Unknown2011-03-14 20:42:45
QUOTE (Kayte @ Mar 14 2011, 05:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hence why after my first trip to the psychologist I decided that I was just fine, and that real life sucks but you live through it! (I hate psychologists, really. Please, don't take offense if you are one.)
I kind of agree. After moving from Vegas to San Antonio, I realize that truthfully the psychologists really wasn't that much help and going really didn't answer any of my questions about myself. All in all I think if you honestly have a problem then psychologist are going to be helpful but if you're just going through a sort of rough patch in life it doesn't seem like they'll make much of a dent. However, everyone's different!
Sylphas2011-03-15 00:34:29
Expecting a psychologist to be able to answer questions about you that you can't answer yourself, with any depth, takes a long relationship. I think I'd love having one to talk to that has known me for 10 years. But I don't have that kind of time or money, so it would come down to "Do you have a mental illness or something else I can explicitly help with? No, you just have issues with life in general and want someone who has a clue how to make your thought patterns fit into it? Can't help you."
Unknown2011-03-15 03:32:00
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Mar 14 2011, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Expecting a psychologist to be able to answer questions about you that you can't answer yourself, with any depth, takes a long relationship. I think I'd love having one to talk to that has known me for 10 years. But I don't have that kind of time or money, so it would come down to "Do you have a mental illness or something else I can explicitly help with? No, you just have issues with life in general and want someone who has a clue how to make your thought patterns fit into it? Can't help you."
It wasn't necessarily questions about me that I can't answer....it was more like the issues with my mom and I...that never...really got answered/solved. Going to him didn't seem like our problems got better, just seem like things either remained the same or got worse. Tbh, I think if the rest of my family went it might have been more...informational. However, still young and trying to understand myself so I don't think that going to the psychologist at my age is really....effective?
Unknown2011-03-15 09:49:59
@Kayte: That's quite unfortunate to hear.
Still, not all psychologists are like that. I've met really nasty doctors, but when I fall sick, I still go to the doctor, just a different one.
Ultimately, it depends on whether you think your issues are disrupting your daily, social and working/academic life. If it does not, then it is your own personal choice. But if you feel that it does disrupt your life, then I strongly encourage you to look for another psychologist. Maybe, another form of therapy if the previous therapy wasn't working for you.

Still, not all psychologists are like that. I've met really nasty doctors, but when I fall sick, I still go to the doctor, just a different one.
Ultimately, it depends on whether you think your issues are disrupting your daily, social and working/academic life. If it does not, then it is your own personal choice. But if you feel that it does disrupt your life, then I strongly encourage you to look for another psychologist. Maybe, another form of therapy if the previous therapy wasn't working for you.
Unknown2011-03-16 13:57:42
QUOTE (Dynami @ Mar 13 2011, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uhm, wow. The news kind of kept me optimistic about the situation, but now that it has exploded...
I hope you and your family are safe and are not near the plant!

I hope you and your family are safe and are not near the plant!
Thank you for the concern! So far, all my friends and family are okay. The plant still hasn't gone completely nova. It sucks though cuz I've been so busy with trying to keep my family back home calm down and answering messages and emails from friends.
I find it a bit -interesting- that the mayor of Tokyo has remarked that the incident can be called 'Divine punishment' (Tembatsu)...
Unknown2011-03-16 14:02:50
QUOTE (XarconZ @ Mar 16 2011, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the concern! So far, all my friends and family are okay. The plant still hasn't gone completely nova. It sucks though cuz I've been so busy with trying to keep my family back home calm down and answering messages and emails from friends.
I find it a bit -interesting- that the mayor of Tokyo has remarked that the incident can be called 'Divine punishment' (Tembatsu)...
I find it a bit -interesting- that the mayor of Tokyo has remarked that the incident can be called 'Divine punishment' (Tembatsu)...
Woo, good to hear from you.

I have not slept in... about 20 hours. Didn't sleep for even a minute last night.

Shiri2011-03-16 14:10:09
QUOTE (XarconZ @ Mar 16 2011, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the concern! So far, all my friends and family are okay. The plant still hasn't gone completely nova. It sucks though cuz I've been so busy with trying to keep my family back home calm down and answering messages and emails from friends.
I find it a bit -interesting- that the mayor of Tokyo has remarked that the incident can be called 'Divine punishment' (Tembatsu)...
I find it a bit -interesting- that the mayor of Tokyo has remarked that the incident can be called 'Divine punishment' (Tembatsu)...
Probably like all those skimpy-clothing-called earthquakes in the Middle East, and gay-comedian-related tornadoes in North America.
Unknown2011-03-16 14:50:43
Went and visited some friends...and got my finger bitten by one of my friend's ferrets. >.<
Casilu2011-03-16 21:42:51
So stressed just because I'm worried about how I did on my finals so far. Coming up to the last one and I'm freaking out because I'm hoping I did good ( and I was sure I did alright RIGHT when I was leaving the rooms). Just not so sure right now.
Dynami2011-03-17 00:21:18
Okay, about a month ago, this girl I was (still am) interested in said that she doesn't want to go with a date to prom because she won't have time, she is too stressed, yada yada yada. I really took this to heart and I thought "Oh, I will respect her wishes...." Today, I am talking with her on the subway and she tells me how she asked some other guy that she likes out to prom. At that point, all I could do was pretend to be interested in the rest of the conversation and laugh along... 

Everiine2011-03-17 00:45:40
I need to get my act together so that I will actually be able to spend next year in Muskegon, MI, on internship.
Ilyssa2011-03-17 00:47:08
Anxiety is getting very very bad. I can't even handle school anymore. 

Acrune2011-03-17 01:39:58
QUOTE (Dynami @ Mar 16 2011, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, about a month ago, this girl I was (still am) interested in said that she doesn't want to go with a date to prom because she won't have time, she is too stressed, yada yada yada. I really took this to heart and I thought "Oh, I will respect her wishes...." Today, I am talking with her on the subway and she tells me how she asked some other guy that she likes out to prom. At that point, all I could do was pretend to be interested in the rest of the conversation and laugh along... 

I had a girl do similar to me. Twice. Fool me once, shame on you...

Dynami2011-03-17 02:13:51
QUOTE (Acrune @ Mar 16 2011, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a girl do similar to me. Twice. Fool me once, shame on you... 

I don't think she did it on purpose; she isn't like that at all! But it's still a bit disheartening...
Sylphas2011-03-17 03:00:52
I had someone say "I'm moving soon, I don't want to get involved, yadda yadda" and then I found out she was actually dating someone very soon after. That WAS a case of being straight up lied to. I'm sure she just wanted to save my feelings, but wow, not a place I ever want to be in again, emotionally.
Everiine2011-03-17 03:59:36
I had a girlfriend that told me "God told me we weren't supposed to be together." Wtf, I'm the religion major here, you don't even go to church anymore. I asked her to tell me the truth and if this was about feelings for someone else, which she emphatically denied. Three weeks later, I found out she'd already starting dating the person she ended up getting engaged to eight months later. Thus was I introduced to depression.
Unknown2011-03-17 04:06:13
The sudden removal of a few people I had come to rely on, even just temporarily, has been very jarring.
Unknown2011-03-17 14:31:59
Finding out that the check my mom wrote me bounced....and my account is now in the negative. Freaking out time commences.
Lendren2011-03-17 15:38:15
My dad did that to me for Christmas once. I don't know why I actually fell for it and deposited it, I should have seen that coming.
Unknown2011-03-17 16:06:27
QUOTE (Lendren @ Mar 17 2011, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My dad did that to me for Christmas once. I don't know why I actually fell for it and deposited it, I should have seen that coming.
I told my mom before I deposited it that I was because she has this habit of telling me to wait like a week before depositing it. A bit of it is my fault for not depositing it like...the week I get the check, but my situation has me usually waiting a few weeks before I can actually get to the bank to do so. I dunno what happened in this case, I hope she'll call me back soon....I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this either. She's not that great with money, and she likes to gamble. >.< I think its mostly the whole negative money thing that's really got me freaked out right now.