Unknown2009-04-18 04:28:06
It is now Day 6. With 6 alive, it's 4 to lynch!
Fania2009-04-18 04:40:50
Holy crap, I thought for sure that Kiradawea was scum the way her tentacles were coming at me. I don't know what to think, I guess I'll go over some old posts and try to figure something out.
Tekora2009-04-18 05:12:42
5 town left, 1 scum. No more mistakes, people. Fania basically duped us all into lynching Kiradawea. That makes me want to believe she's scum, but I STILL firmly believe that Kiriwe is the last scum, based on Day 1 events and her defense of Shiri.
No more bandwagons. Act on your own information and beliefs. If you agree with me, fine. If not, vote for who YOU think the last scum is. But NO MORE BANDWAGONS. I want to see REASONS for votes.
Vote: Kiriwe
No more bandwagons. Act on your own information and beliefs. If you agree with me, fine. If not, vote for who YOU think the last scum is. But NO MORE BANDWAGONS. I want to see REASONS for votes.
Vote: Kiriwe
Fania2009-04-18 05:29:11
QUOTE (Tekora @ Apr 17 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
5 town left, 1 scum. No more mistakes, people. Fania basically duped us all into lynching Kiradawea. That makes me want to believe she's scum, but I STILL firmly believe that Kiriwe is the last scum, based on Day 1 events and her defense of Shiri.
No more bandwagons. Act on your own information and beliefs. If you agree with me, fine. If not, vote for who YOU think the last scum is. But NO MORE BANDWAGONS. I want to see REASONS for votes.
Vote: Kiriwe
No more bandwagons. Act on your own information and beliefs. If you agree with me, fine. If not, vote for who YOU think the last scum is. But NO MORE BANDWAGONS. I want to see REASONS for votes.
Vote: Kiriwe
If you got a message saying that you barely escaped the tentacles of someone would you have thought that that meant, "Oh yay, tentacles, that would be a good place to sleep?"
Unknown2009-04-18 05:51:24
Vote Fania
For wishywashing claiming, frequently 'forgetting' to add things to your claim, making your claim several posts long. So. Are you a doctor/bodyguard or a roleblocker?
For wishywashing claiming, frequently 'forgetting' to add things to your claim, making your claim several posts long. So. Are you a doctor/bodyguard or a roleblocker?
Fania2009-04-18 06:32:15
QUOTE (Solanis @ Apr 17 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vote Fania
For wishywashing claiming, frequently 'forgetting' to add things to your claim, making your claim several posts long. So. Are you a doctor/bodyguard or a roleblocker?
For wishywashing claiming, frequently 'forgetting' to add things to your claim, making your claim several posts long. So. Are you a doctor/bodyguard or a roleblocker?
I already said I was a bodyguard. I was thinking roleblocker because I prevent people directly. I didn't purposely claim It's like all of them prevent an action being taken, and I didn't know about the bodyguards, so I thought "role-blocker".
I didn't forget to add that part about Kiradawea. If Kiradawea had been scum, and I said "Oh yeah, I used my agility on Reiha and there were Tentacles", do you think she would have claimed Tentacruel? I purposely withheld information so that I could help flush out scum. I didn't know that it would backfire on me.
Here's this tiny bit of information that I just found. Has the possibility of Dugan being scum. http://www.serebii.net/potw-dp/038.shtml Also, he did actively go after Kiradawea before I did.
Rika2009-04-18 08:33:28
My thoughts on each person.
Tekora: Claim was pretty dodgy, but he did support the Shiri vote.
Kiriwe: I don't have a problem with her claim, but she did vote quite late for Shiri (8th vote) and did not vote for Myrkr (went for Tekora).
Solanis: Used Sunny Day, which suggests he is a townie. Voted for both Shiri and Myrkr (albeit being the 5th and 6th votes respectively).
Dugan: He is the claim I have the most problem with. We have only had one vanilla role so far, which was Psyduck. I really don't see how Ninetales can be a vanilla. Did not vote for Shiri. 5th on Myrkr.
Fania: Another claim I have doubts of. However, he did vote quite early for Shiri and did put the 7th vote on Myrkr.
After all that, I'll go with Vote: Dugan
Tekora: Claim was pretty dodgy, but he did support the Shiri vote.
Kiriwe: I don't have a problem with her claim, but she did vote quite late for Shiri (8th vote) and did not vote for Myrkr (went for Tekora).
Solanis: Used Sunny Day, which suggests he is a townie. Voted for both Shiri and Myrkr (albeit being the 5th and 6th votes respectively).
Dugan: He is the claim I have the most problem with. We have only had one vanilla role so far, which was Psyduck. I really don't see how Ninetales can be a vanilla. Did not vote for Shiri. 5th on Myrkr.
Fania: Another claim I have doubts of. However, he did vote quite early for Shiri and did put the 7th vote on Myrkr.
After all that, I'll go with Vote: Dugan
Fania2009-04-18 10:07:09
Here's my two cents in response to Rika's post:
Rika: Has a random daykill ability. I don't remember her claiming anything other than being able to use that ability. (No I don't watch pokemon enough to figure it out.)
Tekora: Charwhatit? hard to prove claim. Just now wondered if Pikachu could have been the third mason...although I don't see an ability for him that would suggest that he could make people look like they are sleeping when dead (though I don't know if that matters). In the pokedex I looked at Chaizard and Sunny Day seems to be a Fire Based ability, and there doesn't seem to be any indication that Dag/Blastoise could gain an ability. Hrm...
Kiriwe: Rhyadon? I swear to all that is holy that this girl always seems suspicious no matter what she does. Defending Shiri was pretty bad too.
Solanis: I can't find a pokemon yet that has that ability and seems suspicious. Like Rika I can't remember his name claim.
Dugan: Ninetails? His claim doesn't seem possible (since it seems all the mason were vanilla. His voting pattern bothers me too.
Me: So obviously not scum it's unbelievable
(Oh yeah, + for me because I never voted for Llandros heh heh)
Anyways looking back at Shiri and seeing how many people he accused of things. He voted for both Balizar and Tekora and was pretty aggressive towards both of them. Mentioned me once briefly saying she targeted me and said he got nothing night 0 (I saw nothing to say Shiri targeted me, but who knows?).
I'm going to go ahead and Vote: Dugan. I think that it would be impossible for him not to have a power. I'm still suspicious of Kiriwe and maybe even Tekora now that I think about it. I'd like to give Dugan a chance to talk instead of ninja lynching him, though.
Rika: Has a random daykill ability. I don't remember her claiming anything other than being able to use that ability. (No I don't watch pokemon enough to figure it out.)
Tekora: Charwhatit? hard to prove claim. Just now wondered if Pikachu could have been the third mason...although I don't see an ability for him that would suggest that he could make people look like they are sleeping when dead (though I don't know if that matters). In the pokedex I looked at Chaizard and Sunny Day seems to be a Fire Based ability, and there doesn't seem to be any indication that Dag/Blastoise could gain an ability. Hrm...
Kiriwe: Rhyadon? I swear to all that is holy that this girl always seems suspicious no matter what she does. Defending Shiri was pretty bad too.
Solanis: I can't find a pokemon yet that has that ability and seems suspicious. Like Rika I can't remember his name claim.
Dugan: Ninetails? His claim doesn't seem possible (since it seems all the mason were vanilla. His voting pattern bothers me too.
Me: So obviously not scum it's unbelievable

Anyways looking back at Shiri and seeing how many people he accused of things. He voted for both Balizar and Tekora and was pretty aggressive towards both of them. Mentioned me once briefly saying she targeted me and said he got nothing night 0 (I saw nothing to say Shiri targeted me, but who knows?).
I'm going to go ahead and Vote: Dugan. I think that it would be impossible for him not to have a power. I'm still suspicious of Kiriwe and maybe even Tekora now that I think about it. I'd like to give Dugan a chance to talk instead of ninja lynching him, though.
Fania2009-04-18 10:08:43
Ah blocks of text!
Vote Dugan
...so it doesn't get lost
Vote Dugan
...so it doesn't get lost
Unknown2009-04-18 11:06:46
Vote Count!
Dugan (2) - Rika, Fania
Kiriwe (1) - Tekora
Fania (1) - Solanis
With 6 alive, it's 4 to lynch!
Dugan (2) - Rika, Fania
Kiriwe (1) - Tekora
Fania (1) - Solanis
With 6 alive, it's 4 to lynch!
kiriwe2009-04-18 13:09:35
QUOTE (rika @ Apr 18 2009, 04:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My thoughts on each person.
Tekora: Claim was pretty dodgy, but he did support the Shiri vote.
Kiriwe: I don't have a problem with her claim, but she did vote quite late for Shiri (8th vote) and did not vote for Myrkr (went for Tekora).
Solanis: Used Sunny Day, which suggests he is a townie. Voted for both Shiri and Myrkr (albeit being the 5th and 6th votes respectively).
Dugan: He is the claim I have the most problem with. We have only had one vanilla role so far, which was Psyduck. I really don't see how Ninetales can be a vanilla. Did not vote for Shiri. 5th on Myrkr.
Fania: Another claim I have doubts of. However, he did vote quite early for Shiri and did put the 7th vote on Myrkr.
After all that, I'll go with Vote: Dugan
Tekora: Claim was pretty dodgy, but he did support the Shiri vote.
Kiriwe: I don't have a problem with her claim, but she did vote quite late for Shiri (8th vote) and did not vote for Myrkr (went for Tekora).
Solanis: Used Sunny Day, which suggests he is a townie. Voted for both Shiri and Myrkr (albeit being the 5th and 6th votes respectively).
Dugan: He is the claim I have the most problem with. We have only had one vanilla role so far, which was Psyduck. I really don't see how Ninetales can be a vanilla. Did not vote for Shiri. 5th on Myrkr.
Fania: Another claim I have doubts of. However, he did vote quite early for Shiri and did put the 7th vote on Myrkr.
After all that, I'll go with Vote: Dugan
Good morning! (Sneaking on my dad's laptop to check the game)
Crap, that was bad.
Rika, check the final vote counts again.
I did vote for Myrkr.
and I have a problem with Dugan's vanilla claim.
Vote: Dugan
Dugan2009-04-18 13:59:04
Well first off,
VOTE: Fania.
I really hate it when people don't read. Why do you not go back and ever do that? Where did I ever say I was vanilla? I posted that I had no night actions on any night. How do you get that to mean I am vanilla? Tekora asked for a claim. I claimed.
Want to get that in before the lynch, since I am already at three and it only takes four.
VOTE: Fania.
I really hate it when people don't read. Why do you not go back and ever do that? Where did I ever say I was vanilla? I posted that I had no night actions on any night. How do you get that to mean I am vanilla? Tekora asked for a claim. I claimed.
Want to get that in before the lynch, since I am already at three and it only takes four.
Dugan2009-04-18 14:07:47
The only other person I am suspicious of is Kirwie. She has been all over the board with everything. She jumps from person to person with each vote and she seems to always put in false information down in her posts. Tekora, if the last person is actually an SK and not a scum, then it does not matter on their voting patterns. The SK would not know who was scum, so Kirwie leading the charge against Shiri would not matter.
I already posted a while back on who I thought was suspicious and why. Oh wait, no one ever goes back and read. My mistake.
The only other person I am suspicious of is Kirwie. She has been all over the board with everything. She jumps from person to person with each vote and she seems to always put in false information down in her posts. Tekora, if the last person is actually an SK and not a scum, then it does not matter on their voting patterns. The SK would not know who was scum, so Kirwie leading the charge against Shiri would not matter.
I already posted a while back on who I thought was suspicious and why. Oh wait, no one ever goes back and read. My mistake.
Dugan2009-04-18 14:09:53
And you know Fania. I posted my role, praytell, who are you?
kiriwe2009-04-18 17:18:38
Fania claimed Rapidash.
The only people who haven't claimed at this point are Rika and Solanis.
Solanis is most likely town, as having no night is not beneficial to scum at all.
I'm not so sure about Rika. The hesitation could have been for show, and the random daykill does seem like it would be more beneficial to scum than town.
In regards to me being scummy, I haven't been able to get online except very briefly, and every time I log in, I post so you guys know I'm not lurking. I only have a few minutes to look stuff over, so if I miss something, I'm sorry.
Don't want another Kira-style lynch happening.
The only people who haven't claimed at this point are Rika and Solanis.
Solanis is most likely town, as having no night is not beneficial to scum at all.
I'm not so sure about Rika. The hesitation could have been for show, and the random daykill does seem like it would be more beneficial to scum than town.
In regards to me being scummy, I haven't been able to get online except very briefly, and every time I log in, I post so you guys know I'm not lurking. I only have a few minutes to look stuff over, so if I miss something, I'm sorry.
Don't want another Kira-style lynch happening.
Dugan2009-04-18 17:26:49
Oh yeah, thats right, the two shot bodyguard bit. Not sure I buy all of that.
Fania2009-04-18 18:54:30
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Apr 18 2009, 06:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well first off,
VOTE: Fania.
I really hate it when people don't read. Why do you not go back and ever do that? Where did I ever say I was vanilla? I posted that I had no night actions on any night. How do you get that to mean I am vanilla? Tekora asked for a claim. I claimed.
Want to get that in before the lynch, since I am already at three and it only takes four.
VOTE: Fania.
I really hate it when people don't read. Why do you not go back and ever do that? Where did I ever say I was vanilla? I posted that I had no night actions on any night. How do you get that to mean I am vanilla? Tekora asked for a claim. I claimed.
Want to get that in before the lynch, since I am already at three and it only takes four.
I actually did read, but forgot. It was Rika who claimed you were vanilla first, not me. I'm going to
Unvote for now.
And go look over Kiriwe's posts again.
Fania2009-04-18 20:08:31
Dugan random voted after 8 pages of conversation. Post #152
Kiriwe said it was after 9 pages Post #205
Kiriwe says Shiri's logic makes sense. Post #241
Kiriwe claims that Bali never listed his reasons for thinking Shiri was scum Post #248 (he replied it was post 169):
1. My gut is telling me Shiri.
2. Shiri's current posting style reminds me of games when he was scum.
3. Shiri has been extremely defensive to posts directed at him.
4. Shiri implied that there was something wrong with me voting for him even though I said I thought he was scum on multiple occassions.
5. Shiri has OMGUS'd twice.
Thats why I insist.
Alright, quoting this, since this is your only post where you outline "reasons"
1. Gut. Is this the same reason the others are voting Shiri? Because Daganev died?
2. What is it about the posting style that reminds you of games when he was scum?
3. Considering people jumped on him right away, I don't blame him for being defensive. I would get defensive too, if I were in his position.
4. What?
5. This is the only thing I agree with right away. I noticed this too when I was reading the thread last night, and it did jump out at me.
I'm not particularly convinced of his scumminess or his townishness, I just want to understand your position better.
Points out both Dugan and Shamarah for random posting after page 8. Post #258
voted Shiri Post #350 And then afterwards unvoted for her... like 5 minutes later, cause she said Shiri's post made sense.
She did vote for myrkr Post #434 but didn't seem to know why she was voting for her.
"Now, we do have an SK running about, and he is by no means cleared of that, but he certainly wasn't on Shiri's team." Post #450
This post really bothers me about Kiriwe too: Kiriwe's post
So yeah, I'm going to insist now Vote: Kiriwe
Kiriwe said it was after 9 pages Post #205
Kiriwe says Shiri's logic makes sense. Post #241
Kiriwe claims that Bali never listed his reasons for thinking Shiri was scum Post #248 (he replied it was post 169):
1. My gut is telling me Shiri.
2. Shiri's current posting style reminds me of games when he was scum.
3. Shiri has been extremely defensive to posts directed at him.
4. Shiri implied that there was something wrong with me voting for him even though I said I thought he was scum on multiple occassions.
5. Shiri has OMGUS'd twice.
Thats why I insist.
Alright, quoting this, since this is your only post where you outline "reasons"
1. Gut. Is this the same reason the others are voting Shiri? Because Daganev died?
2. What is it about the posting style that reminds you of games when he was scum?
3. Considering people jumped on him right away, I don't blame him for being defensive. I would get defensive too, if I were in his position.
4. What?
5. This is the only thing I agree with right away. I noticed this too when I was reading the thread last night, and it did jump out at me.
I'm not particularly convinced of his scumminess or his townishness, I just want to understand your position better.
Points out both Dugan and Shamarah for random posting after page 8. Post #258
voted Shiri Post #350 And then afterwards unvoted for her... like 5 minutes later, cause she said Shiri's post made sense.
She did vote for myrkr Post #434 but didn't seem to know why she was voting for her.
"Now, we do have an SK running about, and he is by no means cleared of that, but he certainly wasn't on Shiri's team." Post #450
This post really bothers me about Kiriwe too: Kiriwe's post
So yeah, I'm going to insist now Vote: Kiriwe
Rika2009-04-18 20:52:06
@Dugan: I know you said you had no night actions, but when I asked you if you were vanilla, you just ignored me. So, I assumed that to be the case. If you would like to provide more information now, I would love to hear.
Dugan2009-04-18 23:00:58
QUOTE (rika @ Apr 18 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@Dugan: I know you said you had no night actions, but when I asked you if you were vanilla, you just ignored me. So, I assumed that to be the case. If you would like to provide more information now, I would love to hear.
I would rather not actually. There are no more protectors. I am town, but I would rather not reveal my power just yet.