Noola2009-03-07 09:25:37
QUOTE (Everiine @ Mar 6 2009, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would rather see a cap on the number of Ascendants. No matter how much you increase it by, the org with the most Ascendants will have the most Domoths, which will pump the most power into the nexus, making it easier to raise more Ascendants. In a time where the game is imbalanced by the number we already, I'm not keen on seeing any more.
I haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but I say NO to this. How is it fair to deny the opportunity to reach this goal to players just because they didn't luck into getting it in time to make the cap?
Rodngar2009-03-07 12:02:28
You want to talk about a race that gets no blessings?
Humans. NEVER. EVER. Because it's too popular and expansive a race, it benefits your enemy as well as you.
Humans. NEVER. EVER. Because it's too popular and expansive a race, it benefits your enemy as well as you.
Ayisdra2009-03-07 15:02:01
QUOTE (Rodngar @ Mar 7 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You want to talk about a race that gets no blessings?
Humans. NEVER. EVER. Because it's too popular and expansive a race, it benefits your enemy as well as you.
Humans. NEVER. EVER. Because it's too popular and expansive a race, it benefits your enemy as well as you.
They have got it before, once when Glom had Life I believe it was.