Lendren2009-04-15 14:13:07
He's almost never naked except when he's logged off, though. Actually, I can hardly remember the last time.
Somaria2009-04-15 14:39:54
I highly doubt half the people drawn/sculpted naked were ever naked a lot.
I picture Lendren as an elf with a love of his family, guild, commune, and RAINBOWS! Hee. So I wanted not to take away from it.

I picture Lendren as an elf with a love of his family, guild, commune, and RAINBOWS! Hee. So I wanted not to take away from it.
Lendren2009-04-15 14:50:46
For the record, he's human more often than elfen, but he also dabbles in furrikin, aslaran, and occasionally tae'dae. Though he does use changeself at times to conceal the underlying race of the day, too.
Somaria2009-04-15 15:15:56
@_@ I met him as elfen so he's elfen in my picture, ho.
Though, I guess I could try something new. Maybe a collage of the different Lendren races.
Though, I guess I could try something new. Maybe a collage of the different Lendren races.