Somaria2009-04-11 01:02:45

Somaria2009-04-11 01:07:56
I could always round the ears slightly. Hm.
Gregori2009-04-11 01:16:53
Can you do the main body fur in a more reddish rust instead of a brownish rust?
Daereth2009-04-11 01:17:39
maybe make her fur more reddish.. I dunno.
EDIT: -sigh- ninja'd by Gregori..
EDIT: -sigh- ninja'd by Gregori..
kiriwe2009-04-11 01:21:52
the tear-stripe marks are missing~
Somaria2009-04-11 01:22:10

Reiha2009-04-11 02:19:39
Amazing artist
Background would be nice, but that was probably mentioned already.

Background would be nice, but that was probably mentioned already.
Unknown2009-04-11 03:08:52
Once you clean up the stray streaks of reddish-brown outside the lines, it'll look very nice. 

Gregori2009-04-11 03:41:14
I like it.
Harkux2009-04-11 13:14:26
Squee, I love it!! <3

Aoife2009-04-11 13:35:26
Red pandas tend to be even redder than that, though maybe Aiyana isn't quite that red.
It's quite lovely!
It's quite lovely!
Somaria2009-04-11 17:39:57
If I made her anymore red, it wouldn't be considered -rust-. I'll clean it up and maybe add some sort of backdrop or.. something. Idk. Still, this is my favorite work yet.
kiriwe2009-04-11 17:42:45
I like it, but it still doesn't seem right without the red-panda tear marks from the eyes.