Shaddus2009-09-09 02:46:31
Short but sweet.
The jakari I designed for Sahmiam, a private one.
Poisonpaw Janalon Llaewell, Mother of Nightmares says, "Are we ready?"
Raewyn says, "I believe so."
Raewyn's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
"Shh!" says Janalon, putting a finger to her lips.
Janalon nods her head emphatically.
Nalla beams broadly.
Janalon sits down.
You say to Sahmiam, "Still want me to preside, or did Yuniko show up?"
Raewyn removes a cruel crimson mask covered in black ritualistic markings.
Sahmiam says, "Go ahead. It'll be quite nice if you presided."
You nod your head emphatically.
Seraku smirks.
Kanaya sits down.
You say, "Very well. Everyone take a seat."
Tyrni sits down.
Jarid sits down.
Nalla pounces upon Seraku, gnawing upon him hungrily.
Seraku sits down.
Nalla coughs softly.
Yukio shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Sahmiam tells you, "Me too?"
You have emoted: Shaddus moves to the centre of the room, standing in front of the doorway into the manse.
Sha sits down.
Nalla snickers at Seraku.
You say, "Not the two people we are here to see."
Yukio sits down.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Janalon, Jarid, Kanaya, Nalla, Raewyn, Sahmiam, Seraku, Sha, Shaddus, Tyrni, Yukio.
(*) Currently, there are 11 Lusternians on this Plane and 93 on other Planes.
Courtyard of Black Roses.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. As you step upon the finely paved path with black marble a strangely alluring, yet also an eerily haunting scent of low cut bushes of black roses lining the path. The grass leading away from the foreboding bushes is darkened and almost burnt in colour yet it seems to thrive in the muted light that shines on the vast courtyard. Torches fashioned of blackened iron burn brightly to light the way, almost as if they were fighting the vines that encroach along the hafts. The vines seem to try to swallow the torches; with roses near the grated buckets the black petals gleaming like long dried blood that seems to thirst for the light. The path widens before large round fountain with crumbling statues scattered throughout the murky waters. Some of them contribute to the water with jugs while statues more towards the center seem to depict an ancient battle with warriors from many races and others with unknown identities but weapons raised. There is a ring facing the center, choked with more black rose bushes and vines climb along valiant warriors as if trying to form armour around the bodies of the armed beings, the petals from the roses trickle down below speckling the water lightly, while the island in the center is flooded with red petals. The center island seems to fight for survival and crouched warriors seem to defend a now headless statue of a robed woman while water gushes high in the air behind her and at one time it seems as if she was holding an object high in the air but it is now decayed. The true center point is the out of place red rose bushes that rise up before the defenders of the island, forming a barricade and their dropped petals form the illusion of bloody water. Surrounding the fountain is black marble, in a large ring broken up with small gardens of black roses, and old statues of various figures. The vines from the roses seem to encroach upon all that is nearby and some even seem to be pulling statues into the seething masses of roses to be devoured by the plants. Other statues seem to gaze up a set of stairs of black marble to a gleaming manor home. The home has many windows and stands as a truly imposing figure with large double doors of ebony, with solid and yet strangely plain iron handles. On either side of the doors are two large iron brazier's lighting to way to the inside. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. Poisonpaw Janalon Llaewell, Mother of Nightmares is here, sprawled on the floor. Tuner Kanaya d'Murani Discordant Chord is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields an ashwood lute of torment in her left hand and a pearl-handled dagger in her right. Raewyn is here. She wields an iron maiden war hammer in each hand. Wyrden Cenobite Tyrni Llaewell, Ravager of Reason is here, shrouded. Sohei Seraku Mak'Reya is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a chaotic ouroboros link jakari with both hands. Sahmiam is here. Elder Yukio Auralius, Dark Reaver of Silence is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields an iron chain with both hands. Pupil Nalla Fai'ame is here, sprawled on the floor. Zayah Jarid d'Deneith is here, sprawled on the floor. Sha d'Syr of the Murder is here, sprawled on the floor. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading north (closed door) and down (closed door).
You nod your head emphatically.
You begin to wield a ghostly journal of bloody waltzes in your left hand.
You say, "Dearly beloved, friends of the family, and random people who wanted to watch. We are here to marry Sahmiam Mes'ard of the Ninjakari to Raewyn Llaewell, of the ur'Guard."
Raewyn smiles softly.
You nod your head.
Sahmiam quietly wipes off a bead of sweat.
It is now the 11th of Urlachmar, 245 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Lyria arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
You say, "For some, the bonds of marriage are easily made, and easily broken. Such marriages which are easily thrown away are worth little, providing nothing but stress and discomfort for those around you."
Raewyn flashes Lyria a joyous smile.
Lyria flashes Raewyn a joyous smile.
You say, "For a select few, your bonds are strong and you go through your life making your significant other happy beyond compare, making them thank their divine every day that you married them and love them."
You say, "Does the couple have a set of vows they wish to give to each other, or merely something to say?"
Sahmiam nods his head affirmatively.
Raewyn nods her head at you.
Raewyn smiles softly at Sahmiam.
You have emoted: Shaddus motions for you to proceed.
Sahmiam says to Raewyn, "I love you. I love you for reasons that I can't begin to comprehend. I vow to be always faithful, to be compassionate, and make your life happy, even when things may not seem so. I promise to walk with you for as long as you will walk with me."
You say to Raewyn, "Do you have something you wish to say to Sahmiam?"
Raewyn nods her head at you.
You have emoted: Shaddus nods to Raewyn, motioning for her to proceed.
Raewyn carefully hands a midnight rose to Sahmiam and smiles at him lovingly.
Raewyn says, "As we stand in the courtyard among the flowers, I offer you the flower of my heart as my wedding gift to you. It needs the care and nourishment that only you can give it. Place this flower within your own heart."
Raewyn gives herself a loving squeeze.
Raewyn says, "Love it, keep it safe, and give it light, and may it bloom forever from this day forward as I commit it to you with my eternal love as your wife."
Tears fill Nalla's eyes and begin to slowly run down her face.
(Scions of Illith): Sahmiam says, ":censor:, she pwned me."
Raewyn smiles softly at Sahmiam.
You nod your head emphatically.
Raewyn shuffles over to Sahmiam and shyly takes his hand in her own.
Sahmiam shuffles over to Raewyn and shyly takes her hand in his own.
Raising his voice above the crowd, you say, "Such words are often spoke at a wedding, and sometimes are followed. Are there any here who believe this wedding should not proceed for any reason at all?"
Nalla bounces up and down.
Jarid shakes his head.
You stare implacably at Nalla.
Sahmiam gives Nalla the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Nalla blinks.
Pupil Nalla Fai'ame says, "What?"
You say, "Exactly. What. As in, you're supposed to be sitting. How are you bouncing?"
Lyria's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Pupil Nalla Fai'ame says, "It is possble to bounce while you are sitting, dear Shaddus."
Terentia, Gero, Janalon, Jarid, Kanaya, Lyria, Nalla, Raewyn, Sahmiam, Seraku, Sha, Shaddus, Tyrni, Yukio.
(*) Currently, there are 14 Lusternians on this Plane and 89 on other Planes.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Raewyn's lips.
Turning back to Raewyn, you say, "Do you promise to love Sahmiam for the rest of your life, to have him and to hold him in your heart? To cherish his every action, and fulfill his every need and desire?"
You murmur, "So long as you don't leave stains on my rug?"
Sahmiam looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Raewyn grins mischievously at you.
Raewyn says, "I do."
Glancing at Sahmiam, you say, "Do you promise to honour and cherish Raewyn for the rest of your life, to stand by her in good times and bad, even when she makes you angry beyond belief? To comfort her when she cries, to hold her when she needs to be held, and to defend her honour to any who would challenge it?"
Smiling and looking into Raewyn's eyes, Sahmiam says, "I do."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Raewyn flashes Sahmiam a joyous smile.
You say, "Do you two have rings to exchange?"
"ring92329" a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum
"ring147189" a feral silver and platinum wedding ring
Shaddus stares intently at the rings, grimacing slightly. A crimson mist rises from the ground and fills the area, coalescing around the rings in his palm. Soft waltz music surrounds you, and a mocking laughter fills your ears.
You give a feral silver and platinum wedding ring to Sahmiam.
You give a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum to Raewyn.
You say, "You may exchange your rings."
Raewyn gives a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum to Sahmiam.
Sahmiam gives a feral silver and platinum wedding ring to Raewyn.
You say, "By the power invested in me by the Red Masque, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
You formally wed Sahmiam to Raewyn.
Raewyn slips into a feral silver and platinum wedding ring.
Sahmiam slips into a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum.
You say, "You may kiss the bride."
Sahmiam kisses Raewyn passionately.
Raewyn kisses Sahmiam passionately.
You give up a round of applause.
Raewyn says, "I believe so."
Raewyn's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
"Shh!" says Janalon, putting a finger to her lips.
Janalon nods her head emphatically.
Nalla beams broadly.
Janalon sits down.
You say to Sahmiam, "Still want me to preside, or did Yuniko show up?"
Raewyn removes a cruel crimson mask covered in black ritualistic markings.
Sahmiam says, "Go ahead. It'll be quite nice if you presided."
You nod your head emphatically.
Seraku smirks.
Kanaya sits down.
You say, "Very well. Everyone take a seat."
Tyrni sits down.
Jarid sits down.
Nalla pounces upon Seraku, gnawing upon him hungrily.
Seraku sits down.
Nalla coughs softly.
Yukio shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Sahmiam tells you, "Me too?"
You have emoted: Shaddus moves to the centre of the room, standing in front of the doorway into the manse.
Sha sits down.
Nalla snickers at Seraku.
You say, "Not the two people we are here to see."
Yukio sits down.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Janalon, Jarid, Kanaya, Nalla, Raewyn, Sahmiam, Seraku, Sha, Shaddus, Tyrni, Yukio.
(*) Currently, there are 11 Lusternians on this Plane and 93 on other Planes.
Courtyard of Black Roses.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. As you step upon the finely paved path with black marble a strangely alluring, yet also an eerily haunting scent of low cut bushes of black roses lining the path. The grass leading away from the foreboding bushes is darkened and almost burnt in colour yet it seems to thrive in the muted light that shines on the vast courtyard. Torches fashioned of blackened iron burn brightly to light the way, almost as if they were fighting the vines that encroach along the hafts. The vines seem to try to swallow the torches; with roses near the grated buckets the black petals gleaming like long dried blood that seems to thirst for the light. The path widens before large round fountain with crumbling statues scattered throughout the murky waters. Some of them contribute to the water with jugs while statues more towards the center seem to depict an ancient battle with warriors from many races and others with unknown identities but weapons raised. There is a ring facing the center, choked with more black rose bushes and vines climb along valiant warriors as if trying to form armour around the bodies of the armed beings, the petals from the roses trickle down below speckling the water lightly, while the island in the center is flooded with red petals. The center island seems to fight for survival and crouched warriors seem to defend a now headless statue of a robed woman while water gushes high in the air behind her and at one time it seems as if she was holding an object high in the air but it is now decayed. The true center point is the out of place red rose bushes that rise up before the defenders of the island, forming a barricade and their dropped petals form the illusion of bloody water. Surrounding the fountain is black marble, in a large ring broken up with small gardens of black roses, and old statues of various figures. The vines from the roses seem to encroach upon all that is nearby and some even seem to be pulling statues into the seething masses of roses to be devoured by the plants. Other statues seem to gaze up a set of stairs of black marble to a gleaming manor home. The home has many windows and stands as a truly imposing figure with large double doors of ebony, with solid and yet strangely plain iron handles. On either side of the doors are two large iron brazier's lighting to way to the inside. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. Poisonpaw Janalon Llaewell, Mother of Nightmares is here, sprawled on the floor. Tuner Kanaya d'Murani Discordant Chord is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields an ashwood lute of torment in her left hand and a pearl-handled dagger in her right. Raewyn is here. She wields an iron maiden war hammer in each hand. Wyrden Cenobite Tyrni Llaewell, Ravager of Reason is here, shrouded. Sohei Seraku Mak'Reya is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a chaotic ouroboros link jakari with both hands. Sahmiam is here. Elder Yukio Auralius, Dark Reaver of Silence is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields an iron chain with both hands. Pupil Nalla Fai'ame is here, sprawled on the floor. Zayah Jarid d'Deneith is here, sprawled on the floor. Sha d'Syr of the Murder is here, sprawled on the floor. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading north (closed door) and down (closed door).
You nod your head emphatically.
You begin to wield a ghostly journal of bloody waltzes in your left hand.
You say, "Dearly beloved, friends of the family, and random people who wanted to watch. We are here to marry Sahmiam Mes'ard of the Ninjakari to Raewyn Llaewell, of the ur'Guard."
Raewyn smiles softly.
You nod your head.
Sahmiam quietly wipes off a bead of sweat.
It is now the 11th of Urlachmar, 245 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Lyria arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
You say, "For some, the bonds of marriage are easily made, and easily broken. Such marriages which are easily thrown away are worth little, providing nothing but stress and discomfort for those around you."
Raewyn flashes Lyria a joyous smile.
Lyria flashes Raewyn a joyous smile.
You say, "For a select few, your bonds are strong and you go through your life making your significant other happy beyond compare, making them thank their divine every day that you married them and love them."
You say, "Does the couple have a set of vows they wish to give to each other, or merely something to say?"
Sahmiam nods his head affirmatively.
Raewyn nods her head at you.
Raewyn smiles softly at Sahmiam.
You have emoted: Shaddus motions for you to proceed.
Sahmiam says to Raewyn, "I love you. I love you for reasons that I can't begin to comprehend. I vow to be always faithful, to be compassionate, and make your life happy, even when things may not seem so. I promise to walk with you for as long as you will walk with me."
You say to Raewyn, "Do you have something you wish to say to Sahmiam?"
Raewyn nods her head at you.
You have emoted: Shaddus nods to Raewyn, motioning for her to proceed.
Raewyn carefully hands a midnight rose to Sahmiam and smiles at him lovingly.
Raewyn says, "As we stand in the courtyard among the flowers, I offer you the flower of my heart as my wedding gift to you. It needs the care and nourishment that only you can give it. Place this flower within your own heart."
Raewyn gives herself a loving squeeze.
Raewyn says, "Love it, keep it safe, and give it light, and may it bloom forever from this day forward as I commit it to you with my eternal love as your wife."
Tears fill Nalla's eyes and begin to slowly run down her face.
(Scions of Illith): Sahmiam says, ":censor:, she pwned me."
Raewyn smiles softly at Sahmiam.
You nod your head emphatically.
Raewyn shuffles over to Sahmiam and shyly takes his hand in her own.
Sahmiam shuffles over to Raewyn and shyly takes her hand in his own.
Raising his voice above the crowd, you say, "Such words are often spoke at a wedding, and sometimes are followed. Are there any here who believe this wedding should not proceed for any reason at all?"
Nalla bounces up and down.
Jarid shakes his head.
You stare implacably at Nalla.
Sahmiam gives Nalla the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Nalla blinks.
Pupil Nalla Fai'ame says, "What?"
You say, "Exactly. What. As in, you're supposed to be sitting. How are you bouncing?"
Lyria's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Pupil Nalla Fai'ame says, "It is possble to bounce while you are sitting, dear Shaddus."
Terentia, Gero, Janalon, Jarid, Kanaya, Lyria, Nalla, Raewyn, Sahmiam, Seraku, Sha, Shaddus, Tyrni, Yukio.
(*) Currently, there are 14 Lusternians on this Plane and 89 on other Planes.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Raewyn's lips.
Turning back to Raewyn, you say, "Do you promise to love Sahmiam for the rest of your life, to have him and to hold him in your heart? To cherish his every action, and fulfill his every need and desire?"
You murmur, "So long as you don't leave stains on my rug?"
Sahmiam looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Raewyn grins mischievously at you.
Raewyn says, "I do."
Glancing at Sahmiam, you say, "Do you promise to honour and cherish Raewyn for the rest of your life, to stand by her in good times and bad, even when she makes you angry beyond belief? To comfort her when she cries, to hold her when she needs to be held, and to defend her honour to any who would challenge it?"
Smiling and looking into Raewyn's eyes, Sahmiam says, "I do."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Raewyn flashes Sahmiam a joyous smile.
You say, "Do you two have rings to exchange?"
"ring92329" a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum
"ring147189" a feral silver and platinum wedding ring
Shaddus stares intently at the rings, grimacing slightly. A crimson mist rises from the ground and fills the area, coalescing around the rings in his palm. Soft waltz music surrounds you, and a mocking laughter fills your ears.
You give a feral silver and platinum wedding ring to Sahmiam.
You give a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum to Raewyn.
You say, "You may exchange your rings."
Raewyn gives a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum to Sahmiam.
Sahmiam gives a feral silver and platinum wedding ring to Raewyn.
You say, "By the power invested in me by the Red Masque, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
You formally wed Sahmiam to Raewyn.
Raewyn slips into a feral silver and platinum wedding ring.
Sahmiam slips into a glittering serpentine wedding band of platinum.
You say, "You may kiss the bride."
Sahmiam kisses Raewyn passionately.
Raewyn kisses Sahmiam passionately.
You give up a round of applause.
The jakari I designed for Sahmiam, a private one.
a ceremonial ivory and obsidian chain
The centre of this jakari is an ivory handle, carved with scenes from
around the Basin; a cottage with children playing in front, a farmer in
his fields, a crone at her loom, and so on. Examined a bit closer, each
scene also holds an illithoid hiding and poised to strike each
unassuming peasant. From each end of the handle extends a silvered
chain, delicate but no less deadly than would be a larger counterpart.
Each link is inscribed with spidery runes of stealth and hunger, and one
end bears a menacing obsidian sickle. The curved blade is highly
polished and chipped to a wicked edge, kept clean from any effluence
which one might find on a normal jakari. The other end bears a large
silvered ball, covered with a multitude of barbs to catch on flesh and
rip when pulled.
The centre of this jakari is an ivory handle, carved with scenes from
around the Basin; a cottage with children playing in front, a farmer in
his fields, a crone at her loom, and so on. Examined a bit closer, each
scene also holds an illithoid hiding and poised to strike each
unassuming peasant. From each end of the handle extends a silvered
chain, delicate but no less deadly than would be a larger counterpart.
Each link is inscribed with spidery runes of stealth and hunger, and one
end bears a menacing obsidian sickle. The curved blade is highly
polished and chipped to a wicked edge, kept clean from any effluence
which one might find on a normal jakari. The other end bears a large
silvered ball, covered with a multitude of barbs to catch on flesh and
rip when pulled.
Seraku2009-09-09 02:48:32
And then Seraku got wasted.
Parabollus2009-09-09 02:49:46
Noice! Wish I was there but I had real life stuff to attend to...mainly a writing assignment I put off for too long. 

Unknown2009-09-09 02:56:42
Shaddus says, "Would you, Sahmiam, take Raewyn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Sahmiam says, "I would."
Shaddus says, "Would you, could you, in a box? Would you could you with a fox?"
Shaddus says, "Would you, could you, with a goat? Would you could you on a boat?"
Shaddus says, "Would you marry Raewyn if you can, would you could you, Sahmiam?"
Sahmiam says, "I would."
Shaddus says, "Would you, could you, in a box? Would you could you with a fox?"
Shaddus says, "Would you, could you, with a goat? Would you could you on a boat?"
Shaddus says, "Would you marry Raewyn if you can, would you could you, Sahmiam?"
See, this is how it SHOULD have been done.
Gregori2009-09-09 02:59:33
Will you feed him green eggs and ham?
Shaddus2009-09-09 03:00:31
QUOTE (Gregori @ Sep 8 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Will you feed him green eggs and ham?
So long as they don't leave stains on my rug, I don't care what they do.
Unknown2009-09-09 03:01:58
I would not, could not with a fox.
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the
does 'Sahmiam' rhyme with Sam I am?
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the

Unknown2009-09-09 03:02:47
QUOTE (Sahmiam Mes'ard @ Sep 9 2009, 04:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would not, could not with a fox.
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the
does 'Sahmiam' rhyme with Sam I am?
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the

Sahm. I. Am.
Ta da!
Gregori2009-09-09 03:03:27
QUOTE (Sahmiam Mes'ard @ Sep 8 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would not, could not with a fox.
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the
does 'Sahmiam' rhyme with Sam I am?
I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not eat green eggs and ham
And how the

Sahm (silent h) I Am
Aerotan2009-09-09 03:18:04
It was a nice ceremony, I have to admit.
Unknown2009-09-09 03:18:27

But the 'h' isn't silent, and even if it were, it still wouldn't rhyme. How do I know this? Cause you are pronouncing it wrong! Har!
Unknown2009-09-09 03:33:17
I always thought it was pronounced Saw-me-ahm... which would definitely not rhyme with Sam I am. Not that I know anything about it. 
Hehe I didn't even notice that I had hugged myself... forgot I had mush set to recognize ; as a separator and I was trying to use it in my vows. Oops. Guess it still looked ok though.

Hehe I didn't even notice that I had hugged myself... forgot I had mush set to recognize ; as a separator and I was trying to use it in my vows. Oops. Guess it still looked ok though.

Unknown2009-09-09 04:15:23
Still no blood?
I am once again let down.
I am once again let down.
Unknown2009-09-09 04:34:44
We discussed sacrificing Vibeke, but she was unavailable, unfortunately. I was really hoping we could.
However, my awesome dress had blood on it, if that's any consolation.
Also, my ring is awesome. I have to share the description:
However, my awesome dress had blood on it, if that's any consolation.

This lovely, innocent-looking dress is a soft shade of ivory, accented
by intricate lace and shimmering satin ribbon. It laces up the front
with that ribbon, through tiny golden hoops, ending in a graceful bow
right at the square, lace-edged neckline. The sleeves barely reach to
the elbow, and end in a flared ruffle, banded tight with another ribbon
with a wide bow, the ends trailing down. The skirt is three tiers that
bell out gracefully, edged with more ruffles and bows, that split down
the middle to show an underskirt of ruched lace. The impression of
innocence is somewhat ruined by the fact that the entire dress looks as
if it were dipped in blood, the entire hem soaked in it, with splatters
crossing it from the left side of the skirt all the way up to the bodice
and the sleeve.
by intricate lace and shimmering satin ribbon. It laces up the front
with that ribbon, through tiny golden hoops, ending in a graceful bow
right at the square, lace-edged neckline. The sleeves barely reach to
the elbow, and end in a flared ruffle, banded tight with another ribbon
with a wide bow, the ends trailing down. The skirt is three tiers that
bell out gracefully, edged with more ruffles and bows, that split down
the middle to show an underskirt of ruched lace. The impression of
innocence is somewhat ruined by the fact that the entire dress looks as
if it were dipped in blood, the entire hem soaked in it, with splatters
crossing it from the left side of the skirt all the way up to the bodice
and the sleeve.
Also, my ring is awesome. I have to share the description:
Gracefully intertwined and masterfully crafted, a platinum aslaran and a
sterling silver loboshigaru are locked together in a loving embrace or a
fierce battle, depending on how one looks at it. Tiny onyxes and
matching diamonds are set in the eyes of the aslaran and loboshigaru
respectively, glittering in the light.
Engraved on it are the words:
sterling silver loboshigaru are locked together in a loving embrace or a
fierce battle, depending on how one looks at it. Tiny onyxes and
matching diamonds are set in the eyes of the aslaran and loboshigaru
respectively, glittering in the light.
Engraved on it are the words:
Unknown2009-09-13 00:54:00
I missed it



Unknown2009-09-13 01:27:00
QUOTE (Raewyn @ Sep 9 2009, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We discussed sacrificing Vibeke, but she was unavailable, unfortunately. I was really hoping we could.
However, my awesome dress had blood on it, if that's any consolation.
Also, my ring is awesome. I have to share the description:
However, my awesome dress had blood on it, if that's any consolation.

Also, my ring is awesome. I have to share the description:
Ivory is not a colour! >.<