Unknown2009-04-04 07:10:12
Mafia: Mirror Image
Liberated from the repressive tyranny of humans, the sole colony of Pokemon clones in the world has led fairly peaceful lives on the uncharted island they now call home. Whether content with freedom or still seeking the purpose of their existence, disturbances are few and far between...
The call has gone out to all the clones, and twenty have been chosen to participate. The goal: to ferret out the imposters now planted among their ranks, and eliminate the suspects from the game by voting them out!
Still Around (5/20):
4. Fania (Rapidash, three-shot intercepter)
5. Rika (Gyarados, two-shot random dayvig)
9. Dugan (Ninetales, grudge-holder)
13. Solanis (Vileplume, day-forcer)
17. Tekora (Charizard, mason)
Eliminated Somehow (15/20):
15. Arix (Meowth, hider) - ELIMINATED Night 0
19. Daganev (Blastoise, mason) - FAINTED Night 0
1. Shiri (Mew, godfather) - LYNCHED Day 1
18. Jack (Pikachu, roleblocker) - GONE Night 1
20. Shamarah (Venusaur, mafia mason) - GONE Night 1
2. Zynna (Mewtwo, investigator) - FAINTED Day 2
3. Myrkr (Ditto, framer) - LYNCHED Day 3
10. Diamondais (Dewgong, doctor) - ELIMINATED Night 3
14. Bali (Vaporeon, tracker/watcher) - FAINTED Night 3
11. Furien (Sandslash, two-shot janitor) - ELIMINATED Night 3
16. Llandros (Psyduck, vanilla) - LYNCHED Day 4
6. Reiha (Wigglytuff, vanilla with post restriction) - FAINTED Night 4
7. Kiradawea (Tentacruel, jailer) - LYNCHED Day 5
8. Casilu (Scyther, vigilante) - FAINTED Night 5
12. Kiriwe (Deoxys, serial killer) - LYNCHED Day 6
Day 1: Start - End
Day 2: Start - End
Day 3: Start - End
Day 4: Start - End
Day 5: Start - End
Day 6: Start - Endgame
Liberated from the repressive tyranny of humans, the sole colony of Pokemon clones in the world has led fairly peaceful lives on the uncharted island they now call home. Whether content with freedom or still seeking the purpose of their existence, disturbances are few and far between...
QUOTE (A recent conversation)
You're no fun at all~
"I see no reason for amusement."
Pfff. Come on! Let's play a game!
"A game?"
Yeah! I'll bring in a few of my friends and we can play!
"What is this game you refer to?"
Hmm... I'll replace a few of your friends with mine, and yours will need to figure out who's mine!
"I see no purpose to this so-called challenge."
Not everything needs a purpose! That's why it's fun~
"If you say so."
Yay! Game on!
You're no fun at all~
"I see no reason for amusement."
Pfff. Come on! Let's play a game!
"A game?"
Yeah! I'll bring in a few of my friends and we can play!
"What is this game you refer to?"
Hmm... I'll replace a few of your friends with mine, and yours will need to figure out who's mine!
"I see no purpose to this so-called challenge."
Not everything needs a purpose! That's why it's fun~
"If you say so."
Yay! Game on!
The call has gone out to all the clones, and twenty have been chosen to participate. The goal: to ferret out the imposters now planted among their ranks, and eliminate the suspects from the game by voting them out!
Still Around (5/20):
4. Fania (Rapidash, three-shot intercepter)
5. Rika (Gyarados, two-shot random dayvig)
9. Dugan (Ninetales, grudge-holder)
13. Solanis (Vileplume, day-forcer)
17. Tekora (Charizard, mason)
Eliminated Somehow (15/20):
15. Arix (Meowth, hider) - ELIMINATED Night 0
19. Daganev (Blastoise, mason) - FAINTED Night 0
1. Shiri (Mew, godfather) - LYNCHED Day 1
18. Jack (Pikachu, roleblocker) - GONE Night 1
20. Shamarah (Venusaur, mafia mason) - GONE Night 1
2. Zynna (Mewtwo, investigator) - FAINTED Day 2
3. Myrkr (Ditto, framer) - LYNCHED Day 3
10. Diamondais (Dewgong, doctor) - ELIMINATED Night 3
14. Bali (Vaporeon, tracker/watcher) - FAINTED Night 3
11. Furien (Sandslash, two-shot janitor) - ELIMINATED Night 3
16. Llandros (Psyduck, vanilla) - LYNCHED Day 4
6. Reiha (Wigglytuff, vanilla with post restriction) - FAINTED Night 4
7. Kiradawea (Tentacruel, jailer) - LYNCHED Day 5
8. Casilu (Scyther, vigilante) - FAINTED Night 5
12. Kiriwe (Deoxys, serial killer) - LYNCHED Day 6
Day 1: Start - End
Day 2: Start - End
Day 3: Start - End
Day 4: Start - End
Day 5: Start - End
Day 6: Start - Endgame
Unknown2009-04-04 07:12:28
Rules Which I Have Stolen (And Edited) That You Must Read Despite The Obnoxious Title Capitalisation
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote.
Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, I also reserve the right to decide if someone or no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’.
There is absolutely no reason Night should last more than a few real days. I will post a day on which night will end and all choices must be received by then or you will be considered to have abstained from making a choice.
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
When you are dead, don't post in the game. (A simple "Bah, go town" is ok.)
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
Don't be an idiot.
I have included a picture in the role PMs, but this is for flavour purposes only. To be fair to everyone, they are not necessarily verifications of your roleclaim and should not be treated as such.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
All roles have been drawn from the first 151, but moves and abilities are not necessarily restricted to the RBY generation. PM me for clarifications if necessary.
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote.
Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, I also reserve the right to decide if someone or no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’.
There is absolutely no reason Night should last more than a few real days. I will post a day on which night will end and all choices must be received by then or you will be considered to have abstained from making a choice.
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
When you are dead, don't post in the game. (A simple "Bah, go town" is ok.)
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
Don't be an idiot.
I have included a picture in the role PMs, but this is for flavour purposes only. To be fair to everyone, they are not necessarily verifications of your roleclaim and should not be treated as such.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
All roles have been drawn from the first 151, but moves and abilities are not necessarily restricted to the RBY generation. PM me for clarifications if necessary.
Unknown2009-04-04 07:13:44
We are starting with NIGHT ZERO. Roles are going out now!
Unknown2009-04-04 08:06:14
All roles are out! Please PM me with your night action (if any) as soon as possible.
In case it needs clarification: clones are town, while imposters are mafia. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
In case it needs clarification: clones are town, while imposters are mafia. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Shaddus2009-04-04 14:26:21
Wait, I'm not playing?
Wait, I'm not playing?

Unknown2009-04-06 03:58:22

Night 0 deadlines in 12 hours from this post, after which all non-responses will be counted as no-action.
Unknown2009-04-06 08:38:52
The first day breaks with a glorious sunrise, the light dispelling the shadows on the island. By the time mid-morning arrives, the entire company has assembled in front of the lake, awaiting updates on the game... Or almost the entire company, anyway.
Meowth (Arix) has been eliminated! A light, cheerful voice trickles into everyone's minds. Don't worry, he's safe, he just won't be playing any more.
Meanwhile, Blastoise (Daganev) lies in a limp heap, appearing for all the world to be asleep. However, he shows no sign of stirring, even when shaken...
It is now DAY 1. With 18 alive, it takes 10 votes to eliminate someone from the game!
Meowth (Arix) has been eliminated! A light, cheerful voice trickles into everyone's minds. Don't worry, he's safe, he just won't be playing any more.
You are MEOWTH. (Arix)

A clone like the rest of your fellows on the island, you have been leading a life of freedom since the fateful battle against your natural-born brethren. Crafty and fond of shiny objects, your pragmatic cowardice has served you well over the years since your creation.
Once every night, you can use FAINT ATTACK to hide behind a target of your choice. You will be safe from being eliminated from the game for the duration of the night as long as your target is town and not targetted for elimination themselves. If you try to hide behind an imposter, you will automatically be eliminated.
You win when all the imposters have been unmasked.

A clone like the rest of your fellows on the island, you have been leading a life of freedom since the fateful battle against your natural-born brethren. Crafty and fond of shiny objects, your pragmatic cowardice has served you well over the years since your creation.
Once every night, you can use FAINT ATTACK to hide behind a target of your choice. You will be safe from being eliminated from the game for the duration of the night as long as your target is town and not targetted for elimination themselves. If you try to hide behind an imposter, you will automatically be eliminated.
You win when all the imposters have been unmasked.
Meanwhile, Blastoise (Daganev) lies in a limp heap, appearing for all the world to be asleep. However, he shows no sign of stirring, even when shaken...
You are BLASTOISE. (Daganev)

A clone like the rest of your fellows on the island, you have been leading a life of freedom since the fateful battle against your natural-born brethren. Steady and dependable, you've found fast friends in your starter companions, whom you would trust with your very life.
You may speak to REMOVED via PM at night.
You win when all the imposters have been unmasked.

A clone like the rest of your fellows on the island, you have been leading a life of freedom since the fateful battle against your natural-born brethren. Steady and dependable, you've found fast friends in your starter companions, whom you would trust with your very life.
You may speak to REMOVED via PM at night.
You win when all the imposters have been unmasked.
It is now DAY 1. With 18 alive, it takes 10 votes to eliminate someone from the game!
Arix2009-04-06 08:41:21
Well that was fun, see you all next game
Rika2009-04-06 08:43:04
Ack.. two clones down already. Let's see... Arix could either have tried to faint attack on an imposter or on Daganev. Daganev seems to be a mason with either Charizard or Venusaur (or one of the pre-evolutions)
Shiri2009-04-06 08:56:00
OK! Because of Arix's power, he -probably- wasn't nightkilled so my guess is that he accidentally found a scum for us. The fact his weird deathline looks like post 1 also indicates that. He probably wasn't hiding behind Daganev because their lines are different. There might be an SK, but if there is it was probably a doctor/roleblocker getting in the way. We also need to be careful of a cult since there was one last time with like zero warning and if there's no SK, in a 20-person game there could easily be another threat group.
It looks like Daganev was a mason. Do we want his other masonny friend(s? It says "starter companions", might be meaningful or not) to come out since then we'll have a confirmed townie with no major reason for the scum to go after them due to their not being a threat? I'm thinking it'd be nice to have one more person struck off the "suspicious" list right away but I forget how that played out in the past. It kind of worked with Aesyra and Xenthos in Rika's game ages ago though.
What are we expecting the scum to be in this game? It doesn't look like they have pokeballs or whatever this time around, but "imposters" could mean a bunch of things in terms of what we should be looking out for in a roleclaim. Since Meowth was a townie and not a villain it's probably nothing obvious like the general villainosity of the pokemon in question.
It looks like Daganev was a mason. Do we want his other masonny friend(s? It says "starter companions", might be meaningful or not) to come out since then we'll have a confirmed townie with no major reason for the scum to go after them due to their not being a threat? I'm thinking it'd be nice to have one more person struck off the "suspicious" list right away but I forget how that played out in the past. It kind of worked with Aesyra and Xenthos in Rika's game ages ago though.
What are we expecting the scum to be in this game? It doesn't look like they have pokeballs or whatever this time around, but "imposters" could mean a bunch of things in terms of what we should be looking out for in a roleclaim. Since Meowth was a townie and not a villain it's probably nothing obvious like the general villainosity of the pokemon in question.
Casilu2009-04-06 09:00:07
QUOTE (Shiri @ Apr 6 2009, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK! Because of Arix's power, he -probably- wasn't nightkilled so my guess is that he accidentally found a scum for us. The fact his weird deathline looks like post 1 also indicates that. He probably wasn't hiding behind Daganev because their lines are different. There might be an SK, but if there is it was probably a doctor/roleblocker getting in the way. We also need to be careful of a cult since there was one last time with like zero warning and if there's no SK, in a 20-person game there could easily be another threat group.
It looks like Daganev was a mason. Do we want his other masonny friend(s? It says "starter companions", might be meaningful or not) to come out since then we'll have a confirmed townie with no major reason for the scum to go after them due to their not being a threat? I'm thinking it'd be nice to have one more person struck off the "suspicious" list right away but I forget how that played out in the past. It kind of worked with Aesyra and Xenthos in Rika's game ages ago though.
What are we expecting the scum to be in this game? It doesn't look like they have pokeballs or whatever this time around, but "imposters" could mean a bunch of things in terms of what we should be looking out for in a roleclaim. Since Meowth was a townie and not a villain it's probably nothing obvious like the general villainosity of the pokemon in question.
It looks like Daganev was a mason. Do we want his other masonny friend(s? It says "starter companions", might be meaningful or not) to come out since then we'll have a confirmed townie with no major reason for the scum to go after them due to their not being a threat? I'm thinking it'd be nice to have one more person struck off the "suspicious" list right away but I forget how that played out in the past. It kind of worked with Aesyra and Xenthos in Rika's game ages ago though.
What are we expecting the scum to be in this game? It doesn't look like they have pokeballs or whatever this time around, but "imposters" could mean a bunch of things in terms of what we should be looking out for in a roleclaim. Since Meowth was a townie and not a villain it's probably nothing obvious like the general villainosity of the pokemon in question.
Rika already said it, most likely the masons are Charizard and Venusaur. And the scum are non-clones. Also, I really think the second kill was an SK. Now, who would Arix target night one?
Furien2009-04-06 09:01:05
Were there ever any clones in the Pokemon series history? It could be any of them, but I'm no expert. I stopped at the first 151 and didn't watch much of the show.
Shiri2009-04-06 09:06:19
QUOTE (casilu @ Apr 6 2009, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rika already said it, most likely the masons are Charizard and Venusaur. And the scum are non-clones. Also, I really think the second kill was an SK. Now, who would Arix target night one?
I took a while to type that post out because I misread Arix's thing to not have the "he's killed if he follows someone who was killed" line and thought that was a possibility (but that there might be an SK anyway.) That's why Rika ninja'd me

But he does have that line, so there's almost certainly either an SK or 2 scum groups (probably an SK in a 20-person game.)
And I'm not 100% sure Daganev had 2 masons, it's just a suspicion from the "multiples" thing, but that can be easily cleared up I suppose.
I know the scum are non-clones, but that's useless to us as info. What would be more useful is if we could extrapolate some kind of common theme for investigations or whatever, i.e if the evil pokemon were all ghost-aligned or...whatever. Obviously that isn't the case here but there might be something.
Casilu2009-04-06 09:06:34
QUOTE (Furien @ Apr 6 2009, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Were there ever any clones in the Pokemon series history? It could be any of them, but I'm no expert. I stopped at the first 151 and didn't watch much of the show.
The first Pokemon movie.
Rika2009-04-06 09:11:40
Making a list of all pokemon clones right now...
Furien2009-04-06 09:15:25
All I know if is Mewtwo, wouldn't be surprised if he was SK.
Rika2009-04-06 09:16:50
Okay, I count 23 cloned pokemon in total. Meowth and Blastoise were both part of the list, as was my own one. I think it is safe to assume those are the ones who will be innocent clones.
Tekora2009-04-06 11:18:45
Vote: Shiri
At least we won't have to hear Daganev and him bicker over every little thing this time.
At least we won't have to hear Daganev and him bicker over every little thing this time.
Shiri2009-04-06 11:22:24
QUOTE (Tekora @ Apr 6 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vote: Shiri
At least we won't have to hear Daganev and him bicker over every little thing this time.
At least we won't have to hear Daganev and him bicker over every little thing this time.
Vote: Tekora for vote with statement that could only be contradictory if it were meaningful at all...good enough for my 1st vote.
Tekora2009-04-06 11:24:41
How's it contradictory? Something happened to Daganev, you're my guess as to what that 'something' was.